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BREAKING NEWS: Arlen Specter switching parties to give Democrats 60 votes in Senate

Who do you think is pushing the democrats to a hard left? [/quote]

Not a god damned thing since the Dems aren't remotely hard left.
Not to a socialist your not

With the millions he is donating to your party, he is expecting, and getting returns for his buck.

Really? What returns is he getting exactly?
Pushing your party to where we are beginning to see the redistribution of wealth, we are seeing the government getting their hands on lending institutions, auto companies, healthcare.

Is he? Then how do you know about him at all?
Ther is a concept called reading..you ought to try it sometime, and you won't ask such stupid questions

Sure they do...when he does something newsworthy.
Like shorting the US dollar so he can make some serious money?
Like Moveon.org, Mediamatters? yeah real noteworthy

But, no mistake he is very powerful behind the curtain. There are a lot of democrats that are beholding to Soros. Just like Al Franken, Soros donated a lot of money to that campaign.

Really? Wouldn't much surpise me, but how much exactly has he contributed to Franken? Do you know?
Individually, he did the max of $4,600, then started several fundraisers for Franken which paid for the recounts, and legal fees.

He is a lot more influential to the democrats than rush or Ann is to their party.

He is? How do you know that?

I did a lot of reading, and found that he is quite the socialist...just like your party is heading.

Are you heavily involved with the DNC?[/QUOTE]
No...and not with the RNC either.
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:lol: Rushpublican.. I like it.

Sorosocrat has quite a ring to it too, huh?

No. Soros isn't on the radio 3 hrs. a day talking about what a great Democratic leader he is. In fact, I don't hear anything about him or from him as a rule. He just quietly donates money and then goes about his businesses.
neither does Rush you moron
sheesh you just keep getting more and more moronic
I won't miss Spector. He was a disgrace to the GOP and conservatism.

I hope Olympia Snowe, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham join him soon.

Get all the worthless GOP senators out of the party and start over.

You say you're an old school conservative...there are NO old school conservatives in the GOP. They were chased out by theocrats and neocons...
there are no theocrats and spector is a NEOCON
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........

60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.
you dumb idiot, they couldnt "filibuster" anyway because of assholes like Specter
You freakin Obamabots are dumber than i thought. You think this is some battle you've won and a revolution against the Republican party ? This is nothing but the most basic human instinct, self preservation. Spectre knows he will lose the Republican primary, big. So he switches parties to try and save his own ass and takes a few gratuitous shots at the party on the way out. So woop dee doo, he was in the dems pockets anyway, nothing has really "changed". The only question now is, when the policies of this administration fall on their face, you clowns will be out of people to point your pompous fingers at. I predict you all will still blame Bush ........

60 VOTES IS HUGE IDIOT. You can't filabuster anymore.

No more Grand Obstructionist Party.

We will be blaming not only bush but the GOP who controlled government from 2000-2006.

And since you don't believe us, we'll have to launch investigations to prove exactly what happened.

You do know we haven't even fully investigated the mortgage collapse yet? Deregulations look to be the cause of that issue. Predatory lending too. Not so much Freddy/Fanny as you guys suggested.

We can't turn the page without first reading it. But you would love to just move on so next year you can keep making shit up.

Bobo....Specter isn't going to be in lockstep with the dems. He is going to be voting the same as he always has. Which means he will be a thorn for the dems, as he was for the repubs. So...maybe you can tone down your infantile giddiness. Just sayin...
Bobo is too fucking stupid to understand that
Spector will likely still vote with the GOP 42% of the time like he has anyway
You Republicans will do much better when you learn to govern as well as you play politics.

acoording to Bobo the Dems know how to govern.....:lol:....im sorry i guess he hasnt seen what is happening to California since they have been in charge....

I thought Arnold was in charge of California.

Bottom line is that all your right wing talking points aren't working on me, nor are they working on America. What do you have left? Bunch of southern racist white old grey haired rich dudes and a couple bitches? :lol:

Now we have 61 votes with Franken. You're wrong. If all this doesn't prove to you how fucking wrong you and your kind have been, nothing will. Now go think about it. Think about how you are one of the last remaining WHIGS defending your dead fucking party.

I know you guys don't think it is over and you will continue to be dicks for a very long time. In fact, we are counting on it. :eusa_pray:
whats more funny Bobo.....you thinking i am a right winger or Arnold in charge of California?......both are knee slappers.....dam your entertaining....
Bobo is too fucking stupid to understand that
Spector will likely still vote with the GOP 42% of the time like he has anyway

nothing wrong with people who can be thorns in the side.... sometimes.

depends on what he's a thorn about, imo.
Our government makes the rules and those rules are designed so we don't turn into Mexico. If we followed your way, we would have a very small ruling elite class and the masses would be poor as fuck.

i like this statement Bobo...."so we dont turn into Mexico"♠.....HEY DIPSHIT.....COME TO S.CALIFORNIA......WE ARE ALMOST THERE,thanks to your fucking far left idiots who STILL cant see how they have fucked this state up with their stupid POLITICALLY CORRECT way to live....whats even worse?....the stupid basTERDS who continually vote for these anti-California used rectum sticks....notice i said FAR-left.....i know plenty of Moderate to cons.Dems.who hate these people too.....but many of these fools will vote for these dildoes because ...."we are both of the same party".......never mind seeing what the others running are all about,then you might have to make a decision.......we cant have that......
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The GOP this decade is better or worse than the GOP of the 90's. True or False Harry!!!

See my point. Don't think because the Dems were bad back then that they are bad today. And don't think because you had a boner for Reagan that this is his party. Things change.

Ok, fuck saying either party is good. One party is better, and that's the Dems. That may change, but America has spoken, and they pretty much agree with me buddy. So does Spector.

i dont know about that Bobo.....i work for the PO....a VERY union orientated and DEMOCRATIC environment.....there are even copies of you running around here Bobo....and many of them just dont seem to be as happy as you are Bobo,about whats going on out there.....so keep your head up there Bobo....i hear its gettin kind of crowded.....but the REAL world might scare ya,so stay where you are and please,dont ever run for an office, which has the capability to effect how people live their lives.....

oh and by the way Bo.....i was not a Reagan fan......so BONER? i dont think so....
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Here's your spokesman. He emailed me this bs this morning.

I hope Arlen Specter's party change outrages you. It should for two reasons:

First--Specter claimed it was philosophical--and pointed his finger of blame at Republicans all over America for his defection to the Democrats. He told us all to go jump in the lake today.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word he said.

Arlen Specter committed a purely political and self-serving act today. He simply believes he has a better chance of saving his political hide and his job as a Democrat. He loves the title of Senator more than he loves the party--and the principles--that elected him and nurtured him.

Second--and more importantly--Arlen Specter handed Barack Obama and his band of radical leftists nearly absolute power in the United States Senate. In leaving the Republican Party--and joining the Democrats--he absolutely undercut Republicans' efforts to slow down Obama's radical agenda through the threat of filibuster.

Facing defeat in Pennsylvania's 2010 Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record, and an end to his 30 year career in the U.S. Senate, he has peddled his services--and his vote--to the leftist Obama Democrats who aim to remake America with their leftist plan.

As recently as April 9th, Senator Specter said he would run in the Pennsylvania primary next year as a Republican. Why the sudden change of heart? Clearly, this was an act based on political expediency by a craven politician desperate to keep his Washington power base--not the act of a statesman.

His defection to the Democrat Party puts the Democrats in an almost unstoppable position to pass Obama's destructive agenda of income redistribution, health care nationalization, and a massive expansion of entitlements.

Arlen Specter has put his loyalty to his own political career above his duty to his state and nation.

You and I have a choice. Some will use Specter's defection as an excuse to fold the tent and give up. I believe that you are not one of those people. When Benedict Arnold defected to the British, George Washington didn't fold the tent and give up either.

He grit his teeth more determined than ever to succeed. That's what I'm asking you to do today.

Join me in this fight by making a secure online contribution of $25, $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 right now to build our army of supporters and defeat Democrat candidates like Arlen Specter in next year's elections.

Stand with me. I need your support today.


Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee

Bobo gets E-Mail from the RNC.....he knows what Rush and O'Hannity are saying...he must read Coulter.....oh shit.....i just realized it.....BOBO is not a lib.....he is a PISSED OFF NEO-con......no wonder why he never makes any sense...dam just when ya think you got a guy figured out......:eusa_eh:
The extreme positions of the Republicans FAILED the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

The all American workers not making $250,000 a year or more are losers attitude lost the Republicans both Congress and the Oval office.

Bush's policies FAILED to serve enough Americans, gang.

The Republicans LOST, the Dems didn't win.

i agree with ya Ed ....especially your last 7 words.....i think the money figure should be 100,000 though.....lets face it anyone not clearing at least 6 figures is not up to fluff in the world of the Neo-cons and is no doubt faking it to get Govt aid,and is a low class commoner....while the far-left looks at anyone MAKING 6 figures as someone to keep youre eye on,because, to make that much money,they MUST be,or have, fucked someone over to make that kinda dough or obviously your cheating........just sayin....
i find it interesting that specter is heroic for leaving his party to preserve his seat, but lieberman was vilified for doing the same.
remember Jesus said......"Peter...how many times have i told you Politicians are Putzes"
5. Do you even vote? All you guys who bash people like me for being pro Democrat. Remember I told you I was more anti GOP than I am pro Dem? Well now you see guys like Spector agree with me. He's not so much a liberal as he is a moderate who's convinced that the GOP party sucks balls. Can't deny it.

Bobo its not that your Pro-Dem.....thats not it at all....its just that you are so far left,you are plastered against the left field fence.....and cant see nothing but what the people behind the fence are telling you to see.....hence....anything else i hear,must be false.....you have a few groupies in here with ya though.....
I won't miss Spector. He was a disgrace to the GOP and conservatism.

I hope Olympia Snowe, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham join him soon.

Get all the worthless GOP senators out of the party and start over.

You say you're an old school conservative...there are NO old school conservatives in the GOP. They were chased out by theocrats and neocons...
there are no theocrats and spector is a NEOCON

diveCON...I am increasingly concerned that you have permanent brain damage from the bends...

Please define theocrat
Please define neocon

Because you don't know who or what they are and it's causing you to talk like a pea brain...
Billionaire Soros is a mostly behind the scenes money man that supports a lot of democratic issues. I've heard him speak a few times.

Rush and Ann are the current public faces of the republican party.

Which is more influencial? It's hard to compare apples and oranges.

Soros dictates the direction of the democratic party, don't be naive about that for one moment. He is shoving millions of dollars in one way or another to the party. That money ain't free, and it does have a price tag. I wonder how much Ann, and Rush are shoving to their party? In that respect it is apples and oranges. But to tell you the truth...I would go with the entertainment of Ann and Rush over the hard hand of Soros. just sayin...

soros is just a boogeyman thought up by the karl roves of the GOP to get "the base" ticked off.

Yup. And it works well with that base because: "how dare a rich man support the rabble?"

wanna know where the REAL money comes from?


A lot of them WAll Street Banks....hey, I'm just sayin, you know?

the difference is that there's a less OBVIOUSLY corporatist agenda on the dem side because they throw the odd bone to the middle class and working people.

Hell yes.

And those odd bones are precisely what our scroogitarian chums so object to, too. They're all over pissing away billions of dubious empire, but feeding the poor just annoys the crap out of these folks.

How dare the working class and middle class not suffer even more than they do? They didn't study hard enough in school like brilliant old me did!

The percentage of the $740 Billion going into the bailout that actually comes to the people who most need is really quite low.

But that small potatoes charity is an affront to the "let 'em bleed" crowd.

I can never understand that attitude.
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Spectors voting record makes him more an independent than a member of either party.

And Dems deal with Dems with an independent steak better than Republicans have of late.

What is it that the late satirist Will Rogers said?

I don't belong to any organized political party... I'm a Democrat.
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5. Do you even vote? All you guys who bash people like me for being pro Democrat. Remember I told you I was more anti GOP than I am pro Dem? Well now you see guys like Spector agree with me. He's not so much a liberal as he is a moderate who's convinced that the GOP party sucks balls. Can't deny it.

Bobo its not that your Pro-Dem.....thats not it at all....its just that you are so far left,you are plastered against the left field fence.....and cant see nothing but what the people behind the fence are telling you to see.....hence....anything else i hear,must be false.....you have a few groupies in here with ya though.....

That's just it. I'm not that far left. Obama isn't that far left.

And, I'm done being apologetic for being left. Right is wrong.

I seem to agree with just about everything I see and hear from the president.

So if I'm "so far left", then so is he. And he isn't.

Maybe you are so far right that you are projecting on me and you don't even know it? I don't know you enough to say. That's for you to consider.
Here's your spokesman. He emailed me this bs this morning.

I hope Arlen Specter's party change outrages you. It should for two reasons:

First--Specter claimed it was philosophical--and pointed his finger of blame at Republicans all over America for his defection to the Democrats. He told us all to go jump in the lake today.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word he said.

Arlen Specter committed a purely political and self-serving act today. He simply believes he has a better chance of saving his political hide and his job as a Democrat. He loves the title of Senator more than he loves the party--and the principles--that elected him and nurtured him.

Second--and more importantly--Arlen Specter handed Barack Obama and his band of radical leftists nearly absolute power in the United States Senate. In leaving the Republican Party--and joining the Democrats--he absolutely undercut Republicans' efforts to slow down Obama's radical agenda through the threat of filibuster.

Facing defeat in Pennsylvania's 2010 Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record, and an end to his 30 year career in the U.S. Senate, he has peddled his services--and his vote--to the leftist Obama Democrats who aim to remake America with their leftist plan.

As recently as April 9th, Senator Specter said he would run in the Pennsylvania primary next year as a Republican. Why the sudden change of heart? Clearly, this was an act based on political expediency by a craven politician desperate to keep his Washington power base--not the act of a statesman.

His defection to the Democrat Party puts the Democrats in an almost unstoppable position to pass Obama's destructive agenda of income redistribution, health care nationalization, and a massive expansion of entitlements.

Arlen Specter has put his loyalty to his own political career above his duty to his state and nation.

You and I have a choice. Some will use Specter's defection as an excuse to fold the tent and give up. I believe that you are not one of those people. When Benedict Arnold defected to the British, George Washington didn't fold the tent and give up either.

He grit his teeth more determined than ever to succeed. That's what I'm asking you to do today.

Join me in this fight by making a secure online contribution of $25, $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 right now to build our army of supporters and defeat Democrat candidates like Arlen Specter in next year's elections.

Stand with me. I need your support today.


Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee

Bobo gets E-Mail from the RNC.....he knows what Rush and O'Hannity are saying...he must read Coulter.....oh shit.....i just realized it.....BOBO is not a lib.....he is a PISSED OFF NEO-con......no wonder why he never makes any sense...dam just when ya think you got a guy figured out......:eusa_eh:

I have tried to pretend to be a neo con for a day and I got hives.
What did i say that wasn't true numb nuts ?

The GOP hasn't been obstructing anything since Obama took office, all of the dems dumb policies are going right though.

Your dumbasses will investigate the mortgage collapse after you find a way to cover Barney Frank and Franklin Raines asses.

And i thought i already explained predatory lending to your country ass plenty of times. It's a liberal pussy term that enables dumb fucks that don't read what they're signing.

Nobody can be this fucking stupid, so it must be that you're just trolling.......:eusa_whistle:

You read your entire mortgage? :eusa_liar:

Can't argue with the dishonest.

PS. Yes, laws were actually broken.

I know you are pro corporation and you think that corporations should be able to pray on our dumbest citizens, but that's why we don't have jerks like you running government anymore.

Trust me/us, we are right, you are wrong. But seems you will never get that. Look how bad things are for people who follow your way of thinking and you guys still won't shut up or understand.

Fine, we're socialists. Now give us your bank account pin so we can spread the wealth.

No i didn't read it line by line ( like Obama said he was gonna do ) and yet mine turned out ok ! How did this amazing feat happen with all the predatory lending going on ? I guess i was just one of the lucky ones that knew exaclty how much i could afford and knew what my interest rate would be BEFORE signing. I "qualified" for much higher than i knew i could afford, but i made a radical move and bought within my means. So i'm the one you should be thanking, the dems are gonna use my tax money to save the mortgages of dummies like you.

"Your way" doesn't work, make me a list of successful "govenment programs". That list will be about as long as "jewish sports legends".

BTW, my pin number is 2012 ........:eusa_whistle:

Your way is to socialize the losses and privatize the profits. That hasn't worked.

Make me a list. Fuck you. Just look at the results of Bushanomics. Now that truly didn't work.
Here's your spokesman. He emailed me this bs this morning.

I hope Arlen Specter's party change outrages you. It should for two reasons:

First--Specter claimed it was philosophical--and pointed his finger of blame at Republicans all over America for his defection to the Democrats. He told us all to go jump in the lake today.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word he said.

Arlen Specter committed a purely political and self-serving act today. He simply believes he has a better chance of saving his political hide and his job as a Democrat. He loves the title of Senator more than he loves the party--and the principles--that elected him and nurtured him.

Second--and more importantly--Arlen Specter handed Barack Obama and his band of radical leftists nearly absolute power in the United States Senate. In leaving the Republican Party--and joining the Democrats--he absolutely undercut Republicans' efforts to slow down Obama's radical agenda through the threat of filibuster.

Facing defeat in Pennsylvania's 2010 Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record, and an end to his 30 year career in the U.S. Senate, he has peddled his services--and his vote--to the leftist Obama Democrats who aim to remake America with their leftist plan.

As recently as April 9th, Senator Specter said he would run in the Pennsylvania primary next year as a Republican. Why the sudden change of heart? Clearly, this was an act based on political expediency by a craven politician desperate to keep his Washington power base--not the act of a statesman.

His defection to the Democrat Party puts the Democrats in an almost unstoppable position to pass Obama's destructive agenda of income redistribution, health care nationalization, and a massive expansion of entitlements.

Arlen Specter has put his loyalty to his own political career above his duty to his state and nation.

You and I have a choice. Some will use Specter's defection as an excuse to fold the tent and give up. I believe that you are not one of those people. When Benedict Arnold defected to the British, George Washington didn't fold the tent and give up either.

He grit his teeth more determined than ever to succeed. That's what I'm asking you to do today.

Join me in this fight by making a secure online contribution of $25, $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 right now to build our army of supporters and defeat Democrat candidates like Arlen Specter in next year's elections.

Stand with me. I need your support today.


Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee

Bobo gets E-Mail from the RNC.....he knows what Rush and O'Hannity are saying...he must read Coulter.....oh shit.....i just realized it.....BOBO is not a lib.....he is a PISSED OFF NEO-con......no wonder why he never makes any sense...dam just when ya think you got a guy figured out......:eusa_eh:

I got another one this morning:

Barack Obama just completed his third prime time press conference touting the “change” he is bringing to America.

But during Obama’s first 100 days in the Oval Office, Americans have learned what the Democrats’ promise of “change” really means -- an assault on capitalism, free enterprise and fiscal responsibility. The policies coming from the Obama White House and the Democrat controlled Congress represent some of the most reckless spending, taxing and borrowing America has ever seen.

These first 100 days of total Democrat control of the federal government provides a frightening glimpse of what a “changed America” has to look forward to: trillions in debt owed to foreign creditors like China, the nationalization of our banks and auto industry soon to be followed by the health care system, and individual liberties sacrificed at the altar of collectivism.

Republicans are determined to stop Obama and the Democrats’ dangerous liberal agenda -- but we need your assistance to succeed. Please help today by making a secure online contribution of $25, $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 to support the RNC’s efforts to shine a light on the unsustainable path the Democrats are leading America down.

A $787 billion stimulus bill full of pork-barrel spending and the loophole allowing millions of dollars in bonuses for AIG executives;
$410 billion in spending on the 2009 omnibus bill; and,
A $3.6 TRILLION budget blueprint that results in a $9 TRILLION deficit.
In all, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have spent more in the Obama Administration’s first 100 days than all previous presidents combined. Is this the “change” America voted for? I don’t think so.

Republicans have offered to work with Congressional Democrats and the President on real reforms and better solutions, but we’ve been shut out of the negotiating room. That’s why it is critical we elect more Republicans in the 2009-2010 election cycle who are committed to our core conservative principles and will stand up to the Democrats who are fleecing our freedoms and values.

Please help the RNC hold the Obama Democrats accountable for their misguided “change” by making a secure online gift of $25, $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 today.

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