Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

No wonder the world is in so much trouble....magical thinking lefties.....

I have the solution.....just pay everyone in magic pixie dust....that way they can simply sprinkle the dust and think nice thoughts...and turn the pixie dust into food, clothing and shelter....that way, no one needs money at all......and we would have the added benefit of people thinking nice thoughts........

Problem solved.....
See this:

That is pixie dust, just a piece of paper, if you lose faith in it that is. It's no more real than dust. And a world without money, that's a damn good idea. Just imagine what you could do with your life if you weren't chasing the "almighty" dollar.
I know its FUCKING HORRIBLE! People will get a pay they can raise a family off of instead of needing the government to do it! The world is coming to an end!

If someone is expecting to support themselves, never mind a family on a minimum wage salary then they're imbeciles.
Unfortunately, most 16 year olds do menial jobs nobody else is willing to do. Why? JOB EXPERIENCE.

And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Yes......exactly.......the government knows best how to run your donut shop........
In this case it does. If you make so little that you can't pay a decent wage, you can't run a donut shop. If I have a great business plan but I can afford to pay $4 a hour to adults, is that a good business? Nope.

What do you mean $4 an hour........the minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour.........that is what you guys want...for now......not 4.......and again....does a small mom and pop donut shop have to pay their guy handing out the donuts 15 dollars an hour?

And the bagger at the grocery store...15 dollars an hour....right? and the ice cream scooper....15 dollars an hour....right?
And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......

Well this government's has done it's job in brainwashing it's citizens. Especially the Democrat party or we would NEVER have had an Obama put in as President. a Nobody, one term Senator of Congress, community agitator with no experience in anything but spewing Socialist/Marxist BS
Unfortunately, most 16 year olds do menial jobs nobody else is willing to do. Why? JOB EXPERIENCE.

And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Yes......exactly.......the government knows best how to run your donut shop........
In this case it does. If you make so little that you can't pay a decent wage, you can't run a donut shop. If I have a great business plan but I can afford to pay $4 a hour to adults, is that a good business? Nope.

What do you mean $4 an hour........the minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour.........that is what you guys want...for now......not 4.......and again....does a small mom and pop donut shop have to pay their guy handing out the donuts 15 dollars an hour?

And the bagger at the grocery store...15 dollars an hour....right? and the ice cream scooper....15 dollars an hour....right?
Most jobs should pay a living wage, period. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
No wonder the world is in so much trouble....magical thinking lefties.....

I have the solution.....just pay everyone in magic pixie dust....that way they can simply sprinkle the dust and think nice thoughts...and turn the pixie dust into food, clothing and shelter....that way, no one needs money at all......and we would have the added benefit of people thinking nice thoughts........

Problem solved.....
See this:

That is pixie dust, just a piece of paper, if you lose faith in it that is. It's no more real than dust. And a world without money, that's a damn good idea. Just imagine what you could do with your life if you weren't chasing the "almighty" dollar.

I would be part of a band of vikings....raiding farms since the only way to get food would be to farm...or run the farmers...and we would be right where you guys want us to be.....the real makers and and their overlords.....

There wouldn't be a minimum wage...there would be slavery...without that dollar....ask Ayn Rand...she explained it quite well in Atlas Shrugged......

After all...the democrats are the only major American political party to have fought to keep slavery.........and they want it back....for everyone......
I know its FUCKING HORRIBLE! People will get a pay they can raise a family off of instead of needing the government to do it! The world is coming to an end!

If someone is expecting to support themselves, never mind a family on a minimum wage salary then they're imbeciles.
Got a lot of those around. Someone must change diapers, plow the fields, and dig the ditches.
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.

really. did your Dem/liberal scumbag crystal ball tell you that?

you've really come out showing your true colors. all for Government to come in and SQUASH our freedoms as long as you think you benefit from it
Thought you republicans were all about freedom? Where is the freedom in paying such little wage that they can't pay bills,buy food,diapers etc? Your freedom ends when it starts affecting me.
And according to the lefties....they deserve 15 dollars an hour....for scooping ice cream....part time....on the weekend......
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Yes......exactly.......the government knows best how to run your donut shop........
In this case it does. If you make so little that you can't pay a decent wage, you can't run a donut shop. If I have a great business plan but I can afford to pay $4 a hour to adults, is that a good business? Nope.

What do you mean $4 an hour........the minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour.........that is what you guys want...for now......not 4.......and again....does a small mom and pop donut shop have to pay their guy handing out the donuts 15 dollars an hour?

And the bagger at the grocery store...15 dollars an hour....right? and the ice cream scooper....15 dollars an hour....right?
Most jobs should pay a living wage, period. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Why just most....? Why not all? Should the 16 year old bagging groceries be discriminated against...nay.......exploited just because of his age....why shouldn't he get 15 dollars an hour....? And what about the guy handing out donuts in the mom and pop shop.......why should he be discriminated against because he doesn't work at Walmart...? He should get 15 dollars an hour too...right?
No wonder the world is in so much trouble....magical thinking lefties.....

I have the solution.....just pay everyone in magic pixie dust....that way they can simply sprinkle the dust and think nice thoughts...and turn the pixie dust into food, clothing and shelter....that way, no one needs money at all......and we would have the added benefit of people thinking nice thoughts........

Problem solved.....
See this:

That is pixie dust, just a piece of paper, if you lose faith in it that is. It's no more real than dust. And a world without money, that's a damn good idea. Just imagine what you could do with your life if you weren't chasing the "almighty" dollar.

I would be part of a band of vikings....raiding farms since the only way to get food would be to farm...or run the farmers...and we would be right where you guys want us to be.....the real makers and and their overlords.....

Their wouldn't be a minimum wage...their would be slavery...without that dollar....ask Ayn Rand...she explained it quite well in Atlas Shrugged......

After all...the democrats are the only major American political party to have fought to keep slavery.........and they want it back....for everyone......
If you believe anything Ayn Rand ever wrote, you shouldn't. See was a fruitloop who couldn't even mange to live her own life the way she said everyone else should.
Nearly all jobs should pay a living wage. You can't afford to pay it then go out of business since you obviously shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Yes......exactly.......the government knows best how to run your donut shop........
In this case it does. If you make so little that you can't pay a decent wage, you can't run a donut shop. If I have a great business plan but I can afford to pay $4 a hour to adults, is that a good business? Nope.

What do you mean $4 an hour........the minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour.........that is what you guys want...for now......not 4.......and again....does a small mom and pop donut shop have to pay their guy handing out the donuts 15 dollars an hour?

And the bagger at the grocery store...15 dollars an hour....right? and the ice cream scooper....15 dollars an hour....right?
Most jobs should pay a living wage, period. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Why just most....? Why not all? Should the 16 year old bagging groceries be discriminated against...nay.......exploited just because of his age....why shouldn't he get 15 dollars an hour....? And what about the guy handing out donuts in the mom and pop shop.......why should he be discriminated against because he doesn't work at Walmart...? He should get 15 dollars an hour too...right?
Most jobs should pay a living wage, period. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
Define living wage. What do you consider necessary for living, and establish actual costs.

Lets put some real numbers down on paper, not broad phrases like "living wage."
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.

really. did your Dem/liberal scumbag crystal ball tell you that?

you've really come out showing your true colors. all for Government to come in and SQUASH our freedoms as long as you think you benefit from it
Thought you republicans were all about freedom? Where is the freedom in paying such little wage that they can't pay bills,buy food,diapers etc? Your freedom ends when it starts affecting me.

NOBODY is being FORCED to work for that wage. that is what's called FREEDOM. You on the other hand want to FORCE your BS on us. Go open a business and pay your employees $50 an hour if you want...then you come back and let us know how it worked out. You people and your stupid pie in sky visions. are a danger to us all. As the people in Seattle is now finding out
Thought you republicans were all about freedom? Where is the freedom in paying such little wage that they can't pay bills,buy food,diapers etc? Your freedom ends when it starts affecting me.

Conservatives are not about Freedom. We're about Right and Wrong.

Even if we did, would there not be a Freedom to FAIL in life, like being an adult working g at the lowest levels of society.
. Pay me shit wage I will do shit work pay me a decent wage I can raise my family on I will bust my ass for you.I MAKE the product,SELL the product which usually costs more than my wage is,and yet I get NONE of the benefits.

The product you sell costs more than your wage? I surely hope so, there is something businesses are required to make to continue operations, it's called PROFIT.
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Good idea, let's do just that, all over the nation. We can then set wages, therefore prices, based on that.

Ok, so you're hinting that cost of living is different in different states? Ok, then why push for a national minimum wage? Why not let the individual states set it? I'm all for states rights, I'm totally against big daddy federal gov't coming in and deciding what I should pay my employee.

So I asked you to put some numbers down on paper. I'll be happy to actually do it for my area, as I've lived on it. But you don't want me to do that, because I can prove that one can live quite well on 7.25 an hour.

So come on, spit out some real numbers. I have a mortgage, 2 cars and a motorcycle, a boat, a 4 wheeler, 2 riding mowers, 4 push mowers, a tiller, a tractor and insurance on everything and I live on half of what I make and I don't even mike twice minimum wage. And believe me, I'm not going hungry. Oh yea, and I drive 51 miles round trip to work every day.
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The stupid mutha fucka says "its a free country" and then in the same post talks about gov't mandating consequences for employers who don't pay employees some gov't mandated wage. What happened to a free country, moron?

Damn, stupid is as stupid talks. Stupid.

When asked to start a business and pay people what he says they should be paid, he runs like a fucking scared liberal chicken. Funny how good liberals are at mandating things for OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.

Yeah, that was a hell of a shit storm of hypocrisy............

You can't make this stuff up ..............
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

If I offered you a job as a the CEO of my company with pay of $10,000 an hour, would you accept the position? Why or why not?
Yes. I wouldn't need all that money so I would donate at least 2k a month to charities or a scholarship for disadvantaged white kids or open a community center for kids...something to help! Hell even better I would ask you to lower my wage and pass it to the workers below me.

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