Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

You can keep on repeating yourself until pigs fly, it won't change the Constitution.

Don't talk about a subject you haven't a clue about.

Speaking of missing a clue here or there;

Explain to us why the Supreme Court refuses to hear any of this birther nonsense?

The excuse they gave was no standing.
Meaning a citizen doesn't have the right to know if their employee is who the media and he says he is.
Don't talk about a subject you haven't a clue about.

Speaking of missing a clue here or there;

Explain to us why the Supreme Court refuses to hear any of this birther nonsense?

The excuse they gave was no standing.
Meaning a citizen doesn't have the right to know if their employee is who the media and he says he is.

Actually, they didn't even bother to give an excuse last time. They dismissed it with no comment.

That doesn't exactly bode well for you great legal minds of Birthestan.
Speaking of missing a clue here or there;

Explain to us why the Supreme Court refuses to hear any of this birther nonsense?

The excuse they gave was no standing.
Meaning a citizen doesn't have the right to know if their employee is who the media and he says he is.

Actually, they didn't even bother to give an excuse last time. They dismissed it with no comment.

That doesn't exactly bode well for you great legal minds of Birthestan.

OH the last time? Still the majority of the times that was the reason they gave.
Speaking of missing a clue here or there;

Explain to us why the Supreme Court refuses to hear any of this birther nonsense?

The excuse they gave was no standing.
Meaning a citizen doesn't have the right to know if their employee is who the media and he says he is.

And knowing who the doctor at his birth is will tell you that?

It will give some validity to his claim of citizenship. With a name you will also have a trail.
And knowing who the doctor at his birth is will tell you that?

It will give some validity to his claim of citizenship. With a name you will also have a trail.

you are a fucking birthers are an embarrassment to the nation.
parasites like you who hate obama so much will latch onto anything in order to bash him.

shitstain a parasite needs a host obama supporters are the parasites
The media is scare shitless:lol:

Foolish poll finding of the day
This PPP survey has more to do with feeding the liberal echo chamber than explaining an election:

Only 38% of Republican primary voters say they're willing to support a candidate for president next year who firmly rejects the birther theory and those folks want Mitt Romney to be their nominee for president next year. With the other 62% of Republicans- 23% of whom say they are only willing to vote for a birther and 39% of whom are not sure- Donald Trump is cleaning up. And as a result Trump's ridden the controversy about Barack Obama's place of birth to the highest level of support we've found for anyone in our national GOP polling so far in 2011.

Who seriously thinks Republican primary voters spend much time thinking about whether birth certificate views disqualify a candidate, much less are going to vote on those purported views. It's really a great example of the deep irrelevance of most early polling.
Foolish poll finding of the day - Ben Smith -
They do not give the poll for independents
you are a fucking birthers are an embarrassment to the nation.
parasites like you who hate obama so much will latch onto anything in order to bash him.

shitstain a parasite needs a host obama supporters are the parasites

i dont need nor want obama, but that doesnt take away from the fact you are embarrassing and people who think like you are as well.

i dont need nor want obama

When you defend a person as hard as you do, yes you want obama. Stop lying to yourself.
The Arizona legislature passed a LAW,

I understand that you are a drone of the fascist party and as result you have no clue how American civics work.

What was passed is a bill. IF or when the governor signs it, then and only then, will it be come law.

denying the right to run for president in their state, to people from other states who are perfectly qualified to run.

Apparently not.

This is not an "Elector" issue. Arizona can choose whatever electors they want (again though, they will be sued if they mess with that too much), but they CANNOT WRITE A LAW THAT CREATES REQUIREMENTS TO BE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN FOR CITIZENS OF ANOTHER STATE.


ROFL - you KOS Kiddies are funny.

Which is what they did, and that is the reason for this entire thread.

What they did was to pass a law requiring documentation that a person is a natural born citizen.

End of story.

Clearly the hive believes that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen, else they would simply ignore this.
You do realize that making this statement says much more about your partisan extremism than his (or hers), right?

Well of course.

Say, what party is it I promote, again?

"These Parts" being the Bizarro world. But you said "Divided States of Bizarro World America" incorrectly.

I know that is your dream, but so far the United States Constitution remains the supreme law of the land.

I understand that you fight for the day when no one pays heed to a document written by "dead white guys."

Documented evidence was provided. But you can keep on talking, you seem to amuse yourself.

Documented evidence of what?
Why can't you just have an honest discussion about all of this?

Because you are a partisan sycophant dedicated to promoting a protecting your party rather than to honestly discussing the issues.

The FF&C clause DOES apply to how states "vet" candidates for the Presidency when the state refuses to honor the vital records of another state.

No one has refused anything.

What fear compels you to fabricate so?
Why do you keep calling Obama a Messiah?


I, for one, do not believe in Messiahs. And if I did, I certainly would not pick a political figure against whom I voted as mine.

You sure spend a great deal of your life carrying water for someone you voted against..

:lol: In a court of law, the state DOES have the burden to prove that you are guilty of whatever you stand accused.

Staw men are on sale at Big Lots, huh?

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