Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

It's just not a concept liberals seem to be able to wrap their head around.

As it is, McDonalds is struggling, badly. Double the wages of employees and you double expenses. Now that 4 dollar Big Mac is 8 bucks. Who is willing to pay 8 bucks for a Big Mac? Nobody. So if you want to see hundreds of thousands lose their jobs, make burger flippers minimum wage be 15 bucks an hour. It guarantees they'll become good little democrats, on welfare and food stamps, because they won't have a job.

Very true. Something low information'ers can't accept - that businesses do not have a bottomless source of money laying around.
McDonald’s, the nations 2nd largest employer (how embarrassing is that), makes enormous revenues....but paltry margins. Many McD's are only keeping 2%-3% of the money they earn.
Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

good then you libs take care of you own and stay the hell out of the rest of our lives
Soon as you scumbags secede from the rest of the civilized nation. You right wingers like to claim the US is a shining example of freedom and every nation should follow our lead yet almost EVERY other civilized nations the min wage is MUCH higher. Only here where we have allowed corporations to become people and influence elections and members of congress are we lagging behind. As usual you morons will be dragged kicking and screaming into a modern era.

Its parents job to take care of kids until they are 18. The rest of your rant is ignored. :)

It's the job of parents to help kids prepare for adulthood, which includes developing a proper work ethic.
Which they should learn by doing really well in school,doing their school work helping around the home etc. With their hard work in school they should be able to get into a good college which if they are lucky they will get a scholarship but more than likely thanks to the republicans in this country they will go into debt paying for college only take whatever job they can find to start paying back the massive debt they racked up attending college because only in America is it a bad thing to get educated. They stay in that low income job because they got them debts to pay off for the next 20 years and can't try to find a better job and since thanks to republicans all good jobs have been shipped overseas thanks to free trade they are SOL and they still get shit on by the republicans that created the damn mess and demand them to pay for their own stuff and stop trying to change things and just be happy with mediocrity The republicans shackle you with 100 pounds of weights and then throw you of the dock and say HERE SWIM!


You are so unintentionally funny.

The reply of someone who knows I am right and can't defend their position any longer.

Wrong again, bub. It's the reply of someone who sees how utterly stupid your posts are and recognized your complete lack of capability to grok why.
If its so stupid it should be pretty easy to defeat.You couldn't do so,So you are incredibly dumb or my assumption has merit.
It will be a national law. You will not treat workers like your personal slaves to make you richer when they are getting paid less than the product they are making sells for!

If I offered you a job as a the CEO of my company with pay of $10,000 an hour, would you accept the position? Why or why not?
Yes. I wouldn't need all that money so I would donate at least 2k a month to charities or a scholarship for disadvantaged white kids or open a community center for kids...something to help! Hell even better I would ask you to lower my wage and pass it to the workers below me.

Good for you. Generosity is very noble.

What if I offered you the same position, but only at $10,000 a year? Would you accept the position?
It's just not a concept liberals seem to be able to wrap their head around.

As it is, McDonalds is struggling, badly. Double the wages of employees and you double expenses. Now that 4 dollar Big Mac is 8 bucks. Who is willing to pay 8 bucks for a Big Mac? Nobody. So if you want to see hundreds of thousands lose their jobs, make burger flippers minimum wage be 15 bucks an hour. It guarantees they'll become good little democrats, on welfare and food stamps, because they won't have a job.

Very true. Something low information'ers can't accept - that businesses do not have a bottomless source of money laying around.
McDonald’s, the nations 2nd largest employer (how embarrassing is that), makes enormous revenues....but paltry margins. Many McD's are only keeping 2%-3% of the money they earn.
You got enough to pay the CEO millions in salary and bonuses you got enough to pay all workers a livable wage.
The republicans shackle you with 100 pounds of weights and then throw you of the dock and say HERE SWIM!

That's why I became a swim expert. If you gotta swim to survive you better go learn to fucking swim! All you liberals want to do is whine that the government isn't handing out enough floaties.
The republicans shackle you with 100 pounds of weights and then throw you of the dock and say HERE SWIM!

That's why I became a swim expert. If you gotta swim to survive you better go learn to fucking swim! All you liberals want to do is whine that the government isn't handing out enough floaties.
Survive my ass...republicans shackle you with debt and then force u to try and make about just giving people a free and clear chance..not paying for education,not have slave wages etc.
Survive my ass...republicans shackle you with debt and then force u to try and make about just giving people a free and clear chance..not paying for education,not have slave wages etc.

You got that pampered pillow princess whine down to a fine science there bud ..................

Tell us about these "Republican shackles"
Tell us about this education and start with the scores of both white and black children leaving our free public education systems totally ignorant and then plead your case for why they should get more free education ........................................

Tell us all what the definition of "slave wages" is??
Tell us if slavery was abolished??
So no slavery = no slave wages .................

You idiot tards parrot these speaking points with no comprehension of what you are trying to convey or if they make a lick of sense at all ..............................
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air

Whoever wrote your stupid article is full of garbage.

The 15 dollar an hour wage isn't fully implemented in April 2015. On April 1, 2015 minimum wage goes up another dollar to 10.32 an hour.

The full 15 dollar wage won't happen until 2017 at the earliest. That's just for businesses that have 500 or more employees. If they have less or offer health insurance it goes up in 2018.

One other fact that isn't in your article is that restaurants are able to count tips toward hourly pay. So most restaurants will not see wages increase because the workers tips are considered and those tips bring their wage above 15 dollars an hour.

The restaurants mentioned in your article don't have 500 or more employees so they won't see wages go up to 15 dollars an hour until 2018. That is IF they go up since tips are counted as part of wages and those tips bring wages above 15 dollars an hour.

You might want to actually learn about the law before you buy into lies.

Seattle raises minimum wage to $15 an hour

"The first face-plant scene in the compilation occurred in February, when a recreational gear manufacturerannounced it was moving some operations to Nevada. The owners specifically stated that the new wage law was the sole reason for the change. As an aside and mentioning it may be unnecessary, it is probably not accidental that the relocation occurred in a state without an income tax.

Multiple additional sequences of the compilation were announced this week. A number of restaurants across the city have recently closed their doors, according to Shift Washington, a local political action group. They quote Seattle Magazine in attributing the wage hike as a "major factor" in the decision to cease operation."
Seattle s Minimum Wage Law A Slow-Motion Accident Right Before Our Eyes - Michael Hausam - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 2

"At the time the law was passed, a writer at Slate said this: "The city is now on a course for history—and quite possibly a nasty collision with unintended consequences." Less than a year later, with the accident still in process and additional footage of its effects being collected by the day, we can certainly replace "possibly" with "certainly."
I will also continue to with a different train of thought ..................

Learn to work at an early age, don't watch daddy or mommy scam the insurance companies, don't steal from :anyone, especially employers and those trying to help you.

Get a different set of values in which wealth is an accumulated aspect and good work ethics are a prized personal skill.

Loose some of that anger with employers and police.

Successful business owners are different than most normal folk, seem to be rather intelligent and quite productive.

Oh did we touch on productivity?? You can't be one of those union dicks who does as little as possible because when raise time comes you will get yours just like everyone else ...................... so fuck it, do as little as possible the union want let you get fired...................

You can tell my sentiment about unions if you are semi intelligent .....................

What if I offered you the same position, but only at $10,000 a year? Would you accept the position?

If you won't accept the job, then nobody else has to accept the job either. Nobody is forced to accept a job with low pay.
Yawn. Nice try. Not gonna work. All you proved is people shouldn't have to work for such low pay

Actually, I demonstrated that people don't have to work for such low pay. All people receive the pay they agreed to. All people.
It’s evident that those Demoncrats don’t have a clue about economics. They never think of the consequences of their “feel good policies.” Neither do they have a clue how a business is run and operated. Seems to me this should be a litmus test for elected officials

Seattle eateries closing as 15 minimum wage approaches Hot Air
The article is a bit misleading. First of all, minimum wage is not going to $15/hr any time soon. It's going to $10 in April for businesses with less than 500 employees which includes about 95% of the restaurants. There is also quite a bit of debate as to whether the $15/hr will actual materialize. I looked at the list of restaurants that said they will closing. Most of these restaurants were barely making it and several were not closing but just relocating into suburban areas where both rentals and wages are less .

Foes of local minimum wage increases act as if this money will disappeared into some deep dark hole. However, the fact is minimum wage increase are spent in local businesses increasing revenues.
when you do the math, an average restaurant would have to take in at least 3500-4000 a day just to pay the staff, never mind the overhead. and how many average sized restaurants can take in over $10,000 a day, 7 days a week in this Obama-Economy?
The article is a bit misleading. First of all, minimum wage is not going to $15/hr any time soon. It's going to $10 in April for businesses with less than 500 employees which includes about 95% of the restaurants. There is also quite a bit of debate as to whether the $15/hr will actual materialize. I looked at the list of restaurants that said they will closing. Most of these restaurants were barely making it and several were not closing but just relocating into suburban areas where both rentals and wages are less .

Foes of local minimum wage increases act as if this money will disappeared into some deep dark hole. However, the fact is minimum wage increase are spent in local businesses increasing revenues.

As long as the business you own is crack / crack pipes, powdered cocaine(Girly), methamphetamine, imported pot.........................

Noticed I left domesticated pot off the list cause uncle sambo gets his kickback and the money stays local but for the rest ........................

You got a coca field in your basement??

Those look remarkably like what you describe as "some deep dark hole"...................................................
when you do the math, an average restaurant would have to take in at least 3500-4000 a day just to pay the staff, never mind the overhead. and how many average sized restaurants can take in over $10,000 a day, 7 days a week in this Obama-Economy?

:lmao: this bullshit math for us.
15.00 an HR= between 100-120 a day per employee. now thats a lot for any small/medium size restaurant. and then u multiply it by 15 to 20 employees. then you throw in the cost of food/electricity. No wonder most restaurants fail. Every restaurant has their quota that they have to meet every month. if they don't, they shut down. just like they are in Washington.
Restaurants are closing and so are many small businesses under the lack of leadership from the man from Kenya, two years can't come soon enough for me.
and who hasn't seen hundreds of local establishments shut down in their lifetimes. I have. its really sad to have seen them go being they were a part of our neighborhoods, the places where "everyone knew your name". and especially in 2009 when Obama collapsed the economy! they went down like Domino's in various parts of Florida.

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