BREAKING! NO DEAL! HUNTER PLEA DEAL FALLS APART! – According to Prosecutors the Deal is "Null and Void" – Investigation is Ongoing!!

Ok. And a Plea Deal is normal. In fact it happens in 95% of prosecutions at the Federal Level.

Nothing unusual so far. However plea deals traditionally, usual and customary practice, cover all investigations and charges. Normally new charges would cover any criminal activity taken after the plea deal. Not before and just not dealt with yet.

I have no heartburn with plea deals. Again they happen all the time. I have no problem with investigating wrongdoing. Again that is normal.

What the Judge and the Defense had an issue with was the prosecutor not operating in the usual way with the plea deal. They shut the deal down. And again I have no problem. Now the prosecution can file their new charges and start to set a court date.

Again. No big deal. Because no matter how the election of 24 turns out. The day after Hunter will get a full pardon. And nobody will be able to say anything about it.
But it's not a normal situation, how many people get plea deals of misdemeanors who committed tax fraud in the millions because they knowingly and wittingly had to hide millions they made selling out the country to foreign adversaries aka committed treason?
How many illegally stole classified documents, left drugs in the whitehouse & with his lawyer = violating plea deal, lied on a gun application then to the court aka perjury violation of plea deal?
So no doesn't happen all the time, and for crying out loud the left's crying rally is over tightening gun laws, quid pro quos and going after president's kids stating nobody is above the law.=Busted by their own standards.
Your buddy Trump said that only sucker's pay taxes & the lackeys in his party that wash his nuts for him want to defund the IRS, so what's the big deal in Hunter shorting the IRS, hypocrite?
Sorry bout that,

1. It's great seeing justice might have a chance to be served.
2. It's not for sure yet, I will believe it seeing Hunter thrown in the slammer for ten years.

Some ability to answer questions. It’s obvious she has no substance and was a diversity hire.

There is nothing racist about being opposed to people hired because they are black females, rather than competent in their jobs. In fact, those who SUPPORT hiring unqualified people because…..diversity!!…are the racists.
A PR flack is a ventriloquist’s dummy. He, or in this case she, just regurgitates whatever crap she is told to by her employer. The problem with this one is that she never seems prepared to answer even softball questions except by deflecting or avoiding them. She doesn’t do her homework like a competent PR flack does.
Apparently, the judge asked the federal prosecutor if this plea deal would prevent little Hunter from being prosecuted on any pending FARA charges. The prosecutor responded "No" and Hunter's attorneys responded by saying the deal was "null and void."
Hunter's attorneys must have thought they had assurance from the DOJ that he was being given immunity from any upcoming prosecutions with this plea deal.

So I'd like to see if I have this right:

Hunter is accused of not paying taxes in 2017 and 2018 and for owning a handgun in 2018, at a time in which he was busy stuffing his nose with Peruvian Marching Powder™.

As I understand it, he has settled with the IRS already, and the tax charges are misdemeanors.

Is anything wrong or missing? Is that what this case is about?
So I'd like to see if I have this right:

Hunter is accused of not paying taxes in 2017 and 2018 and for owning a handgun in 2018, at a time in which he was busy stuffing his nose with Peruvian Marching Powder™.

As I understand it, he has settled with the IRS already, and the tax charges are misdemeanors.

Is anything wrong or missing? Is that what this case is about?

Felony gun possession. The judge sniffed out the corruption in the deal and said, "Not today. Nope"

Cope and seethe, Mac/Gigi
So I'd like to see if I have this right:

Hunter is accused of not paying taxes in 2017 and 2018 and for owning a handgun in 2018, at a time in which he was busy stuffing his nose with Peruvian Marching Powder™.

As I understand it, he has settled with the IRS already, and the tax charges are misdemeanors.

Is anything wrong or missing? Is that what this case is about?

Here Gigi, stew on this. For one guy they invent charges; for another, they want them ignored.

America looks on in disgust, but not Mac. Because smelling salts and fainting couches over 2016, still.

Under the proposed plea agreement and diversion agreement, Biden would plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and would be able to avoid punishment on a felony gun charge if he stayed out of trouble for two years. But at a tense court hearing, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned the constitutionality of the diversion agreement and refused to sign off on the deal, at least for now. Lawyers are due back in court in several weeks to revisit the issue.

Apparently, the judge asked the federal prosecutor if this plea deal would prevent little Hunter from being prosecuted on any pending FARA charges. The prosecutor responded "No" and Hunter's attorneys responded by saying the deal was "null and void."
Hunter's attorneys must have thought they had assurance from the DOJ that he was being given immunity from any upcoming prosecutions with this plea deal.

As an aside:

When I next get called for Jury Duty, this is exactly the kind of case I will cite as I tell all the attorneys, and everyone, just exactly what I think of the American "judicial system"
Plea agreements collapse daily in courts all accross this Country. This will be cleared up in a matter of a couple weeks & that will be the end of it.

Sooooo, you hater's/Trump asslickers have jizzed all over yourselves for nothing as usual. But keep hoping, keep jizzing all over your shoes if it makes you feel better.
They're acting like this is a national five alarm fire. A coke fiend too fucked up to pay his taxes and stupid enough to own a gun when he shouldn't. He deserves whatever he gets.

Oh well. Whatever makes 'em happy. Or more accurately, less miserable.
Insults and nastiness, insults and nastiness. Every post. What an awful way that must be to go through life.

So evidently I was correct. That's what this is about. Okay.

Terrible dodge. Of course we know it would be too much for you to denounce the Biden Crime Family that you voted for.

Shall I melt down and go on rants thousands of posts long how all Biden voters, like you, are part of a cult? How bout I post demeaning pictures of some Biden voters to mock them?

How many posts like that should I make before I cry about "insults and nastiness"?
They're acting like this is a national five alarm fire. A coke fiend too fucked up to pay his taxes and stupid enough to own a gun when he shouldn't. He deserves whatever he gets.

Oh well. Whatever makes 'em happy. Or more accurately, less miserable.

Mac/Gigi is lost, so here's a newsflash for the reasonable among us:

I don't much care what Hunter Biden does with his life, beyond the care I have for anyone living a sad, unproductive life.

To the extent he had a crime syndicate going involving selling our nation out for fat stacks of cash? Yeah. I care.

That makes anything these yokels try to pin on Trump look like ripping the mattress tag off. And they know it.
You don’t get why this is important to the Judge do you?

Again going with usual and customary. The person taking the plea deal is required to provide information on all criminal activity and can’t take the fifth. He is not subject to prosecution himself so he can’t refuse to answer.

The trap the prosecution was laying was to get Hunter talking about everything and then charge him claiming he made the statements voluntarily. The Judge saw the trap and asked about it. The Prosecution isn’t happy. They wanted Hunter on record. The Defense isn’t happy. But they’re in a much better position than the Prosecution.

And sure enough. It’s the Right getting mad about all of this. I’m not mad. I am a moderate who is a tiny bit right of center. I don’t care. I just think it is funny.

I guess you missed the part where the judge asked if ANYONE had ever seen such a favorable agreement worked out for a defendant. To which the answer was no.

We Americans want to see the sonofabitch go to jail and the rest of the Biden crime family.

It is called "justice". Go look up the word.
I still believe that in the corrupt United States we have today, Hunter Biden will never see prison bars.

Of course Joe Biden is the important person who must be protected. If Hunter goes down he takes Joe with him and if Joe goes down, he might just take everybody else with him.

The Swamp makes damn sure its nastiest critters are well protected. In my opinion that started when George W Bush pushed his Patriot Bill through and matured when Obama brought Chicago style politics to the Swamp.

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