BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

I can't remember the last time I bought a car that was "hecho en Mexico". Frankly I'm tired of wading through Spanish instructions on every piece of hardware I buy. Maybe we can go back to English as the official language

Well, you did manage to get a "white" in the White House....So, to your ilk that is "progress". Congrats.

Wow. You pulled the Race Card.

That was such a shock.

I've never seen a lib do that before.

oh no , avocados and flat bread / bimbo bread from mexico and penny and nickle candies , tequilia , mexican been would get more expensive . --------- big deal , don't buy them if you can't afford them . Icing on the cake is that it would just hurt the 'peso' and the mexican presidents presidency a bit more . Them maybe the gasoline prptesters woud have more reason to replace their corrupt rulers Nat !!
And mexico imports 40 percent of its goods from the US, I am sure they will gladly by its goods from someone else , rubes shooting themselves in the face once again
oh no , avocados and flat bread / bimbo bread from mexico and penny and nickle candies , tequilia , mexican been would get more expensive . --------- big deal , don't buy them if you can't afford them . Icing on the cake is that it would just hurt the 'peso' and the mexican presidents presidency a bit more . Them maybe the gasoline prptesters woud have more reason to replace their corrupt rulers Nat !!
And mexico imports 40 percent of its goods from the US, I am sure they will gladly by its goods from someone else , rubes shooting themselves in the face once again
-------------------------------------------------------------------- big deal , lets become more self sufficient in the USA as we tax the heck out of mexico and other enemies . Time for the USA to put the world in its place Guno !!
Impose that tariff, turn the water back on in the Central Valley! Let's start running our own country. Build that wall.
First of all this proposed tariff is yet another of Trump's blustering; the orange moron thinks that the Art of the Deal is second only to the Bible in importance and he aims to govern this country like he "governed" his TV reality shows....

But, lets say that the tariff would be imposed; this is what we will see as a result:

Mexican imports to the US would be a heck of a lot more expensive (even more than 20%)...Meaning that you should expect for cars, farm equipment, food stuff, etc. to increase for the American consumer.

For those who stupidly retort with, "we'll grow and/or manufacture those former Mexican imports, the result is the same. American workers would want more to produce and the cost to consumers will also rise. Expect a pound of tomatoes to cost at least $10.

Third, and most important, Mexico will partner with China to buy directly from them all those goods and services that we currently provide to Mexico.....and, conversely, Mexico will sell to China many of its productions, leaving the U.S. holding the bag.

There is no doubt that Trump's bluster (tariffs and Wall) will inflate Trump's ego and the morons who back him will cheer like the brainwashed acolytes that they truly are.

(BTW, all those fairly wealthy seniors who relocated in retirement to Mexico and probably voted for Trump, may be "surprised" at what the future of their status in mexico will be.)

Keep on supporting Trump, right wingers....he needs to bolster his narcissism.
It will be interesting to see how he weasels his way out of it, im sure he'll find a nice scapegoat, but the question is who will he blame? Mexico? the democrats? Jamaica?
Weasel out, why? You lefties have no clue what's going on.

Mexico can't handle the tariff, they'll be back to the bargaining table. We have a businessman in office now, the professional agitator is gone.
oh no , avocados and flat bread / bimbo bread from mexico and penny and nickle candies , tequilia , mexican been would get more expensive . --------- big deal , don't buy them if you can't afford them . Icing on the cake is that it would just hurt the 'peso' and the mexican presidents presidency a bit more . Them maybe the gasoline prptesters woud have more reason to replace their corrupt rulers Nat !!
And mexico imports 40 percent of its goods from the US, I am sure they will gladly by its goods from someone else , rubes shooting themselves in the face once again
We can trade with friendlier countries.
course , all you libs can shake in your boots while i and others watch to see what President Trump actually does Guno .
Mexico has been screwing us for over 20 years and when someone with balls tightens the screws they cry and run to the media like little bitches
strengthen ties and trade to civilized and similar nations like England / UK like President Trump is doing today with his meeting with Theresa May of England . ----------------------------------- feck mexico Nat . guno and other lefty whingers !!
This is paying more for product from Mexico.... and us paying for the wall.
Mexico makes pretty crappy products to begin with. How many people go looking for a Mexican suit? Answer: 0. When you hear good, quality suits, you immediately think Italian suits.

People are not going to pay for a 20% increase on crap. And that's the entire point. Mexican products will stop selling in the U.S. Mexico simply cannot afford that. Their already weak and pitiful economy will completely collapse. Which means they will cave and pay for the wall just to get American business back. If we couple that with withholding foreign aid, Mexico will really panic. We have them by the balls and they know it. Trump is wise enough to know it too and he is leveraging it for America. That's why he was elected. Unlike Obama who hated America and wanted to build up other nations, Trump is doing what a U.S. president should do - focus on doing everything for America.

20% won't stop the sale of Mexico products. We will just be paying more. And our exports will go down when they put a tax on our products.
Wow. You pulled the Race Card.

That was such a shock.

I've never seen a lib do that before.


Well, I've never seen so many racist right wingers in one forum.....Maybe its the anonymitybut its certainly there, isn't it?
We have a businessman in office now,

....and we know the kind of "businessman" he is because.....???

We know Trump is really good at declaring bankruptcies...True !!!
We know that US banks don't really want to deal with him...True !!!
We have no idea of his tax returns of if he has paid ANY federal taxes in 25 years...True !!!

However, we DO "know" he is a "great businessman" because....well, .....because he told us he is........"believe me."

First of all this proposed tariff is yet another of Trump's blustering; the orange moron thinks that the Art of the Deal is second only to the Bible in importance and he aims to govern this country like he "governed" his TV reality shows....

But, lets say that the tariff would be imposed; this is what we will see as a result:

Mexican imports to the US would be a heck of a lot more expensive (even more than 20%)...Meaning that you should expect for cars, farm equipment, food stuff, etc. to increase for the American consumer.

For those who stupidly retort with, "we'll grow and/or manufacture those former Mexican imports, the result is the same. American workers would want more to produce and the cost to consumers will also rise. Expect a pound of tomatoes to cost at least $10.

Third, and most important, Mexico will partner with China to buy directly from them all those goods and services that we currently provide to Mexico.....and, conversely, Mexico will sell to China many of its productions, leaving the U.S. holding the bag.

There is no doubt that Trump's bluster (tariffs and Wall) will inflate Trump's ego and the morons who back him will cheer like the brainwashed acolytes that they truly are.

(BTW, all those fairly wealthy seniors who relocated in retirement to Mexico and probably voted for Trump, may be "surprised" at what the future of their status in mexico will be.)

Keep on supporting Trump, right wingers....he needs to bolster his narcissism.

I think we should just put a 20% on wires from the US to Mexico and stop negotiating or arguing with Mexico. That way the illegals are paying for the wall, not US or Mexican law abiding citizens
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
We have a businessman in office now,

....and we know the kind of "businessman" he is because.....???

We know Trump is really good at declaring bankruptcies...True !!!
We know that US banks don't really want to deal with him...True !!!
We have no idea of his tax returns of if he has paid ANY federal taxes in 25 years...True !!!

However, we DO "know" he is a "great businessman" because....well, .....because he told us he is........"believe me."


Yes, "what a" failure of a billionaire, obviously "no" one wanted "to do" business with "him." Moron
Wow. You pulled the Race Card.

That was such a shock.

I've never seen a lib do that before.


Well, I've never seen so many racist right wingers in one forum.....Maybe its the anonymitybut its certainly there, isn't it?

There "are" three or "four" of them that "post" regularly. Odium, SpeedShooter, Monkey Man Steve McGarrett. That's "about" it. Maybe I forgot "a" couple. Now left wing racists "are" in "the" dozens. You're solidly "on" that "list"
First of all this proposed tariff is yet another of Trump's blustering; the orange moron thinks that the Art of the Deal is second only to the Bible in importance and he aims to govern this country like he "governed" his TV reality shows....

But, lets say that the tariff would be imposed; this is what we will see as a result:

Mexican imports to the US would be a heck of a lot more expensive (even more than 20%)...Meaning that you should expect for cars, farm equipment, food stuff, etc. to increase for the American consumer.

For those who stupidly retort with, "we'll grow and/or manufacture those former Mexican imports, the result is the same. American workers would want more to produce and the cost to consumers will also rise. Expect a pound of tomatoes to cost at least $10.

Third, and most important, Mexico will partner with China to buy directly from them all those goods and services that we currently provide to Mexico.....and, conversely, Mexico will sell to China many of its productions, leaving the U.S. holding the bag.

There is no doubt that Trump's bluster (tariffs and Wall) will inflate Trump's ego and the morons who back him will cheer like the brainwashed acolytes that they truly are.

(BTW, all those fairly wealthy seniors who relocated in retirement to Mexico and probably voted for Trump, may be "surprised" at what the future of their status in mexico will be.)

Keep on supporting Trump, right wingers....he needs to bolster his narcissism.
One of the biggest imports that will start to shrivel up and make it much harder, is the import of Drugs across the border. Funny how liberals don't understand why Trump was elected, but to close the border and stop all that Heroin from killing. Such liberal retards who bitch and moan, but wont leave if it is so bad...
There "are" three or "four" of them that "post" regularly. Odium, SpeedShooter, Monkey Man Steve McGarrett. That's "about" it. Maybe I forgot "a" couple. Now left wing racists "are" in "the" dozens. You're solidly "on" that "list"

have a mirror handy??

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