BREAKING NEWS: Bowe Bergdahl left letter telling comrades at Afghan

Guy, here was the thing. I did work hard for my health coverage.

At the particular job in question, I put in 60 hour weeks, worked Saturdays, put in an extra effort when other were happy to work their 40 hours and book.

And you know what, it didn't matter. The minute I ran up some medical bills, the people at the head office were looking for an excuse to get rid of me.

Now, here's what you don't get because you are sort of a retard.

No matter if it's private insurance or a government program, it's all "Socialism". You are either paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are paying in.

So it's not a matter of thinking it's a "civil right'. I don't believe that there are ANY RIGHTS. There are privileges that everyone else lets you have, including the privilege of living. Any FOOL who think thinks has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

It's just what works better.

The American system, where hospitals are required to treat the indigent while charging those who can pay more htrough the nose, and you have 500 insurance companies and you need three clerks in a doctor's office to sort out the claims while Insurance CEO's collect 9 figure salaries... that's not a system that works.

Meanwhile, every other industrial democracy has a single-payer, universal system. They spend less than we do, they live longer, they have lower infant mortality rates, their industries are more competitive.

So you want EVERYONE to pay for the indigent, .... how about fuck them, let them pay for it themselves like the rest of us do, or they can crawl up and die! It happened here all the time until the start of the 20th Century, and now WE can't afford to pay for everyone, especially all the SHIT that Obuma is letting into America currently....

Are you liberals this stupid... forgive me, that's obvious!

at the beginning of the 20th century, the life expectancy for an American was less than 50 years.

And life expectancy is 50%+ longer now, and the medical costs have skyrocketed, BUT you still want EVERYONE to pay for the indigent! With how many ILLEGAL ALIENS sucking off the system for free?

Are you liberals this stupid... forgive me, that's obvious!
You people are very confused. It doesn't matter at this point WHY he left. He was and is an Americal soldier and the war in Afghanistan is coming to an end. It was the Commander and Chief's responsibility to get him out.

He may have deserted. That will have to be determined by a military court. If he did, he will spend time in a military jail. That may be the case.

But that has nothing to do with rescuing him. It is a separate issue.
The truth of the matter may well never be known.

What's spoon-fed to you as "truth" will depend upon the outcome of the polling at which time Our Kenyan President will announce either a Rose Garden Hero-Star pinning or a public execution.

So when your phone rings and the pollster asks consider the outcome you want to see rather than what you feel might be the truth. Really. It IS important.
Obama ignored chances to rescue Bergdahl on the ground because he WANTED a terror trade

Daily Mail ^

The Obama administration passed up multiple opportunities to rescue Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl because the president was dead-set on finding a reason to begin emptying Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a Pentagon official. 'JSOC went to the White House with several specific rescue-op scenarios,' the official with knowledge of interagency negotiations underway since at least November 2013 told MailOnline, referring to the Joint Special Operations Command. 'But no one ever got traction.' 'What we learned along the way was that the president wanted a diplomatic scenario that would establish a precedent for repatriating detainees from Gitmo,' he said. The official said...
And life expectancy is 50%+ longer now, and the medical costs have skyrocketed, BUT you still want EVERYONE to pay for the indigent! With how many ILLEGAL ALIENS sucking off the system for free?

Are you liberals this stupid... forgive me, that's obvious!

There's a simple enough solution to the "illegal" problem.

Tax the fuck out of the businesses that hire them.

Dumbass, everyone is paying for the "indigent" now.

They show up at a hospital emergency room, and they get treated for ten times the cost of seeing a general practitioner. And the hospitals put those bills in a big "uncollected" bin and then jack up the price on the paying customers. This is why America spends twice per capita what other industrialized democracies pay, and yet we get the worst results.

Are you Conservatives this stupid? Forgive me, but you are a combination of stupid AND heartless, which is why decent people are rejecting you.
And life expectancy is 50%+ longer now, and the medical costs have skyrocketed, BUT you still want EVERYONE to pay for the indigent! With how many ILLEGAL ALIENS sucking off the system for free?

Are you liberals this stupid... forgive me, that's obvious!

There's a simple enough solution to the "illegal" problem.

Tax the fuck out of the businesses that hire them.

Dumbass, everyone is paying for the "indigent" now.

They show up at a hospital emergency room, and they get treated for ten times the cost of seeing a general practitioner. And the hospitals put those bills in a big "uncollected" bin and then jack up the price on the paying customers. This is why America spends twice per capita what other industrialized democracies pay, and yet we get the worst results.

Are you Conservatives this stupid? Forgive me, but you are a combination of stupid AND heartless, which is why decent people are rejecting you.

HEARTLESS???..... I am NOT the keeper of the fucking world! They came here, breaking the law! Shackle them, 2 years to hard labor, ship them out after that, and confiscate whatever they have! You asshole bleeding heart liberals will collapse the system completely, and then complain that Conservatives did it, as you liars always do. We currently have laws that this DICTATOR president and his DOJ completely reject, those bastards should be tried and hung, but the people here are too fucking stupid, and the ENTITLEMENT, GIVE ME crowd are a huge voting block, so that will never happen.... it will take a real revolution to take this country back to it's original roots.

Most of these takers are decent people, BUT take the easy route to get into this country, and we're so stupid, that we help them! The subversives have discovered how to take the country over without firing a shot... I'll repeat for you stupid people, since we were TOLD what would happen back in '59!

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HEARTLESS???..... I am NOT the keeper of the fucking world! They came here, breaking the law! Shackle them, 2 years to hard labor, ship them out after that, and confiscate whatever they have! You asshole bleeding heart liberals will collapse the system completely, and then complain that Conservatives did it, as you liars always do. We currently have laws that this DICTATOR president and his DOJ completely reject, those bastards should be tried and hung, but the people here are too fucking stupid, and the ENTITLEMENT, GIVE ME crowd are a huge voting block, so that will never happen.... it will take a real revolution to take this country back to it's original roots.

Most of these takers are decent people, BUT take the easy route to get into this country, and we're so stupid, that we help them! The subversives have discovered how to take the country over without firing a shot... I'll repeat for you stupid people, since we were TOLD what would happen back in '59!


Yawn, guy, maybe the problem is not hte takers, it's the Rubes.

The Rubes who let the 1% dismantle the middle class. That would be you, dumbass.

People vote in their own best interest. I see none of my best interest in voting for hte Goons of Plutocracy at this point.
HEARTLESS???..... I am NOT the keeper of the fucking world! They came here, breaking the law! Shackle them, 2 years to hard labor, ship them out after that, and confiscate whatever they have! You asshole bleeding heart liberals will collapse the system completely, and then complain that Conservatives did it, as you liars always do. We currently have laws that this DICTATOR president and his DOJ completely reject, those bastards should be tried and hung, but the people here are too fucking stupid, and the ENTITLEMENT, GIVE ME crowd are a huge voting block, so that will never happen.... it will take a real revolution to take this country back to it's original roots.

Most of these takers are decent people, BUT take the easy route to get into this country, and we're so stupid, that we help them! The subversives have discovered how to take the country over without firing a shot... I'll repeat for you stupid people, since we were TOLD what would happen back in '59!


Yawn, guy, maybe the problem is not hte takers, it's the Rubes.

The Rubes who let the 1% dismantle the middle class. That would be you, dumbass.

People vote in their own best interest. I see none of my best interest in voting for hte Goons of Plutocracy at this point.

And Flakey, I see NO SUCCESS for this country voting in Socialism, that BRINGS DOWN the people that currently pay for over 50% of this countries expenses, in order to increase the indigent, and entitlements crowd another .5 % increase...


And Flakey, I see NO SUCCESS for this country voting in Socialism, that BRINGS DOWN the people that currently pay for over 50% of this countries expenses, in order to increase the indigent, and entitlements crowd another .5 % increase...


"Socialism"? Seriously.

Hey, guy, Western Europe and Japan have socialism.

ANd guess what, no one from those countries are in a big hurry to move here.

We get people from the dirt poor eastern European countries, the ones who toppled bad old "communism", but that's because their countries are dirt poor and were dirt poor before and after "Communism".

The reality- This country worked well when that bad old "Socialist" Dwight D. Eisenhower was in charge, the Rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%, the work force was 40% unionized.

We never knew greater prosperity.

Until that idiot Reagan came along and fucked it up.
Some one explain why every one of these limp wristed faggots like Snowden/Manley/The DESERTER are always LIBs.
Mostly because they won 5 out of hte last 6 Presidential elections.

proving you believe in "leaders" with a cult-like fanaticism

nothing else leftard

the majority of governors are republican
and the House

ur a joke

Yes, Gerrymandering helps when you have rural states... but the point that you miss is that the GOP has only won a majority once in the last 20 years.

And here's the thing. I voted Republican up until 2008. Then my ex-boss informed me he could fire me because 'he didn't have to deal with a union" after I ran up too many medical bills.

Quit lying, you never voted Republican in your entire miserable life, based on your posts here, unless you are the alter ego of Jake Starkey.

Do you think, (I was going ask do you HONESTLY think, but then I realized that was not an option) that it is only Republicans who indulge in gerrymandering?

Do you think that your alleged rejection of Republicans because your ex-boss was a jerk, has any credibility? People who are dissatisfied with their bosses, go and find another job, but only fools change their political affiliation which is completely unrelated.

Quit lying, you never voted Republican in your entire miserable life, based on your posts here, unless you are the alter ego of Jake Starkey.

Just because you lack the intelligence ot change what is laughingly referred to as your mind doesn't mean other people can't.

Do you think, (I was going ask do you HONESTLY think, but then I realized that was not an option) that it is only Republicans who indulge in gerrymandering?

Wasn't my point. My point was that if there wasn't Gerrymandering, if the vote was proportional in 2012, the Dems would have control of the HOuse.

Do you think that your alleged rejection of Republicans because your ex-boss was a jerk, has any credibility? People who are dissatisfied with their bosses, go and find another job, but only fools change their political affiliation which is completely unrelated.

Again, I have to assume you are a tad dense.

What was clear to me is that the GOP is on HIS side in that disagreement, not mine.

That by their mind, firing a hard-working employee because he had a medical issue, why, that's just fine and dandy by the GOP.

Quit lying, you never voted Republican in your entire miserable life, based on your posts here, unless you are the alter ego of Jake Starkey.

Just because you lack the intelligence ot change what is laughingly referred to as your mind doesn't mean other people can't.

Do you think, (I was going ask do you HONESTLY think, but then I realized that was not an option) that it is only Republicans who indulge in gerrymandering?

Wasn't my point. My point was that if there wasn't Gerrymandering, if the vote was proportional in 2012, the Dems would have control of the HOuse.

Do you think that your alleged rejection of Republicans because your ex-boss was a jerk, has any credibility? People who are dissatisfied with their bosses, go and find another job, but only fools change their political affiliation which is completely unrelated.

Again, I have to assume you are a tad dense.

What was clear to me is that the GOP is on HIS side in that disagreement, not mine.

That by their mind, firing a hard-working employee because he had a medical issue, why, that's just fine and dandy by the GOP.
And by that insane dislogic, you are who you are. Crazy.

And Flakey, I see NO SUCCESS for this country voting in Socialism, that BRINGS DOWN the people that currently pay for over 50% of this countries expenses, in order to increase the indigent, and entitlements crowd another .5 % increase...


"Socialism"? Seriously.

Hey, guy, Western Europe and Japan have socialism.

ANd guess what, no one from those countries are in a big hurry to move here.

We get people from the dirt poor eastern European countries, the ones who toppled bad old "communism", but that's because their countries are dirt poor and were dirt poor before and after "Communism".

The reality- This country worked well when that bad old "Socialist" Dwight D. Eisenhower was in charge, the Rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%, the work force was 40% unionized.

We never knew greater prosperity.

Until that idiot Reagan came along and fucked it up.

Where do you get these fairy tales? World War Two ended finally in the summer of nineteen forty-five. Life in the United States began to return to normal. Soldiers began to come home and find peacetime jobs. Industry stopped producing war equipment and began to produce goods that made peacetime life pleasant. The American economy was stronger than ever. There were LOTS of jobs available for a then growing economy, dipshit!

Had NOTHING to do with 93% TAX rate, as there weren't enough people in America making that kind of money, at that time, to have made an economic difference to our economy!

So western Europe and Japan have that why the European economy is still in the water with such countries as Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, & Spain to name some that have horror stories for employment, and people are coming here from there as fast as possible...BUT, because of our IMMIGRATION LAWS which favor 3rd worlders, and indigents that suck up what we give them freely, WHITE EUROPEANS can't get here!

You know very little child about what's happening around you, better go play REP FROG with your peers, and leave the intellectual stuff to the intellectuals!
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Where do you get these fairy tales? World War Two ended finally in the summer of nineteen forty-five. Life in the United States began to return to normal. Soldiers began to come home and find peacetime jobs. Industry stopped producing war equipment and began to produce goods that made peacetime life pleasant. The American economy was stronger than ever. There were LOTS of jobs available for a then growing economy, dipshit!

Had NOTHING to do with 93% TAX rate, as there weren't enough people in America making that kind of money, at that time, to have made an economic difference to our economy!

So western Europe and Japan have that why the European economy is still in the water with such countries as Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, & Spain to name some that have horror stories for employment, and people are coming here from there as fast as possible...BUT, because of our IMMIGRATION LAWS which favor 3rd worlders, and indigents that suck up what we give them freely, WHITE EUROPEANS can't get here!

You know very little child about what's happening around you, better go play REP FROG with your peers, and leave the intellectual stuff to the intellectuals!

The 93% tax rate kicked in at $400,000. (That would be about 3 million in today's dollars.)

But here was the kicker. YOu had 33% unionization. You had a government that sided with the working man over the wealthy. And, yes, the fact that the rest of the world hadn't recovered from the war was a factor, but the thing was, by 1955, they mostly had.

is that why the European economy is still in the water with such countries as Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, & Spain

Um, yeah, but none of those folks are all too keen to get to America. They'll still prefer their socialist countries to ours any day.

In fact, the countries people are trying to get away from are the ones who have more of what you wingnuts want. More wealth inequality, less government favoring the working man, less government benefits.

Man, you are stupid, aren't you?

Where do you get these fairy tales? World War Two ended finally in the summer of nineteen forty-five. Life in the United States began to return to normal. Soldiers began to come home and find peacetime jobs. Industry stopped producing war equipment and began to produce goods that made peacetime life pleasant. The American economy was stronger than ever. There were LOTS of jobs available for a then growing economy, dipshit!

Had NOTHING to do with 93% TAX rate, as there weren't enough people in America making that kind of money, at that time, to have made an economic difference to our economy!

So western Europe and Japan have that why the European economy is still in the water with such countries as Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, & Spain to name some that have horror stories for employment, and people are coming here from there as fast as possible...BUT, because of our IMMIGRATION LAWS which favor 3rd worlders, and indigents that suck up what we give them freely, WHITE EUROPEANS can't get here!

You know very little child about what's happening around you, better go play REP FROG with your peers, and leave the intellectual stuff to the intellectuals!

The 93% tax rate kicked in at $400,000. (That would be about 3 million in today's dollars.)

But here was the kicker. YOu had 33% unionization. You had a government that sided with the working man over the wealthy. And, yes, the fact that the rest of the world hadn't recovered from the war was a factor, but the thing was, by 1955, they mostly had.

is that why the European economy is still in the water with such countries as Greece, Ireland, Cyprus, & Spain
Um, yeah, but none of those folks are all too keen to get to America. They'll still prefer their socialist countries to ours any day.

In fact, the countries people are trying to get away from are the ones who have more of what you wingnuts want. More wealth inequality, less government favoring the working man, less government benefits.

Man, you are stupid, aren't you?

LESS GOV'T benefits.... you are seriously deranged...Until recently Greeks retired at an average age of 53!

Diane Francis: Greece Is Not a Country, It's a Party

Civil servants in Greece employed before 1992 can retire after 35 years service, if they have reached 58, and retire on 80% of their final basic salary...... Only after the greek economy collapsed has the retirement rules been changed!

HOW MUCH MORE GOV'T BENEFITS DO YOU NEED before you realize you haven't a CLUE....Pathetic!

And you have now quoted 40% and 33% Unionization.... you don't even have the facts correct for that statement!
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