BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

Like I said before. We are going to be stuck with the bill one way or another. This tariff will harm Americans more than Mexico.
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
This stage is called OPENING OF NEGOTIATIONS.

In Round One, Mexico declared they WERE NOT PAYING FOR THE WALL.


The peso responded by COLLAPSING IN VALUE.

In Round Two, Mexico will realize it is in an impossible situation because it MUST have trade with the United States to SURVIVE, while the United States would be better off if Mexico was SAWED OFF AND SUNK INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday walked back his statement that President Donald Trump supports a plan to tax imports
Trump team walks back plan to fund wall with import tax

White House press secretary Sean Spicer suggested a tax on imports could fund the border security measure before backing off the proposal.

Another example of liberal bullshit - and fake news.

In the first instance, Spicer said that the tax COULD be used. The liberal press gets its panties in a wad because, apparently according to their misinterpretation, Spicer said the tax WOULD be used.

Because of the liberal stupidity (or intentionally deceitful 'misinterpretation' of Spicer), he is required to point out exactly what he said.

Does the liberal media let it go? No ---- instead, they intentionally mischaracterize his attempt as "waling back", thus trying to get credence to their original lie.

Disgusting ...... but typical.

Typical Trumpism.....throw shit against the wall and then walk it back when you are told what a stupid idea it is
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You think Trump can make up for substantially lower wages in Mexico?
We all know he is trying to cut wages on American workers
Yes, he can in industries such as auto manufacturing that are not labor intensive and you are lying about the President trying to cut wages.

Does that mean we should ignore his statements that wages are too high?
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
So first you cry like a little bitch about failed progressive policies sending jobs over seas 24x7 - and when Trump corrects that and keeps jobs here, you whine about a measly $4k on a $20k item. Damn are you desperate for something to pin on Trump :lol:

If I have to pay more for what I buy so that we can build the Great Wall of Trump.......yes, I blame him
But you've been saying for 8 years you'll happily pay more for products if it means keeping jobs in the U.S. Remember? When you defended high taxes? And high labor costs? And unions? And costly regulations?

Oops....someone just lost all credibility. How embarrassing.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday walked back his statement that President Donald Trump supports a plan to tax imports
Trump team walks back plan to fund wall with import tax

White House press secretary Sean Spicer suggested a tax on imports could fund the border security measure before backing off the proposal.
Now please allow me to be you while Barack Obama was in office TyroneSlothrop...

Waaaaaa!!!! Fake News!!!!

Waaaaaa! Vast left-wing conspiracy theory!!!!

Waaaaaa!!!! You're just a bunch of xenophobes who hate Melania because she's a foreigner!!!!

So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
So first you cry like a little bitch about failed progressive policies sending jobs over seas 24x7 - and when Trump corrects that and keeps jobs here, you whine about a measly $4k on a $20k item. Damn are you desperate for something to pin on Trump :lol:

If I have to pay more for what I buy so that we can build the Great Wall of Trump.......yes, I blame him
But you've been saying for 8 years you'll happily pay more for products if it means keeping jobs in the U.S. Remember? When you defended high taxes? And high labor costs? And unions? And costly regulations?

Oops....someone just lost all credibility. How embarrassing.

This is paying more for product from Mexico.... and us paying for the wall.
This is paying more for product from Mexico.... and us paying for the wall.
Mexico makes pretty crappy products to begin with. How many people go looking for a Mexican suit? Answer: 0. When you hear good, quality suits, you immediately think Italian suits.

People are not going to pay for a 20% increase on crap. And that's the entire point. Mexican products will stop selling in the U.S. Mexico simply cannot afford that. Their already weak and pitiful economy will completely collapse. Which means they will cave and pay for the wall just to get American business back. If we couple that with withholding foreign aid, Mexico will really panic. We have them by the balls and they know it. Trump is wise enough to know it too and he is leveraging it for America. That's why he was elected. Unlike Obama who hated America and wanted to build up other nations, Trump is doing what a U.S. president should do - focus on doing everything for America.
We have a huge trade DEFICTs The US loses. W h a t part of that do ewe unemployed minions not understand?
This is paying more for product from Mexico.... and us paying for the wall.
Mexico makes pretty crappy products to begin with. How many people go looking for a Mexican suit? Answer: 0. When you hear good, quality suits, you immediately think Italian suits.

People are not going to pay for a 20% increase on crap. And that's the entire point. Mexican products will stop selling in the U.S. Mexico simply cannot afford that. Their already weak and pitiful economy will completely collapse. Which means they will cave and pay for the wall just to get American business back. If we couple that with withholding foreign aid, Mexico will really panic. We have them by the balls and they know it. Trump is wise enough to know it too and he is leveraging it for America. That's why he was elected. Unlike Obama who hated America and wanted to build up other nations, Trump is doing what a U.S. president should do - focus on doing everything for America.

Who goes out looking for a Mexican made flat screen TV or laptop? Nobody, but lots of people come home with one not even knowing it was made in Mexico.

And yep, people will pay the twenty percent because they won't have a choice. It will be buy, or not buy at all. Tell me, who is going to provide the "substitution"? Like I said, Foxconn has manufacturing facilities in Mexico and China. If we slap a twenty percent tariff on goods from Mexico. Foxconn is not going to keep their prices the same from the plant in China, they are going to increase them to match the increase in cost for the Mexican plant. Dell, Lenovo, BMW---they will all do the same.
Foxconn is not going to keep their prices the same from the plant in China, they are going to increase them to match the increase in cost for the Mexican plant.
Foxconn is going to sabotage themselves?!? Bwahahahaha! Not even you believe that. What Foxconn will do is do all of their manufacturing in China if it is cheaper. Which means, Mexico will lose even more business. You literally just made the best case yet for why this will be effective. Mexico can't afford to lose American business.

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