Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

lol, saw this on another site.

The $15/hour Minimum Wage An effort to increase egg production by strangling chickens.


Seattle restaurants going dark as 15 an hour minimum wage goes into effect
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)
Most jobs should pay a living wage, period. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Why? Most human beings aren't worth the flesh they inhabit or the oxygen they breathe, never mind actually being paid for anything they do.
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

good then you libs take care of you own and stay the hell out of the rest of our lives
Good idea, let's do just that, all over the nation. We can then set wages, therefore prices, based on that.

Ok, so you're hinting that cost of living is different in different states? Ok, then why push for a national minimum wage? Why not let the individual states set it? I'm all for states rights, I'm totally against big daddy federal gov't coming in and deciding what I should pay my employee.

So I asked you to put some numbers down on paper. I'll be happy to actually do it for my area, as I've lived on it. But you don't want me to do that, because I can prove that one can live quite well on 7.25 an hour.

So come on, spit out some real numbers. I have a mortgage, 2 cars and a motorcycle, a boat, a 4 wheeler, 2 riding mowers, 4 push mowers, a tiller, a tractor and insurance on everything and I live on half of what I make and I don't even mike twice minimum wage. And believe me, I'm not going hungry. Oh yea, and I drive 51 miles round trip to work every day.
To put the numbers down you have to figure out what is living, and what does it cost, all over the nation. Sounds like government work to me, and it's a damn good idea. $7.00 an hour in Kansas City ain't $7.00 an hour in New York City.
Good idea, let's do just that, all over the nation. We can then set wages, therefore prices, based on that.

Ok, so you're hinting that cost of living is different in different states? Ok, then why push for a national minimum wage? Why not let the individual states set it? I'm all for states rights, I'm totally against big daddy federal gov't coming in and deciding what I should pay my employee.

So I asked you to put some numbers down on paper. I'll be happy to actually do it for my area, as I've lived on it. But you don't want me to do that, because I can prove that one can live quite well on 7.25 an hour.

So come on, spit out some real numbers. I have a mortgage, 2 cars and a motorcycle, a boat, a 4 wheeler, 2 riding mowers, 4 push mowers, a tiller, a tractor and insurance on everything and I live on half of what I make and I don't even mike twice minimum wage. And believe me, I'm not going hungry. Oh yea, and I drive 51 miles round trip to work every day.

The Liberals seem to miss the point that wealth is accumulated over time .............................

They are instant gratification and live pay check to pay check .........................

As stated in previous post, no matter how much that pay check is, it will never be enough.

Money(raising the minimum wage) want solve the problems of ignorance or greed ....................
Good idea, let's do just that, all over the nation. We can then set wages, therefore prices, based on that.

Ok, so you're hinting that cost of living is different in different states? Ok, then why push for a national minimum wage? Why not let the individual states set it? I'm all for states rights, I'm totally against big daddy federal gov't coming in and deciding what I should pay my employee.

So I asked you to put some numbers down on paper. I'll be happy to actually do it for my area, as I've lived on it. But you don't want me to do that, because I can prove that one can live quite well on 7.25 an hour.

So come on, spit out some real numbers. I have a mortgage, 2 cars and a motorcycle, a boat, a 4 wheeler, 2 riding mowers, 4 push mowers, a tiller, a tractor and insurance on everything and I live on half of what I make and I don't even mike twice minimum wage. And believe me, I'm not going hungry. Oh yea, and I drive 51 miles round trip to work every day.
To put the numbers down you have to figure out what is living, and what does it cost, all over the nation. Sounds like government work to me, and it's a damn good idea. $7.00 an hour in Kansas City ain't $7.00 in New York City. aren't thinking like a leftist......why should it cost more in New York than in Kansas City......the government should simply mandate that the same wages apply to every state...period......non compliance will be met with sufficient force to create compliance.......

See...that is how it really works......
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

It's the job of parents to help kids prepare for adulthood, which includes developing a proper work ethic.
Again...since none of you social justice warriors have responded......

should the 16 year old scooping ice cream at the ice cream shop get 15 dollars an hour?

should the donut shop with one employee be forced to pay a Living Wage the same as Walmart? I mean, the guy handing out donuts is no different from the Walmart stocker or cashier....right?
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

You really have no concept of reality do you ass hole??

There are more children back under their parents roof than at any other time in history .................

Seems like you liberal douche bags have the economy all mucked up and no youngster and hardly any adults have jobs .............

My step son is 35+ , still at home and still being taken care of by daddy, he has some of your same ideas......................
Good idea, let's do just that, all over the nation. We can then set wages, therefore prices, based on that.

Ok, so you're hinting that cost of living is different in different states? Ok, then why push for a national minimum wage? Why not let the individual states set it? I'm all for states rights, I'm totally against big daddy federal gov't coming in and deciding what I should pay my employee.

So I asked you to put some numbers down on paper. I'll be happy to actually do it for my area, as I've lived on it. But you don't want me to do that, because I can prove that one can live quite well on 7.25 an hour.

So come on, spit out some real numbers. I have a mortgage, 2 cars and a motorcycle, a boat, a 4 wheeler, 2 riding mowers, 4 push mowers, a tiller, a tractor and insurance on everything and I live on half of what I make and I don't even mike twice minimum wage. And believe me, I'm not going hungry. Oh yea, and I drive 51 miles round trip to work every day.
To put the numbers down you have to figure out what is living, and what does it cost, all over the nation. Sounds like government work to me, and it's a damn good idea. $7.00 an hour in Kansas City ain't $7.00 in New York City. aren't thinking like a leftist......why should it cost more in New York than in Kansas City......the government should simply mandate that the same wages apply to every state...period......non compliance will be met with sufficient force to create compliance.......

See...that is how it really works......
How it really works is not how it should work...
If $15/hr is really such a grand idea, why not make the minimum wage $115/hr, so everyone can have a standard of living that exceeds merely that of a living wage?

Every apologist for minimum wage says increasing wages has no effect on prices or employment... everyone just get more cash, and access to "the American Dream"
The min wage is racist and anti poor people.
The truth is that min wage workers are found in every social segment. But the products sold with min wage labor are overwhelmingly in low income areas. Thus higher min wage means higher benefits to people who can generally afford them but higher prices to people who can't.

The minimum wage has been falling for 50 years.
Really? So all these laws that have raised the min wage really do the opposite of what they say?

They haven't kept up with inflation, racist.
The result of $15 an hour restaurant wage law......

No wait staff......


No dishwashers......


Less employees in drive thrus......


You think that keeping the minimum wage at 8 bucks will keep those machines out?

I do, I prefer warm bodies over machines, business wishing to keep getting my monies WILL have a live body to interact with me.
Marketing research will show that humans prefer to interact with humans.
The result of $15 an hour restaurant wage law......

No wait staff......


No dishwashers......


Less employees in drive thrus......


You think that keeping the minimum wage at 8 bucks will keep those machines out?

To a degree, yes. Not completely, no. But keeping the numbers down? Yes.
Even you have to admit that $15 an hour to flip burgers is absurd.
The result of $15 an hour restaurant wage law......

No wait staff......


No dishwashers......


Less employees in drive thrus......


You think that keeping the minimum wage at 8 bucks will keep those machines out?
The less people I have to deal with to get a fast-food meal out, the more I like it. Mostly I cook at home but if my future hamburger joint looks like a Coke machine, and works the same way, winner winner, burger dinner.
The result of $15 an hour restaurant wage law......

No wait staff......


No dishwashers......


Less employees in drive thrus......


You think that keeping the minimum wage at 8 bucks will keep those machines out?

I do, I prefer warm bodies over machines, business wishing to keep getting my monies WILL have a live body to interact with me.
Marketing research will show that humans prefer to interact with humans.
That's why this will work out. You want that human touch, and I want them to keep their goddamned hands off my food.
Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

good then you libs take care of you own and stay the hell out of the rest of our lives
Soon as you scumbags secede from the rest of the civilized nation. You right wingers like to claim the US is a shining example of freedom and every nation should follow our lead yet almost EVERY other civilized nations the min wage is MUCH higher. Only here where we have allowed corporations to become people and influence elections and members of congress are we lagging behind. As usual you morons will be dragged kicking and screaming into a modern era.

Yes. If you try splitting hairs like say only those who live on their own should get it and those that live at home shouldn't. Nope don't work that way. You might be able to attach it to at 16 get min wage but at 18 when you are expected to move out pay your own bills etc it goes up.

Why should 16 year olds not get a livable wage....they are working just like anyone else...right? They don't deserve the same compensation for their work.......? You guys just never think do you.......
They are living at home...period. 16 year olds should be going to school,their parents should be making a livable wage that they can support the 16 year old off of and they shouldn't have to work to help mom and dad make ends meet. You republicans never are bullies,thieves and greedy pieces of shit.

Who the fuck are you to tell other people that they shouldn't have a job? When got my first job at 15, during summer vacation. Sophomore and junior years in HS I often babysat on the weekends for a single father who had two boys. I also would house and dog sit for neighbors. Senior year I had a formal job during the school year working 10 hours a week. All while playing three varsity sports, being on stage with the music and drama departments, being active in the chess club, and maintaining a 3.5 GPA.

I wasn't working because I needed to "make ends meet" for my parents. I was working because I wanted the money, and because I liked the jobs I found. It gave me the freedom to have money to spend however I wanted, without my parents having veto power. Other than gas and car insurance, most of my spending was on activities with my friends, taking my girlfriend out on dates, and eating out whenever I didn't feel like dealing with my parents' bad cooking. Unlike many of my HS peers at the time, I didn't even have to bother buying clothing out of my own pocket. My parents continued to pay for whatever basic necessities I needed and I only bought clothes out of my own pocket when I wanted to do shopping that was outside of the budget my parents would have approved.

The only greedy bully here is you. You want to force teenagers to be dependent and helpless people, in a time when developing their independence and freedom is vital to their healthy development. And for what? Because they're too much competition for you that you can't get a minimum wage job otherwise. Fun fact: Depriving someone of economic freedom is one of the hallmark behaviors of an abuser.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

It's the job of parents to help kids prepare for adulthood, which includes developing a proper work ethic.
Which they should learn by doing really well in school,doing their school work helping around the home etc. With their hard work in school they should be able to get into a good college which if they are lucky they will get a scholarship but more than likely thanks to the republicans in this country they will go into debt paying for college only take whatever job they can find to start paying back the massive debt they racked up attending college because only in America is it a bad thing to get educated. They stay in that low income job because they got them debts to pay off for the next 20 years and can't try to find a better job and since thanks to republicans all good jobs have been shipped overseas thanks to free trade they are SOL and they still get shit on by the republicans that created the damn mess and demand them to pay for their own stuff and stop trying to change things and just be happy with mediocrity The republicans shackle you with 100 pounds of weights and then throw you of the dock and say HERE SWIM!
I do, I prefer warm bodies over machines, business wishing to keep getting my monies WILL have a live body to interact with me.
Marketing research will show that humans prefer to interact with humans.

As much as I hate to say it..not so much anymore.
People under 30 prefer to text than talk, more and more and more people are preferring to buy products over the internet than brick and mortar.
Technology is coming to that dreaded place where humans will prefer interactions with technology than interactions with other humans.
We are there.

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