Breaking News - CentCom Announces Drone Strike Against ISIS-Planner.

Biden's approval rating is so low, and the press is so bad, that it makes me question the authenticity of the Pentagon's announcement tonight that the Biden Admin has launched a drone strike on the ISIS planner who coordinated the Kabul attack and has planned more.

He has really come across as weak and incompetent. Biden really needs some positive news, and this action would be widely popular and make him look patriotic and strong.

But we have seen that our military intelligence can't even predict that thousands of Taliban took over in 11 days, but they expect us to believe that they know exactly who planned the recent suicide bombing?

I am skeptical. Not that they did a drone strike, but that they actually killed who they say they did.

Pentagon drone strike on Afghanistan ISIS stronghold kills man believed to be planner behind Kabul airport bombing that left 13 US troops and 170 Afghans dead​

  • The drone strike was announced by the Pentagon on Friday night
  • A person believed to be involved in planning Thursday's attack was killed
  • The strike was carried out in Nangahar province, the heartland of ISIS-K
  • Joe Biden said on Thursday night that he had asked for options for retaliation
  • Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, said Biden wanted to destroy them
Can’t wait to see the Republicans and foxnews move the goalposts on their despicable attacks on Biden now that Biden quickly bombed ISIS, something many of them already said he did not have the courage to do.

If this story is true, I for one, am glad he did it. So go eat shit.

But I say IF, cause there's probably more to this than meets the eye
Can’t wait to see the Republicans and foxnews move the goalposts on their despicable attacks on Biden now that Biden quickly bombed ISIS, something many of them already said he did not have the courage to do.
Nah, I'll give even the HNIC credit when it's due. Like when he sent better men than he'll EVER BE to kill Bin Laden. Of course, that's only AFTER they can show proof that it happened. I don't believe anything from those lying sacks of crap anymore.
I am not angry. I am in my element when tearing boxheaded republicans apart.
So we bomb just the "planner", no one else :confused: does the "planner" not have a name? And how /where did we get the intelligence outing the "planner", surely not the Taliban who let the suicide bombers through the check points.
So we bomb just the "planner", no one else :confused: does the "planner" not have a name? And how /where did we get the intelligence outing the "planner", surely not the Taliban who let the suicide bombers through the check points.
You know. Like OBL. Oh, that's right...Righties were unhappy when he was killed too.
As opposed to you REAL anger that American drones hit ISIS targets.

And you can stop psychoanalyzing people. You suck at it. The anger isn't over the strike, it's anger at Biden for his recklessness. We wouldn't be in this situation if Biden had done his job properly.

You don't know how to read people, so stop. Seriously. Just stop.
It wasn't ordered by Biden or anyone in his administration. Although it would be just like this old plagiarism to take credit for someone else's work.
And you can stop psychoanalyzing people. You suck at it. The anger isn't over the strike, it's anger at Biden for his recklessness.

You don't know how to read people, so stop. Seriously. Just stop.
You know. You are about the only rightie expressing some form of happiness over the drone strike....and then you ruin it.....
Why do this with just a few days left before we exit Afghanistan?
Biden should have waited until everyone was safely out of the country.
Now they will want revenge and increase the attacks on US forces.
It just doesn't make sense. .... :cuckoo:
Had to show something or else they'll stand accused, and then be easily rendered as guilty of everything we already know about this weak administration.
Wouldn't it be less obvious if we didn't have all these rightie posters unhappy about the drone strike.....

No. Like I just said, you are trying and failing to read people.

I don't blame them for feeling the way they do. I felt the strike should have been proportional to the number of people killed. ISIS will simply replace the 'planner' and go on killing people. This attack will not faze them.

On the other hand, some of us are happy that the 'planner' is dead and has paid for his error in judgment.

I'm sure you've heard the adage "a day late and a dollar short" before. It applies here.
I find it to be pretty unlikely. In Afghanistan various tribal elements are opposed to one another for different reasons and in the past, military personnel have been pointed to a "terrorist" by an Afghan leader who only wanted to get rid of his opposition. If this strike really happened at all, it most likely was such a scenario.

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