BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

Foreign leaders will decide it's best to play ball with Trump.

Bullshit. Trump is all hat and no head.

First off we have Trump is going to build the wall. And then we have Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell saying he can't build a wall by Executive Order. Building the requires Congress to approve an appropriations bill for the costs.

Next we have Trump saying he's going to slap a 20% tariff on Mexican goods being imported. And then Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are interviewed saying that they don't want to start a trade war with Mexico. And that President Trump has no power to slap tariff's on anything. Congress holds the purse strings.

And so it begins. Ryan and McConnell are quietly investigating the Russian connection and setting up their impeachment agenda.
Somewhere in there is a single iota of unvarnished truth - I just can't find it.

You will pay. Not Mexico.

You should have studied economics.

If you had, you wouldn't say such things.

You're over simplifying. This is not a two player game. I already acknowledged that NAFTA ensures this will never happen, but from a academic perspective, the blockade of Mexican goods would have very little effect on American consumers. Simply too much cheap labor competing for production facilities.

I have to simplify when I'm talking to posters like tommy horn and owebo. REAL simple.

When I talk to you, I need to do so intelligently.

You will pay. Not Mexico.

You should have studied economics.

If you had, you wouldn't say such things.

You're over simplifying. This is not a two player game. I already acknowledged that NAFTA ensures this will never happen, but from a academic perspective, the blockade of Mexican goods would have very little effect on American consumers. Simply too much cheap labor competing for production facilities.

I have to simplify when I'm talking to posters like tommy horn and owebo. REAL simple.

When I talk to you, I need to do so intelligently.
Please let us know when you say something, won't you......
Do you REALLY think that the CEO's of companies that bring products in from Mexico are going to absorb the costs of the tariffs? No, they're not, they will simply increase the price of their product and pass it off to the consumers (i.e. you and me).

.... OR they will find it more economically feasible to create those products in the US.

Wow - what a thought. More jobs. Whoda thunk?
Do you REALLY think that the CEO's of companies that bring products in from Mexico are going to absorb the costs of the tariffs? No, they're not, they will simply increase the price of their product and pass it off to the consumers (i.e. you and me).

And if those price increases cause their products to cost more than products made in China or Brazil, they will lose sales, forcing them to lower prices to market level.

Mexico does not exist in a vacuum. They are competing in a fierce global economy.
Do you REALLY think that the CEO's of companies that bring products in from Mexico are going to absorb the costs of the tariffs? No, they're not, they will simply increase the price of their product and pass it off to the consumers (i.e. you and me).

.... OR they will find it more economically feasible to create those products in the US.

Wow - what a thought. More jobs. Whoda thunk?
Tarrifs can destroy Mexico, if that's what we want to do.....Trump is using them as a negation tool, and Mexico will soon be cutting us a check for the wall....

he's right.

you of course don't get it. no surprises.

Ah, because Mexico is the only source for these goods. Yep, you're still as bright as a black hole.

Mexico is in a precarious position. They have effectively one trading partner, the USA. American on the other hand, has numerous partners. There is nothing Mexico has to offer that Korea does not, save proximity. Still, given the technological superiority of the Pacific Rim, the advantage of geographical proximity is razor thin.

This is really for Kevin, your far too fucking stupid to grasp it, Jilly.
I don't see much sense in comparing Korea and Mexico, when Korea is much more advanced than Mexico. Regardless, I don't see the sense in protectionism at all. Bastiat made a fairly convincing case against it, but I'm open to hearing how he was wrong.

We are suffering from the ruinous competition of a rival who apparently works under conditions so far superior to our own for the production of light that he is flooding the domestic market with it at an incredibly low price; for the moment he appears, our sales cease, all the consumers turn to him, and a branch of French industry whose ramifications are innumerable is all at once reduced to complete stagnation. This rival, which is none other than the sun, is waging war on us so mercilessly we suspect he is being stirred up against us by perfidious Albion (excellent diplomacy nowadays!), particularly because he has for that haughty island a respect that he does not show for us.

We ask you to be so good as to pass a law requiring the closing of all windows, dormers, skylights, inside and outside shutters, curtains, casements, bull's-eyes, deadlights, and blinds — in short, all openings, holes, chinks, and fissures through which the light of the sun is wont to enter houses, to the detriment of the fair industries with which, we are proud to say, we have endowed the country, a country that cannot, without betraying ingratitude, abandon us today to so unequal a combat.
Because I know that protectionism is a cost paid by consumers.

"Mexico will not pay this tax. It will be paid by Americans who buy Mexican imports." - Peter Schiff
Mexico will pay dearly.....
Not through tariffs.
Through tarrifs.....
Nope, because as stated previously, that's not how tariffs work.
Yes, that how tarrifs work.....
Do you REALLY think that the CEO's of companies that bring products in from Mexico are going to absorb the costs of the tariffs? No, they're not, they will simply increase the price of their product and pass it off to the consumers (i.e. you and me).

.... OR they will find it more economically feasible to create those products in the US.

Wow - what a thought. More jobs. Whoda thunk?
Tarrifs can destroy Mexico, if that's what we want to do.....Trump is using them as a negation tool, and Mexico will soon be cutting us a check for the wall....
They deserve it for all the deaths they've caused to Americans.
Foreign leaders will decide it's best to play ball with Trump.

Bullshit. Trump is all hat and no head.

First off we have Trump is going to build the wall. And then we have Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell saying he can't build a wall by Executive Order. Building the requires Congress to approve an appropriations bill for the costs.

Next we have Trump saying he's going to slap a 20% tariff on Mexican goods being imported. And then Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are interviewed saying that they don't want to start a trade war with Mexico. And that President Trump has no power to slap tariff's on anything. Congress holds the purse strings.

And so it begins. Ryan and McConnell are quietly investigating the Russian connection and setting up their impeachment agenda.
Somewhere in there is a single iota of unvarnished truth - I just can't find it.

I just watched the announcements and interviews on the CBC News. First Trump said he was going to build a wall, and then they cut to the interview with Ryan and McConnell saying he needed Congress to approve the money first.

Then they cut to Trump talking about a tariff, and then they cut back to Ryan and McConnell saying they don't want a trade war with Mexico and Congress sets tariff's.

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