Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

I don't have to prove something that does not exist.

But you do if that is your thesis; the affirmation is on you.

You know SCOTUS is going to rebuke your way of thinking when it rules.


Now THAT is hysterical.

I honestly see no way that this nation is going to avoid civil war.

There is no means to sustain a nation on this level of stupidity.

Invalid reasoning remains invalid, without regard to who or how many adhere to its foolish conclusions, be the Judge the SCOTUS or every human being on earth. Makes absolutely no difference.

Where foolishness is adhered to, deterioration, death and destruction follow and, this without exception.
Alabama (amongst other States) voted to ban interracial marriages, that vote was overturned by Loving v. Virginia in 1967.


What does race have to do with LGBTQs or the cult of Harvey Milk wanting to marry? Race has as much to do with polygamy as LGBTQs; which is to say that it has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Plus, there's that terrible snag that the messiah of the church of LGBT was a pederast who buggered orphaned teens on drugs for his jollies. He even officiated as "father figure" to at least one of those boys; who later committed suicide on Harvey Milk's birthday. The faithful line up to defend him when reminded of his sexual legacy and child victims.

Letting this church access orphans via marriage is a poor idea. And as luck would have it, is against child endangerment laws and statutes. Those statutes require people report just suspicions of potential harm, without the requirement of a legal conviction. So here I am, reporting. As required of me by law...
That's ridiculous. You aren't reporting anything. You're just repeating unproven accusations and expressing your opinion.

More to the point, what does Harvey Milk have to do with a gay marriage ban in Utah? Your entire fallacious arguments is based on an unproven accusation that Harvey Milk sodomized a teen and in your opinion gays respect him for this, therefore if gays are allow to marry they will adopt children and sodomize children.

It might comes as a surprise to you, but the vast majority of gays and lesbians, do not consider Harvey Milk a messiah or father figure. He's recognized as the first gay to hold public office in a time when homosexuality was considered a mental illness.

That is an established fact, not at all unlike Gerry Studs. Yet ANOTHER homosexual proven to prefer little boys.

Homosexuals do not largely think of Alfred Kinsey in terms of his 'work' screwing children and documenting the results as he 'studied' the sexuality of children, neither do they think of NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, but they define them, nonetheless.
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"Well, LGBT is a myth, which is composed of a cult."

No, it is not. There is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult.
What does race have to do with LGBTQs or the cult of Harvey Milk wanting to marry? Race has as much to do with polygamy as LGBTQs; which is to say that it has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Plus, there's that terrible snag that the messiah of the church of LGBT was a pederast who buggered orphaned teens on drugs for his jollies. He even officiated as "father figure" to at least one of those boys; who later committed suicide on Harvey Milk's birthday. The faithful line up to defend him when reminded of his sexual legacy and child victims.

Letting this church access orphans via marriage is a poor idea. And as luck would have it, is against child endangerment laws and statutes. Those statutes require people report just suspicions of potential harm, without the requirement of a legal conviction. So here I am, reporting. As required of me by law...
That's ridiculous. You aren't reporting anything. You're just repeating unproven accusations and expressing your opinion.

More to the point, what does Harvey Milk have to do with a gay marriage ban in Utah? Your entire fallacious arguments is based on an unproven accusation that Harvey Milk sodomized a teen and in your opinion gays respect him for this, therefore if gays are allow to marry they will adopt children and sodomize children.

It might comes as a surprise to you, but the vast majority of gays and lesbians, do not consider Harvey Milk a messiah or father figure. He's recognized as the first gay to hold public office in a time when homosexuality was considered a mental illness.

That is an established fact, not at all unlike Gerry Studs. Yet ANOTHER homosexual proven to prefer little boys.

Homosexuals do not largely think of Alfred Kinsey in terms of his 'work' screwing children and documenting the results as he 'studied' the sexuality of children, but he defines them, nonetheless.

No, it is not. Another hetero-fascist off the deep end.
Now "I honestly see no way that this nation is going to avoid civil war" is true, because you honestly can't see.
Where_R_My_Key completely self-analyzes with "Invalid reasoning remains invalid, without regard to who or how many adhere to its foolish conclusions, be the Judge the SCOTUS or every human being on earth. Makes absolutely no difference."

Your analysis is silly and makes no difference.
Sil, you have to offer something that supports your argument that LGBT is a cult before anyone can rebut it. Your opinion is only that.
"Well, LGBT is a myth, which is composed of a cult."

No, it is not. There is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult.

Actually there is. And you need look no farther than the chronically brayed bludgeon: "Homophobe". Which means in effect: DENIER! Which is down the middle: CULT.
"Well, LGBT is a myth, which is composed of a cult."

No, it is not. There is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult.

Actually there is. And you need look no farther than the chronically brayed bludgeon: "Homophobe". Which means in effect: DENIER! Which is down the middle: CULT.

You are a hetero-fascist. No there is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult. You can't offer anything of the sort.
Where_R_My_Key completely self-analyzes with "Invalid reasoning remains invalid, without regard to who or how many adhere to its foolish conclusions, be the Judge the SCOTUS or every human being on earth. Makes absolutely no difference."

Your analysis is silly and makes no difference.


Notice folks, how when the SCOTUS rules with them, they're the final authority, when they rule agains them, its meaningless.

This is called relativism and its what used to fast track civil war.

This is because relativism rejects objectivity.

Objectivity is essential to truth, trust, morality and justice.

When a government fails to be worthy of trust, thus fails to serve justice, the people quickly loose faith in the government to sustain justice and take matters into their own hands, in terms of serving justice.

This threatens the power of the government, which attacks the innocent and PRESTO! It's war.

What tickles me the most is how self righteous the purveyors of injustice are, shortly before the war. This of course all changes when they're being strung up and burned.

Those sufficiently long in the tooth will recall the history of Il Duce Italia. That jutting jaw was tucked well back when they were stringing him and his wife up by their feet and dowsing them with kerosene.

"It Mattered" then... On THAT you can bet your ass.
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"Well, LGBT is a myth, which is composed of a cult."

No, it is not. There is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult.

Actually there is. And you need look no farther than the chronically brayed bludgeon: "Homophobe". Which means in effect: DENIER! Which is down the middle: CULT.

You are a hetero-fascist. No there is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult. You can't offer anything of the sort.

So I am a hetero adherent to socialism with a nationalist bent? Which is to say in modern terms that I am a hetero Crony Capitalist, because I recognize the otherwise undeniable signs of a Cult in the Ideological Left and their absurd advocacy to pretend that what is incontrovertibly abnormal is normal?

Does anyone need anything else? He is behaving in terms that DEFINE Cultism, while projecting such on his opposition.

That is a rationalization which is DOWN THE MIDDLE: Relativism. Absolute nonsense, stated as the purest essence of sound reasoning.

Delusion personified. You can NOT make this crap up!
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There is no relativism when all Where_ is doing is offering his silly opinions.

No proof that LGBT is a cult.

He says that hetero-fascism is anti-socialism? How does socialism (an economic system) have anything to do with LGBT?

:lol: The far right reactionaries have found another clown who does not but project.
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The clown needs to

(1) define cultism

(2) define relativism

Then show LGBT is a cult and that relativism has anything to do with it.

I love toying with these far right reactionaries.
(1) define cultism

Cult: A group or other organization with deviant and novel beliefs and practices; a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing, which cannot truly represent that which it claims. Presenting delusional adherence to what is readily demonstrated to be false.

(2) define relativism

the irrational doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's culture, society or historical context, and as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

Then show LGBT is a cult and that relativism has anything to do with it.

The Advocacy for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality, often referred to as the LGBT Community advocate for the society to set aside the biological standard and pretend that what is abnormal, having deviated from that standard is otherwise NORMAL. This is an irrational position which sets aside objectivity and subjectively revises falsity to represent truth. This establishing the LGBT Community as a group with deviant beliefs and practices; along with a misplaced and excessive admiration for their deviancy, while presenting delusional adherence to what is readily demonstrated to be false.

I love toying with these far right reactionaries.

Reactionary: one who reacts. See: Jake Starkey react to my argument, through adherence to the very trait which he comes now to lament, projecting such upon his opposition. Proving himself to be an adherent to relativism, the political component of such being known as socialism.

Now, is there anything else I can do for ya?

'Cause I'm here for ya, I wantcha to know that.

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What? No snappy come back?

Are we just going to wait, let this one slide back into the ether and pretend it never happened?

Would anyone care to help Jake define that tendency?

Here's a clue to get ya goin': it starts with 'Cow'.
There is no relativism when all Where_ is doing is offering his silly opinions.

No proof that LGBT is a cult.

He says that hetero-fascism is anti-socialism? How does socialism (an economic system) have anything to do with LGBT?

:lol: The far right reactionaries have found another clown who does not but project.

You used the term fascism, which is nothing more than socialism with a nationalist bent, merging industry with government (known more recently as Crony Capitalism) as a stepping stone toward socialism, SPECIFICALLY tying socialism (fascism) to The Advocacy for the Normalization for Sexual Abnormality, OKA: The LGBT Community.

So once again, we find a socialist coming to lament the very thing of which they are guilty, EVEN AS THEY LEVEL THE CHARGE!

Folks, you can NOT make this crap up.
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You are a hetero-fascist. No there is no evidence that sexual orientation is a cult. You can't offer anything of the sort.

Heretic! Heretic! screams

No evidence eh?

Michael Swift wrote in the Gay Revolutionary, reprinted from the Congressional Congress:

"We shall sodomize your sons, the emblems of your feeble masculinity of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups and in your movie theatre bathrooms, in your army bunk house in your truck stops, in your all male clubs and in your houses of Congress, wherever men are men together. Your sons will become the puppets of our bidding. We will recast them in our image and they will come to crave and adore us (sound like Romans 1?). We shall write poems of love between men, we shall stage plays in which men openly caress men, we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap superficial sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating in your cinematic screens. We shall rise in a vast private army to defeat you. We will conquer the world because warriors inspired by, and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible. The family unit, the spawning ground of all lies, betrayals, hypocrisy and violence will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens the imagination and curbs the free will must be eliminated. All
churches that condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. One of the major requirements of a position of power in this new society will be the indulgence in this Greek passion and any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from positions of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men." The Militant Gay Movement
Michael Swift wrote in the Gay Revolutionary, reprinted from the Congressional Congress:

Sil you omitted the first line of the piece (which hit pience sites normally do):

"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."​

The piece is a satire, a comic rendition. LOL

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."​

The piece is a satire, a comic rendition. LOL

Let's just say for argument's sake that you're right, that it was meant to be satirical. Often questionable movements or cult will couch the truth in their rebuttals to "the ridiculous"...

..Read what he said again and consider all the recent laws passed to indoctrinate youth especially in various states. Ones that come to mind are:

1. The law in California requiring public school children celebrate Harvey Milk, victimizer and sodomizer of at-risk youth who were unable to legally consent to the sex he had with them as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world' [that IS a direct quote from the law].

2. The law in California and now other states that forbids someone under 18 from accessing a therapist if that minor wants his or her own autonomy to throw off sexual imprinting done to them by a molestor, if that imprinting is homosexual. If it is heterosexual, conflicting laws, statutes, pleas, regulations and urgings from the church of LGBT liberally allow "outreach" to these youth "to help them transition to gay" or "come out of the closet" [code for "help them transition to gay"] ie: therapists, laymen and propagandists of all walks can "reach out" to "help [read: influence?]" erstwhile straight-identifying kids to bridge over to gay. But the opposite is met with a stern warning and criminal charges if the child himself wants to not identify as gay anymore; even when molestation is involved.

3. Laws getting passed where clearly confused "gender indentity disorder" youth are able to use opposite-gender bathrooms in schools. Not to treat their confusion mind you: to encourage it and force other children to see their affliction as "normal"..

4. GSLEN outreach to schools teaching youngsters about "fisting" and the like, about "how sodomy is normal" etc.

5. The squelching of programs in schools that teach that anal sex puts a child in the highest risk group for contracting HIV and a host of other STDs.

6. The blackmail and extortion of public officials if they don't tow the line of the gay agenda. Careers ruined and their demise serving as an example to others should they open their mouth. The sister-organization to GLSEN "GLAAD" in media just was part of trying to ruin Phil Robertson's career for daring to say he does not approve of the gay cult values.

Would Phil Robertson then become one of those "invisible men" for not buckling to the command to fall in line? Read the "spoof" again. How eeriely true it has become. Couching the truth in absurdity is the anesthetic to slip the needle under the skin.'' [bracket's mine]

Michael Swift wrote in the Gay Revolutionary, reprinted from the Congressional Congress:

"We shall sodomize your sons [Harvey Milk], the emblems of your feeble masculinity of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups [1, 2 & 3 above] and in your movie theatre bathrooms, in your army bunk house [repeal of DADT] in your truck stops, in your all male clubs and in your houses of Congress, wherever men are men together. Your sons will become the puppets of our bidding. We will recast them in our image and they will come to crave and adore us [1, 2, 3 & 4] (sound like Romans 1?). We shall write poems of love between men, we shall stage plays in which men openly caress men, we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap superficial sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating in your cinematic screens. [GLAAD running Hollywood now] We shall rise in a vast private army to defeat you. We will conquer the world because warriors inspired by, and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible. [lawsuits and ruined careers for not "falling in line" with the agenda] The family unit, the spawning ground of all lies, betrayals, hypocrisy and violence will be abolished. [Gay marriage] The family unit, which only dampens the imagination and curbs the free will must be eliminated. All
churches that condemn us will be closed. [Utah] Our only gods are handsome young men. One of the major requirements of a position of power in this new society will be the indulgence in this Greek passion and any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from positions of influence. [ruined careers] All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men." [Phil Robertson, the CEO of Chic-Fil-A etc.]

For now, Phil Robertson and Gov Christie etc are being tried in the media and hung without a jury trial. For now. But remember, this passage above was "a joke" many many years ago. Food for thought..
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