BREAKING NEWS: Bowe Bergdahl left letter telling comrades at Afghan


lol what a loser

FACT: people and jobs are moving from blue states to red states

try again
E-mails reported by the late Michael Hastings in Rolling Stone in 2012 reveal what Bergdahl's fellow infantrymen learned within days of his disappearance: He told people that he no longer supported the U.S. effort in Afghanistan.
Not exactly BREAKING! An investigation into the circumstances was announced & reported yesterday, or earlier.

which put him pretty close to where MOst Americans are at right now.

The person who ought to be court-martialled is the recruiter who looked at this home-skuled mutant and said "Sign right up, Son!"

Do you think that MOST Americans would desert their duty ? Their mission ? Their fellow soldiers ?

Wasn't my point. I'd explain it to you again, but I think you still wouldn't get it.

Bergdahl is what happens when you enlist people you'd have never taken in peacetime. Obviously, the guy was kind of a misfit. And if he openly talked about walking into the mountains and shit, it kind of speaks badly of his unit that someone didn't do something about that shit.

lol what a loser

FACT: people and jobs are moving from blue states to red states

try again

No, they really aren't.

The red States are increasing population because they have more immigrants.

Which means they are going to be blue sooner than you think.

Then your party is done.

Unless you get your heads out of your asses.

lol what a loser

FACT: people and jobs are moving from blue states to red states

try again

No, they really aren't.

The red States are increasing population because they have more immigrants.

Which means they are going to be blue sooner than you think.

Then your party is done.

Unless you get your heads out of your asses.

250 companies left just one Blue state for one red state; from California to Texas

you're a damn loser lying to himself
So glad I have Joe B, who is apparently one pathetic soldier, on ignore.
One of the great ironies of the right wing whiners and complainers about all things Obama is their spokespeople were draft dodgers who started an unnecessary war based on total deception. Freeing an American soldier gets their panties in a bunch, but lies and deception from their spokespeople are just fine. What losers you wingnuts are.

'Dear GOP: The US has negotiated with Terrorists and Amnestied Them all through History'

Dear GOP: The US has negotiated with Terrorists and Amnestied Them all through History | Informed Comment

"In the 1980s radical Shiites in Lebanon took American hostages. In order to free them, the Reagan administration not only negotiated with Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini but actually stole T.O.W. anti-aircraft munitions from Pentagon warehouses and shipped them to Tehran, receiving the money for them in black bank accounts and sending it to right wing death squads in Nicaragua. Khomeini and his government were listed as terrorists by the State Department at the time, and selling weapons to Iran was highly illegal. Not only that, but the US was allied with Iraq at the time, so Reagan screwed over Baghdad this way. Reagan did it, in part to free US hostages in Lebanon (Iran put pressure on its clients for their release)."

Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Iran-Contra Affairs
E-mails reported by the late Michael Hastings in Rolling Stone in 2012 reveal what Bergdahl's fellow infantrymen learned within days of his disappearance: He told people that he no longer supported the U.S. effort in Afghanistan.
Not exactly BREAKING! An investigation into the circumstances was announced & reported yesterday, or earlier.

which put him pretty close to where MOst Americans are at right now.

The person who ought to be court-martialled is the recruiter who looked at this home-skuled mutant and said "Sign right up, Son!"

Do you think that MOST Americans would desert their duty ? Their mission ? Their fellow soldiers ?
didn't they invent fragging.
One of the great ironies of the right wing whiners and complainers about all things Obama is their spokespeople were draft dodgers who started an unnecessary war based on total deception. Freeing an American soldier gets their panties in a bunch, but lies and deception from their spokespeople are just fine. What losers you wingnuts are.

'Dear GOP: The US has negotiated with Terrorists and Amnestied Them all through History'

Dear GOP: The US has negotiated with Terrorists and Amnestied Them all through History | Informed Comment

"In the 1980s radical Shiites in Lebanon took American hostages. In order to free them, the Reagan administration not only negotiated with Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini but actually stole T.O.W. anti-aircraft munitions from Pentagon warehouses and shipped them to Tehran, receiving the money for them in black bank accounts and sending it to right wing death squads in Nicaragua. Khomeini and his government were listed as terrorists by the State Department at the time, and selling weapons to Iran was highly illegal. Not only that, but the US was allied with Iraq at the time, so Reagan screwed over Baghdad this way. Reagan did it, in part to free US hostages in Lebanon (Iran put pressure on its clients for their release)."

Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Iran-Contra Affairs

Um... While I agree with your sentiment, your source engages in a bit of hyperbole.

The contras were not "Death Squads". they were an army fighting a dictator. One that Democrats in Congress agreed to fund from time to time.

Iraq was not an "Ally". We didn't take an official position in their war with Iran, and yes, we sold weapons to both sides. So did the French and the Russians.
Mostly because they won 5 out of hte last 6 Presidential elections.

proving you believe in "leaders" with a cult-like fanaticism

nothing else leftard

the majority of governors are republican
and the House

ur a joke

Yes, Gerrymandering helps when you have rural states... but the point that you miss is that the GOP has only won a majority once in the last 20 years.

And here's the thing. I voted Republican up until 2008. Then my ex-boss informed me he could fire me because 'he didn't have to deal with a union" after I ran up too many medical bills.

Good old dishonest Joe! Even you know that the majority electoral votes are held within states with the largest amount dumb people, & entitled minorities in them, Democrats. I see by your MEDICAL SITUATION that it's FUCK THE COUNTRY, WHERE'S MY ENTITLEMENT, for you....typical subversive scumbag, but NOW we know, thanks for the personal insight!

Good old dishonest Joe! Even you know that the majority electoral votes are held within states with the largest amount dumb people, & entitled minorities in them, Democrats. I see by your MEDICAL SITUATION that it's FUCK THE COUNTRY, WHERE'S MY ENTITLEMENT, for you....typical subversive scumbag, but NOW we know, thanks for the personal insight!

If the house were decided on actual votes instead of Gerrymandering, the Democrats would have a majority in both houses.

Obama won by 5 million votes.

Democratic house candidates won by 1 million votes more than Republicans got.

Now, while we were able to flush a few mistakes like Joe Walsh and Allen West, there are too many nuts locked in by gerrymandering.

Good old dishonest Joe! Even you know that the majority electoral votes are held within states with the largest amount dumb people, & entitled minorities in them, Democrats. I see by your MEDICAL SITUATION that it's FUCK THE COUNTRY, WHERE'S MY ENTITLEMENT, for you....typical subversive scumbag, but NOW we know, thanks for the personal insight!

If the house were decided on actual votes instead of Gerrymandering, the Democrats would have a majority in both houses.

Obama won by 5 million votes.

Democratic house candidates won by 1 million votes more than Republicans got.

Now, while we were able to flush a few mistakes like Joe Walsh and Allen West, there are too many nuts locked in by gerrymandering.

Whatever you say, now that I'll be calling you ENTITLEMENT BOY!!!....bookmarked!

Good old dishonest Joe! Even you know that the majority electoral votes are held within states with the largest amount dumb people, & entitled minorities in them, Democrats. I see by your MEDICAL SITUATION that it's FUCK THE COUNTRY, WHERE'S MY ENTITLEMENT, for you....typical subversive scumbag, but NOW we know, thanks for the personal insight!

If the house were decided on actual votes instead of Gerrymandering, the Democrats would have a majority in both houses.

Obama won by 5 million votes.

Democratic house candidates won by 1 million votes more than Republicans got.

Now, while we were able to flush a few mistakes like Joe Walsh and Allen West, there are too many nuts locked in by gerrymandering.

Whatever you say, now that I'll be calling you ENTITLEMENT BOY!!!....bookmarked!

Not sure why.

Oh, that's right. Because I think employer provided health insurance is kind of a crock.

It's more expensive, makes American business less competitive, and puts the health care of workers at the whim of their employers.

Naw, we shouldn't do what every other country does and have universal health care.
If the house were decided on actual votes instead of Gerrymandering, the Democrats would have a majority in both houses.

Obama won by 5 million votes.

Democratic house candidates won by 1 million votes more than Republicans got.

Now, while we were able to flush a few mistakes like Joe Walsh and Allen West, there are too many nuts locked in by gerrymandering.

Whatever you say, now that I'll be calling you ENTITLEMENT BOY!!!....bookmarked!

Not sure why.

Oh, that's right. Because I think employer provided health insurance is kind of a crock.

It's more expensive, makes American business less competitive, and puts the health care of workers at the whim of their employers.

Naw, we shouldn't do what every other country does and have universal health care.

As with MOST liberals, ENTITLEMENT BOY believes he has a CIVIL RIGHT to employer healthcare, ...that doesn't fit with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY, and having to work harder for things that you want, never mind having to COST THE REST OF US MORE MONEY FO THE PRODUCT that he's involved with! .....Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask what your country can do for you...SOCIALISM:cuckoo:
BREAKING NEWS: Bowe Bergdahl left letter telling comrades at Afghan

Now that you know you lied, Owl, please apologize.

As with MOST liberals, ENTITLEMENT BOY believes he has a CIVIL RIGHT to employer healthcare, ...that doesn't fit with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY, and having to work harder for things that you want, never mind having to COST THE REST OF US MORE MONEY FO THE PRODUCT that he's involved with! .....Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask what your country can do for you...SOCIALISM:cuckoo:

Guy, here was the thing. I did work hard for my health coverage.

At the particular job in question, I put in 60 hour weeks, worked Saturdays, put in an extra effort when other were happy to work their 40 hours and book.

And you know what, it didn't matter. The minute I ran up some medical bills, the people at the head office were looking for an excuse to get rid of me.

Now, here's what you don't get because you are sort of a retard.

No matter if it's private insurance or a government program, it's all "Socialism". You are either paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

So it's not a matter of thinking it's a "civil right'. I don't believe that there are ANY RIGHTS. There are privileges that everyone else lets you have, including the privilege of living. Any FOOL who think thinks has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

It's just what works better.

The American system, where hospitals are required to treat the indigent while charging those who can pay more htrough the nose, and you have 500 insurance companies and you need three clerks in a doctor's office to sort out the claims while Insurance CEO's collect 9 figure salaries... that's not a system that works.

Meanwhile, every other industrial democracy has a single-payer, universal system. They spend less than we do, they live longer, they have lower infant mortality rates, their industries are more competitive.

As with MOST liberals, ENTITLEMENT BOY believes he has a CIVIL RIGHT to employer healthcare, ...that doesn't fit with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY, and having to work harder for things that you want, never mind having to COST THE REST OF US MORE MONEY FO THE PRODUCT that he's involved with! .....Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask what your country can do for you...SOCIALISM:cuckoo:

Guy, here was the thing. I did work hard for my health coverage.

At the particular job in question, I put in 60 hour weeks, worked Saturdays, put in an extra effort when other were happy to work their 40 hours and book.

And you know what, it didn't matter. The minute I ran up some medical bills, the people at the head office were looking for an excuse to get rid of me.

Now, here's what you don't get because you are sort of a retard.

No matter if it's private insurance or a government program, it's all "Socialism". You are either paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

So it's not a matter of thinking it's a "civil right'. I don't believe that there are ANY RIGHTS. There are privileges that everyone else lets you have, including the privilege of living. Any FOOL who think thinks has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

It's just what works better.

The American system, where hospitals are required to treat the indigent while charging those who can pay more htrough the nose, and you have 500 insurance companies and you need three clerks in a doctor's office to sort out the claims while Insurance CEO's collect 9 figure salaries... that's not a system that works.

Meanwhile, every other industrial democracy has a single-payer, universal system. They spend less than we do, they live longer, they have lower infant mortality rates, their industries are more competitive.

So you want EVERYONE to pay for the indigent, .... how about fuck them, let them pay for it themselves like the rest of us do, or they can crawl up and die! It happened here all the time until the start of the 20th Century, and now WE can't afford to pay for everyone, especially all the SHIT that Obuma is letting into America currently....

Illegal Immigrant: Reports in Central America Encourage Trek North


McALLEN - Central Americans say news reports in their countries are encouraging them to make the journey north to the United States. A mother and child told CHANNEL 5 NEWS that the message being disseminated in their country is, "go to America with your child, you won't be turned away." The woman, Nora Griselda Bercian Diaz, from Guatemala, said she endured threats from the Zetas and extortion from corrupt Mexican police. She eventually crossed the Rio Grande with her 6-year-old Delmi Griselda Paul Bercian by her side. The woman said she wants a U.S. education for her daughter. "I want...

Are you liberals this stupid... forgive me, that's obvious!

[ame=]Tonight we dine in San Diego - 300 spoof - YouTube[/ame]

As with MOST liberals, ENTITLEMENT BOY believes he has a CIVIL RIGHT to employer healthcare, ...that doesn't fit with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY, and having to work harder for things that you want, never mind having to COST THE REST OF US MORE MONEY FO THE PRODUCT that he's involved with! .....Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask what your country can do for you...SOCIALISM:cuckoo:

Guy, here was the thing. I did work hard for my health coverage.

At the particular job in question, I put in 60 hour weeks, worked Saturdays, put in an extra effort when other were happy to work their 40 hours and book.

And you know what, it didn't matter. The minute I ran up some medical bills, the people at the head office were looking for an excuse to get rid of me.

Now, here's what you don't get because you are sort of a retard.

No matter if it's private insurance or a government program, it's all "Socialism". You are either paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

So it's not a matter of thinking it's a "civil right'. I don't believe that there are ANY RIGHTS. There are privileges that everyone else lets you have, including the privilege of living. Any FOOL who think thinks has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

It's just what works better.

The American system, where hospitals are required to treat the indigent while charging those who can pay more htrough the nose, and you have 500 insurance companies and you need three clerks in a doctor's office to sort out the claims while Insurance CEO's collect 9 figure salaries... that's not a system that works.

Meanwhile, every other industrial democracy has a single-payer, universal system. They spend less than we do, they live longer, they have lower infant mortality rates, their industries are more competitive.

So you want EVERYONE to pay for the indigent, .... how about fuck them, let them pay for it themselves like the rest of us do, or they can crawl up and die! It happened here all the time until the start of the 20th Century, and now WE can't afford to pay for everyone, especially all the SHIT that Obuma is letting into America currently....

Are you liberals this stupid... forgive me, that's obvious!

at the beginning of the 20th century, the life expectancy for an American was less than 50 years.
at the beginning of the 20th century, the life expectancy for an American was less than 50 years.

And it will be once again in the fullness of time. Please give Obamacare the chance it so richly deserves.

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