Breaking News: Confirmed.........Ebola Transmittable By Air

Nigeria is a few days away from successfully defeating Ebola. If they can do it, I'm incredibly confident that we can do it as well.


Yeah..nigerian witch doctors are FAR more advanced than we are...They're right on the brink, I'm sure, of curing ebola..LMAO...nigeria. :piss2::blsmile:
Where did I say doctors in Nigeria cured Ebola? Nigeria had 20 cases of Ebola but none since September 8th.

Ebola outbreak Nigeria is a week away from beating virus - Health News - Health Families - The Independent
President Goodluck Jonathan was premature when he told the UN General Assembly “Nigeria is Ebola free” last month but his government’s response has been watched around the world.

I see...the president of nigeria makes a unilateral "proclamation"...and suddenly ebola is erased from nigeria..LMAO....
Do you have the ability to think critically? He spoke prematurely when he said Nigeria was Ebola free last month, as stated in the article. Flash forward to present and they will be Ebola free in 5 days, no new cases in 42 days.

so if he "says" the moon is made of cheese it is so, in your world.

Got a link from WHO saying nigeria is ebola free?..or is the president of nigeria making unfounded "proclamations" a good enough "source" for you?
Where did I say that I want to treat everyone here? I think we need to be vigilant about Ebola, the panic and hysteria is out of control.

So you agree we need to close our borders. Good start.
I'd actually have no problem limiting travel for people with passports from certain countries. That wouldn't bring the risk down to 0% but it would certainly limit the risk of Ebola spreading here.
...but not closing our borders...
Why do you not want the border closed? Explain the benefits of open borders.

Explain why you think it's good for america to allow illegals who haven't been screened for disease, literacy, sanity or criminal background to wander around loose in our country?
I just don't really care about the border issue either way. Ideally it wouldn't be an issue and we wouldn't have people flooding the border. Illegal immigrants don't just walk across the border though. Many come here legally and don't leave.
Nigeria is a few days away from successfully defeating Ebola. If they can do it, I'm incredibly confident that we can do it as well.


Yeah..nigerian witch doctors are FAR more advanced than we are...They're right on the brink, I'm sure, of curing ebola..LMAO...nigeria. :piss2::blsmile:
Where did I say doctors in Nigeria cured Ebola? Nigeria had 20 cases of Ebola but none since September 8th.

Ebola outbreak Nigeria is a week away from beating virus - Health News - Health Families - The Independent
President Goodluck Jonathan was premature when he told the UN General Assembly “Nigeria is Ebola free” last month but his government’s response has been watched around the world.

I see...the president of nigeria makes a unilateral "proclamation"...and suddenly ebola is erased from nigeria..LMAO....
Do you have the ability to think critically? He spoke prematurely when he said Nigeria was Ebola free last month, as stated in the article. Flash forward to present and they will be Ebola free in 5 days, no new cases in 42 days.

so if he "says" the moon is made of cheese it is so, in your world.

Got a link from WHO saying nigeria is ebola free?..or is the president of nigeria making unfounded "proclamations" a good enough "source" for you?
Jesus Christ, they will soon be 42 days with no new cases which means they are Ebola free. I'm not taking the word of the President of Nigeria here, its fucking science. Here's your link though.

Nigeria and Senegal Days Away From Ebola-Free Designation
That is for all strains, not just the zaire strain which is the strain here. Zaire is the deadliest strain.
Oh..I're merely looking for a way to mis characterize, disparage and demean...My error. I mistakenly thought you were interested in mature discussion...
I wasn't necessarily speaking of you, there is a lot of hysteria on this board though. To say there isn't is crazy.

ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Duncan did not survive. He was an ebola patient.
70% is the rate.
we should bring all ebola victims here to treat them? Is that your plan?
Duncan was foolishly sent home from the ER.

Total Cases: 8997
Total Deaths: 4493

Rate is less than 50%.

Where did I say that I want to treat everyone here? I think we need to be vigilant about Ebola, the panic and hysteria is out of control.
That is for all strains, not just the zaire strain which is the strain here. Zaire is the deadliest strain.
I wasn't necessarily speaking of you, there is a lot of hysteria on this board though. To say there isn't is crazy.

ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Duncan did not survive. He was an ebola patient.
70% is the rate.
we should bring all ebola victims here to treat them? Is that your plan?
Duncan was foolishly sent home from the ER.

Total Cases: 8997
Total Deaths: 4493

Rate is less than 50%.

Where did I say that I want to treat everyone here? I think we need to be vigilant about Ebola, the panic and hysteria is out of control.
No, it is for the current outbreak.

2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
I wasn't necessarily speaking of you, there is a lot of hysteria on this board though. To say there isn't is crazy.

ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Duncan did not survive. He was an ebola patient.
70% is the rate.
we should bring all ebola victims here to treat them? Is that your plan?

Nobody said that, idiot.

acerothstein said:
All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Again, nobody said we should bring all Ebola victims to America, idiot.
You're making things up again. Must be time for your meds..
You are seriously delusional or just plain stupid.
Amazing how deep in the bag for liberalism you people can be.
It's all about politics with you lefties.
Screw the long as libs are running the show, all is right with the world, correct?
Shut the fuck up you dumb wench.

Wow, that's some serious psychological projection.
ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Duncan did not survive. He was an ebola patient.
70% is the rate.
we should bring all ebola victims here to treat them? Is that your plan?

Nobody said that, idiot.

acerothstein said:
All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Again, nobody said we should bring all Ebola victims to America, idiot.

LMAO.."idiot". You're projecting....
in the leftist mind name calling = intelligent rebuttal. :laugh2:
I could throw a cat off a ten story building and it would be considered "airborne" using the OPs criteria.
If obola was truly airborne we would see a much higher infection rate.
Here's the rub...The CDC stated that the Ebola virus is not airborne. That the virus can only be contracted through the transmission of bodily fluids form an affected patient through openings in the skin or through mucous membranes. Nose,ears, mouth..
Now, this information was true but not accurate. In fact, one does not have to physically TOUCH an infected person or come into direct contact with bodily fluids. And as a matter of fact, if an infected person leaves perspiration on a surface and it is immediately touched by another, that second person can become infected.
Sneezing can cause particles to fly through the air and be ingested by a person standing nearby.
The bottom line is anyone with a fever that has been anywhere near an infected person should be quarantined as soon as humanly possible.
That would include all passengers and crew from the Frontier Airlines flight on which the latest infected person was a passenger.
That aircraft should be sanitized. Including the air circulation system.
You're making things up again. Must be time for your meds..
You are seriously delusional or just plain stupid.
Amazing how deep in the bag for liberalism you people can be.
It's all about politics with you lefties.
Screw the long as libs are running the show, all is right with the world, correct?
Shut the fuck up you dumb wench.

Wow, that's some serious psychological projection.
Ok, show me where liberals and Obama followers are taking this serious matter beyond political interests.
I have ebola and you are sitting next to me and I sneeze on you you have just contracted Ebola.
The particles of mucus containing the ebola virus that came out of my lungs and stuck to your eyeballs WILL infect you.

That doesnt mean it's airborne. Thats a temporary thing,kinda like throwing a cat off a roof.
Correct. The point is though, the CDC implied that the virus cannot be contracted unless a person physically touched an infected person or came into contact with the bodily fluids of said person.
The CDC said NOTHING about catching Ebola through airborne small particulate such as saliva particles from the result of a sneeze or cough.
I have ebola and you are sitting next to me and I sneeze on you you have just contracted Ebola.
The particles of mucus containing the ebola virus that came out of my lungs and stuck to your eyeballs WILL infect you.

That doesnt mean it's airborne. Thats a temporary thing,kinda like throwing a cat off a roof.
It's floating in the fucking air pal.
'Semantics' won't cut it.
I have ebola and I sneeze on you and you have contracted ebola.

You have to be in close proximity to an infected person and have them sneeze or cough on you in order to catch ebola through the air. And it would have to contact mucus membranes or an open wound.
Walking into a room full of ebola patients does not mean you're going to catch ebola.
Perhaps not. However the odds increase dramatically.
So I suppose if someone vomits on you, while the vomit was traveling through the air it was airborne!
Play stupid semantic word games all you want pal.

Playing semantics? Dude look in the mirror.
If this were a true airborne disease the infection rate would be way higher.
I believe they said seventy hospital workers were in close proximity to the original patient in dallas. So why did only two get infected?
The point is the federal authorities and the CDC should have been proactive and erred on the side of caution. Now that the virus is here in the US, that is all the more reason to be even more vigilant.
If this thing gets into Central America and Mexico, do you have any clue how BAD things will get here?
Our government and the CDC are doing a miserable job containing this and an even worse job of keeping the public informed with timely and accurate information.
it survives for many hours even after it has dried onto the surface. Try to keep up.

Many hours is not very long in the life of pathogens. try not to be hysterical.

no one is hysterical..your need to mischaracterize and distort is very telling, though.

"many hours" is PLENTY enough time to infect others...
Would you ride in a car with someone who has ebola? A plane?
Would you allow your wife or child to?
Try to be honest...if you can...

It is about 6 hours outside the body and that is in blood. Less long if it is not in blood.

Your data is incorrect. Go read some more.

No. how long ebola can survive in lab conditions with controlled temperature and humidity is irrelevant to what people will be dealing with. Ebola is a relatively unstable compared to other filoviruses and people weighing their risks from indirect contact with an infected person need to know what reality is, not what lab coat jockeys can stretch out of it. UV radiation (i.e. sunlight) degrades the virus and not a particularly strong mix of bleach and water is enough to kill it on surfaces. Your need to try to further the hysteria is telling.
Are you SURE?....Can you say with the highest of confidence you'd enter an area or room indoors where an infected patient has been and without any protective gear move about freely as though that infected person were never there?
no one is hysterical..your need to mischaracterize and distort is very telling, though.
No one is hysterical? Have you checked out even half of the Ebola threads on here?

Oh..I're merely looking for a way to mis characterize, disparage and demean...My error. I mistakenly thought you were interested in mature discussion...
I wasn't necessarily speaking of you, there is a lot of hysteria on this board though. To say there isn't is crazy.

ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
The facts now are nearly every hospital in the nation is unprepared for ebola infected patients. Here in NC it was thought most major hospitals could handle and treat ebola patients.
That number has now been reduced to just THREE NC medical centers.
Why does Breitbart feel the need to lie about absolutely everything? Anyone?

Fear sells...
Not fear. The lack of the willingness on the part of the federal government, the WHO and the CDC to move proactively to mitigate the spread of the virus.
Speeches, task forces and conferences have no effect on microscopic organisms.
The people who have the duty must develop a protocol and implement it immediately.
Oh..I're merely looking for a way to mis characterize, disparage and demean...My error. I mistakenly thought you were interested in mature discussion...
I wasn't necessarily speaking of you, there is a lot of hysteria on this board though. To say there isn't is crazy.

ebola is a disease that there is no cure for that has a 70% fatality rate..
It had never appeared in the u.s. until our lax border control allowed a person from a hot zone in.

obama said you can't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus...that isn't true.
obama said you can't get it from asymptomatic one knows for sure if that's true or not yet.
obama said it can't come into this country. That obviously isn't true.
obama said we have protocols in place. That MAY be true..but "protocols" is pretty vague...and he likes vague answers...regardless these "protocols" obviously aren't sufficient.
So far the fatality rate for this outbreak is ~50%. All Ebola patients transferred to the US have survived as well, treatment received here is certainly better than the treatment received in West Africa.

Eric Duncan died.
He wasn't transferred to the US and may have survived if the idiots at the ER he went to knew what they were doing.
oh? Ok mr medical expert. With no prior knowledge, no alerts, no preparedness, what would you have done differently?
Very quick to condemn without having all the facts....Not good, Ace

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