Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet

If a Christian did this, you would say he was mentally ill.
This man was clearly mentally ill, yet because he happened to be a Muslim, he is automatically labeled a terrorist, or some such rot.

damn well he had a bunch of terrorist crap on his facebook page. one could argue there is something mentally wrong with all terrorists. something mentally wrong with anyone who values life that lowley. Hatred is a form of mental illness, not just being angry. I believe real hatred is an imbalance in the brain. Whatever his excuses are, i would say he was most likely inspired by the actions of terrorists recently. which is the whole objective of ISIS posting their beheadings on the internet. To try and provoke these mentally damaged followers of their religion into action. the problem your not seeing is that in some cases like what they tried to do in australia its a coordinated action. With this guy maybe not so much but they are trying. But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance

You were almost given a Thank You until you wrote this:

"But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance"

We could have done so long ago but we didn't.

And we won't.

If any Christian wanted to do so he wouldn't need to get a chance. he could just do what asshole Nolen did but to Muslims.

But we don't endorse that shit.

Muslims do.

The Muslim religion does (documented in the Islamic Holy Books, some dispute it nonetheless).

The Bible does not endorse that violence.

The Koran does.

Islam does.

Christianity USED to, but not any more.


Your turn.

EDIT: It should be noted that Yarddog was just being sarcastic and I missed picking up on that.

I have apologised to him about this. And this thread is still valid if addressed to those to whom it applies.
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more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet

If a Christian did this, you would say he was mentally ill.
This man was clearly mentally ill, yet because he happened to be a Muslim, he is automatically labeled a terrorist, or some such rot.

You are looking for excuses to spare him the treatment he has earned because of his devotion to Allah.

If Nolen is crazy then ALL Muslims are crazy.

Because they believe in the same teachings and they act on it.

Some violently.

Others non-violently.

But just because HE does exactly what the Koran orders and is violent doesn't mean he was crazy fro killing, at least not in the eyes of the Prophet.

All of the followers of Islam are misguided. But Nolen is no more so than any other Muslim.
more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet

If a Christian did this, you would say he was mentally ill.
This man was clearly mentally ill, yet because he happened to be a Muslim, he is automatically labeled a terrorist, or some such rot.

damn well he had a bunch of terrorist crap on his facebook page. one could argue there is something mentally wrong with all terrorists. something mentally wrong with anyone who values life that lowley. Hatred is a form of mental illness, not just being angry. I believe real hatred is an imbalance in the brain. Whatever his excuses are, i would say he was most likely inspired by the actions of terrorists recently. which is the whole objective of ISIS posting their beheadings on the internet. To try and provoke these mentally damaged followers of their religion into action. the problem your not seeing is that in some cases like what they tried to do in australia its a coordinated action. With this guy maybe not so much but they are trying. But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance

You were almost given a Thank You until you wrote this:

"But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance"

We could have done so long ago but we didn't.

And we won't.

If any Christian wanted to do so he wouldn't need to get a chance. he could just do what asshole Nolen did but to Muslims.

But we don't endorse that shit.

Muslims do.

The Muslim religion does (documented in the Islamic Holy Books, some dispute it nonetheless).

The Bible does not endorse that violence.

The Koran does.

Islam does.

Christianity USED to, but not any more.


Your turn.

You missunderstand me i was being totaly sarcastic there
more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet

If a Christian did this, you would say he was mentally ill.
This man was clearly mentally ill, yet because he happened to be a Muslim, he is automatically labeled a terrorist, or some such rot.

damn well he had a bunch of terrorist crap on his facebook page. one could argue there is something mentally wrong with all terrorists. something mentally wrong with anyone who values life that lowley. Hatred is a form of mental illness, not just being angry. I believe real hatred is an imbalance in the brain. Whatever his excuses are, i would say he was most likely inspired by the actions of terrorists recently. which is the whole objective of ISIS posting their beheadings on the internet. To try and provoke these mentally damaged followers of their religion into action. the problem your not seeing is that in some cases like what they tried to do in australia its a coordinated action. With this guy maybe not so much but they are trying. But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance

You were almost given a Thank You until you wrote this:

"But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance"

We could have done so long ago but we didn't.

And we won't.

If any Christian wanted to do so he wouldn't need to get a chance. he could just do what asshole Nolen did but to Muslims.

But we don't endorse that shit.

Muslims do.

The Muslim religion does (documented in the Islamic Holy Books, some dispute it nonetheless).

The Bible does not endorse that violence.

The Koran does.

Islam does.

Christianity USED to, but not any more.


Your turn.

You missunderstand me i was being totaly sarcastic there


A thousand pardons, please!

I'm still wiping the sleep from my eyes.

15% - 30% of all Muslims are unbalanced and want to kill, capture or convert all non-Muslims on Earth.
There have been plenty of ridiculous statements in this thread, but none as silly as this one.

Flopper's Lexicon: Ridiculous statement - Anything which contradicts Flopper's deceptive, misleading and/or deliberately erroneous talking points.

15% - 30% of all Muslims are unbalanced and want to kill, capture or convert all non-Muslims on Earth.
more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet
Daily Mail offers a rather extreme right wing viewpoint to conservative readers.

In a population of over 1.6 billion people, it's easy to find isolated cases of brutality and make the assumption that it's represented of how Muslims behave around the World.
When the pro-Christian militia known as anti-Balaka killed and mutilated Muslims in Chad or when the genocide of over 300,000 Muslims and systematic rape of over 100,000 Muslim women by Christian Serbs in Bosnia , were these acts representative of Christian behavior.
yeah Flopper but beheading by a muslim convert in Oklahoma is still a beheading by a muslim convert in Oklahoma no matter whether right or left reports it !!
Catholic priests have had a lot of problems. Should they represent all Christians?

more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet
Daily Mail offers a rather extreme right wing viewpoint to conservative readers.

In a population of over 1.6 billion people, it's easy to find isolated cases of brutality and make the assumption that it's represented of how Muslims behave around the World.
When the pro-Christian militia known as anti-Balaka killed and mutilated Muslims in Chad or when the genocide of over 300,000 Muslims and systematic rape of over 100,000 Muslim women by Christian Serbs in Bosnia , were these acts representative of Christian behavior.
Again, the various militia groups in Africa and Serbia are,actually behaving against the teachings of Jesus....right? I don't remember him saying to go forth and kill and in those cases...they are not Christians....and according to the Ten Commandments...though they are really governed by the laws,of Noah, Carrying the lords name in vain is a mortal sin....

Islam...killing and slaving is part of their doctrine...right? their prophet said it was okay and engaged in it himself....and it is codified in their holy book...right?

Catholic Priests...the same thing..they are acting against the teachings of Jesus, not with his did the church when it kept them from being punished...and I do believe it is documented that the Prophet of Islam took a 9 year old girl as a wife....right?

No matter how you try, Islam is nothing like Christianity....
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This idiot acted out of vengeance for being fired. Anyone that thinks this is some kind of religious crap isn't thinking. Timing. He got fired, got unhinged and retaliated.

Doesn't take a whole lot of rocket science to figure that out.
O.K. Rocket scientist...why was he fired....he wouldn't shut up about the point they fired him for bothering the other was,an act of jihad...
Actually, Jesus never taught may be referring to the violence in the Old Testament...but that Isn't what Jesus no...Christianity was never a violent are violent and didn't follow the teachings....but then they weren't Christians when they murdred innocents...

more info , MAIL ONLINE about the muslim in Oklahoma that beheaded the lady at the food processing plant . --- Fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague after losing his job was shouting Islamic phrases as he carried out his bloody rampage Daily Mail Online --- I don't think that its been posted yet

If a Christian did this, you would say he was mentally ill.
This man was clearly mentally ill, yet because he happened to be a Muslim, he is automatically labeled a terrorist, or some such rot.

damn well he had a bunch of terrorist crap on his facebook page. one could argue there is something mentally wrong with all terrorists. something mentally wrong with anyone who values life that lowley. Hatred is a form of mental illness, not just being angry. I believe real hatred is an imbalance in the brain. Whatever his excuses are, i would say he was most likely inspired by the actions of terrorists recently. which is the whole objective of ISIS posting their beheadings on the internet. To try and provoke these mentally damaged followers of their religion into action. the problem your not seeing is that in some cases like what they tried to do in australia its a coordinated action. With this guy maybe not so much but they are trying. But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance

You were almost given a Thank You until you wrote this:

"But you know, yeah right Christian are just as bad if they only had the chance"

We could have done so long ago but we didn't.

And we won't.

If any Christian wanted to do so he wouldn't need to get a chance. he could just do what asshole Nolen did but to Muslims.

But we don't endorse that shit.

Muslims do.

The Muslim religion does (documented in the Islamic Holy Books, some dispute it nonetheless).

The Bible does not endorse that violence.

The Koran does.

Islam does.

Christianity USED to, but not any more.


Your turn.

EDIT: It should be noted that Yarddog was just being sarcastic and I missed picking up on that.

I have apologised to him about this. And this thread is still valid if addressed to those to whom it applies.
This idiot acted out of vengeance for being fired. Anyone that thinks this is some kind of religious crap isn't thinking. Timing. He got fired, got unhinged and retaliated.

Doesn't take a whole lot of rocket science to figure that out.
And the fact that he took the time to behead someone, and the fact that the Muslim population of Oklahoma is probably no more than about 1%, and the fact that there's jihad all over his Facebook page, and the fact that ISIS just 5 days before called on Muslims to strike out at Americans, are all coincidences ? Got it.
I don't think anyone knows for sure WHY he was fired and the spin by officials may be that he beheaded because he was fired . I'd agree with that if he had just murdered but the BEHEADING is a common modus operandi of a certain group and anyone with a brain knows who that group and religion is .
Mexican drug cartels?

I don't think anyone knows for sure WHY he was fired and the spin by officials may be that he beheaded because he was fired . I'd agree with that if he had just murdered but the BEHEADING is a common modus operandi of a certain group and anyone with a brain knows who that group and religion is .
All that and it was the firing that made him go nuts.

This idiot acted out of vengeance for being fired. Anyone that thinks this is some kind of religious crap isn't thinking. Timing. He got fired, got unhinged and retaliated.

Doesn't take a whole lot of rocket science to figure that out.
And the fact that he took the time to behead someone, and the fact that the Muslim population of Oklahoma is probably no more than about 1%, and the fact that there's jihad all over his Facebook page, and the fact that ISIS just 5 days before called on Muslims to strike out at Americans, are all coincidences ? Got it.

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