Breaking News Another Shooting at a GA High School

There are a few simple undeniable facts that hardcore 2nd Amendment advocates refuse to acknowledge. One is that gun violence wouldn't happen without guns anymore than it would happen without emotionally upset or psychologically unsound people. It's the combination of the two. Another fact is that there are WAY too many guns floating around in this country in the hands of irresponsible people. They may not be felons. And they may be generally law-abiding citizens. But they're NOT necessarily responsible. They leave weapons around loaded. They leave them where they can get stolen. They allow too many people to have access to where weapons are kept. The list goes on and on. I saw a stat the other day that about 235,000 guns are STOLEN every year from homes. To me, that's just one more sign of irresponsible gun ownership.

Furthermore, the NRA opposes extending background checks to ALL gun transactions. Now why would that be? Could it be that the gun lobby doesn't want to lose a customer base that might not otherwise legally be allowed to buy guns?

From what I can tell, the NRA is acting as irresponsibly as many gun owners who want to have what they want without any real accountability to anyone. But being in possession of a deadly weapon which is specifically designed and manufactured to kill other human beings brings with it a responsibility to others in the community. It's time that these gun owners start behaving responsibly. And if they refuse to do so on their own, perhaps it's time that laws are passed to require compliance under penalty of law and possibly of being sued by victims of gun violence. Perhaps requiring gun owners to purchase gun insurance is something that should be looked at.

But whatever does happen, it shouldn't be allowed to continue the way it has for decades with no real gun owner accountability.
One big obvious fact is that libtards are completely insane. The 2nd amendment protects my right to own my ar15 and my other weapons. Guns do not kill, people kill. Socialists will only use gun violence to take guns away violating our rights.

The 2nd Amendment does not protect your right to own any weapon you want. The truth of the matter is that our constitutional rights are not absolute in the face of any and all conditions. That makes our so-called unalienable rights, in effect, conditional based on circumstance and when they conflict with other persons' rights.

Freedom of religion does not give anyone the right to proselytize any time and any place they so choose.

Freedom of speech does not give people the right to say whatever they want however they want whenever they want.

Property rights do not give property owners the right to do anything they want with their property. Nor do they have the right to pollute and/or dump toxic waste on their property.

The 2nd Amendment does not give anyone the right to own machine guns or other advanced weaponry.

Pretending otherwise is a sign of a delusional mind.
The 2nd amendment does not define what weapon is legal. It was written to protect us, the people, from a tyrannical government protecting our right to bear arms, any arms.
The Supreme Court has upheld a ban on machine guns. Assault weapons with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns. Hunting weapons can not be fitted with large capacity magazines.
One more thing, there have been over 1000 gun deaths since Newtown...
One big obvious fact is that libtards are completely insane. The 2nd amendment protects my right to own my ar15 and my other weapons. Guns do not kill, people kill. Socialists will only use gun violence to take guns away violating our rights.

The 2nd Amendment does not protect your right to own any weapon you want. The truth of the matter is that our constitutional rights are not absolute in the face of any and all conditions. That makes our so-called unalienable rights, in effect, conditional based on circumstance and when they conflict with other persons' rights.

Freedom of religion does not give anyone the right to proselytize any time and any place they so choose.

Freedom of speech does not give people the right to say whatever they want however they want whenever they want.

Property rights do not give property owners the right to do anything they want with their property. Nor do they have the right to pollute and/or dump toxic waste on their property.

The 2nd Amendment does not give anyone the right to own machine guns or other advanced weaponry.

Pretending otherwise is a sign of a delusional mind.
The 2nd amendment does not define what weapon is legal. It was written to protect us, the people, from a tyrannical government protecting our right to bear arms, any arms.

More RW revisionist BS. I can assure you that a well-regulated militia was not intended to oppose the very gov't that regulated it.

The well-regulated militia was intended to protect the nation from foreign incursion or counterrevolutionary types exemplified by the very crown loyalists who comprised about a third of the nation at the time. They were known as the conservatives of their day.
Is this but, but, chicago! analogy the NRA's latest talking point? I wonder if they realize how stupid they look to the average voter.
If people didn't have guns, there would be no mass shootings or school shootings, etc. Another huge problem is letting kids and the mentally ill such as the kid at Sandy Hook have access to guns and even learn how to shoot them. There needs to be mucvh stiffer laws about people locking up their guns, not allowing minors or people with mental health problems have acccess and FEWER guns. If I wanted to go shoot up a school right now, it'd be difficult for me because I don't own a gun or know anyone who does which I could use.

I suggest that you and all others that want to take away the guns from law abiding citizens get together and all of you put large signs in your yard stating:

The Supreme Court has upheld a ban on machine guns. Assault weapons with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns. Hunting weapons can not be fitted with large capacity magazines.
One more thing, there have been over 1000 gun deaths since Newtown...

How many of those deaths were caused by assault weapons with large capacity magazines? How many were committed in known gun free zones?

In Chicago, hand guns were used in 99% of the 500 plus gun deaths in 2012.
hello, any news on this incident?

(CNN) -- A 14-year-old student suffered a gunshot wound to the head Thursday outside a middle school in Atlanta, Georgia, police and school officials said.

The victim was conscious and alert at Grady Memorial Hospital, his mother told CNN affiliate WSB-TV. A fellow Price Middle School student was in custody, according to police and Atlanta Public Schools. No other students were harmed in the 1:50 p.m. shooting.

An off-duty Atlanta police officer working as a school resource officer disarmed and apprehended the suspect immediately after the shooting, police Chief George Turner said.

Student shot, wounded at Atlanta middle school -
Schools Superintendent Erroll Davis said the school does have metal detectors.

"The obvious question is how did this get past a metal detector?" Davis asked about the gun. "That's something we do not know yet."

The armed resource officer who took the gun away was off-duty and at the school, but police didn't release details on him or whether he is regularly at Price. Since 20 children and six adults were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in December, calls for armed officers in every school have resonated across the country.

On the local news several parents remarked that security issues had been ongoing at the school.

I honestly don't know what solutions may be possible.
The 2nd Amendment does not protect your right to own any weapon you want. The truth of the matter is that our constitutional rights are not absolute in the face of any and all conditions. That makes our so-called unalienable rights, in effect, conditional based on circumstance and when they conflict with other persons' rights.

Freedom of religion does not give anyone the right to proselytize any time and any place they so choose.

Freedom of speech does not give people the right to say whatever they want however they want whenever they want.

Property rights do not give property owners the right to do anything they want with their property. Nor do they have the right to pollute and/or dump toxic waste on their property.

The 2nd Amendment does not give anyone the right to own machine guns or other advanced weaponry.

Pretending otherwise is a sign of a delusional mind.
The 2nd amendment does not define what weapon is legal. It was written to protect us, the people, from a tyrannical government protecting our right to bear arms, any arms.

More RW revisionist BS. I can assure you that a well-regulated militia was not intended to oppose the very gov't that regulated it.

The well-regulated militia was intended to protect the nation from foreign incursion or counterrevolutionary types exemplified by the very crown loyalists who comprised about a third of the nation at the time. They were known as the conservatives of their day.
Yes, everyone knows that guns have nothing at all WHATSOEVER to do with gun violence.

Yeah.. the guns did all that violence.. they made the people commit those acts :rolleyes:

What happens this time if it was NOT an 'assault weapon' from the newest list?? Expand the list??

There are a few simple undeniable facts that hardcore 2nd Amendment advocates refuse to acknowledge. One is that gun violence wouldn't happen without guns anymore than it would happen without emotionally upset or psychologically unsound people. It's the combination of the two. Another fact is that there are WAY too many guns floating around in this country in the hands of irresponsible people. They may not be felons. And they may be generally law-abiding citizens. But they're NOT necessarily responsible. They leave weapons around loaded. They leave them where they can get stolen. They allow too many people to have access to where weapons are kept. The list goes on and on. I saw a stat the other day that about 235,000 guns are STOLEN every year from homes. To me, that's just one more sign of irresponsible gun ownership.

Furthermore, the NRA opposes extending background checks to ALL gun transactions. Now why would that be? Could it be that the gun lobby doesn't want to lose a customer base that might not otherwise legally be allowed to buy guns?

From what I can tell, the NRA is acting as irresponsibly as many gun owners who want to have what they want without any real accountability to anyone. But being in possession of a deadly weapon which is specifically designed and manufactured to kill other human beings brings with it a responsibility to others in the community. It's time that these gun owners start behaving responsibly. And if they refuse to do so on their own, perhaps it's time that laws are passed to require compliance under penalty of law and possibly of being sued by victims of gun violence. Perhaps requiring gun owners to purchase gun insurance is something that should be looked at.

But whatever does happen, it shouldn't be allowed to continue the way it has for decades with no real gun owner accountability.

Excellent post -

The nutters keeps saying that guns don't kill people, that its people who kill people.

Okay, so why do they object to holding people responsible?

There's really only one reason for anyone to object to background checks - they want to be able to sell to those who would not pass.

Criminals, mentally ill, terrorists, illegals. They buy a lot of guns and the nutters don't want to lose that market. If you listened to the head nutter, LaPierre, he said as much.
From Fox News website.. not a lot of details, except 2 in custody

Now we just sit back and wait for people to blame the guns instead of the perps again

But Republicans are not interested in doing anything about the perps, are they? Forget preventing certain people from buying a gun, its their 'right' to own one, even if they are mentally ill!
From Fox News website.. not a lot of details, except 2 in custody

Now we just sit back and wait for people to blame the guns instead of the perps again

But Republicans are not interested in doing anything about the perps, are they? Forget preventing certain people from buying a gun, its their 'right' to own one, even if they are mentally ill!

Perhaps the more extreme conservatives believe this but in general I think the definition of mental illness is problematic thus creating complex issues with regard to enforcement of existing laws.

The man that shot and killed the driver of a car in his driveway last weekend probably wouldn't receive a diagnosis of mental illness--bad judgment?

The individual that killed a school bus driver and took a child hostage conceivably does have mental issues and has several previous incidents on his record. I assume that the legal process had not warranted the sort of intervention that it now seems would have prevented this last incident.

Today's shooting at the middle school in Atlanta underscores another part of the problem. This occurred in a high crime area and guns are more available regardless of laws restricting them.
From Fox News website.. not a lot of details, except 2 in custody

Now we just sit back and wait for people to blame the guns instead of the perps again

But Republicans are not interested in doing anything about the perps, are they? Forget preventing certain people from buying a gun, its their 'right' to own one, even if they are mentally ill!

According to the gun nuts, its also the "right" of every person on our terrorist watch list as well as illegals and criminals to buy any gun they want and any size clip.

Why are against laws against those people being able to buy any damn weapon they want? Why do gun nuts want our law enforcement to be outgunned?
Update from AJC>>

--the 2 metal detectors weren't working on Thursday.

--Students returned to school on Friday and one detector was operable and wands were used to scan everyone.

--This incident was possibly gang related and the system is investigating this further.

--The victim's mother said she had no plans to allow her son to return to Price middle school.

--All security video systems of APS schools will be monitored at Atlanta PD headquarters.

--The City, school system and police department will explore additional methods of preventing this type of incident.

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