Breaking News: Biden declassifies every document in the world

I like how a Democrat is suddenly worried about "national security" while you are fine with Biden and Hunter taking payouts from Ukraine and China.

But to answer the question, they were identified at one point as he took his own documents
Do you believe that Biden just declassified everything? Just because he said so?
I couldn't get any republican to give a simple yes no on the first question, which was a no-brainer.

So I narrowed to question to did Biden declassify every document in America.

That's the question that's stuck in every republican craw, that they can't seem to answer, by answering. Either he did, or he didn't. Nobody will say which one.
WTF is wrong with you, lying gaslighting troll?

I answered you numerous times - I just answered you again a few minutes ago.

I've wasted enough time on you and this extremely stupid thread. Have fun...
I already gave you the answer on crossfire hurricane, for the third time now.
Give me a link to the declassified Crossfire Hurricane documents.

Why is the media still reporting the FBI has not complied going on 20 months now & continues to refuse to comply with FOIA requests then?
I like how a Democrat is suddenly worried about "national security" while you are fine with Biden and Hunter taking payouts from Ukraine and China.

I don’t take baseless claims seriously.

But to answer the question, they were identified at one point as he took his own documents
They were not his own documents.
Look, the thing is Trump took classified documents (probably not on purpose and nobody can prove it was on purpose) with him to Florida. Everyone has known of this. He has been in communication with the powers that be over it and has returned many already. The powers that be have known about it for a year and a half. Hell, they are going through things right now because they don't even know what was in the boxes, hence they are on a witch hunt because they don't know themselves what are in the boxes. They have raided his home based on media articles. Since when does the media have such power that they can do this? Is this how the DOJ and the FBI are run, they abuse their power due to things written in the media? In all this time of one and a half years no raids have been done on Trump's home, even though they knew Trump had classified information the whole time. Now, all of a sudden, just when Liz Cheney and the Democrats have been attacking Garland for not doing enough to get Trump, surprise, surprise, out comes a raid on Trump's home over classified documents which they have known about for a year and a half and did absolutely nothing about until Liz Cheney and the Democrats gave the DOJ their marching orders. You know, the same DOJ Democrats claim is independent from the administration.
They have been trying to get them back for a year and a half.

Why didn’t Trump return them? This is not a negotiable situation. You and I would have been treated that kindly.
WTF is wrong with you, lying gaslighting troll?

I answered you numerous times - I just answered you again a few minutes ago.
You asked about crossfire hurricane.

You didn't answer the question.

You're like a little kid. When asked what they want for dinner, they say they want to go to the park. When you ask them to answer the question they just repeat the answer, they want to go to the park.

Mirror Mirror?

I don’t take baseless claims seriously.

They were not his own documents.
His birthday menu, passports, attorney-client privileged documents (again)....These are not all but wre his.

Where are the 'National Security-threatening nuclear secrets' the DOJ & FBI falsely claimed Trump had, to justify an unprecedented, historic, unwarranted heavily-armed raid?

No mention in the affidavit and a very broad search warrant - this was fishing expedition to grab anything / everything they could find to use against Trump.
I'm just pointing out that many have claimed that Trump only need to declare documents unclassified, and "Poof" they're instantly declassified.

Well Biden just did that for every document in the world.

So did every document in America just get declassified?
I could be wrong but that is about the size of it, if you believe attorneys and Constitutional ones at that

so yeh...

seems odd but you know... I sometimes think all or 99% of documents should be de-classified, ESPECIALLY once a certain president leaves office, assuming there isn't some big earth-shattering conflict going on somewhere and our enemies would know too much..
But as it is, we americans don't know enough RE what's going on in OUR (ha ha... our) govt..

Ok... what used to be our govt?

supposed 2b ours?
Give me a link to the declassified Crossfire Hurricane documents.

Why is the media still reporting the FBI has not complied going on 20 months now & continues to refuse to comply with FOIA requests then?
Because that what Mark Meadows told them to do.
I could be wrong but that is about the size of it, if you believe attorneys and Constitutional ones at that

so yeh...
You aren't wrong, but you aren't right. As you are applying the the powers and ignoring the process.

The president has few powers that are enacted by simple verbal announcement.

Such as the president has the sole power to commission officers in the military. Yet he can't just go to west point and shout to them, he's appointing them all to lieutenant. There's paperwork that has to follow.
I like how a Democrat is suddenly worried about "national security" while you are fine with Biden and Hunter taking payouts from Ukraine and China.

But to answer the question, they were identified at one point as he took his own documents

ROTFLMFAO, look over hear Hunter, uhm lock her up, uhm tan suit!!!
STFU, lying troll

Post #158

If you do not understand 'NO' now you never will...Now go f* yourself.
I looked at your answer. The first line of which was an out and out lie.

He only asked 1 question, at least of me - 'do you believe Biden declassified every document in the world?'

Re: He only asked 1 question, at least of me - 'do you believe Biden declassified every document in the world?

Let me replay the question I personally asked you because you seem to have forgotten.

It's a simple question.

Biden just declassified every
document in America.

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