Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

If Trump had done nothing on Syria, the discussion now would be about how he has become "ObamaLite," I promise you.
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria?

Only Liberals / Snowflakes / Obama believed it was their responsibility to alter the governance and rule of other nations in the last 8 years,

I say 'last 8 years' because Bush made the same mistake of assuming responsibility of attempting to overthrow a dictator who posed no threat to the US.

After all the condemnation of Bush for dragging the US to war (WITH Congressional approval to do so) to overthrow a dictator, Obama - with his snowflakes rallied around him defending him - has taken the US to war TWICE (without Congressional approval to do so) in order to overthrow TWO different dictators, neither of who posed direct threats to the United States: Qadaffi in Libya and al-Assad in Syria.

Consider also, despite the snowflakes' rabid condemnation of Russia for trying to influence our 2016 election - something Obama declared happens all the time, Obama's 4 (FOUR) attempts to change leadership in other nations - 2 of them allies: Israel, Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

The pure hypocritical nature of your attempt now to accuse others of wanting to put anyone in power in Syria is unparalleled / un-precedented. Just yesterday you snowflakes were bashing Trump for initially (and appropriately IMO) declaring the US was not committed to regime change in Syria.

Don't get me wrong, if it happens I would be happy to see it, but it should NOT be OUR primary goal to affect that regime change. As long as Putin remains determined to keep Assad in power - and as long as Americans believe getting Assad out of power does NOT merit going to war with Russia, it will not happen. The US would be continually wasting our time, resources, and lives.

OBAMA was the one who wanted Qadaffi out of power enough to drag the US into war in Libya and who wanted Assad out of power enough to drag the US to war in Syria.
Trump isn't trying to take down power in Syria. He was showing them we won't stand for chemical attacks.

The target was the one airfield where the attacks generated from.

Hillary has already said she would have taken out all their airfields. That would have forced their hand.

As it is, Trump just showed them what can happen when they insist on using chemicals.

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The target was the one airfield where the attacks generated from.

And....air operations resumed the next day.

Wait, you fascists have been claiming that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, so this is not possible...

Unless you fascists have been LYING this whole time?

So, are you admitting that you and the rest of the democrats are filthy liars, Shitting Bull?

Sounds like a great reason to drop four or five dozen missiles on an airfield.

It seems like it worked. At least on those easily impressed.
of course dump is the owner of stock in the company that just wasted 83 million in a bs attempt to show he has balls ,,,sorry dump you're ball less
Each missile costs $1.41 million, so, times 59= $83 million.
So now snowflakes care about spending tax dollars?

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It just seems a little high to put a hole in a runway. Hell, Trump could have bought his wife another diamond ring for that much....

As a non interventionist Conservative I think that money could have been much better spent keeping future filthy ass Democrat voters out of the country by paying for the wall between us and Mexico.

However, Trump has more compassion than me towards the Muslim children that suffered a horrendous death because of Sarin gas.

The Kenyan claimed he had compassion towards Muslim children but he didn't do a damn thing about Assad gassing the children, did he? He was too much of a chickenshit, wasn't he? He was afraid of the Russians, wasn't he?
filthy ass Democrat voters browns out of the country by paying for the wall between us and Mexico.
  1. The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians. The Americans must have assumed that this would happen.
  2. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed.
  3. There were 6 or 7 casualties, which is very little.
  4. Crucially, the runways did not suffer.
5. Air operations resumed the following day.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Balls. That sort of talk got us the Iraq disaster 14 years ago.

Funny the whole free world is praising Trumps action something that pansy ads Obama should of done in the first place.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin praised the U.S. for its airstrike aimed at an airbase called Shayrat. He called on the world to bring an end to the atrocities committed by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


"In the face of the terrible use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians, the clear and determined steps of the US Administration and Military under the leadership of President Trump, constitute a fitting and appropriate response to such unthinkable brutality,” Rivlin said.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed support for the U.S. missile attack on Friday saying that the country understood and supported the strategy. Abe added that the strikes were "a means to prevent further deterioration of the situation" referring to the suspected chemical attack.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters that the Australian government supported the “swift and just response” of the U.S. airstrikes.

"This was a calibrated, proportionate and targeted response. It sends a strong message to the Assad regime, and ... has been struck at the very airfield from which the chemical attack was delivered,” Turnbull said.

Turkey welcomed the airstrike, calling it an “important and meaningful” development, but urged the world to take an even tougher stance on Assad.
My prediction is that Trump is going to LOVE these positive strokes, this attention for being the hero. I hope he doesn't run with it and start bombing the hell out of all and sundry to get more accolades. His little speech last night was very emotional, for him. Never heard him more prayerful--he even blessed the whole world! He was very worked up by the role and truly into it.
Nikki Haley says US bans refugee kids because moms are a threat: ‘Syrian children come with Syrian adults’
Yup Trump gave the Russians 60 minutes warning before the missiles hit the airbase.

The guy who just flattened Assad's airbase from which he launched the latest chemical weapons attack is the same guy just yesterday you snowflakes were claiming would not act against Syria because he SUPPORTS Assad, because he is in Putin's Pocket...

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flattened Assad's airbase

Syrian Air Base Hit by US Missiles ‘Operational Again’
The fact Trump gave no thought to politics before doing what we hired him to do impresses the hell out of me.
Lindsey Graham is really fired up this morning. Lindsey never saw a war he didn't want to send American boys into.
Wag the Dog False Flags distract from domestic problems.
Are you suggesting Trump coordinated with Assad and Putin to have Assad gas 80 people in order to distract people from the snowflake false accusations against Trump that have resulted in NO EVIDENCE of any kind to support their lies but HAS proven the Democrats perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking protected classified personal Trump team data?

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I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i seriously doubt their claims of it being a 'Chemical Weapons Attack.' That's just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' advocates. There's no upside for Assad in ordering a such an attack. I believe it is False Flag fiction.

To me, If I were president, I would at least wait until clothing and other material testing could be done to at least verify that it was indeed a chemical agent that was used and of the type used previously by Assad. If information comes out that the agent used was not the same as Assad used previously or was a more crude, homemade version or otherwise could be sourced to someone else, then what will Trump have to say?
The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed.

You need to catch up!

WORLD NEWS | Fri Apr 7, 2017 | 2:40am EDT
Syrian air base suffers major damage due to U.S. strikes: Russia's RIA
U.S. cruise missile strikes on Syria's Shayrat air base caused "significant" damage to the site, Russia's RIA Novosti agency quoted a base employee as saying on Friday.

"All the aircraft on the base have been taken out of action, it's safe to say they are completely destroyed," the employee, who was not named, told RIA.

The agency quoted Syrian television as reporting that a fire at the air base was continuing.

The United States fired dozens of cruise missiles at the Syrian base earlier on Friday from which it said a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched this week. The move drew sharp criticism from Russia.

(Reporting by Jack Stubbs; Writing by Sujata Rao; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

Syrian air base suffers major damage due to U.S. strikes: Russia's RIA
Syrian air base bombed by U.S. cruise missiles resumes operations
When there is a serious crime, there is usually a motive for it. Using chemical weapons was totally against Assad's interests and wasn't strategically advantageous. OTOH, the rebels had every motive to make the attack to draw us in.

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