Breaking News: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Just Convicted On 20 Out Of 21 Counts

On felony bribery and fraud to become the first mayor of New Orleans to ever be convicted of a crime. He faces well over 20 years in prison and showed no emotion in court when the verdict was read. | New Orleans News, Weather, Radars, Hurricane, NOLA
It makes little difference to me whether nagin is a Democrat or republican, IF he did the crime he deserves to be convicted and sentenced to prison. The same applies to former Democratic governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich. Now, will we hear the same thing from the right if Christie is found guilty of the bridge debacle and the withholding of Sandy emergency funds? And before you give your answer think about ex-governor Sanford. His punishment for deserting the people of South Carolina was to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
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The more time that passes by, the far better Bush looks.

The Democrat Party/Obama/Clintons/Pelosi/Reid/Media/Unions and general liberal nincopoopery of lies and corruption will haunt them for some time to come..

Ironic post here, since Nagin publicly endorsed Bush, his fellow Republican. Not that Bush has anything to do with this thread... :confused:

Oh, had I noticed you were the "liberal, (head in a butt) post ethics monitor" I would have posted anyway...

I'm just noting the irony. Ray Nagin has nothing to do with all those people. Ray Nagin's not from the worker party; he's corporate management. Came to the mayor's office from Cocks Cable (they spell it Cox). Came from the Republican Party and the Bush crowd. You could look it up.

I know too much about this to let this mythology go unanswered. So sue me.
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On felony bribery and fraud to become the first mayor of New Orleans to ever be convicted of a crime. He faces well over 20 years in prison and showed no emotion in court when the verdict was read. | New Orleans News, Weather, Radars, Hurricane, NOLA
It makes little difference to me whether nagin is a Democrat or republican, IF he did the crime he deserves to be convicted and sentenced to prison. The same applies to former Democratic governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich. Now, will we hear the same thing from the right if Christie is found guilty of the bridge debacle and the withholding of Sandy emergency funds? And before you give your answer think about ex-governor Sanford. His reward for deserting the people of South Carolina was to be elected to the Senate.

House of Reps, but yes your point stands. Ignorant wackos trying to put up political points in some fantasy political football game scoreboard are ... well, ignorant wackos.
I updated the op:

He was charged with accepting bribes, free trips and other gratuities from contractors in exchange for helping them secure millions of dollars in city work.

Nagin charges count-by-count

Count 1- Conspiracy to commit fraud and bribery: Guilty
Count 2- Bribery… accepted $60K from Rodney Williams: Guilty
Count 3- Bribery… accepted $2,250 from Rodney Williams: Guilty
Count 4- Bribery… granite from Frank Fradella in June 2008: Guilty
Count 5- Bribery… $50K from Michael McGrath & Frank Fradella : Guilty
Count 6- Bribery… granite from Frank Fradella in Aug. 2008: Guilty
Count 7- Bribery… $10K from Rodney Williams: Not Guilty
Count 8- Wire Fraud… 7/10 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 9- Wire Fraud… 8/10 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 10-Wire Fraud… 9/10 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 11-Wire Fraud… 10/10 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 12-Wire Fraud… 11/10 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 13-Wire Fraud… 12/10 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 14-Wire Fraud… 1/11 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 15-Wire Fraud… 2/11 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 16-Wire Fraud… 3/11 wire payment from Frank Fradella: Guilty
Count 17- Money Laundering Conspiracy: Guilty
Count 18- False Tax Return 2005: Guilty
Count 19- False Tax Return 2006: Guilty
Count 20- False Tax Return 2007: Guilty
Count 21- False Tax Return 2008: Guilty
Hero of Katrina...libtard icon.

Hero? Really? :eusa_eh:

What I find the most surprising is that he is the "first"? From what I hear of Louisiana politics, it's more likely to be surprised to have the "first" not convicted.
Maybe Katrina wasn't all the BOOOOOSH's fault after all? Time for Spike Lee to make a Katrina sequel. But this time he should tell the truth. How bout it Spike?

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was convicted Wednesday on charges that he accepted bribes, free trips and other gratuities from contractors in exchange for helping them secure millions of dollars in city work while he was in office, including right after Hurricane Katrina.

The federal jury found Nagin guilty of 20 of 21 counts against him. He sat quietly at the defense table after the verdict was read and his wife, Seletha, was being consoled in the front row.

Before the verdict, the 57-year-old Ray Nagin said outside the New Orleans courtroom: "I've been at peace with this for a long time. I'm good."

The Democrat, who left office in 2010 after eight years, was indicted in January 2013 on charges he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes and truckloads of free granite for his family business in exchange for promoting the interests of local businessman Frank Fradella.

He also was charged with accepting thousands of dollars in in payoffs from another businessman, Rodney Williams, for his help in securing city contracts.

Nagin is best remembered for his impassioned pleas for help after levees broke during Hurricane Katrina, flooding much of New Orleans and plunging the city into chaos.

Nagin testified that key witnesses lied and prosecutors misinterpreted evidence including emails, checks and pages from his appointment calendar linking him to businessmen who said they bribed him.

The defense repeatedly said prosecutors overstated Nagin's authority to approve contracts. His lawyer said there is no proof money and material given to the granite business owned by Nagin and his sons was tied to city business...

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Honestly, anyone here really surprised by this?

Probably not. Spike Lee should do another movie about Katrina. But this time he should be honest and get it right. It was his beloved corrupt Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco who really screwed the pooch on Katrina. But it was much more convenient for him to blame the BOOOOOSH instead. After all, he had an (R) by his name, right? Shame on him.
I'm just noting the irony. Ray Nagin has nothing to do with all those people. Ray Nagin's not from the worker party; he's corporate management. Came to the mayor's office from Cocks Cable (they spell it Cox). Came from the Republican Party and the Bush crowd. You could look it up.

I know too much about this to let this mythology go unanswered. So sue me.

Your myth is just stupid ...

It wasn't Conservatives or Republicans that elected him and put the crook in office.
Why the heck do you think he ran as a Democrat ... In a Liberal city full of the same folks in the worker's party who helped elect the convict Governor Edwards over and over again?
As far as endorsing Governor Jindal ... Mayor Nagin had already been screwed by Governor Blanco ... And practically no one voted for Tara Hollis (18%) in 2011.

You stubbed your toe on that one ... Try to make a relevant point next time ...

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Not as bad as being accused of causing a traffic jam though.

You would figure that the man of the chocolate city that didn't send buses to evacuate the citizens would be higher on the list, but he gets a pass because he has (D) next to his name.
This has to be one of the biggest, hugest and greatest display of outright racism that I have seen in quite some time.
Not as bad as being accused of causing a traffic jam though.

You would figure that the man of the chocolate city that didn't send buses to evacuate the citizens would be higher on the list, but he gets a pass because he has (D) next to his name.

Spot On. Yes, Spike Lee should make another movie. But this time he should tell the truth. Corrupt Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco were at the root of New Orleans' failures to respond appropriately. But for the corrupt Communist Press, it was much more convenient to blame the sitting Republican President. Shame on them all.
I'm just noting the irony. Ray Nagin has nothing to do with all those people. Ray Nagin's not from the worker party; he's corporate management. Came to the mayor's office from Cocks Cable (they spell it Cox). Came from the Republican Party and the Bush crowd. You could look it up.

I know too much about this to let this mythology go unanswered. So sue me.

Your myth is just stupid ...

It wasn't Conservatives or Republicans that elected him and put the crook in office.
Why the heck do you think he ran as a Democrat ... In a Liberal city full of the same folks in the worker's party who helped elect the convict Governor Edwards over and over again?
As far as endorsing Governor Jindal ... Mayor Nagin had already been screwed by Governor Blanco ... And practically no one voted for Tara Hollis (18%) in 2011.

You stubbed your toe on that one ... Try to make a relevant point next time ...

No, not myth; fact.

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. Nagin was, at that time, a known Bush supporter, having contributed to the president&#8217;s campaign. Nagin entered the New Orleans mayoral race a political unknown but emerged through the middle of a crowded field of known Democrats, securing vital cross-party and in-party endorsements for his populist pledges to tackle city hall corruption and run the administration in a more business-like manner. << (

He switched to the DP to get elected, knowing no Republican has been elected to that office since the 19th century. He took a lot of shit in the local press for doing that when he first ran too.

Now -- whether he's married to this party, that party, or no party, has nothing to do with his being a corrupt opportunistic asshole. But since Deltex and Lumpy brought the myth in, I shot it down. And if you want to try to give it wings all over again, I'll shoot it down all over again.

Don't try to bullshit me -- I lived there through the whole thing. I know better. :eusa_hand:

In any case post 24 got it right. Trying to put points up on a political football gotcha scoreboard is a game for losers with no argument.
That however is not the apparent motive of the OP: Steve just put this story up because Nagin's black.
--- which is what makes post 14 so ironically hilarious.
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I'm just noting the irony. Ray Nagin has nothing to do with all those people. Ray Nagin's not from the worker party; he's corporate management. Came to the mayor's office from Cocks Cable (they spell it Cox). Came from the Republican Party and the Bush crowd. You could look it up.

I know too much about this to let this mythology go unanswered. So sue me.

Your myth is just stupid ...

It wasn't Conservatives or Republicans that elected him and put the crook in office.
Why the heck do you think he ran as a Democrat ... In a Liberal city full of the same folks in the worker's party who helped elect the convict Governor Edwards over and over again?
As far as endorsing Governor Jindal ... Mayor Nagin had already been screwed by Governor Blanco ... And practically no one voted for Tara Hollis (18%) in 2011.

You stubbed your toe on that one ... Try to make a relevant point next time ...

No, not myth; fact.

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. Nagin was, at that time, a known Bush supporter, having contributed to the president&#8217;s campaign. Nagin entered the New Orleans mayoral race a political unknown but emerged through the middle of a crowded field of known Democrats, securing vital cross-party and in-party endorsements for his populist pledges to tackle city hall corruption and run the administration in a more business-like manner. << (

He switched to the DP to get elected, knowing no Republican has been elected to that office since the 19th century. He took a lot of shit in the local press for doing that when he first ran too.

Now -- whether he's married to this party, that party, or no party, has nothing to do with his being a corrupt opportunistic asshole. But since Deltex and Lumpy brought the myth in, I shot it down. And if you want to try to give it wings all over again, I'll shoot it down all over again.

Don't try to bullshit me -- I lived there through the whole thing. I know better.


It doesn't matter who Ray Nagin thought he was ... He is a crook and was elected into office by the Democrats ... Not the Republicans or Conservatives.
If you want to act like he wasn't elected by Democrats ... And was put into office by Conservatives or Republicans ... You don't have any ammo to shoot anything down.

You can keep shooting blanks if you want to.


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