Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

The stupid mutha fucka says "its a free country" and then in the same post talks about gov't mandating consequences for employers who don't pay employees some gov't mandated wage. What happened to a free country, moron?

Damn, stupid is as stupid talks. Stupid.

When asked to start a business and pay people what he says they should be paid, he runs like a fucking scared liberal chicken. Funny how good liberals are at mandating things for OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.
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Living Wage is coming either it voluntarily or you can be forced to do it.

At which point every Conservative business owner should close up shop and fire everyone. 10 employees or 2000 employees. Show that $15 X 0 employees formula in real life.
Four restaurants closing makes it easier for the other eateries to establish working prices that lead to a profit.

Yes ... because EVERYONE loves going to a ultra crowded, overly priced restaurant.
Stay home then.

And then the economy slows... yes, we understand how it works, and so do you... However, you seem to quite illogically think less spending, less people working and less overall product moving equals a healthy economy.

Jake, you're stunningly "mainstream stupid."
The stupid mutha fucka says "its a free country" and then in the same post talks about gov't mandating consequences for employers who don't pay employees some gov't mandated wage. What happened to a free country, moron?

Damn, stupid is as stupid talks. Stupid.

When asked to start a business and pay people what he says they should be paid, he runs like a fucking scared liberal chicken. Funny how good liberals are at mandating things for OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.

it is not my fault that you are too stupid to understand humor and sarcasm

if you must know i employed people most of my life always higher then the minimum wage

now am moving into retirement so go fuck yourself
Living Wage is coming either it voluntarily or you can be forced to do it.

At which point every Conservative business owner should close up shop and fire everyone. 10 employees or 2000 employees. Show that $15 X 0 employees formula in real life.

odium is the new mentality of what our government has become

the government we have today is what Reagan warned us about so many years ago
Living Wage is coming either it voluntarily or you can be forced to do it.

At which point every Conservative business owner should close up shop and fire everyone. 10 employees or 2000 employees. Show that $15 X 0 employees formula in real life.

or they close up shop and leave the stupid state that mandated job killing wages......I'm in Illinois.....the democrats here are doing everything they can to drive the middle class out of Illinois......Chicago has the population levels not seen since the 1920s...and people are still moving out.....

as Dan Proft of the Amy and Dan radio show pointed out...the only people who can afford to live in Chicago are the poor and the really rich...the poor are subsidized and the rich can absorb the only those immune to democrat policies can actually live in Chicago and then eventually the whole state...
If $15/hr is really such a grand idea, why not make the minimum wage $115/hr, so everyone can have a standard of living that exceeds merely that of a living wage?

Every apologist for minimum wage says increasing wages has no effect on prices or employment... everyone just get more cash, and access to "the American Dream"
The min wage is racist and anti poor people.
The truth is that min wage workers are found in every social segment. But the products sold with min wage labor are overwhelmingly in low income areas. Thus higher min wage means higher benefits to people who can generally afford them but higher prices to people who can't.

The minimum wage has been falling for 50 years.
Really? So all these laws that have raised the min wage really do the opposite of what they say?
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?
Unfortunately , I think we are too far gone for people to wake up and understand:

Liberal/progressive/democrats VISIONS do more damage than good

BUT what do they care all they care about is your VOTES

You were warned but went with anyway. now you get to pay the price
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

Then they can starve to death when they no longer have ANY income. They get fired. The business closes. Who is going to pay them?
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.

that's the plan....more on welfare who vote for democrats to keep their welfare coming...and the correct wage is the amount the job requires to get a quality employee to do more, no less..........and handing out donuts is not a 15 dollar an hour job.....
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.

I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative..... that's kind of like a Republican but willing to walk the talk.

If the state I live in imposes such a wage and the employers increase prices to pay it they will lose my business, permanently.
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
See not all business owners are scumbag republicans and they know that people need jobs and won't close but will pay the correct wage as they should. To those that are scumbags and close their doors because they are greedy assholes OK then they lose money and the employees will get unemployment.

I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative..... that's kind of like a Republican but willing to walk the talk.

If the state I live in imposes such a wage and the employers increase prices to pay it they will lose my business, permanently.
Why do you hate people wanting a wage to be able to make ends meet? Its a fact republican states pay less. Wife lived in NC which at time was democrat led made 12$ an she makes 9.50$ for a skill she had to pay to learn,then had to work for company for 6 months AND get licensed by the state to do so..Its bordering on slave labor and its pathetic and borderline illegal and only a psychopath would pay that little when the "supervisor" gets paid a SALARIED WAGE...35k my wife if she was LUCKY MIGHT break 20k. The difference is title and the fact his woman has like 3 months more experience which she abuses by taking EVERY weekend off and she actually gets her 40 hours a wife doesn't. We struggle day in day out...I taught my kids that they are going to get screwed so screw the bastard boss before he screws you. Pay me shit wage I will do shit work pay me a decent wage I can raise my family on I will bust my ass for you.I MAKE the product,SELL the product which usually costs more than my wage is,and yet I get NONE of the benefits.

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