Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

I think it is funny...that the same people that berate the Far right conspiracy nuts on this forum for always talking about false flag events, is now calling the chemical attack in Syria a false flag event. Quit being stupid.

It is stupid to continue military assaults as these on flimsy evidence, especially when our track record in Syria is so very poor on the issue.

We are only helping ISIS and creating chaos with far greater instability in the ME in the future.

Among a series of important findings, the ISTEAMS report notes that even though the attacks are said to have killed up to 1400 people, mostly children appear in the videos and several corpses are shown in different videos said to have been shot in various locations.

While this report seriously challenges the assertion that the Syrian government was behind the attacks, it was not covered by the Western mainstream media, toeing the imperial line and parroting Washington’s claims, which still lack evidence and credibility.

Flimsy evidence? The fact you would say that means you don't understand the capability of the United States. We aren't running a no fly zone in Syria, so the next best thing is to watch and track every flight they take. The U.S. has satellites that can literally read the writing on your shirt from outer space... so when they say they have video of the plane taking off, dropping the chemical weapons on the people, and then returning to that air base... I believe them.
Wag the Dog False Flags distract from domestic problems.
Are you suggesting Trump coordinated with Assad and Putin to have Assad gas 80 people in order to distract people from the snowflake false accusations against Trump that have resulted in NO EVIDENCE of any kind to support their lies but HAS proven the Democrats perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking protected classified personal Trump team data?

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I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i seriously doubt their claims of it being a 'Chemical Weapons Attack.' That's just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' advocates. There's no upside for Assad in ordering a such an attack. I believe it is False Flag fiction.

To me, If I were president, I would at least wait until clothing and other material testing could be done to at least verify that it was indeed a chemical agent that was used and of the type used previously by Assad. If information comes out that the agent used was not the same as Assad used previously or was a more crude, homemade version or otherwise could be sourced to someone else, then what will Trump have to say?

Doesn't matter. It was a Wag the Dog False Flag event. They're never gonna tell the truth. It's been about 'Regime 'Change' from the beginning. They realized Assad was winning and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that.

Assad's no fool. He knew very well carrying out such an attack would have serious adverse consequences for him. It makes no sense for him to have done it. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime 'Change' powers. It's another False Flag. Bet on it.

Peace was at hand? Really? You can say that with a straight face?

Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.
"We are debating Trump like this is like Winston Churchill in the world of war like he is making some big strategic decision. I’m afraid it’s Dory in ‘Finding Nemo,’ that he did one thing and it will have no consequences. That there was no strategic thinking behind it. There is no big strategic shift." - New York Times
Are you suggesting Trump coordinated with Assad and Putin to have Assad gas 80 people in order to distract people from the snowflake false accusations against Trump that have resulted in NO EVIDENCE of any kind to support their lies but HAS proven the Democrats perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking protected classified personal Trump team data?

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I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i seriously doubt their claims of it being a 'Chemical Weapons Attack.' That's just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' advocates. There's no upside for Assad in ordering a such an attack. I believe it is False Flag fiction.

To me, If I were president, I would at least wait until clothing and other material testing could be done to at least verify that it was indeed a chemical agent that was used and of the type used previously by Assad. If information comes out that the agent used was not the same as Assad used previously or was a more crude, homemade version or otherwise could be sourced to someone else, then what will Trump have to say?

Doesn't matter. It was a Wag the Dog False Flag event. They're never gonna tell the truth. It's been about 'Regime 'Change' from the beginning. They realized Assad was winning and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that.

Assad's no fool. He knew very well carrying out such an attack would have serious adverse consequences for him. It makes no sense for him to have done it. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime 'Change' powers. It's another False Flag. Bet on it.

Peace was at hand? Really? You can say that with a straight face?

Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.
I think it is funny...that the same people that berate the Far right conspiracy nuts on this forum for always talking about false flag events, is now calling the chemical attack in Syria a false flag event. Quit being stupid.

It is stupid to continue military assaults as these on flimsy evidence, especially when our track record in Syria is so very poor on the issue.

We are only helping ISIS and creating chaos with far greater instability in the ME in the future.

Among a series of important findings, the ISTEAMS report notes that even though the attacks are said to have killed up to 1400 people, mostly children appear in the videos and several corpses are shown in different videos said to have been shot in various locations.

While this report seriously challenges the assertion that the Syrian government was behind the attacks, it was not covered by the Western mainstream media, toeing the imperial line and parroting Washington’s claims, which still lack evidence and credibility.

Flimsy evidence? The fact you would say that means you don't understand the capability of the United States. We aren't running a no fly zone in Syria, so the next best thing is to watch and track every flight they take. The U.S. has satellites that can literally read the writing on your shirt from outer space... so when they say they have video of the plane taking off, dropping the chemical weapons on the people, and then returning to that air base... I believe them.

It sounds like a convenient story, and you don't even have a link to your claim.

Without substantial proof, it is ludicrous to accuse a country of using chemical weapons in a chaotic war zone, and it won't stand the test of time. There has to be widespread reporting of the proof, which there isn't now.
Summary of Sunday shows: folks who will never, ever vote for Trump strongly approve of his bombing Asad instead of ISIS.
When there is a serious crime, there is usually a motive for it. Using chemical weapons was totally against Assad's interests and wasn't strategically advantageous. OTOH, the rebels had every motive to make the attack to draw us in.

Really creative!

The rebels snuck onto a Syrian air base, loaded barrel bombs loaded with Sarin gas onto their fixed wing planes. Brought in pilots to fly the jets to the target, then circle around and attack again with more bombs hitting both the original victims again along with the rescue workers and the hospital treating the victims. They then flew back to the Syrian air base, landed, parked the planes and escaped without Syria ever knowing. That would be hard to believe even on Mission Impossible. Maybe on Bob's Burgers, whatever that is.
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"We are debating Trump like this is like Winston Churchill in the world of war like he is making some big strategic decision. I’m afraid it’s Dory in ‘Finding Nemo,’ that he did one thing and it will have no consequences. That there was no strategic thinking behind it. There is no big strategic shift." - New York Times

The New York Times...editorial. Got it!


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