Breaking News: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Just Convicted On 20 Out Of 21 Counts

Maybe someday all the racist Pieces of shit who post on these boards will be in cells right next to him.

As objectionable and despicable as racism may be, it is not a crime to hold racist views.
If it were, there would be 300 million people incarcerated.
Reason? As human beings we all judge by appearance and behavior. We more than tend to associate with others like ourselves. An extreme view would also consider this to be racist.
In the public arena, there are those today who have a hyper sensitivity to issues regarding race. For the most part these feelings are motivated by political concerns.
The Mayor of "Chocolate City", who rode out hurricane Katrina in a drunken Hurricane party in a Hotel room while the rescue buses sit idle and his constituents drowned is finally getting his com-uppins'.

B-b-b-bu-bu- but it was Bush's fault.

The school buses sitting in water were a muckraker journalism tactic to sell viewers. In fact the mayor didn't have the authority to commandeer them.
The man's still a sleazeball opportunist asshole, but there's no reason to run on myths.

Yes, he did. And suppose for moment he did not. he SHOULD have implored those in charge of the vehicles to utilize them. The respective city and State governments dropped the ball big time.
Look, nobody cares. Nagin is a criminal and he's going to spend time as an inmate.
If Nagin had been a Republican, all the Republicans here would be rallying around him and claiming he was the victim of a liberal plot. Just as they're doing with Christie.

Once more, the moral high ground goes to the Democrats, for not trying to shield their own scumbags.

Watch this ...
Oh? And you do have evidence that Gov Christie is guilty of whatever the democrats think they can dig up? Ok.
Anyway, there will be no thread derail permitted here. This is about Ray Nagin and his criminal conviction.
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I didn't say "probably". Everybody knew it. As I said he took shit for it from other Democrats when he went to run for office the first time.

So what anyway?

Triple DUH.

So what ... You made a bogus irrelevant point that Ray Nagin may have been a Republican before he ever gained office as a Democrat.
That is pretty much what I stated in the initial post you felt like, and still feel like arguing with Peanut.
Keep Arguing ... Keep Digging ... And Keep Duh'ing yourself.

A "bogus irrelevant point" huh?

I responded to this:
Hero of Katrina...libtard icon.

That's post number two. Not to mention Lumpy's fantasies around the same time.

Read much?

Quadruple DUH.

We've already established that party affiliation has nothing to do with personal character flaws.

At least some of us have.
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that 16 year old kid didnt wait to be givin permission to commandeer the bus he took....he saved a lot of people.....sometimes things happen and to save lives you may have to do something without getting permission...taking the initiative and commandeering those buses was one of those moments....its what leaders do....or are supposed to anyway... Nagin showed he aint much of a leader.....

Nagin was never much of a leader except for his own pocket, but I gotta love this-- an elected official who oversteps his authority is a "dictator" that must be "impeached", while an elected official who fails to overstep his authority is "not a leader'. Hard to please some people :lol:

In any case the original claim about the school buses is bullshit and called out as such.

As for the kid, he didn't "save" them; he just drove them out of town. The storm and the levee breaks and flooding had already happened by then.

Hey, I drove another person and a dog out... before the storm. The residence where they both live took eight feet of water. Her neighbors who chose to stay behind woke up that night to find themselves in bed, floating, and their brand new car outside submerged. They had to be rescued by helicopter.

There are always those in hurricane areas who refuse to leave and ride it out. Until Katrina I never evacuated either.

Nagin was never much of a leader except for his own pocket, but I gotta love this-- an elected official who oversteps his authority is a "dictator" that must be "impeached", while an elected official who fails to overstep his authority is "not a leader'. Hard to please some people :lol:

there is a difference in overstepping your authority if you are doing something unconstitutional while compared to overstepping your authority during a natural disaster and lives are at stake and there is no time to get permission.... im sure you are smart enough to know the difference Pogo....

"Oh but honey, that's different!" :rofl:
I'm just amused at the rotating bases of reasoning. Here's a guy who took a hands-off approach to gummint, and he can't get a break from the hands-off gummint crowd. You gotta admit, it's ironical. And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

As for the kid, he didn't "save" them; he just drove them out of town.

did he not save them?.....they sure as hell were not getting out of there waiting for the Govt to get them out....

Right but the imminent danger was long past by then, so "save" is a bit of a stretch.

I'm just here to call bullshit on fallacies, and the school buses is one of them.
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The Mayor of "Chocolate City", who rode out hurricane Katrina in a drunken Hurricane party in a Hotel room while the rescue buses sit idle and his constituents drowned is finally getting his com-uppins'.

B-b-b-bu-bu- but it was Bush's fault.

The school buses sitting in water were a muckraker journalism tactic to sell viewers. In fact the mayor didn't have the authority to commandeer them.
The man's still a sleazeball opportunist asshole, but there's no reason to run on myths.

If they were City school buses, why wouldn't the Mayor have the authority to commandeer them? He declared a state of emergency two days before Katrina made landfall and that automaticly gave him a lot more power to order evacuation plans.
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Nagin was never much of a leader except for his own pocket, but I gotta love this-- an elected official who oversteps his authority is a "dictator" that must be "impeached", while an elected official who fails to overstep his authority is "not a leader'. Hard to please some people :lol:

In any case the original claim about the school buses is bullshit and called out as such.

As for the kid, he didn't "save" them; he just drove them out of town. The storm and the levee breaks and flooding had already happened by then.

Hey, I drove another person and a dog out... before the storm. The residence where they both live took eight feet of water. Her neighbors who chose to stay behind woke up that night to find themselves in bed, floating, and their brand new car outside submerged. They had to be rescued by helicopter.

There are always those in hurricane areas who refuse to leave and ride it out. Until Katrina I never evacuated either.

Nagin was never much of a leader except for his own pocket, but I gotta love this-- an elected official who oversteps his authority is a "dictator" that must be "impeached", while an elected official who fails to overstep his authority is "not a leader'. Hard to please some people :lol:

there is a difference in overstepping your authority if you are doing something unconstitutional while compared to overstepping your authority during a natural disaster and lives are at stake and there is no time to get permission.... im sure you are smart enough to know the difference Pogo....

"Oh but honey, that's different!" :rofl:
I'm just amused at the rotating bases of reasoning. Here's a guy who took a hands-off approach to gummint, and he can't get a break from the hands-off gummint crowd. You gotta admit, it's ironical. And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

As for the kid, he didn't "save" them; he just drove them out of town.

did he not save them?.....they sure as hell were not getting out of there waiting for the Govt to get them out....

Right but the imminent danger was long past by then, so "save" is a bit of a stretch.

I'm just here to call bullshit on fallacies, and the school buses is one of them.

And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

how about the storm of the Century coming in?....would that work?.....just askin.....
Not really surprised by the verdict despite what many people love to think there is corruption in both parties.
The Mayor of "Chocolate City", who rode out hurricane Katrina in a drunken Hurricane party in a Hotel room while the rescue buses sit idle and his constituents drowned is finally getting his com-uppins'.

B-b-b-bu-bu- but it was Bush's fault.

The school buses sitting in water were a muckraker journalism tactic to sell viewers. In fact the mayor didn't have the authority to commandeer them.
The man's still a sleazeball opportunist asshole, but there's no reason to run on myths.

If they were City school buses, why wouldn't the Mayor have the authority to commandeer them? He declared a state of emergency two days before Katrina made landfall and that automaticly gave him a lot more power to order evacuation plans.

IIRC I believe the buses pictured in the sensationalist press were in Metairie. That's the next town over, outside the city limits.

Again, keep in mind the purpose of filming those buses was as emotional hooks to draw viewers to whatever "news' source shot them. Not to tell an accurate story.
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Nagin was never much of a leader except for his own pocket, but I gotta love this-- an elected official who oversteps his authority is a "dictator" that must be "impeached", while an elected official who fails to overstep his authority is "not a leader'. Hard to please some people :lol:

there is a difference in overstepping your authority if you are doing something unconstitutional while compared to overstepping your authority during a natural disaster and lives are at stake and there is no time to get permission.... im sure you are smart enough to know the difference Pogo....

"Oh but honey, that's different!" :rofl:
I'm just amused at the rotating bases of reasoning. Here's a guy who took a hands-off approach to gummint, and he can't get a break from the hands-off gummint crowd. You gotta admit, it's ironical. And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

As for the kid, he didn't "save" them; he just drove them out of town.

did he not save them?.....they sure as hell were not getting out of there waiting for the Govt to get them out....

Right but the imminent danger was long past by then, so "save" is a bit of a stretch.

I'm just here to call bullshit on fallacies, and the school buses is one of them.

And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

how about the storm of the Century coming in?....would that work?.....just askin.....

How 'bout "North Vietnamese ships have fired on our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin"? Would that work? How 'bout "Iraq has been trying to buy yellowcake"?

I'm just saying, either it's OK for an official to overstep his authority, or it isn't. Can't have it both ways.
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Not really surprised by the verdict despite what many people love to think there is corruption in both parties.

Can't argue with that. But blaming Bush solely for the Katrina disaster was unjust. The two incompetent corrupt Democrats were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate response. But the MSM gave Democrats Nagin and Blanco a free pass, while shifting all the blame onto a sitting Republican President. It was shameful and unforgivable. But looks like Nagin got his in the end. It's Karmic Justice i guess.
I know Bush is a good Christian, but ya still have to think he is off somewhere cracking a little smile. Nagin got his. Good riddance.

I wouldn't bet on that since Nagin, a Republican before switching to (D) to run for office -- was a big Bush supporter.
Not really surprised by the verdict despite what many people love to think there is corruption in both parties.

Can't argue with that. But blaming Bush solely for the Katrina disaster was unjust. The two incompetent corrupt Democrats were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate response. But the MSM gave Democrats Nagin and Blanco a free pass, while shifting all the blame onto a sitting Republican President. It was shameful and unforgivable. But looks like Nagin got his in the end. It's Karmic Justice i guess.

True but the people of Louisiana knew the truth as they voted both of them out of office.
Not really surprised by the verdict despite what many people love to think there is corruption in both parties.

Can't argue with that. But blaming Bush solely for the Katrina disaster was unjust. The two incompetent corrupt Democrats were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate response. But the MSM gave Democrats Nagin and Blanco a free pass, while shifting all the blame onto a sitting Republican President. It was shameful and unforgivable. But looks like Nagin got his in the end. It's Karmic Justice i guess.

These corruption convictions, while deserved and good riddance, have nothing to do with Katirna response. Hack.
I know Bush is a good Christian, but ya still have to think he is off somewhere cracking a little smile. Nagin got his. Good riddance.

I wouldn't bet on that since Nagin, a Republican before switching to (D) to run for office -- was a big Bush supporter.

That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.
I know Bush is a good Christian, but ya still have to think he is off somewhere cracking a little smile. Nagin got his. Good riddance.

I wouldn't bet on that since Nagin, a Republican before switching to (D) to run for office -- was a big Bush supporter.

That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.

Spike Lee is from Brooklyn. What the fuck does he know? Ray Nagin was, and is, an opportunist rather than a Republican or Democrat. When he decided to run for that office, he did so as a Democrat despite being a Republican (and took shit for it in the local press), but continued to endorse Bush and Bobby Jindal. So your hack attempt to hang a (D) on the idea of corruption has backfired. Again.

Do tell, since you're as ignorant on this as on soooo many other topics... how did Blanco "skate" as a "culprit"?

This oughta be good...

Oh by the way your thread is redundant. Steve McRacist already beat you to it.
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