Breaking News Another Shooting at a GA High School

The term "assault weapon" has been a moving target for many years now. I don't give two hoots about an "assault weapons" ban.

I think that for right now we should require a background check for every gun sale, allow the ATF (or some other agency) to maintain a database of gun sales, require dealers to conduct inventories, require gun dealers to refuse sale to obviously intoxicated people, and hold gun owners liable if they are grossly neglegent in securing their weapons when their weapons are used to commit a crime. Also beef up school security with building codes and strictly enforce monitored entry/exit. Shield teachers and school administrators from blowback from reporting and demanding treatment for students who might pose a risk, and make mental health professionals more readily available at schools.

That doesn't infringe on anyone's second amendment rights. So let's try it and see if it helps.

Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
Yeah.. the guns did all that violence.. they made the people commit those acts :rolleyes:

What happens this time if it was NOT an 'assault weapon' from the newest list?? Expand the list??

There are a few simple undeniable facts that hardcore 2nd Amendment advocates refuse to acknowledge. One is that gun violence wouldn't happen without guns anymore than it would happen without emotionally upset or psychologically unsound people. It's the combination of the two. Another fact is that there are WAY too many guns floating around in this country in the hands of irresponsible people. They may not be felons. And they may be generally law-abiding citizens. But they're NOT necessarily responsible. They leave weapons around loaded. They leave them where they can get stolen. They allow too many people to have access to where weapons are kept. The list goes on and on. I saw a stat the other day that about 235,000 guns are STOLEN every year from homes. To me, that's just one more sign of irresponsible gun ownership.

Furthermore, the NRA opposes extending background checks to ALL gun transactions. Now why would that be? Could it be that the gun lobby doesn't want to lose a customer base that might not otherwise legally be allowed to buy guns?

From what I can tell, the NRA is acting as irresponsibly as many gun owners who want to have what they want without any real accountability to anyone. But being in possession of a deadly weapon which is specifically designed and manufactured to kill other human beings brings with it a responsibility to others in the community. It's time that these gun owners start behaving responsibly. And if they refuse to do so on their own, perhaps it's time that laws are passed to require compliance under penalty of law and possibly of being sued by victims of gun violence. Perhaps requiring gun owners to purchase gun insurance is something that should be looked at.

But whatever does happen, it shouldn't be allowed to continue the way it has for decades with no real gun owner accountability.

Would it make you feel better if it were IED violence??

Who says I agree with everything with the NRA or that I am even a member?? I am a gun owner who is not an NRA member, and I do not think they speak for all gun owners...

This is no more 'gun violence' than it is Nike Shoe violence (if that was the shoes the person was wearing and using to walk around to do the deed)... it is simply a violent tragedy done by some disturbed person

Do we have an IED violence problem in this country? Perhaps the fact that dynamite can't be easily purchased has a little to do with it.
The term "assault weapon" has been a moving target for many years now. I don't give two hoots about an "assault weapons" ban.

I think that for right now we should require a background check for every gun sale, allow the ATF (or some other agency) to maintain a database of gun sales, require dealers to conduct inventories, require gun dealers to refuse sale to obviously intoxicated people, and hold gun owners liable if they are grossly neglegent in securing their weapons when their weapons are used to commit a crime. Also beef up school security with building codes and strictly enforce monitored entry/exit. Shield teachers and school administrators from blowback from reporting and demanding treatment for students who might pose a risk, and make mental health professionals more readily available at schools.

That doesn't infringe on anyone's second amendment rights. So let's try it and see if it helps.

Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.
Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.[/QUOTE]

If not wanting to empower governments and create targets for evil men is a paranoid, then whatever.

Why do you guys never question whether continually empowering government like you do is a good thing? Do you not care about liberty and freedom? Do you really think that creating an all powerful government is going to turn out different now with us than it has every other single solitary time it's been done? Do you really want corrupt politicians and bureaucrats running your lives?
The term "assault weapon" has been a moving target for many years now. I don't give two hoots about an "assault weapons" ban.

I think that for right now we should require a background check for every gun sale, allow the ATF (or some other agency) to maintain a database of gun sales, require dealers to conduct inventories, require gun dealers to refuse sale to obviously intoxicated people, and hold gun owners liable if they are grossly neglegent in securing their weapons when their weapons are used to commit a crime. Also beef up school security with building codes and strictly enforce monitored entry/exit. Shield teachers and school administrators from blowback from reporting and demanding treatment for students who might pose a risk, and make mental health professionals more readily available at schools.

That doesn't infringe on anyone's second amendment rights. So let's try it and see if it helps.

Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.

Having the database is not going to be much value to the people you mention. If someone invades the United States, they're going to have to be ready to fight door-to-door anyway. A database with a couple of hundred million transactions on it won't help.

But it would be of great value in tracking the 1% of gun sellers who are responsible for 99% of the illegal gun sales in the country.
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The term "assault weapon" has been a moving target for many years now. I don't give two hoots about an "assault weapons" ban.

I think that for right now we should require a background check for every gun sale, allow the ATF (or some other agency) to maintain a database of gun sales, require dealers to conduct inventories, require gun dealers to refuse sale to obviously intoxicated people, and hold gun owners liable if they are grossly neglegent in securing their weapons when their weapons are used to commit a crime. Also beef up school security with building codes and strictly enforce monitored entry/exit. Shield teachers and school administrators from blowback from reporting and demanding treatment for students who might pose a risk, and make mental health professionals more readily available at schools.

That doesn't infringe on anyone's second amendment rights. So let's try it and see if it helps.

Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.

Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.

If not wanting to empower governments and create targets for evil men is a paranoid, then whatever.

Why do you guys never question whether continually empowering government like you do is a good thing? Do you not care about liberty and freedom? Do you really think that creating an all powerful government is going to turn out different now with us than it has every other single solitary time it's been done? Do you really want corrupt politicians and bureaucrats running your lives?
So me where anarchy has been successful.
It's not all or nothing.
Balance is the key.
The term "assault weapon" has been a moving target for many years now. I don't give two hoots about an "assault weapons" ban.

I think that for right now we should require a background check for every gun sale, allow the ATF (or some other agency) to maintain a database of gun sales, require dealers to conduct inventories, require gun dealers to refuse sale to obviously intoxicated people, and hold gun owners liable if they are grossly neglegent in securing their weapons when their weapons are used to commit a crime. Also beef up school security with building codes and strictly enforce monitored entry/exit. Shield teachers and school administrators from blowback from reporting and demanding treatment for students who might pose a risk, and make mental health professionals more readily available at schools.

That doesn't infringe on anyone's second amendment rights. So let's try it and see if it helps.

Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.

avatar thinks the government is out to get him because of who he is. these people who don't want reasonable solutions shouldnt even get a seat at the table in my opinion.
Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.

avatar thinks the government is out to get him because of who he is. these people who don't want reasonable solutions shouldnt even get a seat at the table in my opinion.

I don't begrudge anyone their seat at the table. But we shouldn't let 10 people monopolize the discussion of 1,000 people.
There are a few simple undeniable facts that hardcore 2nd Amendment advocates refuse to acknowledge. One is that gun violence wouldn't happen without guns anymore than it would happen without emotionally upset or psychologically unsound people. It's the combination of the two. Another fact is that there are WAY too many guns floating around in this country in the hands of irresponsible people. They may not be felons. And they may be generally law-abiding citizens. But they're NOT necessarily responsible. They leave weapons around loaded. They leave them where they can get stolen. They allow too many people to have access to where weapons are kept. The list goes on and on. I saw a stat the other day that about 235,000 guns are STOLEN every year from homes. To me, that's just one more sign of irresponsible gun ownership.

Furthermore, the NRA opposes extending background checks to ALL gun transactions. Now why would that be? Could it be that the gun lobby doesn't want to lose a customer base that might not otherwise legally be allowed to buy guns?

From what I can tell, the NRA is acting as irresponsibly as many gun owners who want to have what they want without any real accountability to anyone. But being in possession of a deadly weapon which is specifically designed and manufactured to kill other human beings brings with it a responsibility to others in the community. It's time that these gun owners start behaving responsibly. And if they refuse to do so on their own, perhaps it's time that laws are passed to require compliance under penalty of law and possibly of being sued by victims of gun violence. Perhaps requiring gun owners to purchase gun insurance is something that should be looked at.

But whatever does happen, it shouldn't be allowed to continue the way it has for decades with no real gun owner accountability.

Would it make you feel better if it were IED violence??

Who says I agree with everything with the NRA or that I am even a member?? I am a gun owner who is not an NRA member, and I do not think they speak for all gun owners...

This is no more 'gun violence' than it is Nike Shoe violence (if that was the shoes the person was wearing and using to walk around to do the deed)... it is simply a violent tragedy done by some disturbed person

Do we have an IED violence problem in this country? Perhaps the fact that dynamite can't be easily purchased has a little to do with it.

IEDs are only dynamite?? Funny.. I can make a nice explosive out of household chemicals.. and lest we forget what a madman can do with fuel and fertilizer

What we have in this country is a violence problem... not a gun violence problem, not an IED violence problem, not a knife violence problem... a violence problem.. and taking away guns from the law abiding, limiting sizes of magazines for the law abiding, etc is not going to stop that
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Yep, let's keep a detailed record of who has guns and who doesn't. So if we are ever invaded or some dishonest hack becomes President and tries to overthrow the Republic, they will know exactly who has weapons and who they should target.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.

If not wanting to empower governments and create targets for evil men is a paranoid, then whatever.

Why do you guys never question whether continually empowering government like you do is a good thing? Do you not care about liberty and freedom? Do you really think that creating an all powerful government is going to turn out different now with us than it has every other single solitary time it's been done? Do you really want corrupt politicians and bureaucrats running your lives?[/QUOTE]

Well you simply don't understand whats going on now.
We can sell guns to drunk people. There is no safety against that.
The ATF is supposed to do a yearly inventory of guns at gun stores, but with such limited man power than can only do it every 17 years.

They have 3500? people working in the ATF, and they can't hire more people, because it was written into a bill with NRA approval that they be capped at that number.

You can go into a gun show and buy whatever you want with zero background checks in some cases. ZERO.

You see fixing these simple loopholes are sensible, and the only reason one would be against such reasonable solutions is because you are a fucking psycho.
You're a little paranoid, aren't you.

avatar thinks the government is out to get him because of who he is. these people who don't want reasonable solutions shouldnt even get a seat at the table in my opinion.

I don't begrudge anyone their seat at the table. But we shouldn't let 10 people monopolize the discussion of 1,000 people.

i do, once iv'e heard statements like AVA made, then my mind is made up. Go away and let rational people talk about this.
From Fox News website.. not a lot of details, except 2 in custody

Now we just sit back and wait for people to blame the guns instead of the perps again

Yes, everyone knows that guns have nothing at all WHATSOEVER to do with gun violence.

Yeah.. the guns did all that violence.. they made the people commit those acts :rolleyes:

What happens this time if it was NOT an 'assault weapon' from the newest list?? Expand the list??

If only there were more guns in this situation. This ALL could have been avoided!
Yes, everyone knows that guns have nothing at all WHATSOEVER to do with gun violence.

Yeah.. the guns did all that violence.. they made the people commit those acts :rolleyes:

What happens this time if it was NOT an 'assault weapon' from the newest list?? Expand the list??


Idiotic.. and you just keep expanding it every time a tragedy happens because a PERSON or PERSONS has evil intent??

There are a few simple undeniable facts that hardcore 2nd Amendment advocates refuse to acknowledge. One is that gun violence wouldn't happen without guns anymore than it would happen without emotionally upset or psychologically unsound people. It's the combination of the two. Another fact is that there are WAY too many guns floating around in this country in the hands of irresponsible people. They may not be felons. And they may be generally law-abiding citizens. But they're NOT necessarily responsible. They leave weapons around loaded. They leave them where they can get stolen. They allow too many people to have access to where weapons are kept. The list goes on and on. I saw a stat the other day that about 235,000 guns are STOLEN every year from homes. To me, that's just one more sign of irresponsible gun ownership.

Furthermore, the NRA opposes extending background checks to ALL gun transactions. Now why would that be? Could it be that the gun lobby doesn't want to lose a customer base that might not otherwise legally be allowed to buy guns?

From what I can tell, the NRA is acting as irresponsibly as many gun owners who want to have what they want without any real accountability to anyone. But being in possession of a deadly weapon which is specifically designed and manufactured to kill other human beings brings with it a responsibility to others in the community. It's time that these gun owners start behaving responsibly. And if they refuse to do so on their own, perhaps it's time that laws are passed to require compliance under penalty of law and possibly of being sued by victims of gun violence. Perhaps requiring gun owners to purchase gun insurance is something that should be looked at.

But whatever does happen, it shouldn't be allowed to continue the way it has for decades with no real gun owner accountability.

Would it make you feel better if it were IED violence??

Who says I agree with everything with the NRA or that I am even a member?? I am a gun owner who is not an NRA member, and I do not think they speak for all gun owners...

This is no more 'gun violence' than it is Nike Shoe violence (if that was the shoes the person was wearing and using to walk around to do the deed)... it is simply a violent tragedy done by some disturbed person

Do we have an IED violence problem in this country? Perhaps the fact that dynamite can't be easily purchased has a little to do with it.
McVeigh used fertilizer and diesel fuel.
Yeah.. the guns did all that violence.. they made the people commit those acts :rolleyes:

What happens this time if it was NOT an 'assault weapon' from the newest list?? Expand the list??


Idiotic.. and you just keep expanding it every time a tragedy happens because a PERSON or PERSONS has evil intent??


A tragedy has been happening for many years now in this country. It happens every day.

Could we do something about it modeled after one of the many countries that don't seem to have nearly the gun violence problem that we have? Sure we could.

Will we do actually do anything about it that will actually change things for the better? Of course not.

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