Breaking News: Confirmed.........Ebola Transmittable By Air

I wasn't necessarily speaking of you, there is a lot of hysteria on this board though. To say there isn't is crazy.

ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Eric Duncan died.
He wasn't transferred to the US and may have survived if the idiots at the ER he went to knew what they were doing.
oh? Ok mr medical expert. With no prior knowledge, no alerts, no preparedness, what would you have done differently?
Very quick to condemn without having all the facts....Not good, Ace
I wouldn't let the guy with a 103 degree fever who was in Liberia just days before leave with some antibiotics and Tylenol.
ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Eric Duncan died.
He wasn't transferred to the US and may have survived if the idiots at the ER he went to knew what they were doing.
oh? Ok mr medical expert. With no prior knowledge, no alerts, no preparedness, what would you have done differently?
Very quick to condemn without having all the facts....Not good, Ace
I wouldn't let the guy with a 103 degree fever who was in Liberia just days before leave with some antibiotics and Tylenol.

closing the border and banning people who have been to a hot zone is a good start.
ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Eric Duncan died.
He wasn't transferred to the US and may have survived if the idiots at the ER he went to knew what they were doing.
oh? Ok mr medical expert. With no prior knowledge, no alerts, no preparedness, what would you have done differently?
Very quick to condemn without having all the facts....Not good, Ace
I wouldn't let the guy with a 103 degree fever who was in Liberia just days before leave with some antibiotics and Tylenol.

You can blame the dumbass nurse for that one. And of course Obola for letting him in the country in the first place. And if I remember correctly we wouldnt have a single case here if Obola hadn't let that first carrier in.
World Health Organization Says Ebola Death Rate at 70 Percent NBC Bay Area
You are correct and incorrect. I was wrong the latest report is only for zaire. I am correct regarding their Sept. report from WHO, released the first week of Oct. shows the rate at approximately 70%. This report does not show the very latest numbers of cases and deaths which has been growing exponentially. Click the image to be able to read it.
That is for all strains, not just the zaire strain which is the strain here. Zaire is the deadliest strain.
ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Duncan did not survive. He was an ebola patient.
70% is the rate.
we should bring all ebola victims here to treat them? Is that your plan?
Duncan was foolishly sent home from the ER.

Total Cases: 8997
Total Deaths: 4493

Rate is less than 50%.

Where did I say that I want to treat everyone here? I think we need to be vigilant about Ebola, the panic and hysteria is out of control.
No, it is for the current outbreak.

2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
You and Breitbart should inform the CDC.

Well, the CDC has already been wrong. They've admitted to it, and so has the WHO. Both had admittedly underestimated the Ebola virus. Read and learn instead of remaining an ignorant partisan.

Borders shut as WHO admits Ebola outbreak vastly underestimated Australian Medical Association

Kenya is the latest country to join an expanding list of airlines and nations banning travellers from west African countries at the centre of the worst Ebola virus outbreak on record.

While the World Health Organisation has admitted that it had “vastly underestimated” the scale of the outbreak, which has so far claimed at least 1145 lives out of 2127 confirmed and suspected cases, the multilateral agency urged against blanket travel and trade bans with affected areas.

But on the weekend Kenya joined Cameroon in banning people travelling from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia from entering the country , while several airlines including British Airways, Emirates and Korean Air from suspending flights to and from the countries, which are at the epicentre of the outbreak.

Already, the Liberian Government has announced a 90-day state of emergency and closed the majority of its borders, while Sierra Leone has declared a 60 to 90-day state of emergency, and Nigeria has announced a National Emergency following the death of two people from the disease, with a further five people suspected of being infected in quarantine.

Fears about the Ebola threat have been heightened following the WHO’s admission that earlier estimates about the scale of the outbreak had been seriously off-target.

“Staff at the outbreak sites see evidence that the numbers of reported cases and deaths vastly underestimate the magnitude of the outbreak,” it said last week.

The WHO had already upgraded its response to the outbreak. At a meeting on 6 and 7 August, its Emergency Committee declared it to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

The upgraded status of the outbreak has ushered in a range of more stringent measures and greater resources aimed at taking the disease’s spread.

“WHO is coordinating a massive scaling up of the international response, marshalling support from individual countries, disease control agencies, agencies within the UN system, and others,” the agency said.

WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan told a meeting of Member States last week that around one million people in areas affected by the outbreak were in need of urgent support, including supplies of food and medicine. The United Nations has appointed Dr David Nabarro to coordinate its overall response to the crisis.

In an extraordinary move, a panel of medical ethicists convened by the WHO gave approval for the use of experimental drugs on people infected with Ebola, though the decision to use them on a case-by-case has been left to the treating clinicians.

Why are people so 'shy' when it comes to reporting what people actually say?

The highly respected Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota just advised the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) that “there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles,” including exhaled breath.

And why not actually quote CIDRAP itself- rather than Breitbart sensationalizing it?

Response to statements falsely attributed to CIDRAP regarding Ebola transmission CIDRAP

Nearly one month after publication of the commentary, the websites Brietbart and The Inquisitr News published incorrect information concerning it. In an effort to correct misinformation, we want to state clearly that:

  • CIDRAP has not made claims that "Ebola is Airbone" or that "Ebola [is] Transmittable by Air."
  • The guest commentary cited by Brietbart and The Inquisitr News was authored by two leading researchers with the University of Illinois at Chicago (not the University of Minnesota as wrongly reported).
  • The Twitter account @UnivMinnNews, which tweeted the article published by The Inquisitr News, is not managed or authorized by the University of Minnesota.
Transmission of Ebola must be considered in both the context of healthcare settings and within the general community. This commentary in question specifically addressed transmission risk within a healthcare setting and does not address community transmission.

But heck- go ahead- believe what Breitbart says that CIDRAP says- rather than what CIDRAP says that CIDRAP says
Why does anyone take that source seriously, anymore? It's not even about their political leanings. It's about the fact that they have repeatedly been caught making shit up, and pulling shit right out of their asses. Here's a hint for you guys, if Breitbart said it, chances are not only is it not factual, but the exact opposite of whatever they are saying is actually more likely to be factually accurate.

Why are people so 'shy' when it comes to reporting what people actually say?

The highly respected Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota just advised the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) that “there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles,” including exhaled breath.

And why not actually quote CIDRAP itself- rather than Breitbart sensationalizing it?

Response to statements falsely attributed to CIDRAP regarding Ebola transmission CIDRAP

Nearly one month after publication of the commentary, the websites Brietbart and The Inquisitr News published incorrect information concerning it. In an effort to correct misinformation, we want to state clearly that:

    • CIDRAP has not made claims that "Ebola is Airbone" or that "Ebola [is] Transmittable by Air."
    • The guest commentary cited by Brietbart and The Inquisitr News was authored by two leading researchers with the University of Illinois at Chicago (not the University of Minnesota as wrongly reported).
    • The Twitter account @UnivMinnNews, which tweeted the article published by The Inquisitr News, is not managed or authorized by the University of Minnesota.
Transmission of Ebola must be considered in both the context of healthcare settings and within the general community. This commentary in question specifically addressed transmission risk within a healthcare setting and does not address community transmission.

But heck- go ahead- believe what Breitbart says that CIDRAP says- rather than what CIDRAP says that CIDRAP says

Well then, they are contradicting themselves. Here, from one of their own articles. If it is NOT airborne, then why the need for a respirator and not just a face mask?

COMMENTARY Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola CIDRAP

We believe there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients, which means that healthcare workers should be wearing respirators, not facemasks.1
Granted, health workers are going to be more at risk for inhaling particles of sputum/phlegm traveling through the air. However, what about when you are on a plane with an infected person. The air in the plane is all recycled air and that is quite close quarters when a person is coughing and sneezing.

I wish I knew what was going on with the CDC and the WHO, among others. I'm noticing lots of contradictions.
Granted, health workers are going to be more at risk for inhaling particles of sputum/phlegm traveling through the air. However, what about when you are on a plane with an infected person. The air in the plane is all recycled air and that is quite close quarters when a person is coughing and sneezing.

I wish I knew what was going on with the CDC and the WHO, among others. I'm noticing lots of contradictions.
You do get that there is a difference between "coughing, and sneezing", and calling a virus "airborne", right? Yes, technically, your bodily fluids are "airborne" when you cough, and sneeze. However, Ebola still requires the bodily fluids to be transmitted. "Airborne" actually refers to a virus that needs no medium for transfer, other than the air. In other words, you don't need to cough or sneeze to transfer an "airborne" virus; all you have to do is breathe normally.
Granted, health workers are going to be more at risk for inhaling particles of sputum/phlegm traveling through the air. However, what about when you are on a plane with an infected person. The air in the plane is all recycled air and that is quite close quarters when a person is coughing and sneezing.

I wish I knew what was going on with the CDC and the WHO, among others. I'm noticing lots of contradictions.
You do get that there is a difference between "coughing, and sneezing", and calling a virus "airborne", right? Yes, technically, your bodily fluids are "airborne" when you cough, and sneeze. However, Ebola still requires the bodily fluids to be transmitted. "Airborne" actually refers to a virus that needs no medium for transfer, other than the air. In other words, you don't need to cough or sneeze to transfer an "airborne" virus; all you have to do is breathe normally.
It's like yelling fire in a theater. They want this outbreak that they see as Obama's fuckup to become a huge political football for them.

That is a Republican for you. They don't care if there is a cure out there, just that it is good for their side politically.
Granted, health workers are going to be more at risk for inhaling particles of sputum/phlegm traveling through the air. However, what about when you are on a plane with an infected person. The air in the plane is all recycled air and that is quite close quarters when a person is coughing and sneezing.

I wish I knew what was going on with the CDC and the WHO, among others. I'm noticing lots of contradictions.
You do get that there is a difference between "coughing, and sneezing", and calling a virus "airborne", right? Yes, technically, your bodily fluids are "airborne" when you cough, and sneeze. However, Ebola still requires the bodily fluids to be transmitted. "Airborne" actually refers to a virus that needs no medium for transfer, other than the air. In other words, you don't need to cough or sneeze to transfer an "airborne" virus; all you have to do is breathe normally.

Yes, right, technically it is airborne when you catch it from airborne particulates. Do you not see how contagious that is? Why does the CIDRAP recommend that healthcare workers wear a respirator instead of just a regular mask? Because it is very contagious. That's why.
Granted, health workers are going to be more at risk for inhaling particles of sputum/phlegm traveling through the air. However, what about when you are on a plane with an infected person. The air in the plane is all recycled air and that is quite close quarters when a person is coughing and sneezing.

I wish I knew what was going on with the CDC and the WHO, among others. I'm noticing lots of contradictions.
You do get that there is a difference between "coughing, and sneezing", and calling a virus "airborne", right? Yes, technically, your bodily fluids are "airborne" when you cough, and sneeze. However, Ebola still requires the bodily fluids to be transmitted. "Airborne" actually refers to a virus that needs no medium for transfer, other than the air. In other words, you don't need to cough or sneeze to transfer an "airborne" virus; all you have to do is breathe normally.
It's like yelling fire in a theater. They want this outbreak that they see as Obama's fuckup to become a huge political football for them.

That is a Republican for you. They don't care if there is a cure out there, just that it is good for their side politically.

This has nothing to do with politics for me, but concern about a deadly disease that seems to have been allowed to enter our country. I haven't mentioned Obama anywhere in my post. It is you who is doing the politicizing.
Why does the CIDRAP recommend that healthcare workers wear a respirator instead of just a regular mask? Because it is very contagious. That's why.

Because when healthcare workers are doing certain medical procedures- like incubating an Ebola patient- the procedure itself creates additional danger to the healthcare workers- it creates airborne particles which would not happen naturally.

But this will be ignored by those who prefer Breitbarts yelling fire, and lying about what CIDRAP said- rather than what CIDRAP actually said.

When did Americans get to be such cowards?
I'm so happy this thread is staying on the front page. Everyone can see how stupid Steve McGarret is. Just so you know, his threads are always extreme like this.

What is wrong with this guy and his teaparty talking points?
This is the definition of a true troll btw. Throwing some insane posting out there and then never coming back to stand by it.
Ebola has NEVER been and probably never will be an airborne virus.

Its very hard to get. It always will be.

Relax, people - you will not get sick from this.

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