Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Wow. You really have no clue do you? Care to explain the surveillance equipment the IAEA uses to ensure compliance? What happens when you no longer comply? They just ignore it while you make a weapon?

Like I said, you are clueless.

Safeguards Equipment: What’s in an Inspector’s Luggage?

Over a hundred types of equipment are used by IAEA inspectors to verify the form, isotopic composition and quantity of nuclear material.

One of the most commonly used pieces of equipment is the HM-5.
The electrically cooled germanium system (ECGS) (see image B),
the Irradiated Item Attribute Tester
digital Cerenkov viewing device (see image D),
The IAEA is also evaluating the benefit of using 3D laser technology (see image F) for verification, as it can quickly map out buildings when the inspector walks through them with the tool in hand. The resulting 3D plans (see image G) are more efficient than standard photographs for verifying States’ declarations of facilities.
Wow. You really have no clue do you? Care to explain the surveillance equipment the IAEA uses to ensure compliance? What happens when you no longer comply? They just ignore it while you make a weapon?

Like I said, you are clueless.

Safeguards Equipment: What’s in an Inspector’s Luggage?

Over a hundred types of equipment are used by IAEA inspectors to verify the form, isotopic composition and quantity of nuclear material.

One of the most commonly used pieces of equipment is the HM-5.
The electrically cooled germanium system (ECGS) (see image B),
the Irradiated Item Attribute Tester
digital Cerenkov viewing device (see image D),
The IAEA is also evaluating the benefit of using 3D laser technology (see image F) for verification, as it can quickly map out buildings when the inspector walks through them with the tool in hand. The resulting 3D plans (see image G) are more efficient than standard photographs for verifying States’ declarations of facilities.

Yeah? So what do they do to you when they find you trying to make a bomb? Go ahead we'll wait.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard upset we'll never know who gassed Syrian civilians, now that Trump bombed the evidence
MSM repeatedly interviews 7 yr old Syrian girl - any interviews with the siblings of the children murdered by terrorists in Europe? Why not?
BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq!

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

Read more: BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

Most of these were the result of munitions bunkers being bombed in the first gulf war, and the shells spread about the desert. This explains why it took 8 years to find them. You can liken it to the three atomic bombs or two hydrogen bombs we lost over Georgia and Spain.
what trump's thinking: "War is entertaining and good for ratings. I never feel more manly than when I see our laser guided missiles blowing crap up"
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard upset we'll never know who gassed Syrian civilians, now that Trump bombed the evidence

Word is the U.S. government keeps videos of Syrian planes taking off...and they have them on video dropping the chemical weapons... that's why they didn't wait for some kind of investigation before taking action. They already knew for certain who did it and exactly where the plane came from.
Yeah? So what do they do to you when they find you trying to make a bomb? Go ahead we'll wait.

They notify the UN, the UNSC can decide what actions to take, at the very least it involves removal of the suspect material, like they did in Iraq and Libya.
Word is the U.S. government keeps videos of Syrian planes taking off...and they have them on video dropping the chemical weapons... that's why they didn't wait for some kind of investigation before taking action. They already knew for certain who did it and exactly where the plane came from.

They don't just wiretap russian phones. They do all kinds of surveilance. Why are people surprised?
The fact Trump KNEW his attack would rile the base and yet did it anyway shows he will do the RIGHT thing regardless of political risk.
When will the military draft be reinstated? I'm sure we'll need it before long.
Kushner the Son In Law at War

I don't like it. Not really sure who used those chemical weapons

Actually, we do. The attack was conducted with fixed wing aircraft. The only forces with fixed wing aircraft are Syria and Russia. Russia is also adamantly opposed to chemical weapons. There are also witness accounts of the bombs. The US has radar and satellite coverage of the entire area.

Who did it is not a question?

There are also Turkish and Israeli planes in Syria.

Turkish, Russian aircraft destroy Islamic State targets in Syria: army

Edit: And then there is this link about ISIS I found posted earlier:
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Wait, you fascists have been claiming that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, so this is not possible...

Unless you fascists have been LYING this whole time?

So, are you admitting that you and the rest of the democrats are filthy liars, Shitting Bull?

Sounds like a great reason to drop four or five dozen missiles on an airfield.

It seems like it worked. At least on those easily impressed.
Tuesday's chemical weapons attack in Idlib province, which rebel groups claim was committed by the Syrian army, bears similarities to the "false flag" attack carried out by jihadists in Ghouta in 2013, Middle Eastern expert Michael Lueders told Germany's ZDF television.

'Dirty Geopolitical Game': West-Backed Jihadis Carried Out Syria Chemical Attack

The reaction of the US, Germany and other Western nations to the chemical weapons attack reported in Idlib province has been too hasty, given the history of false flags organized by jihadist groups operating in Syria, expert in Middle East affairs Michael Lueders told Germany's ZDF television.

Lueders, former Middle Eastern correspondent for Germany's Die Zeit newspaper, said the Western interpretation of events in Syria has more to do with the geopolitical objectives of the US, EU and their Middle Eastern allies than with the reality of events there.

Lindsey Graham just said on Meet The Press that Assad is telling Trump "fuck you" does that translate to arabic?

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