Breaking News: Restaurants Closing All Over Seattle As $15 Minimum Wage Mandate Starts April 1st.

What does the GOP worship more capitalism or god? Gods second fiddle.
Capitalism isn't a religion. That's where you libs trip over your dicks. Your politics is religious, you believe and if you believe enough it will come to pass. The thinking of a faith. Capitalism is founded on reality, it's how we became number one in the world, socialism didn't get us there.
You right wingers sure are confused about this number aren't ya?
A "livable wage" is earnings great enough that the worker does not qualify for direct government assistance ( SNAP, housing allowance, heat allowance etc) at any level.

The other number is "poverty wages". Those people earn so little they do qualify for all those government benefits,
Those people do not make a "livable wage".

Hope that helps you.
It helps a lot. You believe that and 18 year old should be able to leave home and be entitled to live on their own with the income regardless of whether they work or not. Thanks!

That's why we righties say you guys are stupid, really really stupid.
Still no explanation what livable wage is. Anyone?

You right wingers sure are confused about this number aren't ya?
A "livable wage" is earnings great enough that the worker does not qualify for direct government assistance ( SNAP, housing allowance, heat allowance etc) at any level.

The other number is "poverty wages". Those people earn so little they do qualify for all those government benefits,
Those people do not make a "livable wage".

Hope that helps you.
Zeke thanks for the laugh, after a bitch of a night at work.. You didnt give me an answer but an opinion, not an exact number,you know damn well the cost of living is 10x lower in a State like South Carolina then in New York city, so why do you want to raise the minimum wage across the board on the federal level? Your not doing a damn thing for folks living in New York except they are still poor and killing manufacturing jobs in the red states, but That's what you really want


That's the left motive to fight Right to work states

Be honest.
You believe that and 18 year old should be able to leave home and be entitled to live on their own with the income regardless of whether they work or not.

You are one stupid fucking weasel. Really.

You do know that earnings come from work? No I doubt that you do know that. I doubt you ever had a job.

What part of not qualifying for "government assistance" does your little weasel mind not understand?
You didnt give me an answer but an opinion, not an exact number,you know damn well the cost of living is 10x lower in a State like South Carolina then in New York city, so why do you want to raise the minimum wage across the board on the federal level?

You need to clear some of the fumes from your head.

I said a "livable wage". Which is what the question was dip shit. A livable wage is earnings great enough that the worker does not qualify for government assistance. No matter where the worker lives and works.

Is that too fucking hard to understand?
For one anyone who works for a company for 19 years doing the same job and not into management at that company, the only finger he can point at is him self if that company closes up.

That is such a weird idea that maybe you could elaborate on it?
What did I say that confused you?

That it was partly the consumers fault that jobs left?

What is so hard to figure out?

It goes back to the Henry ford days when he gave everyone a raise and his employees started showing up in chevys

It goes back to my 80s when I use to drive by the local Dodge plant in Belvedere Illinois and used to see jap cars in the employees parking lot and I thought to myself if they Don't want to buy the crap they make, I sure wont.
You believe that and 18 year old should be able to leave home and be entitled to live on their own with the income regardless of whether they work or not. Thanks!

Instead of you pretending that I wrote something that I didn't write, how about you address what I did write?
Of not. But don't fucking pretend I wrote something I didn't you stupid fucking weasel.
Zeke, where the hell do you think this, "living" wage would come from? I'll enlighten your dumb ass! It comes from the price paid for the product produced, raising prices across the board and causing a perpetual upward spiral in prices.
How about this: Match your lifestyle to your wages while at the same time working to improve your skills to earn higher wages. It's really that simple!
That it was partly the consumers fault that jobs left?

Fuck dude. You can't even address what YOU wrote. What the fuck is up with that?

It goes back to my 80s when I use to drive by the local Dodge plant in Belvedere Illinois and used to see jap cars in the employees parking lot and I thought to myself if they Don't want to buy the crap they make, I sure wont.

Do you design the product that your company produces? Or do you run the machines? If the product is produced correctly but was a shit design to begin with, it that your fault? According to you it is. Just like you want to blame the automotive production worker for being asked to build a shitty designed car.

Instead of you blaming the engineers, the marketing department and the executives for sending a piss poor product to the production floor to be built, you want to blame the line guys.
What the fucks wrong with you? I thought you understood the manufacturing process? Line production workers do not design the cars they build.

Even you should be able to understand that. Right?
Zeke, where the hell do you think this, "living" wage would come from? I'll enlighten your dumb ass! It comes from the price paid for the product produced, raising prices across the board and causing a perpetual upward spiral in prices.
Hey natsteve, IF you have a job.and make a livable wage, where the fuck does your paycheck come from?

That was a stupid fucking question dude.
Zeke you do know the entitlement level is different from state to state, take unemployment, the max down here is what I was told $400 bucks but when my friends applied up in Chicago she told me it was $600 a week

So again why does the left want to raise the Federal raise MW?

What's the motive?
It comes from the price paid for the product produced, raising prices across the board and causing a perpetual upward spiral in prices.

I bet you go to your boss and offer to have your wages reduced every pay period. Cause you wouldn't want the cost of whatever to increase. So you'll just take a cut in pay. Right? That's what you would do.
Zeke I thought you were retired anyways, so why do you want the minimum wage to go up so you have to pay more?

I don't get it?
Zeke you do know the entitlement level is different from state to state, take unemployment, the max down here is what I was told $400 bucks but when my friends applied up in Chicago she told me it was $600 a week

So again why does the left want to raise the Federal raise MW?

What's the motive?

Why the fuck you want to go off on all these tangents?

The question I addressed and the one you said no left winger would address was what is a livable wage.

It is an amount of earnings that does not allow the worker to qualify for government assistance.

How to get to that amount was not the fucking question. Whether or not different areas of the country have different costs of living was not the question.

You got a problem with my definition of what a "livable wage" is, lets here that addressed. Not all this bullshit you want to go off on because you know my answer made sense.

Buy the way, there is a difference between minimum wage and livable wage. You and your kind are just to fucking stupid to know that.
Zeke that post don't make any sense at all what does one person making more money have to do across the board raise? Of millions of burger flippers?
Zeke that post don't make any sense at all what does one person making more money have to do across the board raise? Of millions of burger flippers?

Dude, you are posting nonsense now? WTF.Your "question" makes no sense. Think I'll go fix breakfast.
Zekie said: You right wingers sure are confused about this number aren't ya?
A "livable wage" is earnings great enough that the worker does not qualify for direct government assistance ( SNAP, housing allowance, heat allowance etc) at any level.

The other number is "poverty wages". Those people earn so little they do qualify for all those government benefits,
Those people do not make a "livable wage".

Hope that helps you.

The forum isn't quoting properly right now but have an adult explain what your idiotic words mean because apparently they are over your own head.

Hope that helps.
It comes from the price paid for the product produced, raising prices across the board and causing a perpetual upward spiral in prices.

I bet you go to your boss and offer to have your wages reduced every pay period. Cause you wouldn't want the cost of whatever to increase. So you'll just take a cut in pay. Right? That's what you would do.

Zeke you do know the entitlement level is different from state to state, take unemployment, the max down here is what I was told $400 bucks but when my friends applied up in Chicago she told me it was $600 a week

So again why does the left want to raise the Federal raise MW?

What's the motive?

Why the fuck you want to go off on all these tangents?

The question I addressed and the one you said no left winger would address was what is a livable wage.

It is an amount of earnings that does not allow the worker to qualify for government assistance.

How to get to that amount was not the fucking question. Whether or not different areas of the country have different costs of living was not the question.

You got a problem with my definition of what a "livable wage" is, lets here that addressed. Not all this bullshit you want to go off on because you know my answer made sense.

Buy the way, there is a difference between minimum wage and livable wage. You and your kind are just to fucking stupid to know that.

I don't get it?

Finally, something we can agree on.

But address that post about how you design your companies products and how if the product is shitty, it's your fault.
Can you do that?
Ok lets start with this question, my dad is a retired automation engineer also, I took 3 years of mold design in college, along with fucking around in high school on the boards, along with growing up with a machine shop in my dads garage, along with 30 years in the plastics field, along with the respect I earn from management

In every job I had...

Yea if a company closes down when I work there it would be my fault and no company ever did when I was working there...

Zeke the only thing I am Totally proud of is my passion for my job/ my plastic companies I worked for I knew them all A to Z

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