BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Presumptive Nominee

Just shows Bernie never stood a chance, his party had the delegates rigged before the voting even started.
Congrats Hillary. Now beat the loserterians! Lets rebuild our infrastructure, fund science, create the best r&d on earth and lead the world. Hillary for president.
Only if she gets a cut.

If Hillary is a third Obama Term, and Obama hasnt done this stuff as he promised over 8 years now, why do you think Hillary will do it?

Because she cares?


Get used to it quick or be the bitter dumbass.
Breaking News on MSNBC. She needed 2383 delegates. She now has 2384. Go Hillary!
Fix your title. The news is not that she is the "presumptive" nominee. The news is that she is the nominee, period.
No, she is not the nominee yet, but is only the presumptive nominee.

She wont be the nominee until the vote is held and she wins it.

She might have to accept from a jail cell, ya know.
And all the districts in Ohio aren't in yet for Romney.:laugh:
Breaking News on MSNBC. She needed 2383 delegates. She now has 2384. Go Hillary!
Fix your title. The news is not that she is the "presumptive" nominee. The news is that she is the nominee, period.
i heard on the news, the Presumptive nominee, NOT nominee?? Even with Trump, he is the presumptive nominee, NOT the nominee...

the nominee happens at the conventions, for both....

Hate to piss in your cornflakes Lakhota but she doesn't have it. AP is trying to suppress the Bernie vote with this bullshit.

Check it out: Too bad. So sad. Go Bernie!

'Secretary Clinton does not have and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination,' he continued.

'She will be dependent on superdelegates who do not vote until July 25 and who can change their minds between now and then,' he added.

Briggs also pointed out, like his boss Sanders has consistently, that 400 of those superdelegates had pledged their support to Clinton before the Vermont senator even jumped in.

'Our job from now until the convention is to convince those superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump,' Briggs said.

Clinton sent out a tweet that said she was 'flattered about the call,' but also noted that there were still votes in the Democratic primary to be cast.

'We're flattered @AP, but we've got primaries to win,' Clinton wrote. 'CA, MT, ND, NJ, SD vote tomorrow!'

BREAKING NEWS: AP declares Clinton the Democratic nominee

She needed 19 going into tomorrow. Cali alone is 500 + delegates. What is your margin of error?
The Hildebeasty's V.P. has already been CORONATED!

The Hildebeasty's V.P. has already been CORONATED!

And your ass is certainly burning.[/QUOTE

You are one of the many idiots here that don't have the slightest clue.....simply a moron that waves his little "team demcrat" rainbow colored flag while what is left of this country swirls the drain......very sad to witness but it was inevitable. Once the BRICS alliance tells the dollar to go pound sand? People are going to have a very tough "wake up" call. I am actually looking forward to the crash of the dollar as I have prepared me and mine....the rest of you are shit out of luck.
Who should Hillary pick as her VP? Al Gore would be my first choice - but that will never happen. Plus, he would not accept. Al really got fucked in 2000. Then, Bush fucked the world.
Who should Hillary pick as her VP? Al Gore would be my first choice - but that will never happen. Plus, he would not accept. Al really got fucked in 2000. Then, Bush fucked the world.

Too early for speculation but if I had to guess, they'll be UUUGE!

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