Breaking News - CentCom Announces Drone Strike Against ISIS-Planner.

Can’t wait to see the Republicans and foxnews move the goalposts on their despicable attacks on Biden now that Biden quickly bombed ISIS, something many of them already said he did not have the courage to do.

Fool. Biddum had NOTHING to do with this drone strike! The military came up with it and carried it out all of their own volition to retaliate for those 13 killed, and Joe was simply relishing it from his wheelchair hoping it would take some of the edge and sting off his devastating failures in Afghanistan.

Things will likely continue to spiral out of control these last days over something which never should have even happened in the first place.
You know. You are about the only rightie expressing some form of happiness over the drone strike....and then you ruin it.....

What, because I see the bigger picture? Unlike you? I can be happy and still understand why other people are unsatisfied with this action.

I don't give in to blind passion as you do, nor do I make unwarranted assumptions about people simply because of how they react or how I think they should react. I share your happiness that the planner is dead, but it is hardly an equal price for the men he helped to kill. Not by a long shot.

This was a strike in response to lives being needlessly taken due to incompetence on top of malfeasance by the Biden Administration.

It's more like dumping a bucket of sand on the floor, bending over, and putting one grain back in the bucket whilst saying "See? I helped!"

This is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
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Interesting...they friends of Hannity that he "knows" this?
We seem to have military people still on the ground there. You should know as a veteran in the military not all is made public in a crisis but Biden made it clear he will leave Americans behind if they aren't out by my birthday. That is particularly upsetting to a friend of mine who was a veteran of Nam. Marine credo is that we never leave even one soldier behind. They do notthink leVing Ameri"ans behind in Afghanistan is the President's prerogative but biden is saying he won't go back in after the deadline. He apparently isn't afraid of the Marine hell he is offending. :rolleyes-41:
Whilst good news we need more of this as in they killed l3 and biden killed only one. Hopefully more to follow but biden deserves credit for striking back.

I find it to be pretty unlikely. In Afghanistan various tribal elements are opposed to one another for different reasons and in the past, military personnel have been pointed to a "terrorist" by an Afghan leader who only wanted to get rid of his opposition. If this strike really happened at all, it most likely was such a scenario.
If Isil Khorasan confirms the hit via an official announcement, I will believe it...

Doesn’t seem like these fools would possibly have found anybody responsible this quickly. May have just bombed some civilian home and claimed they got him.
Why do this with just a few days left before we exit Afghanistan?
Biden should have waited until everyone was safely out of the country.
Now they will want revenge and increase the attacks on US forces.
It just doesn't make sense. .... :cuckoo:

Getting everyone out first makes just too much sense. It should have been forseen, but if not forseen, then we should have had a plan for a trial observation period of time.... like a matter of days where we could quickly reverse course and stablize the situation. Then begin to extract everyone in an orderly manner.
Maybe they did get the guy if so good but at best it means we are back to the pre 9-11 days where terrorist launch an attack that kills dozens or even hundreds we respond with a cruise missle or drone strike that kills two or three terrorist and back and forth we go.
Getting everyone out first makes just too much sense. It should have been forseen, but if not forseen, then we should have had a plan for a trial observation period of time.... like a matter of days where we could quickly reverse course and stablize the situation. Then begin to extract everyone in an orderly manner.
The time for a orderly exit is long past....the isis effort to kill Americans will not be changed one way or the other by biden striking back...ISIS will do its best to kill more Americans as they would if there was no strike back.

Biden needs to kill as many of them as possible. He needs to be planning attacks on the Taliban to be executed immediately if they do anything to harm Americans.

He needs to warn the Taliban that if they do not immediately begin to assist America get our people out we will attack them with force and we will keep on attacking.

The Taliban understands force if nothing else.

A forceful response is the only thing that offers any hope to all Americans still stranded there. If we do nothing the taliban will interpet that as weakness and motivate them to allow ISIS to kill more or even assist them as they may have done already in the attack on the Airport.

Beginning to look like phase II of the afghan war.
Biden's approval rating is so low, and the press is so bad, that it makes me question the authenticity of the Pentagon's announcement tonight that the Biden Admin has launched a drone strike on the ISIS planner who coordinated the Kabul attack and has planned more.

He has really come across as weak and incompetent. Biden really needs some positive news, and this action would be widely popular and make him look patriotic and strong.

But we have seen that our military intelligence can't even predict that thousands of Taliban took over in 11 days, but they expect us to believe that they know exactly who planned the recent suicide bombing?

I am skeptical. Not that they did a drone strike, but that they actually killed who they say they did.

Pentagon drone strike on Afghanistan ISIS stronghold kills man believed to be planner behind Kabul airport bombing that left 13 US troops and 170 Afghans dead​

  • The drone strike was announced by the Pentagon on Friday night
  • A person believed to be involved in planning Thursday's attack was killed
  • The strike was carried out in Nangahar province, the heartland of ISIS-K
  • Joe Biden said on Thursday night that he had asked for options for retaliation
  • Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, said Biden wanted to destroy them
If Xiden was serious, he'd send in the AC-130s and A-10s....


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