Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

Here's how CNN down played th law in Arizona

Arizona's measure, drafted by Republican state Rep. Carl Seel, is designed to show that candidates meet the constitutional requirement that they be "natural born" citizens. Among other things, a candidate would have to show a copy of his or her birth certificate. If a birth certificate can't be produced, a candidate would have to show a combination of baptismal or circumcision records, hospital birth files, postpartum medical records or other documents.

Arizona House OKs bill to make presidential hopefuls prove citizenship -
No mention of a long form. This is why the obamabots think the way they do.

He's already produced a valid birth certificate.

Then this law poses no danger to you or the anointed one...

I don't understand the rightwingloons on this...always pretending to be for state's rights and against useless laws.

Yeah, the idea of a state using their constitutionally mandated authority to determine the manner of choosing electors is such an affront to states rights...

(Do you actually think about what you're going to write, before you post it?)

Righties like you are the only ones on this message board I see using words like that.
When it comes to issues of constitutional law, the birthers are real crack legal analysts.

Just ask Inmate Terry Lakin.

On second thought, you'd better just write him.

You don't hear the birthers talking about Terry much these days. I guess he was just an expendable soldier in the end.

And the douber haven't a clue about the counstitution. If they did they never would have agree wih obamacare. So crawl back in your hole snake.

That's laughable. Most of us predicted exactly what would happen to Lakin far before the trial. You guys seemed to cling to delusions.

Is Lakin's incarceration unconstitutional? Where is the SCOTUS on this matter, and why do they refuse to hear birther arguments?
Not the issue, of course a State can require a candidate submit records that document their birth. The issue is that they cannot mandate under the Constitution irrelevant information be required on another states document.

The Arizona bill doesn't so you can breath a sigh of relief.

Sure it does, it mandates the hospital be included and witnesses signatures if present.

1. It has one state mandating irrelevant information be contained on another states official document.


Cite the section of the bill that mandates ANYTHING from another state. The bill merely requires that the candidate provide acceptable proof.

IF you had an actual point, you wouldn't be reduced to fabricating things.

Format Document
1. A certified copy of the presidential candidate's long form birth certificate that includes at least the date and place of birth, the names of the hospital and the attending physician, if applicable, and signatures of any witnesses in attendance.​

To be citizen at birth all that is needed is the Date and Place of Birth, the names of the hospital, attending physician, and requiring the signatures of any witness in the room is irrelevant.

If Arizona rejects Hawaii's Official birth record issued to the public, the COLB which contains all the information necessary to determine the citizenship status of a person born in the United States under the 14th Amendment in violation of the Constitutional Full Faith and Credit clause...

Then I predict the case will be open, in federal court.



What is it you drones fear so?

Arizona will accept the certified documents of any state, per the bill.

Well if Arizona will accept the official birth document issued under the Seal of the State of Hawaii known as the Certification of Live Birth under Hawaiian Law, then we (or I at least) don't have a problem with it.

And you have been shown that what obama was presented as a certified document was never accepted by the state Registrar of 1961, If he has a long form it will clear up any doubt.

Actually I wasn't "shown" anything of the kind, I was "told" by some partisan posters that that was the case.

The only thing I was in fact "shown" was a certificate of birth from the State of Hawaii, and several statements made that affirm the citizenship status of Mr Obama by the State of Hawaii.

Oh, and the US Constitution.

You can keep on saying anything you want until your head explodes, it doesn't magically change the situation.
No it's not. Under the 14th Amendment to the United States, the only information needed to determine the citizenship at birth of a child born in territories belonging to the United States are:
  1. Parents
  2. Date
  3. Location

I've got to get me a copy of that North Korean constitution y'all work from, the U.S. Constitution is so vastly different...

{Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History

1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Needed as part of "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" as not all children born in the United States are automatically citizens. Children born to those who may be in this country under the diplomatic status of another country are not citizens at birth. Hence you need the parents to know who the 14th applies to.

Place and Time
You need to know when a person was born and when they were born to satisfy "All persons born or naturalized in the United States".

You don't need the hospital name and you don't need everyone in the room to sign the document either. Once the practices and procedures defined under state law have been me, they issue the government birth certificate under the Seal of the State and it becomes a matter of a public record under Article IV Section 1 of the Federal Constitution.

Funny I was unaware Obama was ever a resident of California...

Funny, I didn't think drones were even aware of their surroundings.. Pheromones create the impulses to spew KOS Kiddie dogma - no thought or awareness involved.

Also, are you saying that if Obama has a driver's license then he must have therefore presented the Illinois DMV a hospital copy of his birth certificate.

Are you saying that clowns are dancing on the tip of your nose?

Since other states provide said information, and make determinations as to whether said documentation is valid, they are in fact requiring something from another state.

Ah, I see.

So when a cop pulls me over and demands my license and registration, he is really making the demand on the state..

(Pretzel logic, the heart of DNC Fascism...)

In addition, they are attempting to invalidate the citizenship status of anyone from another state that does not meet their documentation requirements.

And they're torturing puppies and blaspheming against Jesus....


Oh, and if you are trying to make left-wing types upset with your "Messiah" jibe, your failing horribly,

I wouldn't think that would upset you, no more than saying Jones was messiah to the Peoples Temple folk.

And that still doesn't allow them to create a LAW enforcing an unconstitutional policy, which is what this conversation is about.

Unconstitutional provisions that are found in the constitution can be such a bother. Well, your party is striving diligently to get rid of that pesky constitution once and for all.

However, if one state were to decide a completely unfair method to decide who wins their elections, there's nothing to stop other states from following suit in the opposite direction.

Wow, liberty fills you with dread, doesn't it?

Actually, you don't know what you're talking about. I have a certificate of live birth issued by my state sitting in the file cabinet right next to me.


The Hawaii long form is a certificate of live birth.
For one, they can show a "CERTIFICATE" of birth, with the doctors name on it, the hospital, witnesses and the like, and not some worthless "CERTIFICATION" of live birth, which is utterly useless in proving anything more than simply "you were born."

Why would something issued by a private institution have more credence than something issued by the State?

You can be sure that there is absolutely in the Constitution that recognizes hospitals as any kind of authority on citizenship.
Which is part of the electoral process which is the purvey of the states per the U.S. Constitution.

The hate sites have programmed you poorly.

Full Faith and Credit is also part of the Constitution and Arizona cannot violate that. Congress has to release states from recognizing public records, they can't do it on their own.

Don't read "hate sites", so your obvious ad hominem attempt is a fail.

Hawaii has a long form Arizona will recognize it. How much more do I have to repeat myself?

Arizona does not have the authority to reject the COLB issued by the State of Hawaii in determine the date and place of birth of a United States citizen. If they do, they are violating Article I Section 1 unless Congress has passed a law saying they can.

How much more do I have to repeat myself?

Exactly what is wrong with a state doing that? Shall we allow castro to become presicnt of the United Staes of America because he somehoew got a BC from hawaii or any other state?

Uh, think about your audience here!

Most of the fascists here would LOVE to have Castro as POTUS...

It's the DNC dream... Seriously!
Righties like you are the only ones on this message board I see using words like that.

Yeah, for some reason they seem to think that Democrats feel about Obama the way they feel about Reagan.

Not really sure why, but one can see that the Cult of Reagan is pretty much a religion among the righties.
Yes we know, liberals think adhereing to the US Constitution is a joke. GUESS WHAT?? We had the last laugh. LMAO Time for your messiah to man up or ship the fuck out! Bwhahahahahahaha WoooOOOoooOOOot, it's a great day!!!!

There's that word again....and a Rightie crazy lady is using it. :lol::lol::lol:

There's Hagitha again.. in the last thread she accused me of following her and yet I posted first and she responded to me first.. here she does it again. LMAO Hey Hagitha, post your pictures will ya?
What, Bodecea's lying yet again?

Some things will just never change.
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Full Faith and Credit is also part of the Constitution and Arizona cannot violate that. Congress has to release states from recognizing public records, they can't do it on their own.

Don't read "hate sites", so your obvious ad hominem attempt is a fail.

Hawaii has a long form Arizona will recognize it. How much more do I have to repeat myself?

Arizona does not have the authority to reject the COLB issued by the State of Hawaii in determine the date and place of birth of a United States citizen. If they do, they are violating Article I Section 1 unless Congress has passed a law saying they can.

How much more do I have to repeat myself?


Where does it say it?
Funny I was unaware Obama was ever a resident of California...

Funny, I didn't think drones were even aware of their surroundings.. Pheromones create the impulses to spew KOS Kiddie dogma - no thought or awareness involved.

Also, are you saying that if Obama has a driver's license then he must have therefore presented the Illinois DMV a hospital copy of his birth certificate.

Are you saying that clowns are dancing on the tip of your nose?

Ah, I see.

So when a cop pulls me over and demands my license and registration, he is really making the demand on the state..

(Pretzel logic, the heart of DNC Fascism...)

And they're torturing puppies and blaspheming against Jesus....


I wouldn't think that would upset you, no more than saying Jones was messiah to the Peoples Temple folk.

Unconstitutional provisions that are found in the constitution can be such a bother. Well, your party is striving diligently to get rid of that pesky constitution once and for all.

However, if one state were to decide a completely unfair method to decide who wins their elections, there's nothing to stop other states from following suit in the opposite direction.

Wow, liberty fills you with dread, doesn't it?

Actually, you don't know what you're talking about. I have a certificate of live birth issued by my state sitting in the file cabinet right next to me.


The Hawaii long form is a certificate of live birth.


1. I would appreciate it if you followed the rules of the posting board and didn't quote pieces of my posts out-of-context. I was told not to do that early on, and expect others to do the same.


2. Those who have no effective argument, like yourself, tend to resort to ad-hominem attacks, much like you produce here. Good Work! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

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