Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?

I bet that was posted by someone who had never owned their own business.

how simple is to sit and spew such nonsense. gawd we are so screwed
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

If I offered you a job as a the CEO of my company with pay of $10,000 an hour, would you accept the position? Why or why not?
Wanna bet?....What growing economy is the one to which you refer?
Rising Prices And Stagnant Wages Are Real
Inflation as it pertains to the 80 item market basket is already underway.
When local government manipulates the cost of labor the other market forces's a simple law of economics.
In order to quell the negative effects, government will be forced to relax the rules or crate artificial price controls.
Yes, I recant what I said about consumer spending isnt affected by inflation. What I intended to say is that raising the minimum wage is not related to this.
Ugh...When costs to business are increased by artificial means, there is a direct adverse effect on the the end user.
This "artificial means" is just this same bullshit you people spew. Corporate profits are at an all time high yet wages have remained stagnant. It doesn't matter who raises the minimum wage, government or the businesses - there is nothing artificial about it.
The corporate profit argument? You're on that one now....Great. Still meaningless.
The fact is wages are NOT stagnant. Wages are down because the labor participation rate is at a 40 year low.
The other fact that there are far more part time workers. That drags down the numbers.
There are more illegals working in the US...That has lowered average wages in the unskilled and semi skilled markets.
Hiring is down because jobs that are now done by computers and machines no longer require humans.
Wages are down because cash strapped businesses are using temp instead of employee labor.
It's the marketplace which has adjusted to government policy and taxation....
One issue you libs ignore is that corporations are publicly traded companies. As such, the bottom line is the bottom line. If the performance of the company causes the value of the stock to fall and render the company no longer a good investment, the company falters and the workers are the first to go...
This is basic stuff.
And yes. When government sticks it nose into the marketplace for political reasons, the act is artificial.
Anytime government has interfered in the marketplace the result is always negative.
What is meaningless about that? You still haven't explained why enforcing a specific wage creates anything "artificial" whatever that means. The labor participation rate is down BECAUSE wages are low. People are discouraged by all the shitty paying jobs. The creation of part time jobs verses full time is really up to the actual job creators wouldn't you say? There is no evidence illegal immigrants is why wages are low. That's bullshit. Yes, technology also plays a role in the lack of hiring. Again, blame the job creators. Oh, and the stock market has been doing stellar.

Having trouble with causal relationships, bub?

Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Nonsense. 16 year olds are on the verge of adulthood. Part time jobs enable them to develop a work ethic and skills.
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Nonsense. 16 year olds are on the verge of adulthood. Part time jobs enable them to develop a work ethic and skills.
16 isn't even close to adulthood, just the legal line in the sand. For women, almost 27. For men, almost 29.
Nonsense. 16 year olds are on the verge of adulthood. Part time jobs enable them to develop a work ethic and skills.
16 isn't even close to adulthood, just the legal line in the sand. For women, almost 27. For men, almost 29.

Well, I can certainly see why you personally believe in delayed adulthood.

For those of us who were raised with proper parenting, we experienced increasing levels of independence and responsibility at much earlier ages.
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Sorry....if a 16 year old is working at the local grocery store bagging groceries why can't they get 15 dollars an hour....? They are doing work just like any other employee....and who says they are helping mom and dad make ends meet...since when is that a requirement for a teenager to get a job.....if they hold a job, they get 15 dollars an hour....right? Since every job requires a living wage....right?

And those 10 year olds....with the lemonade stand.........they better be paying 15 dollars an hour as well....right?
I bet that was posted by someone who had never owned their own business.

Nope, nor would I ever in a nation with as many restrictions and requirements as this Government puts on business owners these days.
Unfortunately, most 16 year olds do menial jobs nobody else is willing to do. Why? JOB EXPERIENCE.

And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.

really. did your Dem/liberal scumbag crystal ball tell you that?

you've really come out showing your true colors. all for Government to come in and SQUASH our freedoms as long as you think you benefit from it
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?

I bet that was posted by someone who had never owned their own business.

how simple is to sit and spew such nonsense. gawd we are so screwed
I know its FUCKING HORRIBLE! People will get a pay they can raise a family off of instead of needing the government to do it! The world is coming to an end!
Nonsense. 16 year olds are on the verge of adulthood. Part time jobs enable them to develop a work ethic and skills.
16 isn't even close to adulthood, just the legal line in the sand. For women, almost 27. For men, almost 29.

Well, I can certainly see why you personally believe in delayed adulthood.

For those of us who were raised with proper parenting, we experienced increasing levels of independence and responsibility at much earlier ages.
It's biology, not my personal opinion. And I was required to be an adult long before I could drive so keep it to yourself.
Unfortunately, most 16 year olds do menial jobs nobody else is willing to do. Why? JOB EXPERIENCE.

And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?

I bet that was posted by someone who had never owned their own business.

how simple is to sit and spew such nonsense. gawd we are so screwed
I know its FUCKING HORRIBLE! People will get a pay they can raise a family off of instead of needing the government to do it! The world is coming to an end!

Yeah....and I guess you missed the part where businesses fire people they can't afford....and force even more people onto welfare......are you over 15....cause I have to think you can't be much older to think the way you do....with no real thought behind it.....
Unfortunately, most 16 year olds do menial jobs nobody else is willing to do. Why? JOB EXPERIENCE.

And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Yes......exactly.......the government knows best how to run your donut shop........
No wonder the world is in so much trouble....magical thinking lefties.....

I have the solution.....just pay everyone in magic pixie dust....that way they can simply sprinkle the dust and think nice thoughts...and turn the pixie dust into food, clothing and shelter....that way, no one needs money at all......and we would have the added benefit of people thinking nice thoughts........

Problem solved.....
Unfortunately, most 16 year olds do menial jobs nobody else is willing to do. Why? JOB EXPERIENCE.

And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Yes......exactly.......the government knows best how to run your donut shop........
In this case it does. If you make so little that you can't pay a decent wage, you can't run a donut shop. If I have a great business plan but I can afford to pay $4 a hour to adults, is that a good business? Nope.

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