BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall


George Soros, Calling for a unified Atzlan....
Foxconn is not going to keep their prices the same from the plant in China, they are going to increase them to match the increase in cost for the Mexican plant.
Foxconn is going to sabotage themselves?!? Bwahahahaha! Not even you believe that. What Foxconn will do is do all of their manufacturing in China if it is cheaper. Which means, Mexico will lose even more business. You literally just made the best case yet for why this will be effective. Mexico can't afford to lose American business.

Exactly, why would Foxconn sabotage themselves. Choice one, keep prices the same, close up shop in Mexico and lose that capital investment, shift production to China.

Choice two, raise the price to cover the tariff, keep production in Mexico, make additional profit with production in China.

They are going to choose choice two. They have the pricing power to do so. There is no "replacement" waiting in the wings.
And the prices of these goods will rise so that Americans pay for the wall.

The wall pays for itself.

Nearly one third of every dollar earned by illegals is sent back to Mexico, this is billions of dollars each year. The wall stops the influx of democrat voters, er I mean illegal workers, meaning billions of dollars remain in the American economy. What is it all you Keynesian's say about stimulus?

Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home | Daily Mail Online
First of all this proposed tariff is yet another of Trump's blustering; the orange moron thinks that the Art of the Deal is second only to the Bible in importance and he aims to govern this country like he "governed" his TV reality shows....

But, lets say that the tariff would be imposed; this is what we will see as a result:

Mexican imports to the US would be a heck of a lot more expensive (even more than 20%)...Meaning that you should expect for cars, farm equipment, food stuff, etc. to increase for the American consumer.

For those who stupidly retort with, "we'll grow and/or manufacture those former Mexican imports, the result is the same. American workers would want more to produce and the cost to consumers will also rise. Expect a pound of tomatoes to cost at least $10.

Third, and most important, Mexico will partner with China to buy directly from them all those goods and services that we currently provide to Mexico.....and, conversely, Mexico will sell to China many of its productions, leaving the U.S. holding the bag.

There is no doubt that Trump's bluster (tariffs and Wall) will inflate Trump's ego and the morons who back him will cheer like the brainwashed acolytes that they truly are.

(BTW, all those fairly wealthy seniors who relocated in retirement to Mexico and probably voted for Trump, may be "surprised" at what the future of their status in mexico will be.)

Keep on supporting Trump, right wingers....he needs to bolster his narcissism.
Trump is already running away from the 20% tariff idea. :lol:

I wonder how long before he throws Spicer under the bus.
First of all this proposed tariff is yet another of Trump's blustering; the orange moron thinks that the Art of the Deal is second only to the Bible in importance and he aims to govern this country like he "governed" his TV reality shows....

But, lets say that the tariff would be imposed; this is what we will see as a result:

Mexican imports to the US would be a heck of a lot more expensive (even more than 20%)...Meaning that you should expect for cars, farm equipment, food stuff, etc. to increase for the American consumer.

For those who stupidly retort with, "we'll grow and/or manufacture those former Mexican imports, the result is the same. American workers would want more to produce and the cost to consumers will also rise. Expect a pound of tomatoes to cost at least $10.

Third, and most important, Mexico will partner with China to buy directly from them all those goods and services that we currently provide to Mexico.....and, conversely, Mexico will sell to China many of its productions, leaving the U.S. holding the bag.

There is no doubt that Trump's bluster (tariffs and Wall) will inflate Trump's ego and the morons who back him will cheer like the brainwashed acolytes that they truly are.

(BTW, all those fairly wealthy seniors who relocated in retirement to Mexico and probably voted for Trump, may be "surprised" at what the future of their status in mexico will be.)

Keep on supporting Trump, right wingers....he needs to bolster his narcissism.
And to think about 4 years ago, all you lefties were bitching that Jobs was what was needed in the US of A. Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

I can't remember the last time I bought a car that was "hecho en Mexico". Frankly I'm tired of wading through Spanish instructions on every piece of hardware I buy. Maybe we can go back to English as the official language.
oh no , avocados and flat bread / bimbo bread from mexico and penny and nickle candies , tequilia , mexican been would get more expensive . --------- big deal , don't buy them if you can't afford them . Icing on the cake is that it would just hurt the 'peso' and the mexican presidents presidency a bit more . Them maybe the gasoline prptesters woud have more reason to replace their corrupt rulers Nat !!
I can't remember the last time I bought a car that was "hecho en Mexico". Frankly I'm tired of wading through Spanish instructions on every piece of hardware I buy. Maybe we can go back to English as the official language

Well, you did manage to get a "white" in the White House....So, to your ilk that is "progress". Congrats.
I can't remember the last time I bought a car that was "hecho en Mexico". Frankly I'm tired of wading through Spanish instructions on every piece of hardware I buy. Maybe we can go back to English as the official language

Well, you did manage to get a "white" in the White House....So, to your ilk that is "progress". Congrats.

It only takes a few posts before the liberal resorts back to the typical play book.
China has always wanted a strong economic foot hold in our hemisphere.......Now, thanks to Trump's ego, the task will be that much easier.
I can't remember the last time I bought a car that was "hecho en Mexico". Frankly I'm tired of wading through Spanish instructions on every piece of hardware I buy. Maybe we can go back to English as the official language.
You can, no one cares.
I can't remember the last time I bought a car that was "hecho en Mexico". Frankly I'm tired of wading through Spanish instructions on every piece of hardware I buy. Maybe we can go back to English as the official language

Well, you did manage to get a "white" in the White House....So, to your ilk that is "progress". Congrats.

It only takes a few posts before the liberal resorts back to the typical play book.View attachment 108956

"Alternative facts"? Anyone?
First of all this proposed tariff is yet another of Trump's blustering; the orange moron thinks that the Art of the Deal is second only to the Bible in importance and he aims to govern this country like he "governed" his TV reality shows....

But, lets say that the tariff would be imposed; this is what we will see as a result:

Mexican imports to the US would be a heck of a lot more expensive (even more than 20%)...Meaning that you should expect for cars, farm equipment, food stuff, etc. to increase for the American consumer.

For those who stupidly retort with, "we'll grow and/or manufacture those former Mexican imports, the result is the same. American workers would want more to produce and the cost to consumers will also rise. Expect a pound of tomatoes to cost at least $10.

Third, and most important, Mexico will partner with China to buy directly from them all those goods and services that we currently provide to Mexico.....and, conversely, Mexico will sell to China many of its productions, leaving the U.S. holding the bag.

There is no doubt that Trump's bluster (tariffs and Wall) will inflate Trump's ego and the morons who back him will cheer like the brainwashed acolytes that they truly are.

(BTW, all those fairly wealthy seniors who relocated in retirement to Mexico and probably voted for Trump, may be "surprised" at what the future of their status in mexico will be.)

Keep on supporting Trump, right wingers....he needs to bolster his narcissism.
It will be interesting to see how he weasels his way out of it, im sure he'll find a nice scapegoat, but the question is who will he blame? Mexico? the democrats? Jamaica?

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