BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Presumptive Nominee

Hillary Clinton has secured the 2,383 delegates required to win the Democratic presidential nomination, becoming the first woman ever to become a major party's standard-bearer.

According to the Associated Press, Clinton has now garnered enough support from pledged delegates and superdelegates — party elites who can pick any candidate of their choosing — to defeat challenger Bernie Sanders.

Clinton's triumph comes one day before primary contests in New Jersey, where she leads Sanders by double digits, and California, where polls show a tight raceand Sanders hoped to upset the former secretary of state.

But Clinton's multiethnic coalition of voters powered her to victory in crucial nominating contests leading up to the race's denouement. Those wins allowed her to build a delegate lead that all but assured Clinton of the nomination regardless of the outcome in the Golden State. Victories in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands over the weekend further bolstered Clinton's advantage...hillary and america win

RELATED: See some of Clinton's supporters on the campaign trail
I.E the Triumph of the Identity Politics Plantation System.
Clinton shouldn't have had the problems fending of Sanders ,that she has had .The election is open for ether Trump or Clinton to win.This is just getting started .
Her support of the black "hate cops" crowd is going to cost her dearly with law and order voters, and if she is elected, cops and D.A.'s won't want to work with her and her administration, and the FBI will hate her too.
Actually, the FBI is already investigating her, and if she is not indicted, there will be an FBI mutiny.
It's impossible for a career criminal like Hillary to be an effective leader of the law enforcement community. My guess is that most prosecutors, cops, and FBI agents want to see her in prison, not in the White House.

Hate to piss in your cornflakes Lakhota but she doesn't have it. AP is trying to suppress the Bernie vote with this bullshit.

Check it out: Too bad. So sad. Go Bernie!

'Secretary Clinton does not have and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination,' he continued.

'She will be dependent on superdelegates who do not vote until July 25 and who can change their minds between now and then,' he added.

Briggs also pointed out, like his boss Sanders has consistently, that 400 of those superdelegates had pledged their support to Clinton before the Vermont senator even jumped in.

'Our job from now until the convention is to convince those superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump,' Briggs said.

Clinton sent out a tweet that said she was 'flattered about the call,' but also noted that there were still votes in the Democratic primary to be cast.

'We're flattered @AP, but we've got primaries to win,' Clinton wrote. 'CA, MT, ND, NJ, SD vote tomorrow!'

BREAKING NEWS: AP declares Clinton the Democratic nominee
Hillary threw cops under the bus in a January 2016 debate:

Hillary Throws Cops Under the Bus in Debate

"Well, sadly it’s reality, and it has been heartbreaking and incredibly outraging to see the constant stories of young men like Walter Scott, as you said, who have been killed by police officers," said Clinton. "There needs to be a concerted effort to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. And that requires a very clear agenda for retraining police officers, looking at ways to end racial profiling, finding more ways to really bring the disparities that stalk our country into high relief."

Cops have a LONG MEMORY and they WILL NOT FORGIVE Hillary for calling them racists and killers.
I hope Hillary sweeps the elections tomorrow and puts an end to Bernie's senile whining nonsense.
Adolf Trump is handing the White House to Hillary on a silver platter.

Breaking News on MSNBC. She needed 2383 delegates. She now has 2384. Go Hillary!
Fix your title. The news is not that she is the "presumptive" nominee. The news is that she is the nominee, period.

Please correct me if wrong - but my understanding is she won't be officially declared the nominee until the Convention. Same with Trump.
If Bernie wins big tomorrow, Superdelegates may see Hillary as vulnerable and switch.
I don't think this is necessarily good news for Clinton, it's really bad timing the evening before an election, many will stay home and just presume she has it in the bag. For those that think the AP is in the bag for Clinton don't understand news outlets racing to get content out before their competitors do.
Bernie's supporters aren't going to fall for this. They will come out in big numbers tomorrow and vote for their man.
Her support of the black "hate cops" crowd is going to cost her dearly with law and order voters, and if she is elected, cops and D.A.'s won't want to work with her and her administration, and the FBI will hate her too.
you think you're saying something new? that's always been the republican creedo
People need to watch forward to the 55 minute mark especially....

The DemWit anarchists started war in SJ. I want you to keep posting that Minn ID of that black thug chasing down american. Terrorist act by the Somali? Bastard. Is he locked up yet? SJ mexican loving mayor must have his eyebon WH too? Burn flags, wave mexican, terrorize trapped woman. Filthy leftist scum.

Who payed the black prick travel? 5'8" 145lbs? Little man need ass busted.

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