Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

Zeke that post don't make any sense at all what does one person making more money have to do across the board raise? Of millions of burger flippers?

Dude, you are posting nonsense now? WTF.Your "question" makes no sense. Think I'll go fix breakfast.
if you think that question made no sense then enjoy your breakfast and watch reruns of the brady bunch or something and enjoy your simple life my friend
Btw the way zeke I so envy you get to retire when the get out of the Rat race was good and we have to try to clean up your mess you left behind.
Still no explanation what livable wage is. Anyone?

You right wingers sure are confused about this number aren't ya?
A "livable wage" is earnings great enough that the worker does not qualify for direct government assistance ( SNAP, housing allowance, heat allowance etc) at any level.

The other number is "poverty wages". Those people earn so little they do qualify for all those government benefits,
Those people do not make a "livable wage".

Hope that helps you.

Then how much is it? is it the same in NYC as in Guthrie, Alabama? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents and a married guy with 4 kids? If the single guy and the married guy are doing the same job, should they get the same pay?

Who decides what is a liveable wage for each individual?

Your entire rant on this topic proves that you are an idiot.
They do get paid they just get paid in accordance with the job

If they want more money then they should make themselves more valuable to their employer

The reason they get paid MW is because any moron off the street can do what they do
What do you do? I'm OK with people making minimum as long as its a fair wage. Can't trust owners so the gov decides that number.
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.

That was driven completely by the consumers' desire for lower prices and business' desire to remain competitive.
Still no explanation what livable wage is. Anyone?

You right wingers sure are confused about this number aren't ya?
A "livable wage" is earnings great enough that the worker does not qualify for direct government assistance ( SNAP, housing allowance, heat allowance etc) at any level.

The other number is "poverty wages". Those people earn so little they do qualify for all those government benefits,
Those people do not make a "livable wage".

Hope that helps you.

Then how much is it? is it the same in NYC as in Guthrie, Alabama? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents and a married guy with 4 kids? If the single guy and the married guy are doing the same job, should they get the same pay?

Who decides what is a liveable wage for each individual?

Your entire rant on this topic proves that you are an idiot.

Here's the obvious solution. Every person who looks for a job must first submit a detailed application to the government, outlining all of his projected expenses for the next 5 years. Then, the government will issue him an official living wage below which he cannot be paid (and to keep things fair, he shall also be issued an official maximium wage, above which he cannot be paid). Simple, we've solved both poverty AND income disparity.
Most Republicans i know, have no problem with businesses lobbying Government for handouts. So they like Big Government interference just fine. But only if it benefits them. When it comes to Workers wanting a piece of the pie, they're all about "Government should stay out of it!!"

Seriously, i really am ashamed of my Republican friends on issues like this. Their greed and hypocrisy is pretty embarrassing.
You said that already. If you can't address the points I'm raising, please don't quote my posts.

I did address it. You're just fine with Big Government interference in business if it benefits you. Otherwise, you're all "Government should stay out of it!!" Such high & mighty hypocrisy. Shame on ya.

Actually, I'm neutral on the subject of my city and county actively trying to convince businesses to move here. They can or not, as they choose. But yes, I think IF they are going to do so, it's completely appropriate for the businesses to negotiate for tax incentives in exchange for what the city/county wants. I also think business owners have the same right to petition government as every other citizen does. There's no equivalency between that and government high-handedly dealing itself into business decisions.

You don't get to have it both ways. You beg for handouts, you have to accept Government being involved. Period, end of story.

Sorry, Sparkles, but your logic is not only based on a faulty premise, it's also built with substandard materials. I wouldn't get too comfy in that metaphorical house, if you catch my drift.

Let's stretch that a bit further and say "don't throw stones from there".
Wrong. there is a number. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. I go with something like $11 - $15 an hr. as a possible survivable wage. How bout you?

How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.

So $5 an hr. is a decent livable wage to you? Ok. At least you answered the question. Gotta give you some props for that i guess.

It doesn't matter what your starting wage is.

A career is a ladder not a bed. The times I worked for MW in the past I was never more than 6 months away from a pay raise or a promotion because I didn't think being a bag boy or a stock clerk was a job that would support me

I'm sorry but if you're still making MW after 20 years on a job then it's your own fault not your employer's
In america today no one lasts 20 years at a company. And if you build cars or forged steal for 19 years and all those jobs left your town you might end up working at walmart.

We just got to make sure our government looks out for the middle class so we dont all become the working poor.
I will never have to work at Walmart
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.
How about me?

If I couldn't survive on one job I worked 2 or 3

When I was young I shared an apt with 4 other guys. I lived on 5 for a dollar Ramen soups for months on end

IOW I did what I had to do to pay my bills I find that in general putting your head down and hustling gets far better results than whining.

So $5 an hr. is a decent livable wage to you? Ok. At least you answered the question. Gotta give you some props for that i guess.

It doesn't matter what your starting wage is.

A career is a ladder not a bed. The times I worked for MW in the past I was never more than 6 months away from a pay raise or a promotion because I didn't think being a bag boy or a stock clerk was a job that would support me

I'm sorry but if you're still making MW after 20 years on a job then it's your own fault not your employer's
In america today no one lasts 20 years at a company. And if you build cars or forged steal for 19 years and all those jobs left your town you might end up working at walmart.

We just got to make sure our government looks out for the middle class so we dont all become the working poor.
I will never have to work at Walmart
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

LOL, your "conservative friends" said that while your liberal friends were already in the welfare lines.

Taking welfare and being ashamed to have to do it is quite different from taking it and feeling it is owed to you. Thats the difference between conservatives and liberals.
What do you do? I'm OK with people making minimum as long as its a fair wage. Can't trust owners so the gov decides that number.
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.
For one anyone who works for a company for 19 years doing the same job and not into management at that company, the only finger he can point at is him self if that company closes up.

For two you are right "we allowed those Companies to leave by us shopping at big box stores were they pay crap wages and sell shitty products, "we allowed them to leave" by us consumers not buying from local mom and pop stores that payed good wages and sold good products, yea you are right it is our fault.

For three we still have a shit load of manufacturing jobs left that pay good wages, I got my taxes done yesterday and surprise to me I made over 70 grand last year, with OT. And I live in a right to work state South Carolina,
Dont go by how you did. Bill gates made a billion does that mean the economy is good? And by the way michigan is right to work too but it is the union big 3 that's leading the comeback. F150s baby!
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.
For one anyone who works for a company for 19 years doing the same job and not into management at that company, the only finger he can point at is him self if that company closes up.

For two you are right "we allowed those Companies to leave by us shopping at big box stores were they pay crap wages and sell shitty products, "we allowed them to leave" by us consumers not buying from local mom and pop stores that payed good wages and sold good products, yea you are right it is our fault.

For three we still have a shit load of manufacturing jobs left that pay good wages, I got my taxes done yesterday and surprise to me I made over 70 grand last year, with OT. And I live in a right to work state South Carolina,
Dont go by how you did. Bill gates made a billion does that mean the economy is good? And by the way michigan is right to work too but it is the union big 3 that's leading the comeback. F150s baby!

Michigan would never have been in the dumper if not for the UAW. Don't fool yourself about why Detroit went from a great modern city to a shithole.
So $5 an hr. is a decent livable wage to you? Ok. At least you answered the question. Gotta give you some props for that i guess.

It doesn't matter what your starting wage is.

A career is a ladder not a bed. The times I worked for MW in the past I was never more than 6 months away from a pay raise or a promotion because I didn't think being a bag boy or a stock clerk was a job that would support me

I'm sorry but if you're still making MW after 20 years on a job then it's your own fault not your employer's
In america today no one lasts 20 years at a company. And if you build cars or forged steal for 19 years and all those jobs left your town you might end up working at walmart.

We just got to make sure our government looks out for the middle class so we dont all become the working poor.
I will never have to work at Walmart
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

LOL, your "conservative friends" said that while your liberal friends were already in the welfare lines.

Taking welfare and being ashamed to have to do it is quite different from taking it and feeling it is owed to you. Thats the difference between conservatives and liberals.
Conse vatives say "I paid taxes I deserve foodstamps.

Oh and I noticed consevatives didn't look for a job and then filed for extension of unemployment and even went on vacation. They were quick to abuse and take advantage and no they didn't get a job at MCD before putting their hands out. It was great to watch them eat their words.
I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.
For one anyone who works for a company for 19 years doing the same job and not into management at that company, the only finger he can point at is him self if that company closes up.

For two you are right "we allowed those Companies to leave by us shopping at big box stores were they pay crap wages and sell shitty products, "we allowed them to leave" by us consumers not buying from local mom and pop stores that payed good wages and sold good products, yea you are right it is our fault.

For three we still have a shit load of manufacturing jobs left that pay good wages, I got my taxes done yesterday and surprise to me I made over 70 grand last year, with OT. And I live in a right to work state South Carolina,
Dont go by how you did. Bill gates made a billion does that mean the economy is good? And by the way michigan is right to work too but it is the union big 3 that's leading the comeback. F150s baby!

Michigan would never have been in the dumper if not for the UAW. Don't fool yourself about why Detroit went from a great modern city to a shithole.
Bullshit you assholes love to blame anyone but bush for the global recession.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.
For one anyone who works for a company for 19 years doing the same job and not into management at that company, the only finger he can point at is him self if that company closes up.

For two you are right "we allowed those Companies to leave by us shopping at big box stores were they pay crap wages and sell shitty products, "we allowed them to leave" by us consumers not buying from local mom and pop stores that payed good wages and sold good products, yea you are right it is our fault.

For three we still have a shit load of manufacturing jobs left that pay good wages, I got my taxes done yesterday and surprise to me I made over 70 grand last year, with OT. And I live in a right to work state South Carolina,
Dont go by how you did. Bill gates made a billion does that mean the economy is good? And by the way michigan is right to work too but it is the union big 3 that's leading the comeback. F150s baby!

Michigan would never have been in the dumper if not for the UAW. Don't fool yourself about why Detroit went from a great modern city to a shithole.
Bullshit you assholes love to blame anyone but bush for the global recession.

Wow, now bush destroyed Detroit and the auto industry? Did you OD on paxil last night?
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.
I find that liberals lie just about every time they say anything and 100% of the time when they mention conservatives.
It doesn't matter what your starting wage is.

A career is a ladder not a bed. The times I worked for MW in the past I was never more than 6 months away from a pay raise or a promotion because I didn't think being a bag boy or a stock clerk was a job that would support me

I'm sorry but if you're still making MW after 20 years on a job then it's your own fault not your employer's
In america today no one lasts 20 years at a company. And if you build cars or forged steal for 19 years and all those jobs left your town you might end up working at walmart.

We just got to make sure our government looks out for the middle class so we dont all become the working poor.
I will never have to work at Walmart
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

LOL, your "conservative friends" said that while your liberal friends were already in the welfare lines.

Taking welfare and being ashamed to have to do it is quite different from taking it and feeling it is owed to you. Thats the difference between conservatives and liberals.
Conse vatives say "I paid taxes I deserve foodstamps.

Oh and I noticed consevatives didn't look for a job and then filed for extension of unemployment and even went on vacation. They were quick to abuse and take advantage and no they didn't get a job at MCD before putting their hands out. It was great to watch them eat their words.

LOL, liberals say " I never paid any taxes but I deserve welfare, food stamps, a free house, an Iphone, a big screen TV, and free medical care."
Nah, they'll be less inclined to spit in your soda if they're making a decent wage. You definitely want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants. Trust me, it's for the best.

I don't think they're doing it to good customers. Now if you're an asshole to them, then you should worry.

Trust me, you really do want happy & prosperous workers waiting on you in restaurants especially. But happy & prosperous workers make for better workers overall. They're proud of their work and happy to serve.

You never told us how much is a fair wage. Lets say that everyone is doing exactly the same job, how much should they be paid? Is it the same in NYC as in Fargo ND? Is it the same for a single guy living with his parents as for a married guy with 4 kids? Is it the same for a teenager working for pocket money as for a single mom?

And finally, who decides what is a fair wage? Who is this omnipitant wage setter?
How about no less than 60x less than the CEO takes home. Or whatever is a living wage. Its all just funny money anyways.

How about just forgetting about the CEO .................

What he makes is irrelevant to what nay worker makes ...................

Just the skill set alone sets most CEO's apart from the regular laborer, the fact they have a BRAIN and actually understand how business works and how greedy, skill less workers think they are any way equal or have any right to base their pay expectations with them(CEO) in mind.

Workers aren't asking for riches. They're just asking to be paid a decent livable wage. And i don't think that's too much to ask in the richest nation on earth.
What do you do? I'm OK with people making minimum as long as its a fair wage. Can't trust owners so the gov decides that number.
Define fair

I've asked you guys for a long time to put a number on what you think is a decent livable wage for average American Workers in today's America. You guys always duck & run. What do you think an average American can survive on today? Take a shot, throw a number out there.
And I've told you that it's up to you to earn what you need to pay your bills. If your no skill job isn't paying you enough then you can get a second job or learn a skill that will warrant higher pay
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.

Still no explanation what livable wage is. Anyone?
It is then same type of question liberals will never answer like:

When discussing then school system:

How much money do The schools need?

The poor have smart cell phones, 50 inch T.V.s , a/c but for some reason god only knows they can not get any ID to vote.

They think in there strange minds they can force the higher labor cost On to the stockholders or CEOs
The lottorys should solve all our money problems. Where does all that money go and how did we get along before lotteries?
In america today no one lasts 20 years at a company. And if you build cars or forged steal for 19 years and all those jobs left your town you might end up working at walmart.

We just got to make sure our government looks out for the middle class so we dont all become the working poor.
I will never have to work at Walmart
That's what a lot of my consevative friends said before 2007. They ate their words.

I'll never need unemployment I'll never need foodstamps. Or the classic "I'd work at MCD before I'd...

Liars. Until it happens you dont know what you would do. And I find conservatives are quickest to put their hands out.

LOL, your "conservative friends" said that while your liberal friends were already in the welfare lines.

Taking welfare and being ashamed to have to do it is quite different from taking it and feeling it is owed to you. Thats the difference between conservatives and liberals.
Conse vatives say "I paid taxes I deserve foodstamps.

Oh and I noticed consevatives didn't look for a job and then filed for extension of unemployment and even went on vacation. They were quick to abuse and take advantage and no they didn't get a job at MCD before putting their hands out. It was great to watch them eat their words.

LOL, liberals say " I never paid any taxes but I deserve welfare, food stamps, a free house, an Iphone, a big screen TV, and free medical care."
If you make minimum wage and you pay sales and gas taxes you are being taxed to death.
Heres all we're saying. Between 1950 and 2000 we had high paying manufacturing union labor middle class jobs. We allowed all those jobs to go to China mexico and everywhere else. I know that benefitted the rich and the rest of the world but it didn't help america.

Our gov has a responsibility to look out for the masses. If not capitalism will have us grateful for $5 a day.
For one anyone who works for a company for 19 years doing the same job and not into management at that company, the only finger he can point at is him self if that company closes up.

For two you are right "we allowed those Companies to leave by us shopping at big box stores were they pay crap wages and sell shitty products, "we allowed them to leave" by us consumers not buying from local mom and pop stores that payed good wages and sold good products, yea you are right it is our fault.

For three we still have a shit load of manufacturing jobs left that pay good wages, I got my taxes done yesterday and surprise to me I made over 70 grand last year, with OT. And I live in a right to work state South Carolina,
Dont go by how you did. Bill gates made a billion does that mean the economy is good? And by the way michigan is right to work too but it is the union big 3 that's leading the comeback. F150s baby!

Michigan would never have been in the dumper if not for the UAW. Don't fool yourself about why Detroit went from a great modern city to a shithole.
Bullshit you assholes love to blame anyone but bush for the global recession.

Wow, now bush destroyed Detroit and the auto industry? Did you OD on paxil last night?
We all know you righties never admitted you caused the great global recession of 2007.

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