BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall


he's right.

you of course don't get it. no surprises.

Ah, because Mexico is the only source for these goods. Yep, you're still as bright as a black hole.

Mexico is in a precarious position. They have effectively one trading partner, the USA. American on the other hand, has numerous partners. There is nothing Mexico has to offer that Korea does not, save proximity. Still, given the technological superiority of the Pacific Rim, the advantage of geographical proximity is razor thin.

This is really for Kevin, your far too fucking stupid to grasp it, Jilly.
I don't see much sense in comparing Korea and Mexico, when Korea is much more advanced than Mexico. Regardless, I don't see the sense in protectionism at all. Bastiat made a fairly convincing case against it, but I'm open to hearing how he was wrong.

We are suffering from the ruinous competition of a rival who apparently works under conditions so far superior to our own for the production of light that he is flooding the domestic market with it at an incredibly low price; for the moment he appears, our sales cease, all the consumers turn to him, and a branch of French industry whose ramifications are innumerable is all at once reduced to complete stagnation. This rival, which is none other than the sun, is waging war on us so mercilessly we suspect he is being stirred up against us by perfidious Albion (excellent diplomacy nowadays!), particularly because he has for that haughty island a respect that he does not show for us.

We ask you to be so good as to pass a law requiring the closing of all windows, dormers, skylights, inside and outside shutters, curtains, casements, bull's-eyes, deadlights, and blinds — in short, all openings, holes, chinks, and fissures through which the light of the sun is wont to enter houses, to the detriment of the fair industries with which, we are proud to say, we have endowed the country, a country that cannot, without betraying ingratitude, abandon us today to so unequal a combat.

Bastiat's argument is an interesting, though simplistic, discussion. You will note that he fails to consider the labor impact of eliminating sunlight.

As usual, Bastiat's exaggerated argument is merely one example of simplification, intentional distortion, and carefully selected exclusion of the consequences, both intentional and unintentional, of any extreme position. There is a counter, and equally ridiculous argument to be made for the direct opposite position.
So much for that negotiation with Mexico, guess they haven't read the art of the steal.

I guess this is Trump’s version of “If you like your doctor, you can keep it” in terms of telling a whopper to get votes. Only in this case, the GOP doesn’t mind having been lied to. Strange folks.
Foreign leaders will decide it's best to play ball with Trump.

Bullshit. Trump is all hat and no head.

First off we have Trump is going to build the wall. And then we have Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell saying he can't build a wall by Executive Order. Building the requires Congress to approve an appropriations bill for the costs.

Next we have Trump saying he's going to slap a 20% tariff on Mexican goods being imported. And then Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are interviewed saying that they don't want to start a trade war with Mexico. And that President Trump has no power to slap tariff's on anything. Congress holds the purse strings.

And so it begins. Ryan and McConnell are quietly investigating the Russian connection and setting up their impeachment agenda.
Somewhere in there is a single iota of unvarnished truth - I just can't find it.

I just watched the announcements and interviews on the CBC News. First Trump said he was going to build a wall, and then they cut to the interview with Ryan and McConnell saying he needed Congress to approve the money first.

Then they cut to Trump talking about a tariff, and then they cut back to Ryan and McConnell saying they don't want a trade war with Mexico and Congress sets tariff's.

That is an intentional misconstruction of the facts in order to create the impression desired.

he's right.

you of course don't get it. no surprises.

Ah, because Mexico is the only source for these goods. Yep, you're still as bright as a black hole.

Mexico is in a precarious position. They have effectively one trading partner, the USA. American on the other hand, has numerous partners. There is nothing Mexico has to offer that Korea does not, save proximity. Still, given the technological superiority of the Pacific Rim, the advantage of geographical proximity is razor thin.

This is really for Kevin, your far too fucking stupid to grasp it, Jilly.
I don't see much sense in comparing Korea and Mexico, when Korea is much more advanced than Mexico. Regardless, I don't see the sense in protectionism at all. Bastiat made a fairly convincing case against it, but I'm open to hearing how he was wrong.

We are suffering from the ruinous competition of a rival who apparently works under conditions so far superior to our own for the production of light that he is flooding the domestic market with it at an incredibly low price; for the moment he appears, our sales cease, all the consumers turn to him, and a branch of French industry whose ramifications are innumerable is all at once reduced to complete stagnation. This rival, which is none other than the sun, is waging war on us so mercilessly we suspect he is being stirred up against us by perfidious Albion (excellent diplomacy nowadays!), particularly because he has for that haughty island a respect that he does not show for us.

We ask you to be so good as to pass a law requiring the closing of all windows, dormers, skylights, inside and outside shutters, curtains, casements, bull's-eyes, deadlights, and blinds — in short, all openings, holes, chinks, and fissures through which the light of the sun is wont to enter houses, to the detriment of the fair industries with which, we are proud to say, we have endowed the country, a country that cannot, without betraying ingratitude, abandon us today to so unequal a combat.

Bastiat's argument is an interesting, though simplistic, discussion. You will note that he fails to consider the labor impact of eliminating sunlight.

As usual, Bastiat's exaggerated argument is merely one example of simplification, intentional distortion, and carefully selected exclusion of the consequences, both intentional and unintentional, of any extreme position. There is a counter, and equally ridiculous argument to be made for the direct opposite position.
What is it?
Seems ashamed that the people who have chosen to not break the law and stay in Mexico to work hard and earn a buck, instead of illegally crossing the border for easy money here, are the ones being punished with a tax on what they produce and sell to us legally.

Anyone who voted for this ASS CLOWN should be wearing a bag over their heads about right now. There are a lot of people in this country that SHOULD NOT vote. People who do not pay any attention to politics until the season. People who do not understand economies and how they're enter twinded today, and go for some freaking moron that doesn't know his ass from a whole in the ground, except when it comes to building hotels, and golf courses. And he's bankrupted most of them.

They let Comrade off the hook on everything they would have demanded from anyone else, and now they're paying for it.

Right now--he has INSULTED every single Republican & Democrat Senator & Congressmen with these ridiculous executive orders that are GOING NOWHERE. They have to have approval from congress to be implimented. He has declared war on every freaking blue state in this country with his "sanctuary city" bullshit.

If I were governor of any one of these states right now, I would tell him to fuck off. Inform him that we will be confiscating all Federal tax payer dollars from our citizens in this state, to pay for our own roads, our own schools. Now that's what you call a smaller more effective government.

This is nothing more than Comrade Trump's executive order entertainment show.


Foreign leaders will decide it's best to play ball with Trump.

Bullshit. Trump is all hat and no head.

First off we have Trump is going to build the wall. And then we have Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell saying he can't build a wall by Executive Order. Building the requires Congress to approve an appropriations bill for the costs.

Next we have Trump saying he's going to slap a 20% tariff on Mexican goods being imported. And then Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are interviewed saying that they don't want to start a trade war with Mexico. And that President Trump has no power to slap tariff's on anything. Congress holds the purse strings.

And so it begins. Ryan and McConnell are quietly investigating the Russian connection and setting up their impeachment agenda.
Somewhere in there is a single iota of unvarnished truth - I just can't find it.

I just watched the announcements and interviews on the CBC News. First Trump said he was going to build a wall, and then they cut to the interview with Ryan and McConnell saying he needed Congress to approve the money first.

Then they cut to Trump talking about a tariff, and then they cut back to Ryan and McConnell saying they don't want a trade war with Mexico and Congress sets tariff's.

Yeah-that's how our government works. Congress informed Trump months ago they would never approve of Tariffs. It's starts trade wars. A wall has to be approved by congress too. They need engineering, design, plans, bids etc etc before they will approve a wall. Who decides who the Sanctuary cities are that are going to pay for this wall? Congress would have to get involved with that too--LOL This is why we have a U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

This is nothing more than Comrade Trump's new reality T.V. executive order show. Throwing bones out to his base support. "See he's kept his promises--LOL"

We didn't elect a KING.


Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll quit when he figures that out? We;re going to see so much agreement from Democrats & Republicans from here on out, it's going to be historic. The entire Senate and Congress against Comrade Trump.

It should be very entertaining.
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So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
So first you cry like a little bitch about failed progressive policies sending jobs over seas 24x7 - and when Trump corrects that and keeps jobs here, you whine about a measly $4k on a $20k item. Damn are you desperate for something to pin on Trump :lol:

If I have to pay more for what I buy so that we can build the Great Wall of Trump.......yes, I blame him
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You think Trump can make up for substantially lower wages in Mexico?
We all know he is trying to cut wages on American workers
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday walked back his statement that President Donald Trump supports a plan to tax imports
Trump team walks back plan to fund wall with import tax

White House press secretary Sean Spicer suggested a tax on imports could fund the border security measure before backing off the proposal.

Another example of liberal bullshit - and fake news.

In the first instance, Spicer said that the tax COULD be used. The liberal press gets its panties in a wad because, apparently according to their misinterpretation, Spicer said the tax WOULD be used.

Because of the liberal stupidity (or intentionally deceitful 'misinterpretation' of Spicer), he is required to point out exactly what he said.

Does the liberal media let it go? No ---- instead, they intentionally mischaracterize his attempt as "waling back", thus trying to get credence to their original lie.

Disgusting ...... but typical.
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You think Trump can make up for substantially lower wages in Mexico?
We all know he is trying to cut wages on American workers

We ALL know that, do we??

Did I miss that email? Because, I sure don't know that.
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You think Trump can make up for substantially lower wages in Mexico?
We all know he is trying to cut wages on American workers
Yes, he can in industries such as auto manufacturing that are not labor intensive and you are lying about the President trying to cut wages.
Trump even lies about the cancelled meeting with Nieto. Nieto cancelled the meeting - then later Trump said it was mutual. His ego couldn't handle it.
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You think Trump can make up for substantially lower wages in Mexico?
We all know he is trying to cut wages on American workers
Uh huh.
Why are we importing Mexican produce when we have California and Florida?

Jerry Brown has waged war on California produce. Brown has vowed to drive EVERY job that is not in Silicone Valley out of California.

Correct answer. The democrats in California turned off the water to the Central Valley! I repeat why do democrats hate America?

You might wanna do a bit more research on that subject. The reason water is being rationed is because Lake Meade (you know, where the Hoover Dam is), is now at an all time low. Then, there is also the deal that Arizona made to siphon off part of the water for themselves, resulting in more water being drained from the lake. However, California is "grandfathered" in, meaning that their water won't be cut off even if the levels continue to drop, but Arizona's water will.

Government shuts off water to California farms in controversial effort to help threatened species - Wikinews, the free news source
Why are we importing Mexican produce when we have California and Florida?

Jerry Brown has waged war on California produce. Brown has vowed to drive EVERY job that is not in Silicone Valley out of California.

Correct answer. The democrats in California turned off the water to the Central Valley! I repeat why do democrats hate America?

You might wanna do a bit more research on that subject. The reason water is being rationed is because Lake Meade (you know, where the Hoover Dam is), is now at an all time low. Then, there is also the deal that Arizona made to siphon off part of the water for themselves, resulting in more water being drained from the lake. However, California is "grandfathered" in, meaning that their water won't be cut off even if the levels continue to drop, but Arizona's water will.

Obama: I’ll veto bill that will provide water to California’s Central Valley - Hot Air
Do you REALLY think that the CEO's of companies that bring products in from Mexico are going to absorb the costs of the tariffs? No, they're not, they will simply increase the price of their product and pass it off to the consumers (i.e. you and me).
List of products so I can open a factory here to mask them cheaper? Thanks!!
auto engines and parts
crude oil

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