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BREAKING NEWS: Arlen Specter switching parties to give Democrats 60 votes in Senate

Sorosocrat has quite a ring to it too, huh?

No. Soros isn't on the radio 3 hrs. a day talking about what a great Democratic leader he is. In fact, I don't hear anything about him or from him as a rule. He just quietly donates money and then goes about his businesses.

Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck. The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party. No one wants to talk about him in your party. But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign. He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.
Rush, and Ann don't talk about what great republican leaders they are. They talk about conservatism, and what it really means. You should try to listen to Rush for 2 days...just 2 days. I listened to Keith Olbermann for 2 days to just see what he was all about. I didn't agree with him at all, but, at least I knew what he was about.

I know what he's about. I listened to him for about 2 years until I couldn't stand another bigoted word coming out of his fat face. He sits on the radio reading what his crew researches for him and that is it.

He's not a leader, he's a reader.

Who said anything about Ann? She's been irrelevant for years.
In fact, I can't stand Rush:


The personification of the downfall of the Republican party -- himself.

I wish I was listening to Rush right now. I'll go home and watch Fox and get some laughs tonight watching them spin this bad news.

I know we won't be able to count on him for every vote, but this ends the GOP's opportunity to filabuster.

I don't think Obama could have gotten any better news in his first 100 days.

Next we seat Franken. :clap2:
Sorosocrat has quite a ring to it too, huh?

No. Soros isn't on the radio 3 hrs. a day talking about what a great Democratic leader he is. In fact, I don't hear anything about him or from him as a rule. He just quietly donates money and then goes about his businesses.

Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck. The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party. No one wants to talk about him in your party. But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign. He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.
Rush, and Ann don't talk about what great republican leaders they are. They talk about conservatism, and what it really means. You should try to listen to Rush for 2 days...just 2 days. I listened to Keith Olbermann for 2 days to just see what he was all about. I didn't agree with him at all, but, at least I knew what he was about.

Is Soros sending jobs overseas and working to harm the American middle class like the GOP were doing for their corporations?

I don't mind corporations and rich liberals as much as I do right wing rich people who look down on the middle class and don't think the government should protect the middle class.

That's what "FREE MARKET" republicans are all about, and you know it.

So you want to show us more information on how Soros is a scumbag? I can show you what scum Bush & Cheney are. I can show you the bullshit buddy contracts their oil and defense buddies got. $10 billion a month for 6 years for Iraq and $700 billion to their banker buddies right before they left office. Healthcare costs went up 101% since 2001, etc.

I could go on and on showing you how the rich people in your party fucking hate you. Yet you defend them like a lap dog.

Now, show me what a scum Soros is. Show me how like the GOP he wants to socialize the losses of his business and privatize all the profits. That's what the GOP did. They didn't just say government is broke, they proved it.

Show me Soros wants to do away with the death tax.

And maybe he isn't an angel. At least he isn't a Republican.
The Fix - Specter To Switch Parties

Specter's Full Statement:

I have been a Republican since 1966. I have been working extremely hard for the Party, for its candidates and for the ideals of a Republican Party whose tent is big enough to welcome diverse points of view. While I have been comfortable being a Republican, my Party has not defined who I am. I have taken each issue one at a time and have exercised independent judgment to do what I thought was best for Pennsylvania and the nation.

Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans.

When I supported the stimulus package, I knew that it would not be popular with the Republican Party. But, I saw the stimulus as necessary to lessen the risk of a far more serious recession than we are now experiencing.

Since then, I have traveled the State, talked to Republican leaders and office-holders and my supporters and I have carefully examined public opinion. It has become clear to me that the stimulus vote caused a schism which makes our differences irreconcilable. On this state of the record, I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate. I have not represented the Republican Party. I have represented the people of Pennsylvania.

I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary.

I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election.

I deeply regret that I will be disappointing many friends and supporters. I can understand their disappointment. I am also disappointed that so many in the Party I have worked for for more than four decades do not want me to be their candidate. It is very painful on both sides. I thank specially Senators McConnell and Cornyn for their forbearance.

I am not making this decision because there are no important and interesting opportunities outside the Senate. I take on this complicated run for re-election because I am deeply concerned about the future of our country and I believe I have a significant contribution to make on many of the key issues of the day, especially medical research. NIH funding has saved or lengthened thousands of lives, including mine, and much more needs to be done. And my seniority is very important to continue to bring important projects vital to Pennsylvania's economy.

I am taking this action now because there are fewer than thirteen months to the 2010 Pennsylvania Primary and there is much to be done in preparation for that election. Upon request, I will return campaign contributions contributed during this cycle.

While each member of the Senate caucuses with his Party, what each of us hopes to accomplish is distinct from his party affiliation. The American people do not care which Party solves the problems confronting our nation. And no Senator, no matter how loyal he is to his Party, should or would put party loyalty above his duty to the state and nation.

My change in party affiliation does not mean that I will be a party-line voter any more for the Democrats that I have been for the Republicans. Unlike Senator Jeffords' switch which changed party control, I will not be an automatic 60th vote for cloture. For example, my position on Employees Free Choice (Card Check) will not change.

Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy's statement that sometimes Party asks too much. When it does, I will continue my independent voting and follow my conscience on what I think is best for Pennsylvania and America.

Not just a moderate--but an independent thinker as well!! GOOD LUCK Senator Specter!!

I think you are going to need it in the Dem primary!
I won't miss Spector. He was a disgrace to the GOP and conservatism.

I hope Olympia Snowe, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham join him soon.

Get all the worthless GOP senators out of the party and start over.
I won't miss Spector. He was a disgrace to the GOP and conservatism.

I hope Olympia Snowe, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham join him soon.

Get all the worthless GOP senators out of the party and start over.

You say you're an old school conservative...there are NO old school conservatives in the GOP. They were chased out by theocrats and neocons...
No. Soros isn't on the radio 3 hrs. a day talking about what a great Democratic leader he is. In fact, I don't hear anything about him or from him as a rule. He just quietly donates money and then goes about his businesses.

Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck. The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party. No one wants to talk about him in your party. But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign. He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.
Rush, and Ann don't talk about what great republican leaders they are. They talk about conservatism, and what it really means. You should try to listen to Rush for 2 days...just 2 days. I listened to Keith Olbermann for 2 days to just see what he was all about. I didn't agree with him at all, but, at least I knew what he was about.

I know what he's about. I listened to him for about 2 years until I couldn't stand another bigoted word coming out of his fat face. He sits on the radio reading what his crew researches for him and that is it.

He's not a leader, he's a reader.

Who said anything about Ann? She's been irrelevant for years.

If you look at earlier posts, Ann was mentioned along with Rush from some other poster.
You made my point for me about Rush. Thank you...he isn't a leader...I don't think he's a leader either. He's an entertainer...that's what most republicans think of him. It's the left side that labeled Rush...the face of the republicans. So those are just the talking words of the left. But, Soros...he's a big time player in your party, and no one can deny it without lying about it.
Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck. The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party. No one wants to talk about him in your party. But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign. He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.
Rush, and Ann don't talk about what great republican leaders they are. They talk about conservatism, and what it really means. You should try to listen to Rush for 2 days...just 2 days. I listened to Keith Olbermann for 2 days to just see what he was all about. I didn't agree with him at all, but, at least I knew what he was about.

I know what he's about. I listened to him for about 2 years until I couldn't stand another bigoted word coming out of his fat face. He sits on the radio reading what his crew researches for him and that is it.

He's not a leader, he's a reader.

Who said anything about Ann? She's been irrelevant for years.

If you look at earlier posts, Ann was mentioned along with Rush from some other poster.
You made my point for me about Rush. Thank you...he isn't a leader...I don't think he's a leader either. He's an entertainer...that's what most republicans think of him. It's the left side that labeled Rush...the face of the republicans. So those are just the talking words of the left. But, Soros...he's a big time player in your party, and no one can deny it without lying about it.

I wouldn't have anything against Rush if he just donated and went on his merry way but you are right, he is just an entertainer. It seems to me that he attempts to give the GOP marching orders like with operation chaos I and II, just as an example.

Democrats did play a part in labeling him the GOP leader but it was them making fun of the GOP, saying that they are silly for allowing him to lead their party.
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........

60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........

60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.

What did i say that wasn't true numb nuts ?

The GOP hasn't been obstructing anything since Obama took office, all of the dems dumb policies are going right though.

Your dumbasses will investigate the mortgage collapse after you find a way to cover Barney Frank and Franklin Raines asses.

And i thought i already explained predatory lending to your country ass plenty of times. It's a liberal pussy term that enables dumb fucks that don't read what they're signing.

Nobody can be this fucking stupid, so it must be that you're just trolling.......:eusa_whistle:
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........

60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.

Bobo....Specter isn't going to be in lockstep with the dems. He is going to be voting the same as he always has. Which means he will be a thorn for the dems, as he was for the repubs. So...maybe you can tone down your infantile giddiness. Just sayin...
No. Soros isn't on the radio 3 hrs. a day talking about what a great Democratic leader he is. In fact, I don't hear anything about him or from him as a rule. He just quietly donates money and then goes about his businesses.

Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck. The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party. No one wants to talk about him in your party. But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign. He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.
Rush, and Ann don't talk about what great republican leaders they are. They talk about conservatism, and what it really means. You should try to listen to Rush for 2 days...just 2 days. I listened to Keith Olbermann for 2 days to just see what he was all about. I didn't agree with him at all, but, at least I knew what he was about.

Is Soros sending jobs overseas and working to harm the American middle class like the GOP were doing for their corporations?

I don't mind corporations and rich liberals as much as I do right wing rich people who look down on the middle class and don't think the government should protect the middle class.

That's what "FREE MARKET" republicans are all about, and you know it.

So you want to show us more information on how Soros is a scumbag? I can show you what scum Bush & Cheney are. I can show you the bullshit buddy contracts their oil and defense buddies got. $10 billion a month for 6 years for Iraq and $700 billion to their banker buddies right before they left office. Healthcare costs went up 101% since 2001, etc.

I could go on and on showing you how the rich people in your party fucking hate you. Yet you defend them like a lap dog.

Now, show me what a scum Soros is. Show me how like the GOP he wants to socialize the losses of his business and privatize all the profits. That's what the GOP did. They didn't just say government is broke, they proved it.

Show me Soros wants to do away with the death tax.

And maybe he isn't an angel. At least he isn't a Republican.

Not my party bobo..like I say...I'm Independent. I'm just not a socialist like yourself, it all comes down to idealolgy. Maybe you ought to educate yourself with Soros. As for how America got to this point...you have to look at both parties. This started long before Bush ever got into office. Sending jobs overseas, you can look to your good buddy Clinton. But, you have to look at both parties bobo, which your not about to do. You are to much into tunnel vision, that your practically blind. So go ahead and do what you do best without too much thought process, because you are basically irrelevant to me.
Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck. The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party. No one wants to talk about him in your party. But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign. He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.
Rush, and Ann don't talk about what great republican leaders they are. They talk about conservatism, and what it really means. You should try to listen to Rush for 2 days...just 2 days. I listened to Keith Olbermann for 2 days to just see what he was all about. I didn't agree with him at all, but, at least I knew what he was about.

Is Soros sending jobs overseas and working to harm the American middle class like the GOP were doing for their corporations?

I don't mind corporations and rich liberals as much as I do right wing rich people who look down on the middle class and don't think the government should protect the middle class.

That's what "FREE MARKET" republicans are all about, and you know it.

So you want to show us more information on how Soros is a scumbag? I can show you what scum Bush & Cheney are. I can show you the bullshit buddy contracts their oil and defense buddies got. $10 billion a month for 6 years for Iraq and $700 billion to their banker buddies right before they left office. Healthcare costs went up 101% since 2001, etc.

I could go on and on showing you how the rich people in your party fucking hate you. Yet you defend them like a lap dog.

Now, show me what a scum Soros is. Show me how like the GOP he wants to socialize the losses of his business and privatize all the profits. That's what the GOP did. They didn't just say government is broke, they proved it.

Show me Soros wants to do away with the death tax.

And maybe he isn't an angel. At least he isn't a Republican.

Not my party bobo..like I say...I'm Independent. I'm just not a socialist like yourself, it all comes down to idealolgy. Maybe you ought to educate yourself with Soros. As for how America got to this point...you have to look at both parties. This started long before Bush ever got into office. Sending jobs overseas, you can look to your good buddy Clinton. But, you have to look at both parties bobo, which your not about to do. You are to much into tunnel vision, that your practically blind. So go ahead and do what you do best without too much thought process, because you are basically irrelevant to me.

You're wrong on this one Meister, Bozo is not irrelevant, he's good comedic entertainment.....:cool:
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........

60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.

What did i say that wasn't true numb nuts ?

The GOP hasn't been obstructing anything since Obama took office, all of the dems dumb policies are going right though.

Your dumbasses will investigate the mortgage collapse after you find a way to cover Barney Frank and Franklin Raines asses.

And i thought i already explained predatory lending to your country ass plenty of times. It's a liberal pussy term that enables dumb fucks that don't read what they're signing.

Nobody can be this fucking stupid, so it must be that you're just trolling.......:eusa_whistle:

You read your entire mortgage? :eusa_liar:

Can't argue with the dishonest.

PS. Yes, laws were actually broken.

I know you are pro corporation and you think that corporations should be able to pray on our dumbest citizens, but that's why we don't have jerks like you running government anymore.

Trust me/us, we are right, you are wrong. But seems you will never get that. Look how bad things are for people who follow your way of thinking and you guys still won't shut up or understand.

Fine, we're socialists. Now give us your bank account pin so we can spread the wealth.
Is Soros sending jobs overseas and working to harm the American middle class like the GOP were doing for their corporations?

I don't mind corporations and rich liberals as much as I do right wing rich people who look down on the middle class and don't think the government should protect the middle class.

That's what "FREE MARKET" republicans are all about, and you know it.

So you want to show us more information on how Soros is a scumbag? I can show you what scum Bush & Cheney are. I can show you the bullshit buddy contracts their oil and defense buddies got. $10 billion a month for 6 years for Iraq and $700 billion to their banker buddies right before they left office. Healthcare costs went up 101% since 2001, etc.

I could go on and on showing you how the rich people in your party fucking hate you. Yet you defend them like a lap dog.

Now, show me what a scum Soros is. Show me how like the GOP he wants to socialize the losses of his business and privatize all the profits. That's what the GOP did. They didn't just say government is broke, they proved it.

Show me Soros wants to do away with the death tax.

And maybe he isn't an angel. At least he isn't a Republican.

Not my party bobo..like I say...I'm Independent. I'm just not a socialist like yourself, it all comes down to idealolgy. Maybe you ought to educate yourself with Soros. As for how America got to this point...you have to look at both parties. This started long before Bush ever got into office. Sending jobs overseas, you can look to your good buddy Clinton. But, you have to look at both parties bobo, which your not about to do. You are to much into tunnel vision, that your practically blind. So go ahead and do what you do best without too much thought process, because you are basically irrelevant to me.

You're wrong on this one Meister, Bozo is not irrelevant, he's good comedic entertainment.....:cool:

You guys are now irrelivent.

And I don't see/hear any of you laughing. I smell you shitting your pants. :lol:
Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left?

Not a god damned thing since the Dems aren't remotely hard left.

With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck.

Really? What returns is he getting exactly?

The reason you don't hear too much about him is that he's the dirty little secret of your party.

Is he? Then how do you know about him at all?

No one wants to talk about him in your party.

Sure they do...when he does something newsworthy.

But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign.

Really? Wouldn't much surpise me, but how much exactly has he contributed to Franken? Do you know?

He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.

He is? How do you know that?

Are you heavily involved with the DNC?
60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.

What did i say that wasn't true numb nuts ?

The GOP hasn't been obstructing anything since Obama took office, all of the dems dumb policies are going right though.

Your dumbasses will investigate the mortgage collapse after you find a way to cover Barney Frank and Franklin Raines asses.

And i thought i already explained predatory lending to your country ass plenty of times. It's a liberal pussy term that enables dumb fucks that don't read what they're signing.

Nobody can be this fucking stupid, so it must be that you're just trolling.......:eusa_whistle:

You read your entire mortgage? :eusa_liar:

Can't argue with the dishonest.

PS. Yes, laws were actually broken.

I know you are pro corporation and you think that corporations should be able to pray on our dumbest citizens, but that's why we don't have jerks like you running government anymore.

Trust me/us, we are right, you are wrong. But seems you will never get that. Look how bad things are for people who follow your way of thinking and you guys still won't shut up or understand.

Fine, we're socialists. Now give us your bank account pin so we can spread the wealth.

No i didn't read it line by line ( like Obama said he was gonna do ) and yet mine turned out ok ! How did this amazing feat happen with all the predatory lending going on ? I guess i was just one of the lucky ones that knew exaclty how much i could afford and knew what my interest rate would be BEFORE signing. I "qualified" for much higher than i knew i could afford, but i made a radical move and bought within my means. So i'm the one you should be thanking, the dems are gonna use my tax money to save the mortgages of dummies like you.

"Your way" doesn't work, make me a list of successful "govenment programs". That list will be about as long as "jewish sports legends".

BTW, my pin number is 2012 ........:eusa_whistle:
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