Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

What I want to see is when the the 1961 state registrar accepted the birth certificate that would be on the long form.

How does that impact the state certified date of birth on the COLB? Are you now questioning whether Obama was 35 years old?

obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.

1. Lincoln not being on the ballot was not a Supreme Court case so, no it doesn't establish precedent in terms of a violation of the Constitution.

2. Of course you don't "see" the Constitutional issues involved because (it appears) that all you see is something that is anti-Obama and of course that's all you appear to care about.

3. One State mandating what another State has on their records of birth is a Constitutional issue as well as Arizona not accepting the public records of another state (which is a violation of Full Faith and Credit).

1. Presidential actions do not set judicial precedent. I agree, generally speaking that is.

2. A pointless ad hominem which you could not support if your life depended on it.

3. The Az law would not mandate diddly dog about what NY or HI or FL or any other State must have on their birth records. But as for "not accepting" the public records of another State, your argument is hooey. HI cannot impose ITS standards on any other State. Az may accept the HI records for all manner of things contained in a COLB without being bound by the HAWAIIAN law that says it is to be accepted in Court. Fine. It can be accepted in Hawaiian Courts. But Hawaii cannot impose that same condition on the Courts of ANY other State. So, no. It is not a violation of the Full Faith and Credit clause.

The burden of proof for presidential eligibility would be on the State of Arizona to prove that they need more than the name, date of birth, place of birth, parents and official seal provided on the COLB.
What justification do they need to see the physicians name, weight, hospital or any other information available on the long form?

Constitutional eligibility is 35 years old and born in the US. What info is not included in the COLB?
I've read in some places a few folks think the doctor's natal record of Obama should be released. For some reason the date of his mothers last menses should be considered part of the open records.

And, i shit you not, one freeper I read last week thinks "I should be able to ask to see his back teeth if I want to. He is my employee!

If you think I'm kidding: COLB Image Removed from Website (Are They Getting Nervous ?)


I think some of them still imagine it's 1850.
How does that impact the state certified date of birth on the COLB? Are you now questioning whether Obama was 35 years old?

obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.


Sure look at all three two BC's say accepted by state registrar and one doesn't.

How does that impact the state certified date of birth on the COLB? Are you now questioning whether Obama was 35 years old?

obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.

He's been shown this before.

Date Filed v. Date Accepted

He apparently has no capacity to learn.
obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.


Sure look at all three two BC's say accepted by state registrar and one doesn't.



Thats it????
To reiterate:

The Hawaii Department of Health:
In regards to the terms “date accepted” and “date filed” on a Hawaii birth certificate, the department has no records that define these terms. Historically, the terms “Date accepted by the State Registrar” and “Date filed by the State Registrar” referred to the date a record was received in a Department of Health office (on the island of O‘ahu or on the neighbor islands of Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i, or Lana‘i), and the date a file number was placed on a record (only done in the main office located on the island of O‘ahu) respectively.

Historically, most often the “date accepted” and the “date filed” is the same date as the majority of births occur on O‘ahu (the island with the largest population in our state). In the past, when births were recorded on paper they may have been accepted at a health office on an island other than O‘ahu, such as Kaua‘i. The paper record would then need to be sent to O‘ahu to have a file number placed on it, and the filed date would then be sometime later (as you know, the state of Hawai‘i is comprised of multiple islands with miles of water in between).
The electronic age has changed this process significantly, and it was determined some time ago that one date would suffice.

Janice Okubo
Hawaii State Department of Health
What I want to see is when the the 1961 state registrar accepted the birth certificate that would be on the long form.

How does that impact the state certified date of birth on the COLB? Are you now questioning whether Obama was 35 years old?

obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.
If that were true Hawaii would have never issued his birth certificate.
obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.

He's been shown this before.

Date Filed v. Date Accepted

He apparently has no capacity to learn.

Like I said it total bullshit by the state of Hawaii

In regards to the terms “date accepted” and “date filed” on a Hawaii birth certificate, the department has no records that define these terms. Historically, the terms “Date accepted by the State Registrar” and “Date filed by the State Registrar” referred to the date a record was received in a Department of Health office (on the island of O‘ahu or on the neighbor islands of Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i, or Lana‘i), and the date a file number was placed on a record (only done in the main office located on the island of O‘ahu) respectively.

On another long form you will see signature for the accepted date and the filed date.
Total bullshit paperview


According to the long form accepted and filed dates are not the same. In the above image of he long form BC you will see a signature for the filed date and a signature for the accepted date.
Dte filed 8/7/61
date accepted 8/11/61
Last edited:
obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.

He's been shown this before.

Date Filed v. Date Accepted

He apparently has no capacity to learn.

I like this part the best:

His birth certificate was placed on file with the State of Hawaii, but it was never accepted by the state and placed into the official record of birth certificates. That is why his Certification of Live Birth (the short form) says “Date Filed By Registrar” instead of “Date Accepted By State Registrar” which is the statement that is normally on a COLB.
This is a good example of someone making up facts as they go along.
The Date Filed is the important date because US Passport regulations accept a birth certificate FILED within one year as proof of citizenship without further documentation. If for some reason Obama’s birth registration had not been “accepted” by the state, then the state wouldn’t issue it.

You just know if Obama's said date accepted the birthers would want to know why it was never filed and make their same stupid arguments in reverse.
How does that impact the state certified date of birth on the COLB? Are you now questioning whether Obama was 35 years old?

obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.
If that were true Hawaii would have never issued his birth certificate.

really? where's the long form to prove either way?
Now it heads to the Arizona republican dominated house and then to Governor Jan Brewers desk to be signed. This is going to make the White House implode over this as this is now mainstream thanks to Trump making this constitutional crisis come to light. Now since Arizona Senate has taken the first step in becoming the first state to pass a presidential eligibility bill to make sure a candidate produces more documentation to ensure that they are actually a natural born citizen, I think it will make other states like Texas go ahead and pass theirs with other states following. Obama is in trouble.

What does this legislation have to do with them? :cuckoo:
obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.
If that were true Hawaii would have never issued his birth certificate.

really? where's the long form to prove either way?
The Illuminati has it.
That's something.

The law won't stand up to the Constitution and you talk about usurped?

Uh, we actually use the U.S. Constitution, rather than the Cuban one out here on the West side.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

See, under the U.S. Constitution, the states determine the electors - who do the actual electing. As such, the states have the constitutional authority to determine the eligibility of candidates that the electors may elect.

Sorry for the confusion, I'm sure the North Korean constitution that you prefer has a vastly different take on things.
That's something.

The law won't stand up to the Constitution and you talk about usurped?

Uh, we actually use the U.S. Constitution, rather than the Cuban one out here on the West side.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

See, under the U.S. Constitution, the states determine the electors - who do the actual electing. As such, the states have the constitutional authority to determine the eligibility of candidates that the electors may elect.

Sorry for the confusion, I'm sure the North Korean constitution that you prefer has a vastly different take on things.

Making up shit again. :lol::lol::lol: Putting people into little catagories so you can deal....
If that were true Hawaii would have never issued his birth certificate.

really? where's the long form to prove either way?
The Illuminati has it.

Oh, I get it now. There are 'birthers' here. I've heard that folks like this exist but I've never actually met anyone willing to admit it. WTF?... Something tells me that whatever time I end up spending here will be very entertaining. ROFLMAO!
What are the federal electoral rules was vetting a person who's wishing to run for office? There isn't any. It's decided by the state attorney general.

then Hawaii can turn around and say Arizona citizens are no longer eligible to run for office in their state

Fine proof of citizenship should be good enough. You know if I wasn't a burfur and supported obama I would say obama show your long form because if I supported him I would know he had nothing to hide.

Arizona is saying, in the piece of crap legislation they produced, that Obama can't run for office in their state BECAUSE HE IS NOT A CITIZEN, not because of some random electoral infraction. Therefore it is denying the rights of a citizen of Hawaii in their state, specifically breaking the law, as set forth in the Constitution.

If it were some controversy about not enough names on a ballot, etc, this would not be an issue, but Arizona is basically claiming the right to overturn the "the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings" of the state of Hawaii, which is specifically forbidden in the Constitution.

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