BREAKING NEWS:two US Navy boats in Iranian custody - Pentagon



And Traitor Merkel is wetting the knickers wanting to sit in Lunatic Erdogan's lap, she wants TURKEY joining Europa! She can f-ck off, the bitch....I've never hated anyone as much as I hate her.
Sounds like the Persians pilfered a pair o' our PT boats.

Should not have been there. Waltky one day in NO we'll party but honest you're getting it wrong here. Hey wait. I'm an idiot. Let's go fishin. I think I would prefer it. I'm horrible on bait. But man oh man I'm bobber magic. I can bring in more crappie than the limit baby.

What is bobber magic? Please.

Oh just fishing. My husband does the fancy dancy stuff to fish. Me. And whoa fly fishing he can do it. I get my line caught up in my hair. Bobber magic is a fisher girl like me. I sit in a boat with a simple worm on a line that I apologize to by the way and oh heavens I wish him no pain and then I get the fish. Down south was catfish and crappie.
New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.

And Traitor Merkel is wetting the knickers wanting to sit in Lunatic Erdogan's lap, she wants TURKEY joining Europa! She can f-ck off, the bitch....I've never hated anyone as much as I hate her.

Ok why is she doing this?

She's a crazed nazi for true but why is she doing this?

Traitor Merkel isn't a Nazi....she's a Commie.

She's doing it, many think because she's being blackmailed. The NSA remember listening to her personal phone calls for 11 years, they must have something very very juicy on her, something so shocking, she's willing to destroy Germany and Europa rather than the blackmail stuff being made public.
Don't bother our president...he's busy rehearsing his speech. Valerie will handle it.
I bet there won't be word on in his speech regarding this incident.
Any president with a set of balls bigger than a housefly would consider this abduction an act of war and proceed accordingly.
Anyone ever seen "Murder at 1600"? Alan Alda( who played the National Security adviser and the joint chiefs of Staff) were corredct in their assessments
New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.

Aren't we better these days? I'm not doubting you BS whoa geeze Biker Sailor that was funny but aren't we better?I've been on a lake at night and if you don't have a moon its the scariest place out there. But couldn't we rescue these guys?
Sounds like the Persians pilfered a pair o' our PT boats.

Should not have been there. Waltky one day in NO we'll party but honest you're getting it wrong here. Hey wait. I'm an idiot. Let's go fishin. I think I would prefer it. I'm horrible on bait. But man oh man I'm bobber magic. I can bring in more crappie than the limit baby.

What is bobber magic? Please.

Oh just fishing. My husband does the fancy dancy stuff to fish. Me. And whoa fly fishing he can do it. I get my line caught up in my hair. Bobber magic is a fisher girl like me. I sit in a boat with a simple worm on a line that I apologize to by the way and oh heavens I wish him no pain and then I get the fish. Down south was catfish and crappie.

Thanks for explaining. I've never fished myself. I like skiing and riding the horse. In Canada they ski also, have you skied?
Time to look at basic facts

The US armed military were in Iranian waters illegally.

The US armed military were very close to an Iranian naval base.

There is no hostage crisis, just armed members of a foreign military arrested as likely spies.
Your people were lucky - Iran had the absolute right to blow them out of the water.

If you disagree, I assume you'd be perfectly happy for an armed Iranian navy team to enter Pearl harbour.

They tried that kinda of shit on us back in the day............didn't work out well for them. These are small patrol boats and nothing more...................

They start shooting at our Navy and their piss ant Navy would cease to exist.
New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.
You sound like the expert...but given that ...don't you wonder wtf precautions the navy was's not like they are operating off corpus Christie....
New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.
New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.

Yes we were stranded a few years ago in Australia, the whole night and I was concerned in case of sharks.
New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.
You sound like the expert...but given that ...don't you wonder wtf precautions the navy was's not like they are operating off corpus Christie....

Or Chris Christie, he's fat enough to get an entire Navy vessel stranded on.
Don't bother our president...he's busy rehearsing his speech. Valerie will handle it.

kerry called .:badgrin:

Following reports of the incident, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Iranian officials in Tehran by phone, attempting to secure the sailors' release.
One senior official told NBC News the Iranians understand it was a mistake and have agreed to release the Americans in international waters within hours.
Which has not happened yet.
But don't be so gleeful when they do release the Sailors. Because your glee will not be in celebration of the return of our soldiers, it will be because Obama's butt was saved.

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