Breaking News - CentCom Announces Drone Strike Against ISIS-Planner.

Is this the same pubs who believed trump was sent by God, who was impeached twice and orchestrated to over throw democracy??
Sorry. Must be another lot.

People like you are too prone to stereotypes, if not more so than the pubs you thumb your nose up at.


Report: US strike carried out to prevent future ISIS-K attacks​

"A US official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Reuters news agency that the US drone strike was against an ISIL-affiliated group planning “future attacks”.

A reaper drone, which took off from the Middle East, reportedly struck target while he was in a car with another associate, the official said.

Both are believed to have been killed, the official added.

Thursday’s attack at Kabul airport was claimed by ISIL (ISIS) offshoot in Afghanistan – the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (also known as ISIS-K)."

Sounds like a return for some reason...
We seem to have military people still on the ground there. You should know as a veteran in the military not all is made public in a crisis but Biden made it clear he will leave Americans behind if they aren't out by my birthday. That is particularly upsetting to a friend of mine who was a veteran of Nam. Marine credo is that we never leave even one soldier behind. They do notthink leVing Ameri"ans behind in Afghanistan is the President's prerogative but biden is saying he won't go back in after the deadline. He apparently isn't afraid of the Marine hell he is offending. :rolleyes-41:
Well, it is well known we still have military people at the airport and biden says they will all be coming back at least all that are still living.

Apparantly though many civilians will be left behind.

Report: US strike carried out to prevent future ISIS-K attacks​

"A US official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Reuters news agency that the US drone strike was against an ISIL-affiliated group planning “future attacks”.

A reaper drone, which took off from the Middle East, reportedly struck target while he was in a car with another associate, the official said.

Both are believed to have been killed, the official added.

Thursday’s attack at Kabul airport was claimed by ISIL (ISIS) offshoot in Afghanistan – the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (also known as ISIS-K)."

Sounds like a return for some reason...

What are you trying to say?
This whole scenario is much more serious than most realize because the Chinese are getting involved.

China has already warned joe not to put sanctions on taliban.

What will China do if we begin military actions against the Taliban?

The real problem that has been created by all those who wanted to withdraw is that it has allowed China a foothold there.

Where all this is headed remains to be seen but the worst scenario in my opinion will be if the Chinese form a military alliance with the Taliban
People like you are too prone to stereotypes, if not more so than the pubs you thumb your nose up at.


Your problem is I can get a solid brief on republicans by watching them post.
Very low IQ, full of hate , cannot tolerate criticism, think they are patriots and
simultaneously support fascism with the election of trump, unpatriotic, non American and think they rule the world.
And fucking delusion also.
What did Joe say when someone woke him up and told him about it?
I thought Joe planned this drone strike and the military had nothing to do with it.....much like Joe planned the withdrawal as well as he failed to plan for suicide bombers and all of the other mistakes that happened
Well, why didn't they do this a week and more ago as the Taliban were approaching Kabul? Biden not only withdrew U.S. air power from aiding the Afghan forces but also withdrew the civilian techs who maintained the Afghan air power.

And how did they figure out in less than 48 hours who was behind the terror attack in Kabul? Hmmm?

They probably just picked some random Afghani and droned him then claim they had intel that he was behind the attack.
President Biden was dealing with the former president's historic peace accord with the terrorists.
Ok. Question is....will Biden's Woke Ass Generals be able to stop all of them? because this is only the start.

This is only the aperitifs so to speak.
Why the fright over knowledge? Damn, I forgot that you're a trumper...
MSNBC is reporting that Central Command (CentCom) has launched an "Over The Horizon" attack against an ISIS-K Planner.

The target was killed, no civilians casualities are reported.
1. The CIA left last week, which means we pretty much have nomore Intel in Afghanistan

2. McKenzie (CENTCOM Commander) is the idiot who surrendered/ abandoned Bagram.

3. Who told you the ISIS attack planner was killed? How reliable have they been proven to be?

4. How do you know they actually killed THE planner?

In this shitstorm they needed to do something right - a quick strike on the guy they say is responsible yo keep Americans from completely turning on they give people this strike.

Trust but VERIFY. Especially with these failures.
1. The CIA left last week, which means we pretty much have nomore Intel in Afghanistan

2. McKenzie (CENTCOM Commander) is the idiot who surrendered/ abandoned Bagram.

3. Who told you the ISIS attack planner was killed? How reliable have they been proven to be?

4. How do you know they actually killed THE planner?

In this shitstorm they needed to do something right - a quick strike on the guy they say is responsible yo keep Americans from completely turning on they give people this strike.

Trust but VERIFY. Especially with these failures.
What facts?

Dude, that's like your opinion man.

Idiot maga fuckup.
What facts?

Dude, that's like your opinion man.

Idiot maga fuckup.
Negative - if you had actually been keeping up with the news and reports you would not have just self_identified as a Low-IQ / ignorant snowflake. Thanks for that.
Negative - if you had actually been keeping up with the news and reports you would not have just self_identified as a Low-IQ / ignorant snowflake. Thanks for that.
I have been which is why I can identify your opinion over facts.

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