BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
This stage is called OPENING OF NEGOTIATIONS.

In Round One, Mexico declared they WERE NOT PAYING FOR THE WALL.


The peso responded by COLLAPSING IN VALUE.

In Round Two, Mexico will realize it is in an impossible situation because it MUST have trade with the United States to SURVIVE, while the United States would be better off if Mexico was SAWED OFF AND SUNK INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN.
A collapsing Pesos means their exports are that much more competitive in the world market, people who don't have a clue thinks that it shows the collapse of a country, when in fact it is done to achieve a goal by all countries, it is usually done by printing money, for that country to lower their interest rates , which also devalues your currency but increases exports. It can cause inflation so that has to be watched seriously. It rarely does. You simply have no clue at all.
One of the biggest imports that will start to shrivel up and make it much harder, is the import of Drugs across the border. Funny how liberals don't understand why Trump was elected, but to close the border and stop all that Heroin from killing. Such liberal retards who bitch and moan, but wont leave if it is so bad...

True......I can't wait for Trump's proposals to build a wall along the Pacific and Caribbean.....mayve also around airports....What do you think? LOL
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
20% won't stop the sale of Mexico products. We will just be paying more. And our exports will go down when they put a tax on our products.
Soooooo....a tax on their products won't prevent purchases. But a tax on our products will prevent purchases. :uhh:

Stop. Back away from the computer. Unplug it from the wall. Go turn on Sesame Street. It's clearly time for you to get back to the basics.
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
Did you major in Nonsensical Jibberish or does it come natural to you?
Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
Remind me again of the "treaty" we have with islam? :uhh:
If a 20% tariff on Mexican products will "pay for the wall".....Isn't that the EXACT SAME as asking American consumers to pay for the wall?.......Yes or No?
Your Lack lack of knowledge of about what will happen in world trade if we put that large of a tariff on Mexicans goods. - especially from one of our top trading partner will makes it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties party's lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us Torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law, but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
Your lack of grammar is chilling...and is a prime example of the typical Dumbocrat voter.

You have capitals in the middle of a sentence, double spacing where there shouldn't be any, periods where there should be hyphens, and you substitute plurals (parties) where you are attempting to show possession (party's). You are the exact voter the Dumbocrat needs and tries to cultivate.
If a 20% tariff on Mexican products will "pay for the wall".....Isn't that the EXACT SAME as asking American consumers to pay for the wall?.......Yes or No?
That depends. Are the products being purchased by illegal aliens in America? :lmao:
That depends. Are the products being purchased by illegal aliens in America? :lmao:

I misplace my Moron-to-English dictionary.......Can you explain what the fuck you're talking about.

Are Mexican tomatoes ONLY bought by "illegal aliens"???
If a 20% tariff on Mexican products will "pay for the wall".....Isn't that the EXACT SAME as asking American consumers to pay for the wall?.......Yes or No?
Like laying off Americans and sending jobs to Mexico and putting them on social welfare programs that increase our taxes.
You are truly a moron.
That depends. Are the products being purchased by illegal aliens in America? :lmao:
Are Mexican tomatoes ONLY bought by "illegal aliens"???
Due to your unmitigated stupidity - you think I made a statement. When in fact, I asked a question.

I suspect that a lot of Mexican products are purchased by illegal aliens (they are cheaper, familiar, etc.). So I was asking if the products in question with regards to your question are being purchased by illegal aliens. If the answer is yes - then Mexico is in fact paying for the wall. At least part of it.
Due to your unmitigated stupidity - you think I made a statement. When in fact, I asked a question.

I suspect that a lot of Mexican products are purchased by illegal aliens (they are cheaper, familiar, etc.). So I was asking if the products in question with regards to your question are being purchased by illegal aliens. If the answer is yes - then Mexico is in fact paying for the wall. At least part of it.

I'll let others "judge" your fucked sense of logic........(what a dumb asshole !!! LOL)
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
That depends. Are the products being purchased by illegal aliens in America? :lmao:
Are Mexican tomatoes ONLY bought by "illegal aliens"???
Due to your unmitigated stupidity - you think I made a statement. When in fact, I asked a question.

I suspect that a lot of Mexican products are purchased by illegal aliens (they are cheaper, familiar, etc.). So I was asking if the products in question with regards to your question are being purchased by illegal aliens. If the answer is yes - then Mexico is in fact paying for the wall. At least part of it.
Yeah. It's illegals who are buying all that lettuce from Mexico. And tomatoes. And machinery. And fuel.

And the other $320 billion of imports from Mexico.


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