Breaking News: New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Just Convicted On 20 Out Of 21 Counts

Dat BOOOOSH brought down the levees! He hate the Black folks! Everybody know that. Corrupt incompetent Democrats Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco had absolutely nothing to do with it. They Heroes.

You just posted the same thing in the other thread, dipshit. As I told you there, the levee failures were the responsibility of the Army Corps of Engineers. That's been established in court.

Not Bush, not Blanco, not Nagin, not Brownie doing a helluva job. The Army Corps of Engineers.

And I will now ask you for the FIFTH time about Blanco's corruption. And for the fifth time, I'll get crickets because you're a lying coward.

Nah, BOOOOOSH brought down them levees. Aint you know that? Damn fool.
Bush's fault somehow

Someone connect the dots for me

Yeah, it was a real travesty what they did to the man. Dumocrat Mayor & Governor, but somehow it was all that mean ole BOOOOOOSH's fault. But at least a little justice was done today. A nice drop kick to Spike Lee's balls. :)
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Good on you, if true. But the vast majority of your fellow Democrats did not conduct themselves that way. It was all the BOOOOOOSH's fault. Nagin and Blanco were allowed to skate. But it looks like things finally caught up with Nagin. Now he will be held accountable. Karmic Justice i guess.

I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Parties are for losers like you. And btw I hope Karl Rove isn't paying you for this revisionist shit because this is amateurishly pathetic.

And for the fourth time now -- where is Blanco's "skate"? Where's her conviction? Where's her accusation? Where's her investigation?

Exactly --- there's no such thing. Because you're a lying piece of rhetorical dung.

Yes we know, Blanco was a heroic Saint. She did a wonderful job. Sure thing. :cuckoo: But no, you're not a Democrat. Me thinks you're trying to Bullchit us. You and Fake Jake should hook up. You guys have a lot in common. So hey, good luck with all that. Gotta run. Take care.

"Gotta run" -- exactly. It's all you do: make up some fabricated crapola and as soon as somebody calls bullshit on your ass, you're outta here.

Fucking coward.
I'm not a Democrat, idiot. Parties are for losers like you. And btw I hope Karl Rove isn't paying you for this revisionist shit because this is amateurishly pathetic.

And for the fourth time now -- where is Blanco's "skate"? Where's her conviction? Where's her accusation? Where's her investigation?

Exactly --- there's no such thing. Because you're a lying piece of rhetorical dung.

Yes we know, Blanco was a heroic Saint. She did a wonderful job. Sure thing. :cuckoo: But no, you're not a Democrat. Me thinks you're trying to Bullchit us. You and Fake Jake should hook up. You guys have a lot in common. So hey, good luck with all that. Gotta run. Take care.

"Gotta run" -- exactly. It's all you do: make up some fabricated crapola and as soon as somebody calls bullshit on your ass, you're outta here.

Fucking coward.

Seriously, go hook up with Fake Jake. You're a fraud. Have fun. See ya. :)
Yes we know, Blanco was a heroic Saint. She did a wonderful job. Sure thing. :cuckoo: But no, you're not a Democrat. Me thinks you're trying to Bullchit us. You and Fake Jake should hook up. You guys have a lot in common. So hey, good luck with all that. Gotta run. Take care.

"Gotta run" -- exactly. It's all you do: make up some fabricated crapola and as soon as somebody calls bullshit on your ass, you're outta here.

Fucking coward.

Seriously, go hook up with Fake Jake. You're a fraud. Have fun. See ya. :)

You get asked SIX TIMES to back up what you posted, you can't do it, you run away, and this means somebody else is the fraud.

See your doctor.
geezus Pogo i expected this kinda shit from Dean not you.....everyone knew this storm was coming in Pogo....there is a slight difference than the examples you used.....made up shit that only a few seemed to know about.....compared to millions who had proof this thing was out there and coming....i believe Nagin would have been forgiven if he would have gave the order to commandeer those buses....

Oh I'm sure, if he even could have done that, if there were even people to drive them and fuel to run them, etc etc. I'm just noting the ever-shifting bases of reasoning.

The timing of "everyone knew the storm was coming" is crucial. I found out about this storm when a co-worker called me about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. That gave me a matter of hours to evacuate. Which I did on Sunday morning (about 18 hours later), but it's far easier for me to gather some essentials and jump in my car than it is for a mayor to commandeer a shitload of school buses from a municipality he's not even mayor of, find drivers and fuel for them, and put a system together.

I mean, a picture of school buses sitting in a flooded parking lot does not automatically mean they could have been used. There were pictures of plenty of flooded parked cars that could have been used too (mine being one of them). That doesn't mean they were wasted either.

As always Harry I'm after logic here.

Then why didn't your fellow Democrat dipshit and Governor, do something? What excuses do you have for her? I'm listening. Should be good.
I'm going to have to side with Pogo on this. I live in Louisiana, Houma exactly, and rode out the storm here. Governor Blanco did everything she could protocol wise and before the storm and to be honest, her administration was scandal free. She told everyone to get out 72 hours before and she had been telling people to keep the eye on the storm. And people did listen because 80% of the residents did leave. As for the school buses, Orleans parish had only 324 and many of those were broke down prior to the storm arriving. What buses were available were used to take people to the Superdome and Convention Center. Many bus drivers and cops left the city with their families in what you would call "its every man for himself" like Captain Smith said on the Titanic.
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You can keep digging deeper if you want to but this just in: Republicans get to vote in New Orleans too. In fact, check this out: you don't even have to belong to a party. I know this because I did it.

And again, attributing the actions of a corrupt asshole to the citizens who elected him (or to whatever party he claims that week) -- rather than to the corrupt asshole himself -- is just fucking goofy.

Actuallly Nagin did a strong job with Cox before he ran for mayor. Took the local franchise from worst to first in the company, something like that, plus he had a TV talk show on the channel to be in touch with the customers, so he had some face recognition. It was a decent legacy to run on if the people wanted an "outsider", which they did. So he ran as a successful businessman to appeal to his Republicans and ran as a listed Democrat to appeal to the auto-voters who hold the traditional power in that city.

The fact that he then succumbed to the temptations of power speaks to his weak character personally --- not his (floating) party affiliation politically.
yes he did.....he should have stayed with them....

And it puts the lie to that fallacy of electing a leader based on his being "experienced" in business, as opposed to government, as was trotted out on Mitt Romney's behalf in 2012. As we kept noting then, the objectives of business and the objectives of government are at polar opposites; government (ideally) exists for the benefit of its population base, while business exists to enrich itself at the expense of its population base.

Nagin populated his office with business people, i.e. the people from his world. And apparently populated his wallet with them too.

Uhm, you forget he was a governor...
Oh I'm sure, if he even could have done that, if there were even people to drive them and fuel to run them, etc etc. I'm just noting the ever-shifting bases of reasoning.

The timing of "everyone knew the storm was coming" is crucial. I found out about this storm when a co-worker called me about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. That gave me a matter of hours to evacuate. Which I did on Sunday morning (about 18 hours ilater), but it's far easier for me to gather some essentials and jump in my car than it is for a mayor to commandeer a shitload of school buses from a municipality he's not even mayor of, find drivers and fuel for them, and put a system together.

I mean, a picture of school buses sitting in a flooded parking lot does not automatically mean they could have been used. There were pictures of plenty of flooded parked cars that could have been used too (mine being one of them). That doesn't mean they were wasted either.

As always Harry I'm after logic here.

Then why didn't your fellow Democrat dipshit and Governor, do something? What excuses do you have for her? I'm listening. Should be good.
I'm going to have to side with Pogo on this. I live in Louisiana, Houma exactly, and rode out the storm here. Governor Blanco did everything she could protocol wise and before the storm and to be honest, her administration was scandal free. She told everyone to get out 72 hours before and she had been telling people to keep the eye on the storm. And people did listen because 80% of the residents did leave. As for the school buses, Orleans parish had only 324 and many of those were broke down prior to the storm arriving. What buses were available were used to take people to the Superdome and Convention Center. Many bus drivers and cops left the city with their families in what you would call "its every man for himself" like Captain Smith said on the Titanic.
NBC's Lisa Myers Reports on Governor Blanco's Katrina Mistakes | NewsBusters
actually from nbc at the link. Even the governor admitted she had made some mistakes. They didn't even follow their own plan- which had been practiced during the recent (then) hurricane pam exercise.
The Mayor of "Chocolate City", who rode out hurricane Katrina in a drunken Hurricane party in a Hotel room while the rescue buses sit idle and his constituents drowned is finally getting his com-uppins'.

B-b-b-bu-bu- but it was Bush's fault.

The school buses sitting in water were a muckraker journalism tactic to sell viewers. In fact the mayor didn't have the authority to commandeer them.
The man's still a sleazeball opportunist asshole, but there's no reason to run on myths.

If they were City school buses, why wouldn't the Mayor have the authority to commandeer them? He declared a state of emergency two days before Katrina made landfall and that automaticly gave him a lot more power to order evacuation plans.

He may not technically have had the authority. That's a guess.
For example, in Charlotte, NC the County government, not the City runs the school district. The buses are owned and funded by the County.
The same may be possible where Orleans Parish and not the city of New Orleans controls the schools. Nevertheless, even in states where the municipal governments are manager/council where the position of Mayor is largely symbolic, the mayor may still have certain emergency powers at his/her disposal.
yes he did.....he should have stayed with them....

And it puts the lie to that fallacy of electing a leader based on his being "experienced" in business, as opposed to government, as was trotted out on Mitt Romney's behalf in 2012. As we kept noting then, the objectives of business and the objectives of government are at polar opposites; government (ideally) exists for the benefit of its population base, while business exists to enrich itself at the expense of its population base.

Nagin populated his office with business people, i.e. the people from his world. And apparently populated his wallet with them too.

Uhm, you forget he was a governor...

Uhm, Ray Nagin has never been a governor of anything.

Gotta love these armchair analysts, spending three minutes on Wiki thinking they can outsmart natives who actually lived through it...
How 'bout "North Vietnamese ships have fired on our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin"? Would that work? How 'bout "Iraq has been trying to buy yellowcake"?

I'm just saying, either it's OK for an official to overstep his authority, or it isn't. Can't have it both ways.

geezus Pogo i expected this kinda shit from Dean not you.....everyone knew this storm was coming in Pogo....there is a slight difference than the examples you used.....made up shit that only a few seemed to know about.....compared to millions who had proof this thing was out there and coming....i believe Nagin would have been forgiven if he would have gave the order to commandeer those buses....

Oh I'm sure, if he even could have done that, if there were even people to drive them and fuel to run them, etc etc. I'm just noting the ever-shifting bases of reasoning.

The timing of "everyone knew the storm was coming" is crucial. I found out about this storm when a co-worker called me about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. That gave me a matter of hours to evacuate. Which I did on Sunday morning (about 18 hours later), but it's far easier for me to gather some essentials and jump in my car than it is for a mayor to commandeer a shitload of school buses from a municipality he's not even mayor of, find drivers and fuel for them, and put a system together.

I mean, a picture of school buses sitting in a flooded parking lot does not automatically mean they could have been used. There were pictures of plenty of flooded parked cars that could have been used too (mine being one of them). That doesn't mean they were wasted either.

As always Harry I'm after logic here.

i hear matter seems like it was a big cluster fuck going on down there....
Oh I'm sure, if he even could have done that, if there were even people to drive them and fuel to run them, etc etc. I'm just noting the ever-shifting bases of reasoning.

The timing of "everyone knew the storm was coming" is crucial. I found out about this storm when a co-worker called me about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. That gave me a matter of hours to evacuate. Which I did on Sunday morning (about 18 hours later), but it's far easier for me to gather some essentials and jump in my car than it is for a mayor to commandeer a shitload of school buses from a municipality he's not even mayor of, find drivers and fuel for them, and put a system together.

I mean, a picture of school buses sitting in a flooded parking lot does not automatically mean they could have been used. There were pictures of plenty of flooded parked cars that could have been used too (mine being one of them). That doesn't mean they were wasted either.

As always Harry I'm after logic here.

Then why didn't your fellow Democrat dipshit and Governor, do something? What excuses do you have for her? I'm listening. Should be good.
I'm going to have to side with Pogo on this. I live in Louisiana, Houma exactly, and rode out the storm here. Governor Blanco did everything she could protocol wise and before the storm and to be honest, her administration was scandal free. She told everyone to get out 72 hours before and she had been telling people to keep the eye on the storm. And people did listen because 80% of the residents did leave. As for the school buses, Orleans parish had only 324 and many of those were broke down prior to the storm arriving. What buses were available were used to take people to the Superdome and Convention Center. Many bus drivers and cops left the city with their families in what you would call "its every man for himself" like Captain Smith said on the Titanic.

even the cops left?.....out here they are part of the first responders....
Then why didn't your fellow Democrat dipshit and Governor, do something? What excuses do you have for her? I'm listening. Should be good.
I'm going to have to side with Pogo on this. I live in Louisiana, Houma exactly, and rode out the storm here. Governor Blanco did everything she could protocol wise and before the storm and to be honest, her administration was scandal free. She told everyone to get out 72 hours before and she had been telling people to keep the eye on the storm. And people did listen because 80% of the residents did leave. As for the school buses, Orleans parish had only 324 and many of those were broke down prior to the storm arriving. What buses were available were used to take people to the Superdome and Convention Center. Many bus drivers and cops left the city with their families in what you would call "its every man for himself" like Captain Smith said on the Titanic.

even the cops left?.....out here they are part of the first responders....

In the immediate aftermath the NOPD in effect virtually ceased to exist. Their horses died, their cars largely flooded, their radio communication nonexistent. Then there was the fire department; even if there were firemen available, like the police there was no getting from point A to point B. I've got archives of pictures where buildings that caught fire simply burned down to the water line, a perfectly straight line, because the lake water was all there was to stop it. We're talking massive catastrophe.

But of course not massive enough to prevent armchair wags like Pauly from making shit up nine years later from their barcalounger a million miles away for the purpose of manufacturing points on a political scoreboard.

(Edit: Attached is one of those pictures of burning down to the water line; the second attachment is a stop sign at the corner near a building that burned down on Carrollton Avenue. This is how intense the heat was, that it peeled the paint off the stop sign from that distance. Under the conditions present, there was nothing any authority, or anyone, could do except get to safety and let the thing burn itself out.)


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Nah, BOOOOOSH brought down them levees. Aint you know that? Damn fool.

Hence the point of neoliberalism. Shock therapy and austerity for the masses ... subsidies and bailouts for the corporations. The final stage of capitalism, when the market winners have enough financial leverage to fund elections, staff government and turn domestic markets into a no-bid rat's hole where generic and foreign drug makers are crushed so Eli Lilly doesn't have to face market competition. Those very same market winners also have enough money to fund think tanks and popular media which strategically convince non-college-educated people that business is a victim of government, rather than the owner of our political machinery. God help us.
Nah, BOOOOOSH brought down them levees. Aint you know that? Damn fool.

Hence the point of neoliberalism. Shock therapy and austerity for the masses ... subsidies and bailouts for the corporations. The final stage of capitalism, when the market winners have enough financial leverage to fund elections, staff government and turn domestic markets into a no-bid rat's hole where generic and foreign drug makers are crushed so Eli Lilly doesn't have to face market competition. Those very same market winners also have enough money to fund think tanks and popular media which strategically convince non-college-educated people that business is a victim of government, rather than the owner of our political machinery. God help us.

The Dems are neo-liberals? I thought they were merely liberals. But nice to see you toting the libertarian line. Welcome to the GOP.

Anyway, shocking. A black Democrat mayor going to jail. Who ever heard of such a thing?
Nah, BOOOOOSH brought down them levees. Aint you know that? Damn fool.

Hence the point of neoliberalism. Shock therapy and austerity for the masses ... subsidies and bailouts for the corporations. The final stage of capitalism, when the market winners have enough financial leverage to fund elections, staff government and turn domestic markets into a no-bid rat's hole where generic and foreign drug makers are crushed so Eli Lilly doesn't have to face market competition. Those very same market winners also have enough money to fund think tanks and popular media which strategically convince non-college-educated people that business is a victim of government, rather than the owner of our political machinery. God help us.

The Dems are neo-liberals? I thought they were merely liberals. But nice to see you toting the libertarian line. Welcome to the GOP.

Anyway, shocking. A black Democrat mayor going to jail. Who ever heard of such a thing?

My God!!! The outrage!!! How DARE they convict this man!!!! All he did was take money sent to the victims of Katrina!!! He's done nothing wrong!!! It's nothing more than a "vast right-wing conspiracy"!!!!

I hope that jerk becomes "Big Bubba's girlfriend". Couldn't happen to a nicer fella…...
[ame=]2006: Ray Nagin's 'chocolate city' remark - YouTube[/ame]

No damned wonder I have always balked about going there…..I always thought of it as a dirty, nasty place - and I am black….damn I'm glad that racist fool is going up the creek!

Imagine if Sheriff Joe in Phoenix announced that Phoenix was about to become a "vanilla city" These worthless assed liberals would STILL be screaming to high (limp-wristed) heaven.

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