Breaking News: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Just Convicted On 20 Out Of 21 Counts

Time for a Spike Lee Katrina sequel. Only this time, he should tell the truth. Corrupt incompetent Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate Katrina response. Ole George Bush should be smiling today. But i know he's not. He's a good Christian. He forgives & forgets. But Nagin did finally get his. Karmic Justice i guess. It's just too bad Blanco was allowed to skate.
Time for a Spike Lee Katrina sequel. Only this time, he should tell the truth. Corrupt incompetent Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco were actually the biggest culprits in the inadequate Katrina response. Ole George Bush should be smiling today. But i know he's not. He's a good Christian. He forgives & forgets. But Nagin did finally get his. Karmic Justice i guess. It's just too bad Blanco was allowed to skate.

How come when I asked for an explanation for this "skate" --- and told you about the existence of this thread --- you bailed out and took shelter over here?

Still waiting...
I wouldn't bet on that since Nagin, a Republican before switching to (D) to run for office -- was a big Bush supporter.

That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.

Spike Lee is from Brooklyn. What the fuck does he know? Ray Nagin was, and is, an opportunist rather than a Republican or Democrat. When he decided to run for that office, he did so as a Democrat despite being a Republican (and took shit for it in the local press), but continued to endorse Bush and Bobby Jindal. So your hack attempt to hang a (D) on the idea of corruption has backfired. Again.

Do tell, since you're as ignorant on this as on soooo many other topics... how did Blanco "skate" as a "culprit"?

This oughta be good...

Oh by the way your thread is redundant. Steve McRacist already beat you to it.

Sorry, but Nagin was your's. Nice try at labeling him a Republican though. Him and Blanco were allowed to skate, while Bush got all the blame. And that was shameful and unjust. But now Nagin is getting his. It's the way it should be. So Spike Lee can piss off now. :)
That's not what Spike Lee says. According to him, Nagin was a loyal and heroic Democratic Saint. It was all that mean ole George Bush's fault. Nagin finally got his though. It's just too bad Blanco skated. She was even more a culprit.

Spike Lee is from Brooklyn. What the fuck does he know? Ray Nagin was, and is, an opportunist rather than a Republican or Democrat. When he decided to run for that office, he did so as a Democrat despite being a Republican (and took shit for it in the local press), but continued to endorse Bush and Bobby Jindal. So your hack attempt to hang a (D) on the idea of corruption has backfired. Again.

Do tell, since you're as ignorant on this as on soooo many other topics... how did Blanco "skate" as a "culprit"?

This oughta be good...

Oh by the way your thread is redundant. Steve McRacist already beat you to it.

Sorry, but Nagin was your's. Nice try at labeling him a Republican though. Him and Blanco were allowed to skate, while Bush got all the blame. And that was shameful and unjust. But now Nagin is getting his. It's the way it should be. So Spike Lee can piss off now. :)

I will now ask for the THIRD time... what do you mean by "skate"? Skate on what?

And what the fuck does your's mean? That's not even a word in English.

As for "try" -- hey I was actually a resident there, not some hack behind a keyboard making up stories after the fact about events hundreds of miles away that I never saw. No, I was there, I've met the man a couple of times, I was living there during that campaign, and I remember it. So do others:

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. Nagin was, at that time, a known Bush supporter, having contributed to the president&#8217;s campaign. Nagin entered the New Orleans mayoral race a political unknown but emerged through the middle of a crowded field of known Democrats, securing vital cross-party and in-party endorsements for his populist pledges to tackle city hall corruption and run the administration in a more business-like manner. << (here)

But I already told you this. He ran as a Democrat because that's the only way you get elected mayor in New Orleans. Been that way since the 19th century. And that's what I mean by "opportunist".

Now spill what you have on Blanco, or admit just like the last time that you have nothing.
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Spike Lee is from Brooklyn. What the fuck does he know? Ray Nagin was, and is, an opportunist rather than a Republican or Democrat. When he decided to run for that office, he did so as a Democrat despite being a Republican (and took shit for it in the local press), but continued to endorse Bush and Bobby Jindal. So your hack attempt to hang a (D) on the idea of corruption has backfired. Again.

Do tell, since you're as ignorant on this as on soooo many other topics... how did Blanco "skate" as a "culprit"?

This oughta be good...

Oh by the way your thread is redundant. Steve McRacist already beat you to it.

Sorry, but Nagin was your's. Nice try at labeling him a Republican though. Him and Blanco were allowed to skate, while Bush got all the blame. And that was shameful and unjust. But now Nagin is getting his. It's the way it should be. So Spike Lee can piss off now. :)

I will now ask for the THIRD time... what do you mean by "skate"? Skate on what?

And what the fuck does your's mean? That's not even a word in English.

As for "try" -- hey I was actually a resident there, not some hack behind a keyboard making up stories after the fact about events hundreds of miles away that I never saw. No, I was there, I've met the man a couple of times, I was living there during that campaign, and I remember it. So do others:

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. Nagin was, at that time, a known Bush supporter, having contributed to the president’s campaign. Nagin entered the New Orleans mayoral race a political unknown but emerged through the middle of a crowded field of known Democrats, securing vital cross-party and in-party endorsements for his populist pledges to tackle city hall corruption and run the administration in a more business-like manner. << (here)

But I already told you this. He ran as a Democrat because that's the only way you get elected mayor in New Orleans. Been that way since the 19th century. And that's what I mean by "opportunist".

Now spill what you have on Blanco, or admit just like the last time that you have nothing.

Uh huh sure, Nagin's definitely not a Democrat. We hear ya. That's your dipshit story, and you're sticking with it. lol. Yeah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of those dipshits who blamed George Bush for everything. Another dimwitted Democrat, just like Nagin and Spike Lee. Maybe one day you and Spike Lee will have the pleasure of joining ole Nagin in the Pen. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)
I think that I have figured out what the problem is with some posters. Not having lived in Louisiana, they do not understand that being corrupt is part of the qualifications for being elected down there.
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"Oh but honey, that's different!" :rofl:
I'm just amused at the rotating bases of reasoning. Here's a guy who took a hands-off approach to gummint, and he can't get a break from the hands-off gummint crowd. You gotta admit, it's ironical. And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

Right but the imminent danger was long past by then, so "save" is a bit of a stretch.

I'm just here to call bullshit on fallacies, and the school buses is one of them.

And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

how about the storm of the Century coming in?....would that work?.....just askin.....

How 'bout "North Vietnamese ships have fired on our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin"? Would that work? How 'bout "Iraq has been trying to buy yellowcake"?

I'm just saying, either it's OK for an official to overstep his authority, or it isn't. Can't have it both ways.

geezus Pogo i expected this kinda shit from Dean not you.....everyone knew this storm was coming in Pogo....there is a slight difference than the examples you used.....made up shit that only a few seemed to know about.....compared to millions who had proof this thing was out there and coming....i believe Nagin would have been forgiven if he would have gave the order to commandeer those buses....
Just remember peeps, BOOOOSH brought down the levees. He hate the Black folks. Corrupt dumbass Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco had absolutely nothing to do with it. They Heroes.
Dat BOOOOSH brought down the levees! He hate the Black folks! Everybody know that. Corrupt incompetent Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco had absolutely nothing to do with it. They Heroes.
Sorry, but Nagin was your's. Nice try at labeling him a Republican though. Him and Blanco were allowed to skate, while Bush got all the blame. And that was shameful and unjust. But now Nagin is getting his. It's the way it should be. So Spike Lee can piss off now. :)

I will now ask for the THIRD time... what do you mean by "skate"? Skate on what?

And what the fuck does your's mean? That's not even a word in English.

As for "try" -- hey I was actually a resident there, not some hack behind a keyboard making up stories after the fact about events hundreds of miles away that I never saw. No, I was there, I've met the man a couple of times, I was living there during that campaign, and I remember it. So do others:

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. Nagin was, at that time, a known Bush supporter, having contributed to the president’s campaign. Nagin entered the New Orleans mayoral race a political unknown but emerged through the middle of a crowded field of known Democrats, securing vital cross-party and in-party endorsements for his populist pledges to tackle city hall corruption and run the administration in a more business-like manner. << (here)

But I already told you this. He ran as a Democrat because that's the only way you get elected mayor in New Orleans. Been that way since the 19th century. And that's what I mean by "opportunist".

Now spill what you have on Blanco, or admit just like the last time that you have nothing.

Uh huh sure, Nagin's definitely not a Democrat. We hear ya. That's your dipshit story, and you're sticking with it. lol. Yeah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of those dipshits who blamed George Bush for everything. Another dimwitted Democrat, just like Nagin and Spike Lee. Maybe one day you and Spike Lee will have the pleasure of joining ole Nagin in the Pen. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)

You're pretty sure about that huh? Based on what? The comic book wet dreams in your pathetically obtuse little mind? The same fabrication factory that came up with Kathleen Blanco "skating" and can't come up with anything to back it up after I've challenged you three times in two different threads to explain what the fuck you're babbling about? That comic book?

Here's what actually went down: I was contacted by a left wing blogger (I was also running a blog page at the time) when he found out I was a Katrinite. He wanted my story, looking for dirt on Bush. I wrote back and told him, "look, I can't help you -- the system worked for me. FEMA was there when it was supposed to be and I got the resources I needed to move on". That's what I said at the time and that's what I say now. Too bad for you.

But hey, why let reality get in the way of a good fable. Just make it up, like you did with this imaginary Blanco skating rink, and put it out on the internet because everybody knows everything dishonest hacks like you post on the internet is true. Then I come in and call you on your bullshit, and you ran away like the steaming puddle of lying asshole spineless coward you are.

Like you did here.
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Just remember peeps, BOOOOSH brought down the levees. He hate the Black folks. Corrupt dumbass Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco had absolutely nothing to do with it. They Heroes.

The Army Corps of Engineers is at fault for that. That's been established in court, long ago.

Fucking hack.
I will now ask for the THIRD time... what do you mean by "skate"? Skate on what?

And what the fuck does your's mean? That's not even a word in English.

As for "try" -- hey I was actually a resident there, not some hack behind a keyboard making up stories after the fact about events hundreds of miles away that I never saw. No, I was there, I've met the man a couple of times, I was living there during that campaign, and I remember it. So do others:

>> He did not achieve, or seek, any other public office prior to his election in 2002. More controversially, Nagin had actually been a registered Republican for most of his adult life, switching to the Democrats shortly before seeking office, for which his candidacy was branded as opportunistic in the solidly Democrat city. Nagin was, at that time, a known Bush supporter, having contributed to the president&#8217;s campaign. Nagin entered the New Orleans mayoral race a political unknown but emerged through the middle of a crowded field of known Democrats, securing vital cross-party and in-party endorsements for his populist pledges to tackle city hall corruption and run the administration in a more business-like manner. << (here)

But I already told you this. He ran as a Democrat because that's the only way you get elected mayor in New Orleans. Been that way since the 19th century. And that's what I mean by "opportunist".

Now spill what you have on Blanco, or admit just like the last time that you have nothing.

Uh huh sure, Nagin's definitely not a Democrat. We hear ya. That's your dipshit story, and you're sticking with it. lol. Yeah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of those dipshits who blamed George Bush for everything. Another dimwitted Democrat, just like Nagin and Spike Lee. Maybe one day you and Spike Lee will have the pleasure of joining ole Nagin in the Pen. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)

You're pretty sure about that huh? Based on what? The comic book wet dreams in your pathetically obtuse little mind? The same fabrication factory that came up with Kathleen Blanco "skating" and can't come up with anything to back it up after I've challenged you three times in two different threads to explain what the fuck you're babbling about? That comic book?

Here's what actually went down: I was contacted by a left wing blogger (I was also running a blog page at the time) when he found out I was a Katrinite. He wanted my story, looking for dirt on Bush. I wrote back and told him, "look, I can't help you -- the system worked for me. FEMA was there when it was supposed to be and I got the resources I needed to move on". That's what I said at the time and that's what I say now. Too bad for you.

But hey, why let reality get in the way of a good fable. Just make it up, like you did with this imaginary Blanco skating rink, and put it out on the internet because everybody knows everything dishonest hacks like you post on the internet is true. Then I come in and call you on your bullshit, and you ran away like the sorry puddle of lying coward you are.

Like you did here.

Good on you, if true. But the vast majority of your fellow Democrats did not conduct themselves that way. It was all the BOOOOOOSH's fault. Nagin and Blanco were allowed to skate. But it looks like things finally caught up with Nagin. Now he will be held accountable. Karmic Justice i guess.
Uh huh sure, Nagin's definitely not a Democrat. We hear ya. That's your dipshit story, and you're sticking with it. lol. Yeah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of those dipshits who blamed George Bush for everything. Another dimwitted Democrat, just like Nagin and Spike Lee. Maybe one day you and Spike Lee will have the pleasure of joining ole Nagin in the Pen. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)

You're pretty sure about that huh? Based on what? The comic book wet dreams in your pathetically obtuse little mind? The same fabrication factory that came up with Kathleen Blanco "skating" and can't come up with anything to back it up after I've challenged you three times in two different threads to explain what the fuck you're babbling about? That comic book?

Here's what actually went down: I was contacted by a left wing blogger (I was also running a blog page at the time) when he found out I was a Katrinite. He wanted my story, looking for dirt on Bush. I wrote back and told him, "look, I can't help you -- the system worked for me. FEMA was there when it was supposed to be and I got the resources I needed to move on". That's what I said at the time and that's what I say now. Too bad for you.

But hey, why let reality get in the way of a good fable. Just make it up, like you did with this imaginary Blanco skating rink, and put it out on the internet because everybody knows everything dishonest hacks like you post on the internet is true. Then I come in and call you on your bullshit, and you ran away like the sorry puddle of lying coward you are.

Like you did here.

Good on you, if true. But the vast majority of your fellow Democrats did not conduct themselves that way. It was all the BOOOOOOSH's fault. Nagin and Blanco were allowed to skate. But it looks like things finally caught up with Nagin. Now he will be held accountable. Karmic Justice i guess.

I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Parties are for losers like you. And btw I hope Karl Rove isn't paying you for this revisionist shit because this is amateurishly pathetic.

And for the fourth time now -- where is Blanco's "skate"? Where's her conviction? Where's her accusation? Where's her investigation?

Exactly --- there's no such thing. Because you're a lying piece of rhetorical dung.
You're pretty sure about that huh? Based on what? The comic book wet dreams in your pathetically obtuse little mind? The same fabrication factory that came up with Kathleen Blanco "skating" and can't come up with anything to back it up after I've challenged you three times in two different threads to explain what the fuck you're babbling about? That comic book?

Here's what actually went down: I was contacted by a left wing blogger (I was also running a blog page at the time) when he found out I was a Katrinite. He wanted my story, looking for dirt on Bush. I wrote back and told him, "look, I can't help you -- the system worked for me. FEMA was there when it was supposed to be and I got the resources I needed to move on". That's what I said at the time and that's what I say now. Too bad for you.

But hey, why let reality get in the way of a good fable. Just make it up, like you did with this imaginary Blanco skating rink, and put it out on the internet because everybody knows everything dishonest hacks like you post on the internet is true. Then I come in and call you on your bullshit, and you ran away like the sorry puddle of lying coward you are.

Like you did here.

Good on you, if true. But the vast majority of your fellow Democrats did not conduct themselves that way. It was all the BOOOOOOSH's fault. Nagin and Blanco were allowed to skate. But it looks like things finally caught up with Nagin. Now he will be held accountable. Karmic Justice i guess.

I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Parties are for losers like you. And btw I hope Karl Rove isn't paying you for this revisionist shit because this is amateurishly pathetic.

And for the fourth time now -- where is Blanco's "skate"? Where's her conviction? Where's her accusation? Where's her investigation?

Exactly --- there's no such thing. Because you're a lying piece of rhetorical dung.

Yes we know, Blanco was a heroic Saint. She did a wonderful job. Sure thing. :cuckoo: But no, you're not a Democrat. Me thinks you're trying to Bullchit us. You and Fake Jake should hook up. You guys have a lot in common. So hey, good luck with all that. Gotta run. Take care.
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And by the way, any number of elected officials have overstepped their authority on the basis that "it will save lives". Who's going to be the judge of that?

how about the storm of the Century coming in?....would that work?.....just askin.....

How 'bout "North Vietnamese ships have fired on our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin"? Would that work? How 'bout "Iraq has been trying to buy yellowcake"?

I'm just saying, either it's OK for an official to overstep his authority, or it isn't. Can't have it both ways.

geezus Pogo i expected this kinda shit from Dean not you.....everyone knew this storm was coming in Pogo....there is a slight difference than the examples you used.....made up shit that only a few seemed to know about.....compared to millions who had proof this thing was out there and coming....i believe Nagin would have been forgiven if he would have gave the order to commandeer those buses....

Oh I'm sure, if he even could have done that, if there were even people to drive them and fuel to run them, etc etc. I'm just noting the ever-shifting bases of reasoning.

The timing of "everyone knew the storm was coming" is crucial. I found out about this storm when a co-worker called me about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. That gave me a matter of hours to evacuate. Which I did on Sunday morning (about 18 hours later), but it's far easier for me to gather some essentials and jump in my car than it is for a mayor to commandeer a shitload of school buses from a municipality he's not even mayor of, find drivers and fuel for them, and put a system together.

I mean, a picture of school buses sitting in a flooded parking lot does not automatically mean they could have been used. There were pictures of plenty of flooded parked cars that could have been used too (mine being one of them). That doesn't mean they were wasted either.

As always Harry I'm after logic here.
Dat BOOOOSH brought down the levees! He hate the Black folks! Everybody know that. Corrupt incompetent Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco had absolutely nothing to do with it. They Heroes.

You just posted the same thing in the other thread, dipshit. As I told you there, the levee failures were the responsibility of the Army Corps of Engineers. That's been established in court.

Not Bush, not Blanco, not Nagin, not Brownie doing a helluva job. The Army Corps of Engineers.

And I will now ask you for the FIFTH time about Blanco's corruption. And for the fifth time, I'll get crickets because you're a lying coward.
How 'bout "North Vietnamese ships have fired on our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin"? Would that work? How 'bout "Iraq has been trying to buy yellowcake"?

I'm just saying, either it's OK for an official to overstep his authority, or it isn't. Can't have it both ways.

geezus Pogo i expected this kinda shit from Dean not you.....everyone knew this storm was coming in Pogo....there is a slight difference than the examples you used.....made up shit that only a few seemed to know about.....compared to millions who had proof this thing was out there and coming....i believe Nagin would have been forgiven if he would have gave the order to commandeer those buses....

Oh I'm sure, if he even could have done that, if there were even people to drive them and fuel to run them, etc etc. I'm just noting the ever-shifting bases of reasoning.

The timing of "everyone knew the storm was coming" is crucial. I found out about this storm when a co-worker called me about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. That gave me a matter of hours to evacuate. Which I did on Sunday morning (about 18 hours later), but it's far easier for me to gather some essentials and jump in my car than it is for a mayor to commandeer a shitload of school buses from a municipality he's not even mayor of, find drivers and fuel for them, and put a system together.

I mean, a picture of school buses sitting in a flooded parking lot does not automatically mean they could have been used. There were pictures of plenty of flooded parked cars that could have been used too (mine being one of them). That doesn't mean they were wasted either.

As always Harry I'm after logic here.

Then why didn't your fellow Democrat dipshit and Governor, do something? What excuses do you have for her? I'm listening. Should be good.

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