Breaking News - CentCom Announces Drone Strike Against ISIS-Planner.

Why do this with just a few days left before we exit Afghanistan?
Biden should have waited until everyone was safely out of the country.
Now they will want revenge and increase the attacks on US forces.
It just doesn't make sense. .... :cuckoo:

It makes a lot of sense when you realize this stolen, fraudulent Biden's Administration wants to destroy America nationally and internationally.

Then everything they are doing makes perfect sense.
Can’t wait to see the Republicans and foxnews move the goalposts on their despicable attacks on Biden now that Biden quickly bombed ISIS, something many of them already said he did not have the courage to do.
They are already in mourning, like they were when Former President Obama ordered the successful strike on OBL.
Why do this with just a few days left before we exit Afghanistan?
Biden should have waited until everyone was safely out of the country.
Now they will want revenge and increase the attacks on US forces.
It just doesn't make sense. .... :cuckoo:

There is some truth to this. What a complicated and horrible place to be in. You don't want ISIS to survive, but you want to have them create havok in the M.E against the Taliban. All of this rise HAS to have the rest of the world very unhappy. Trump had this all under control, regardless of what some say.

Furthermore, Trump is right about this much, stop allowing the wrong people from shytehole countries into yours (and mine). Some just live to die, and they take others with them to feed their demented views of the world.
Ok. Question is....will Biden's Woke Ass Generals be able to stop all of them? because this is only the start.

This is only the aperitifs so to speak.
Nah... they've already told everyone to expect other attacks before we can get out. EVERY MAN-JACK in that room needs to swing on a gallows, SCUM, every one of them.
Biden likely ordered the TNA stronghold in the NE bombed to make sure Taliban is in total control by 911.

Make no mistake about it, Biden and the W crowd LOVE Taliban....
It's too late. On Hannity they were just saying 2 Huge groups of ISIS fighters are missing and may already have landed and disembarked in the USA under disguise and may be already forming terror cells to take out as any or more Americans in the cities Biden sent them to. God have mercy on everyone downstream from the lakes they poison, the buildings they turn to rubble and or the uranium power plants they explode to ruin local population centers. The 4 planes terrorist cells commandeered on 9/11 were hosted by religious centers sympathetic to Islamacists who wanted to wipe NYC off the face o$ the map and Washington D.C. too.

The sooner we get rid of Biden the nutcase, Irhan, Comrade Pelosi and other disloyal Congresscritters who have defunded police in numerous cities accross this land who will not be able to protect big cities, the better chance we have of resurrecting the Constitution to fix the problem.

I hope those military folks sending planes full of Americans with sleeper cells to military bases to keep them away from cities that the Deep State creeps want to get rid of as they're half way of their goals of doing America to a communist 1-party state as we wonder how many more days we are still the land of the free and the brave. Biden is destroying this land in a big fast blitz of a hurry and Comrade Pelosi has her apples in a row. We don 't have much time left as free people if Biden Pelosi and Schumer are orchestrating the end of the 2 party system quick as you can say "Bolshevik."
God help us. Time for prayers. Biden isn't hearing mercy to America from his puppetmasters.

Be strong, arm yourself, and keep your head on a swivel. This country's been through worse things than bad leaders and people who hate us.
Nah... they've already told everyone to expect other attacks before we can get out. EVERY MAN-JACK in that room needs to swing on a gallows, SCUM, every one of them.


What pieces of shit all Biden's Woke Generals are!

They make me puke!:puke3:
It's too late. On Hannity they were just saying 2 Huge groups of ISIS fighters are missing and may already have landed and disembarked in the USA under disguise and may be already forming terror cells to take out as any or more Americans in the cities Biden sent them to. God have mercy on everyone downstream from the lakes they poison, the buildings they turn to rubble and or the uranium power plants they explode to ruin local population centers. The 4 planes terrorist cells commandeered on 9/11 were hosted by religious centers sympathetic to Islamacists who wanted to wipe NYC off the face o$ the map and Washington D.C. too.

The sooner we get rid of Biden the nutcase, Irhan, Comrade Pelosi and other disloyal Congresscritters who have defunded police in numerous cities accross this land who will not be able to protect big cities, the better chance we have of resurrecting the Constitution to fix the problem.

I hope those military folks sending planes full of Americans with sleeper cells to military bases to keep them away from cities that the Deep State creeps want to get rid of as they're half way of their goals of doing America to a communist 1-party state as we wonder how many more days we are still the land of the free and the brave. Biden is destroying this land in a big fast blitz of a hurry and Comrade Pelosi has her apples in a row. We don 't have much time left as free people if Biden Pelosi and Schumer are orchestrating the end of the 2 party system quick as you can say "Bolshevik."
God help us. Time for prayers. Biden isn't hearing mercy to America from his puppetmasters.
Interesting...they friends of Hannity that he "knows" this?
Biden likely ordered the TNA stronghold in the NE bombed to make sure Taliban is in total control by 911.

Make no mistake about it, Biden and the W crowd LOVE Taliban....

Ten bucks says the Taliban ratted him out and gave our military the coordinates where he was.

Consider it "thanks" for all the armament we gave them. :laughing0301:
There is some truth to this. What a complicated and horrible place to be in. You don't want ISIS to survive, but you want to have them create havok in the M.E against the Taliban. All of this rise HAS to have the rest of the world very unhappy. Trump had this all under control, regardless of what some say.

Furthermore, Trump is right about this much, stop allowing the wrong people from shytehole countries into yours (and mine). Some just live to die, and they take others with them to feed their demented views of the world.
The truth is that for America to survive, these drones need to be vaporizing criminals in mansions on our west and east coasts as well as in selected locals in Europe. DC is so corrupt now that drones wouldn't touch the evil. Only nuclear fire could cleanse that place at this point.

I dearly hope that some of those Marines had buddies with a "very special set of skills" who will be revenged for their deaths.
Maybe Isis and Taliban will be so pissed off at each other they will war between themselves and that give us time to sneak out the rest of the americans still waiting to get home.
I don't care who is president, that'll teach the bastards not to kill our troops and innocent civilians.

Credit where it is due.

That doesn't excuse the fact that Biden is responsible for those 13 service members' deaths. His withdrawal plan was abysmal and chaotic. It got people killed.

I am only giving praise where it is warranted. Don't expect me to worship the ground Biden saunters on.
All we have to do is see who's unhappy about this news....same who cheered on the Jan 6th FAILED insurrection.

That doesn't excuse the fact that Biden is responsible for those 13 service members' deaths. His withdrawal plan was abysmal and chaotic. It got people killed.

I am only giving praise where it is warranted. Don't expect me to worship the ground Biden saunters on.
So you don't blame ISIS.... interesting.

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