Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
no physical signs of lying I believe can be things like this:
No stuttering, no eye blinking, no sweaty palms, no touching of your mouth, head, throat, or face, no fidgeting..... etc
This is all I need to know about the Flynn case. Trump draining the swamp??? RATFLMAO!!! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: (My bold and bracketed comments).

In February 2020, Attorney General William Barr declared that there would be a review of Flynn's case. Barr chose St. Louis' chief federal prosecutor, Jeffrey Jensen, to conduct the review. Jensen himself was nominated by President Trump (HA!!!) for the St. Louis position.

Jensen said Barr had agreed with his recommendation (Really? I don't believe it!! :laughing0301:) Per a motion to dismiss filed by Timothy Shea (Barr's senior counsel at the DOJ not less :laughing0301:) the acting U.S. Attorney in D.C., the questioning of Flynn by agents "was untethered to, and unjustified by, the F.B.I.'s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn". Lead DOJ prosecutor Brandon L. Van Grack withdrew from the case, and no DOJ attorneys who had been involved in the case signed on to Shea's motion.
All the people who prosecuted Flynn were put in place by Obama. So according to you that means the Flynn's conviction was bogus because all the people involved are deepstate Obama hacks.

Live by the sword. Die by the sword.
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

It was to be expected , not because he is innocent because barr is so far up tramp arse he is unsure what day it is.
He is innocent you vicious monster

Barr is doing the Potus bidding, he has his arse to far up tramp anal canal he hasn't seen daylight since he became the AG.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss. What makes you a monster is your willingness to condemn an innocent man out of your politicized hatred for the president.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss.
Absolutely wrong. What you describe is corruption. The AG works on behalf of the American people. Not the president.
No, we don't elect the AG. We elect the president. The president works on our behalf. The AG works at the pleasure of the president.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

It was to be expected , not because he is innocent because barr is so far up tramp arse he is unsure what day it is.
He is innocent you vicious monster

Barr is doing the Potus bidding, he has his arse to far up tramp anal canal he hasn't seen daylight since he became the AG.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss. What makes you a monster is your willingness to condemn an innocent man out of your politicized hatred for the president.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss.
Absolutely wrong. What you describe is corruption. The AG works on behalf of the American people. Not the president.
No, we don't elect the AG. We elect the president. The president works on our behalf. The AG works at the pleasure of the president.
No, we don't elect the AG. We elect the president. The president works on our behalf. The AG works at the pleasure of the president.
You Rooskies always get it wrong.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
It means exactly what it says. It means Flynn is a good liar.
They already knew the truth when they asked Flynn the question, dope.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
a lie is something you do when posting countless TDS influenced posts something like Schiff's witch hunt Sham.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
Except for his own admission that he lied made in federal court, dope.
A plea made under duress cannot be considered an admission of anything, shit for brains.

They said they would have to question him properly because the Obama admin wouldn't approve.
They were disgusting it between themselves.

Now people are interrogated for hours without a drink of water, that is under duress. He was a not under duress.
What are Some Examples of Duress?
Duress can come in many forms and can arise in many different situations. Some of these may include:

  • A person being held at gunpoint and forced to drive their car over the speed limit;
  • A person being held at knife point and forced to steal an item from a store or rob a person;
  • Threatening to strike someone if they do not perform some sort of illegal act;
  • Use of economic pressure or threats to accomplish something with the person; and
  • Various other forms of conduct.
Economic pressure can be an actual threat, like threatening to empty the defendant’s bank account and they have the power to do it.

Duress as a Defense
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
no physical signs of lying I believe can be things like this:
No stuttering, no eye blinking, no sweaty palms, no touching of your mouth, head, throat, or face, no fidgeting..... etc
You believed in the Schiff Sham
You believed in the Mueller Report,
You believed in the Steele Dossier
You believed in the illegal phone call
You believed in "we must believe the woman"
Last edited:
My children wouldn't commit federal felonies. They would never be in such a position.
In the Obama "Justice" Dept, whether one had actually, you know, committed the felonies was beside the point.
In the Obama "Justice" Dept, whether one had actually, you know, committed the felonies was beside the point.

If he didn't then there was no reason for Daddy to cover for him.
again it doesn't matter with a thug administration they had limitless funds, you have to pay a lawyer who do you believe will run out of money first?
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
It means exactly what it says. It means Flynn is a good liar.
They already knew the truth when they asked Flynn the question, dope.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
a lie is something you do when posting countless TDS influenced posts something like Schiff's witch hunt Sham.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
Except for his own admission that he lied made in federal court, dope.
A plea made under duress cannot be considered an admission of anything, shit for brains.

They said they would have to question him properly because the Obama admin wouldn't approve.
They were disgusting it between themselves.

Now people are interrogated for hours without a drink of water, that is under duress. He was a not under duress.
What are Some Examples of Duress?
Duress can come in many forms and can arise in many different situations. Some of these may include:

  • A person being held at gunpoint and forced to drive their car over the speed limit;
  • A person being held at knife point and forced to steal an item from a store or rob a person;
  • Threatening to strike someone if they do not perform some sort of illegal act;
  • Use of economic pressure or threats to accomplish something with the person; and
  • Various other forms of conduct.
Economic pressure can be an actual threat, like threatening to empty the defendant’s bank account and they have the power to do it.

Duress as a Defense

Based upon that, didn't they force Flynn to use his savings sell his home and the cherry on the top telling Flynn if he did not plead guilty they would Prosecute, yes, prosecute his son on spurious charges.
Now that's duress, coercion, intimidation, blackmail, etc...
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....
when you have a thug in chief you get a thug FBI
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
It means exactly what it says. It means Flynn is a good liar.
They already knew the truth when they asked Flynn the question, dope.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
a lie is something you do when posting countless TDS influenced posts something like Schiff's witch hunt Sham.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
Except for his own admission that he lied made in federal court, dope.
A plea made under duress cannot be considered an admission of anything, shit for brains.

They said they would have to question him properly because the Obama admin wouldn't approve.
They were disgusting it between themselves.

Now people are interrogated for hours without a drink of water, that is under duress. He was a not under duress.
What are Some Examples of Duress?
Duress can come in many forms and can arise in many different situations. Some of these may include:

  • A person being held at gunpoint and forced to drive their car over the speed limit;
  • A person being held at knife point and forced to steal an item from a store or rob a person;
  • Threatening to strike someone if they do not perform some sort of illegal act;
  • Use of economic pressure or threats to accomplish something with the person; and
  • Various other forms of conduct.
Economic pressure can be an actual threat, like threatening to empty the defendant’s bank account and they have the power to do it.

Duress as a Defense

Based upon that, didn't they force Flynn to use his savings sell his home and the cherry on the top telling Flynn if he did not plead guilty they would Prosecute, yes, prosecute his son on spurious charges.
Now that's duress, coercion, intimidation, blackmail, etc...
Many acts can be viewed as duress it doesn't have to be actual physical threats.
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
He withdrew his guilty plea, so they were back to square one.
He's already convicted, dope. He was awaiting sentencing.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

Gawd your a dope.
He was convicted and awaiting sentencing, dope. He plead guilty. The judge will need to vacate the conviction. If he is so inclined.
He withdrew his plea, moron. What part of that don't you understand? There is no conviction to vacate.
Once he plead guilty and the judge signed off, he was convicted, dope. The only reason he's not behind bars is his cooperation agreement that is holding up his sentencing.

Do you imagine any convict can simply say the wish to change their plea and get out of their conviction?
Hmmmm, no. he withdrew his plea, jackass. How many times do you have to be told?
One must be convicted before they can be sentenced.
A convict can not simply withdraw their plea and go free, dope.
They can when exculpatory evedince is found. Moron.
Let us know when that happens.
It happened last week. You ignoring it didn’t make it go away.

You saying it is in no way makes it so.
The documents provided recently say you’re full of shit.
He plead guilty and is convicted. Those documents don't change that.
He plead guilty to protect his son.
Why is that important?
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
That means he took a fall for his son. who has a new born son . Guess you don't have children
I do. They just don't commit federal felonies that I have to cover for.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.
He didn’t commit a felony. They admitted it in the original 302 which went missing until Durham finally got hold of it.

Says who?


Neither of those links say anything about Flynn's son, dope.
View attachment 333976
None of that changes the fact that Flynn lied, was fired from the admin for doing so, was charged and pleaded guilty. Twice.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
the FBI interviewers said Flynn did not lie.
They did not say that at all, dope.
They said he showed no physical signs of being untruthful.
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
And what exactly does "no physical signs of being untruthful." mean derp head?
It means exactly what it says. It means Flynn is a good liar.
They already knew the truth when they asked Flynn the question, dope.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
a lie is something you do when posting countless TDS influenced posts something like Schiff's witch hunt Sham.
if there is no signs of lying that means a lie cannot be proven derp boy
Except for his own admission that he lied made in federal court, dope.
He was coerced into saying he lied. He admitted to under duress

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

It was to be expected , not because he is innocent because barr is so far up tramp arse he is unsure what day it is.
He is innocent you vicious monster

Barr is doing the Potus bidding, he has his arse to far up tramp anal canal he hasn't seen daylight since he became the AG.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss. What makes you a monster is your willingness to condemn an innocent man out of your politicized hatred for the president.
Barr is following the Law and exposing the Corrupt Obama administration. That must really piss off you dim wits..
Flynn admitted he was guilty twice, in 2017 and 2018, so was he lying??
He withdrew his plea

So was he lying when he withdrew his plea? or when he pleaded guilty twice?

and so was Pence lying to the American people?
If you have children and the FBI threaten them with countless investigations unless you admitted to something they wanted you would do it to save them.
My children wouldn't commit federal felonies. They would never be in such a position.
FYI Flynn didn't do anything but he went under investigation. That's what happens when you have a Thug in the white house you send the thugs after anyone. And no one said Flynn's son did anything the thugs at the FBI had endless money and had nothing but time to waste.
FYI Flynn didn't do anything but he went under investigation.
Yep. That's exactly what he himself pleaded to in federal court. :cuckoo:
What are Some Examples of Duress?
Duress can come in many forms and can arise in many different situations. Some of these may include:

  • A person being held at gunpoint and forced to drive their car over the speed limit;
  • A person being held at knife point and forced to steal an item from a store or rob a person;
  • Threatening to strike someone if they do not perform some sort of illegal act;
  • Use of economic pressure or threats to accomplish something with the person; and
  • Various other forms of conduct.
Economic pressure can be an actual threat, like threatening to empty the defendant’s bank account and they have the power to do it.

Flynn is going to walk and Sullivan isn't going to put him away.
You hope. Because, cultism, and for literally no other reason.
You'll have no problem when investigating Hunter Biden if Joe doesn't admit he lied?
You'll have no problems with any president using the DOJ against the political opposition.
Thanks for your support.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

It was to be expected , not because he is innocent because barr is so far up tramp arse he is unsure what day it is.
He is innocent you vicious monster

Barr is doing the Potus bidding, he has his arse to far up tramp anal canal he hasn't seen daylight since he became the AG.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss. What makes you a monster is your willingness to condemn an innocent man out of your politicized hatred for the president.
He's supposed to do his bidding, pea brain. Trump is his boss.
Absolutely wrong. What you describe is corruption. The AG works on behalf of the American people. Not the president.
No, we don't elect the AG. We elect the president. The president works on our behalf. The AG works at the pleasure of the president.
No, we don't elect the AG. We elect the president. The president works on our behalf. The AG works at the pleasure of the president.
You Rooskies always get it wrong.
What is he wrong about, commie?
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....
Leftists believe in "Never having to say you're sorry" since Eric Segal wrote "Love Story," and Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal were an item. Where do I begin.....? :eek:
I bet Trump puts Flynn back in at NSA...that would turn Obama white....
so Trump fired him because Flynn got caught, lying to the vice president ABOUT his talks with the Russian operative about the Obama sanctions for election interference, Ambassador Kislyak, then Pence passed that lie on to we the people on the Sunday talk shows....

But now, that's all A-OK.... lying to the vice president is now hunky dorey and Flynn being a liar does not matter and he's gonna be put in charge of our National Security?

Really? That seems just plain wrong, and scummy, and crooked.....
Nope...Trump fired him because Pence told him that Flynn lied to him....but the FBI told Pence that Flynn lied and that was a lie.....get it?....look at the clowns your support? should be ashamed of yourself....

Flynn did Lie to Pence. Flynn did speak with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the sanction just put on them by Obama for the Russian election interference. We have Kislyak on tape reporting back to the Kremlin, that he spoke to Flynn about the sanctions.

Stop lying, it's unbecoming.

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