Breaking News - CentCom Announces Drone Strike Against ISIS-Planner.

I thought Joe planned this drone strike and the military had nothing to do with it.....much like Joe planned the withdrawal as well as he failed to plan for suicide bombers and all of the other mistakes that happened

Joe is incapable of doing anything. Has he even offered anything more than a public speech with brief condolences to the families of the dead Marines? You know the MSM would be glowing over how "compassionate" he was, if he had done what all former Presidents normally do. President Trump regularly called families of service members, to offer condolences. but where the hell is Joe?
I thought our 'oh so intelligent' generals and president said that you don't hit the enemy with OUR PEOPLE STILL IN HARMS WAY. so...they broke their own rule if indeed they did what they said they did or someone did it and uS generals are taking credit for killing a minor figure.

cowardly bunch of fat slugs. and i'm NOT talking about the taliban in this instance.
Joe is incapable of doing anything. Has he even offered anything more than a public speech with brief condolences to the families of the dead Marines? You know the MSM would be glowing over how "compassionate" he was, if he had done what all former Presidents normally do. President Trump regularly called families of service members, to offer condolences. but where the hell is Joe?
The former president rarely called family members as he viewed it as failure. When he did, he mispronounced names and glossed himself.

All we have to do is see who's unhappy about this news....same who cheered on the Jan 6th FAILED insurrection.

still pushing that false narrative even when it's been shown to be false, heh. It doesnt cover up the total incompetence of this president and his fat stupid slug generals now does it.
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Holding press conference and when asked for the names of the ISIS-k killed, response was we're not releasing the names...yeah this was a CYA attack.
What are you trying to say?
Sorry P- my typo was surely confusing- make that ‘repeat’ not ‘return’… I meant to imply I’ve seen this movie before a definite repeat with target in a limo getting blown away with a sidekick sitting next to him. Hard to know if I’m thinking about real life or a movie… both it would seem are possible.
I have been which is why I can identify your opinion over facts.
Yiu just lied again...because I have posted links in other threads, the headlines in numerous media states exactly what I posted. Nice try, snowflake.
And just like that:

I wouldn't trust anything Kirby, the Pentagon, the State Departnent, Psaki, or Biden says, they have lied so many times. They are trying to convince they will leave no one behind. They will lie and say anyone left behind wanted to. Bullshit.
MSNBC is reporting that Central Command (CentCom) has launched an "Over The Horizon" attack against an ISIS-K Planner.

The target was killed, no civilians casualities are reported.
They kill approimmately 160 plus and we supposedly strike back with a costly drione attacjk and kill ONE! That will show them
MSNBC is reporting that Central Command (CentCom) has launched an "Over The Horizon" attack against an ISIS-K Planner.

The target was killed, no civilians casualities are reported.

Never thought I would see it, but it looks like we have Delta working with the Taliban.

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