Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah


Sort of ruined by this.

Report: Students jokingly claim to be gay in national survey, 70 percent are straight

Even West Hollywood has been forced to remove the rainbow flag. The Abbey is trying to change its rep from a gay bar to a family friendly place where gay grinding is no longer popular.
And to what do you attribute this shift?




Increased tolerance?

Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment?

Increased fear of political incorrectness and the social penalties attendant?

Disgust with liberal government drift towards legitimization of homosexuality?

Resignation that the government won't hold its ground so there's no point resisting any longer?

Lack of organization?

Exhaustion from years of being bombarded with faux political correctness arguments?

Maturing of a new generation of so-called metrosexuals that lacks the same backbone as its predecessors?

The 97% haven't been pushed far enough yet by the 3% to react substantively and collectively?

Biased polling of interpreting or reporting entities trying to jump on the bandwagon in order to be seen backing the trend de jour?

Polling mostly in urban areas with a higher density of Gays and Gay-tolerant folk than the burbs and the farmlands?

Some combination of the above?

I'll tell y'all one thing that will make those little old numbers plummet up there. A simple reading from The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, by Randy Shilts.

You can start with page 180 and branch out from there...

You know, do a live panel and ask audience members questions. Have gays up on stage, ask them some questions about how they justify iconizing a serial child-sodomizer. Things like that.
And to what do you attribute this shift?




Increased tolerance?

Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment?

Increased fear of political incorrectness and the social penalties attendant?

Disgust with liberal government drift towards legitimization of homosexuality?

Resignation that the government won't hold its ground so there's no point resisting any longer?

Lack of organization?

Exhaustion from years of being bombarded with faux political correctness arguments?

Maturing of a new generation of so-called metrosexuals that lacks the same backbone as its predecessors?

The 97% haven't been pushed far enough yet by the 3% to react substantively and collectively?

Biased polling of interpreting or reporting entities trying to jump on the bandwagon in order to be seen backing the trend de jour?

Polling mostly in urban areas with a higher density of Gays and Gay-tolerant folk than the burbs and the farmlands?

Some combination of the above?

A (plurality, if not the majority of) a generation of kids born during the baby boom that managed to resist getting their natural born critical thinking kicked out of them at home, at school, and at church who raised their generations of kids to question, question, question every assumption. They aren't buying into the bullshit that a "loving god" hates everyone that uncle Frank hates. :eusa_think:
And to what do you attribute this shift?




Increased tolerance?

Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment?

Increased fear of political incorrectness and the social penalties attendant?

Disgust with liberal government drift towards legitimization of homosexuality?

Resignation that the government won't hold its ground so there's no point resisting any longer?

Lack of organization?

Exhaustion from years of being bombarded with faux political correctness arguments?

Maturing of a new generation of so-called metrosexuals that lacks the same backbone as its predecessors?

The 97% haven't been pushed far enough yet by the 3% to react substantively and collectively?

Biased polling of interpreting or reporting entities trying to jump on the bandwagon in order to be seen backing the trend de jour?

Polling mostly in urban areas with a higher density of Gays and Gay-tolerant folk than the burbs and the farmlands?

Some combination of the above?

I'll tell y'all one thing that will make those little old numbers plummet up there. A simple reading from The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, by Randy Shilts.

You can start with page 180 and branch out from there...

You know, do a live panel and ask audience members questions. Have gays up on stage, ask them some questions about how they justify iconizing a serial child-sodomizer. Things like that.

You should be familiar with this, as you participated in the thread (and so long ago, sil, you really need to find something relevant to your own life):

Californians Set to Boycott Harvey Milk Day - Page 4 (politics)

And characterizing him as a "child hawk" when his youngest boyfriend was 16 (nearly 17), an age legal in most states... just strikes me as judgement based more on a desire to demonize him than to judge him fairly. In so doing, they hope to apply guilt by association, suggesting that anyone who acknowledges Harvey Milk must also be supporting pedophilia.
I do think many of the judgements against him are exaggerated and opportunistic, and intent on painting all gays as pedophiles by association. [...]
You should be familiar with this, as you participated in the thread (and so long ago, sil, you really need to find something relevant to your own life):

Californians Set to Boycott Harvey Milk Day - Page 4 (politics)

And characterizing him as a "child hawk" when his youngest boyfriend was 16 (nearly 17), an age legal in most states... just strikes me as judgement based more on a desire to demonize him than to judge him fairly. In so doing, they hope to apply guilt by association, suggesting that anyone who acknowledges Harvey Milk must also be supporting pedophilia.
I do think many of the judgements against him are exaggerated and opportunistic, and intent on painting all gays as pedophiles by association. [...]

Keep defending him...

This is Nothing like autopilot to take the load off my back.
And to what do you attribute this shift?




Increased tolerance?

Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment?

Increased fear of political incorrectness and the social penalties attendant?

Disgust with liberal government drift towards legitimization of homosexuality?

Resignation that the government won't hold its ground so there's no point resisting any longer?

Lack of organization?

Exhaustion from years of being bombarded with faux political correctness arguments?

Maturing of a new generation of so-called metrosexuals that lacks the same backbone as its predecessors?

The 97% haven't been pushed far enough yet by the 3% to react substantively and collectively?

Biased polling of interpreting or reporting entities trying to jump on the bandwagon in order to be seen backing the trend de jour?

Polling mostly in urban areas with a higher density of Gays and Gay-tolerant folk than the burbs and the farmlands?

Some combination of the above?

Gays not hiding, coming out.

It's hard to look a loved one in the face and say "you don't deserve the same rights as me".
You should be familiar with this, as you participated in the thread (and so long ago, sil, you really need to find something relevant to your own life):

Californians Set to Boycott Harvey Milk Day - Page 4 (politics)

And characterizing him as a "child hawk" when his youngest boyfriend was 16 (nearly 17), an age legal in most states... just strikes me as judgement based more on a desire to demonize him than to judge him fairly. In so doing, they hope to apply guilt by association, suggesting that anyone who acknowledges Harvey Milk must also be supporting pedophilia.
I do think many of the judgements against him are exaggerated and opportunistic, and intent on painting all gays as pedophiles by association. [...]

Keep defending him...

This is Nothing like autopilot to take the load off my back.

Beware, and be aware, of your crutches, kid. They'll cripple you.

No, on the other hand, sink deep into that warm, welcoming, solitary comfort afforded by privilege you don't even acknowledge you're defending, much less that it exists. someone will be along to feed, change, and reposition you shortly.

You should probably keep your mouth shut though, or hope you can - the people performing these services may very well be the ones you want to deny rights to.
And to what do you attribute this shift?




Increased tolerance?

Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment?

Increased fear of political incorrectness and the social penalties attendant?

Disgust with liberal government drift towards legitimization of homosexuality?

Resignation that the government won't hold its ground so there's no point resisting any longer?

Lack of organization?

Exhaustion from years of being bombarded with faux political correctness arguments?

Maturing of a new generation of so-called metrosexuals that lacks the same backbone as its predecessors?

The 97% haven't been pushed far enough yet by the 3% to react substantively and collectively?

Biased polling of interpreting or reporting entities trying to jump on the bandwagon in order to be seen backing the trend de jour?

Polling mostly in urban areas with a higher density of Gays and Gay-tolerant folk than the burbs and the farmlands?

Some combination of the above?

I'll tell y'all one thing that will make those little old numbers plummet up there. A simple reading from The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, by Randy Shilts.

You can start with page 180 and branch out from there...

You know, do a live panel and ask audience members questions. Have gays up on stage, ask them some questions about how they justify iconizing a serial child-sodomizer. Things like that.

What? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I thought you wanted to promote the stability of our society?

You don't do that by providing a loophole in marriage for people to access orphaned kids who as a cultural-whole have elevated a child sex predator as their "sexual poster boy" for their "civil rights movement".

You DO realize what the Harvey Milk Cult will do the moment they get nationwide marriage don't you? They will insist that anyone preventing them from adopting orphaned kids is "a bigot/homophobe/hater etc." and they will sue and win because they've gotten the golden stamp of federal approval for their religion via marriage..

Have you read the biography of Harvey Milk? His biography reads like Jerry Sandusky's indictment file. If I was an attorney for people's rights to determine parameters for marriage in their respective state, I'd just slap a copy of "The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk", a copy of the California law requiring kids in public schools to celebrate his political/sexual "achievements" and a Harvey Milk US postage stamp on the desk in front of each Justice and speak to the Court saying "Your Honor's, I rest my case". Then I'd zip up my briefcase, straighten my tie and walk right out of the courtroom.

If they could at that point, do a sweeping federal blessing on gay marriage and strip the rights of each state to protect their custodial orphans from this child-diddler cult, then there is no point in keeping the CAPTA laws in place. They should just save time and repeal them at the same time and all laws in each state protecting children from sexual predators.

It's very very very unfortunate for the LGBT culture club that they choose a child-sodomizer for their civil rights icon. And it's even more unfortunate that they, in spite of knowing this about him, continue to elevate him publicly as their representative. He will be their undoing. Or rather, they will be their own undoing. Get it?
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And to what do you attribute this shift?




Increased tolerance?

Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment?

Increased fear of political incorrectness and the social penalties attendant?

Disgust with liberal government drift towards legitimization of homosexuality?

Resignation that the government won't hold its ground so there's no point resisting any longer?

Lack of organization?

Exhaustion from years of being bombarded with faux political correctness arguments?

Maturing of a new generation of so-called metrosexuals that lacks the same backbone as its predecessors?

The 97% haven't been pushed far enough yet by the 3% to react substantively and collectively?

Biased polling of interpreting or reporting entities trying to jump on the bandwagon in order to be seen backing the trend de jour?

Polling mostly in urban areas with a higher density of Gays and Gay-tolerant folk than the burbs and the farmlands?

Some combination of the above?

A (plurality, if not the majority of) a generation of kids born during the baby boom that managed to resist getting their natural born critical thinking kicked out of them at home, at school, and at church who raised their generations of kids to question, question, question every assumption. They aren't buying into the bullshit that a "loving god" hates everyone that uncle Frank hates. :eusa_think:
He hates not the sinner, but yet detest the sin in which is allowed in by the sinner. Now why does he concern himself with sin like this ? It is because he knows what the condition of sinfulness will bring to an individual if left alone for to long. He as well as us know that very bad things come as a result of such things always, and also he knows what it will do to the individual over time if there are no warnings or answers given to the individual about such things that do hurt them over time. The individual may seek such answers when all is on the fritz for that individual, who is dabbling in such things as sin, and also who has found out the harm that it brings to one regardless of who they may be in their life. Sin does not discriminate within it's outcomes as found upon the individual, and this no matter who they are in their life. It is an equal opportunity condition, and any one can play the game of sin in their lives freely, but be willing also to suffer the consequences and the losses it loves to cast upon the players when all is said and done.

He tries to warn and save the individual from visiting sin in ways that ultimately lays waste to the individual over time, but if the individual ignores the warnings for way to long it can get dicey for them, and also it can ensnare others who are unaware as to how bad things can be for them if they also allow it in to their lives as well. They must heed the warnings and the signs though, and not bury their heads in the sand about these things. The devil loves to get two for the price of one always, and that is his ultimate game in which he plays, and it gives him his gain in all of this, but it doesn't have to be this way at all. We have the irrefutable evidence showing these things to be true right before our very eyes, yet we choose to let others fool us as they work for the evil one himself.
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I thought you wanted to promote the stability of our society?

You don't do that by providing a loophole in marriage for people to access orphaned kids who as a cultural-whole have elevated a child sex predator as their "sexual poster boy" for their "civil rights movement".

You DO realize what the Harvey Milk Cult will do the moment they get nationwide marriage don't you? They will insist that anyone preventing them from adopting orphaned kids is "a bigot/homophobe/hater etc." and they will sue and win because they've gotten the golden stamp of federal approval for their religion via marriage..

Have you read the biography of Harvey Milk? His biography reads like Jerry Sandusky's indictment file. If I was an attorney for people's rights to determine parameters for marriage in their respective state, I'd just slap a copy of "The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk", a copy of the California law requiring kids in public schools to celebrate his political/sexual "achievements" and a Harvey Milk US postage stamp on the desk in front of each Justice and speak to the Court saying "Your Honor's, I rest my case". Then I'd zip up my briefcase, straighten my tie and walk right out of the courtroom.

If they could at that point, do a sweeping federal blessing on gay marriage and strip the rights of each state to protect their custodial orphans from this child-diddler cult, then there is no point in keeping the CAPTA laws in place. They should just save time and repeal them at the same time and all laws in each state protecting children from sexual predators.

It's very very very unfortunate for the LGBT culture club that they choose a child-sodomizer for their civil rights icon. And it's even more unfortunate that they, in spite of knowing this about him, continue to elevate him publicly as their representative. He will be their undoing. Or rather, they will be their own undoing. Get it?
Good reading.. wow!
This is indeed great news to hear. I am glad the SCOTUS stepped in and overruled a radical judge's ruling. Gay marriage should not be tolerated in the United States since it is a abomination. What we all should be promoting is the traditional marriage between man and woman. This is a win for moral family values and common decency.

Supreme Court puts gay marriage on hold in Utah | Fox News

The Supreme Court on Monday put gay marriage on hold in Utah, giving the state time to appeal a federal judge's ruling against Utah's same-sex marriage ban.

The court issued a brief order Monday blocking any new same-sex unions in the state. The ruling comes after a Dec. 20 ruling by U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby that the state's ban on same-sex marriage violates gay and lesbian couples' constitutional rights.

did you read it? Take note that the courts decision has nothing to do with "morals" or religious beliefs. It is concerned with its ability to enforce some state laws.

So I dont see this as a moral victory.,
did you read it? Take note that the courts decision has nothing to do with "morals" or religious beliefs. It is concerned with its ability to enforce some state laws.

So I dont see this as a moral victory.,

"Some state laws"? You mean like the law Utah voted in that defines marriage as between a man and a woman? That law?

Because the identical argument was used by California Clerks who were alarmed they had to defy their state law to placate rogue public officials under threat of termination if they didn't do so. Their pleas for a stay and appeal were immediately and unceremoniously denied.

This is going to be very problematic for the Utah case and may have ramifications for California as well.

"Some state laws"...indeed.... Like Prop 8 say?
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did you read it? Take note that the courts decision has nothing to do with "morals" or religious beliefs. It is concerned with its ability to enforce some state laws.

So I dont see this as a moral victory.,

"Some state laws"? You mean like the law Utah voted in that defines marriage as between a man and a woman? That law?

Because the identical argument was used by California Clerks who were alarmed they had to defy their state law to placate rogue public officials under threat of termination if they didn't do so. Their pleas for a stay and appeal were immediately and unceremoniously denied.

This is going to be very problematic for the Utah case and may have ramifications for Calfornia as well.

"Some state laws"...indeed.... Like Prop 8 say?

what is said below is correct, despite anyones religious affiliations. The state has no authority to do most of what it does but the only way it can be stopped is by people going broke fighting the mob [them] in court.

The american legal system is a travesty and a failure.

DOMA Opinion, Pages 16-17: "The definition of marriage is the foundation of the State’s broader authority to regulate the subject of domestic relations ... the Constitution delegated no authority to the Government of the United States on the subject of marriage and divorce.”... In so Saying, the Highest Court said all the 49 states get to choose yes or no on gay marriage....all 49 of them... Loving v Virginia was about race, not polygamy or homosexuality.
Gay marriage is inevitable. And only religious progressives believe in Government controlling our sex lives as marriage. Marriage is a Government issue for tax reasons only, get rid of the deductions and taxes and there is no reason for Government to be involved in a religious matter.

Have you ever stopped to consider that it may not be inevitable? Let's talk about Utah for a minute. Christians, mormons and muslims, as a matter of their 1st Amendment rights, have faith and know that to enable homosexuliaty brings about eternal damnation, as set forth in the lesson of Jude, New Testament. It gave the example of the city of Sodom with its inhabitants that sought "strange flesh" where in the Koran it cited that men lay with men "as their wives". Not just the gays in that town, but all the people that turned a blind eye or worse, supported them, everyone, was thrown into the pit of fire forever.

The Bible has few examples of eternal damnation for a sin. There are venial [minor] sins, cardinal [medium] sins and mortal [radical] sins. For some reason, the Bible and the Koran have elevated a homosexual-promoting culture as "mortal":worthy of the worst punishment for the soul.

As Utah's 2/3rds majority squares off with gays, the matter will be a clear and concise freedom of religion in the 1st vs a very longshot hopeful "equality" stab at the 14th.

I say, gays will fail at the 14th since they are behavioral, not a "race" and therefore subject to local laws and customs. Children ensconced in gay households will not be harmed by not allowing these people to marry. The fact that gays and lesbians as a group revere Harvey Milk, child sex predator, as their civil rights leader, kills off any hope they have of pretending to be about the welfare of children.

When Utah is reaffirmed as being able to set its own parameters for marriage based on the fact of the 1st Amendment & in Windsor that each state has a sovereign right to do so retroactive to the founding of the country, strange dominoes will fall. Particularly, California's county clerk's identical arguments will apply. Prop 8 will be instantly enforceable law that clerks must follow there. And nobody but nobody can order them to defy it since to do so means they can be put in jail.

When the states that had gay marriage forced against their constitution are wiped off the gay-marriage map, the numbers will fall to just I think three states with "legal gay marriage". The arguments slated to come out urging gay marriage to be quelled where it is not legally enacted by consensus, as Windsor describes, will be quite scathing. I will not tire of saying that the Harvey Milk problem is HUGE for gays and lesbians. Monumental. Worshipping a child sex predator is not going to win them any friends in even the states where the people voted in gay marraige weren't aware at the time they did, that Harvey Milk "embodies the LGBT movement across the nation and the world." Or that kids in California are required to celebrate his sexuality in public schools now.

It would be the same as not knowing what Jerry Sandusky was up to, voting for a group who iconizes him [who know well what he was up to] to gain access to orphaned kids and then later finding out what Sandusky, and this group, stood for...

So your optimism is not well founded. I hope you are bracing yourself for an alternative ending to your dream...
As Utah's 2/3rds majority squares off with gays, the matter will be a clear and concise freedom of religion in the 1st vs a very longshot hopeful "equality" stab at the 14th.

I say, gays will fail at the 14th since they are behavioral, not a "race" and therefore subject to local laws and customs.

I don't claim to know how the SCOTUS will decide if the Utah case is laid before them, but the Romer decision shows that you are incorrect about the court not applying the 14th Amendment to homosexuals.

Romer, Governor of Colorado, et al. v. Evans et al., 517 U.S. 620 (1996).

I didn't say that. Gays are the ones famous for saying "this is a matter of formality, it's in the bag/inevitable so get used to it". What I am saying is that gays need to pull off the rose colored glasses as to the weight of facts in Harvey Milk vs Utah...
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I didn't say that. Gays are the ones famous for saying "this is a matter of formality, it's in the bag/inevitable so get used to it". What I am saying is that gays need to pull off the rose colored glasses as to the weight of facts in Harvey Milk vs Utah...

You didn't say "I say, gays will fail at the 14th since they are behavioral, not a "race" and therefore subject to local laws and customs."?

That is the statement to which I responded, yes the SCOTUS has already shown they are willing to rule unconstitutional laws which target homosexuals. Your statement that homosexuality is a "behavior" and not a "race" and therefore is not subject to constitutionalists protections is false.

There is no case for "Harvey Milk vs Utah", you continued use of Milk is a fallacy (i.e. "position the well" fallacy) which has no more merit then a childish attempt to paint all homosexuals as some type of molesters. An argument that will never see the inside of a courtroom for serious consideration.


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