BREAKING: North Korea Severs Communication Hotline With South Korea


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Jim Hoft
March 10, 2013

North Korea also announced they will nullify non-aggression agreements on March 11.

The North Korean regime severed the inter-Korean communication hotline.
Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported, via Free Republic:

North Korea severed the inter-Korean communication hotline that runs through the truce village of Panmunjom following its threat to do so last week, South Korea’s unification ministry said Monday.​


Read more:
BREAKING: North Korea Severs Communication Hotline With South Korea | The Gateway Pundit
I'm not a warmonger - but I'd like to see North Korea wiped off the map.

Are you willing to give up parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii or perhaps California to wipe N.Korea off the map. China may also think differently than your wish. N. Korea is like the little brat brother trying to bully the kid next door because his big brother (China) is standing behind him.
Right now Oblamer will blow N. Korea's Big Brother rather than to fight. "Peace in our time".
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I'm not a warmonger - but I'd like to see North Korea wiped off the map.

Are you willing to give up parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, or perhaps California to wipe N.Korea off the map. China may also think differently than your wish. N. Korea is like the little brat brother trying to bully the kid next door because his big brother (China) is standing behind him.
Right now Oblamer will blow N. Korea's Big Brother rather than to fight. "Peace in our time".

Yeah, those states you mentioned are expendable.
I'm not a warmonger - but I'd like to see North Korea wiped off the map.

Are you willing to give up parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii or perhaps California to wipe N.Korea off the map. China may also think differently than your wish. N. Korea is like the little brat brother trying to bully the kid next door because his big brother (China) is standing behind him.
Right now Oblamer will blow N. Korea's Big Brother rather than to fight. "Peace in our time".

Yeah, those states you mentioned are expendable.

Then you are not an American. No state, man, woman, or child is expendable. You, Oblamer, and the rest of the Left may think so people and states as expendable. One can only suppose that the deaths of those Americans on 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 means little to you except glee.
What would make anyone believe those states would be 'expended'? N. K. would be rapidly defeated unless the Chinese intervened directly, which is not all that certain if the entire world community were convinced N. K. engaged in aggression. The ones to suffer most would be S. Koreans. That country would probably be set back many years (which, after all, might please China economically).
What would make anyone believe those states would be 'expended'? N. K. would be rapidly defeated unless the Chinese intervened directly, which is not all that certain if the entire world community were convinced N. K. engaged in aggression. The ones to suffer most would be S. Koreans. That country would probably be set back many years (which, after all, might please China economically).

Apparently Lakhota believes that the mentioned states and the people within those states are expendable and of no value because they are Americans.
The question was, what would put those states in jeopardy? What could/would happen to them?
I'm not a warmonger - but I'd like to see North Korea wiped off the map.

One of many governments that need to be put down, I note.

Sadly in order to eliminate these authoritarian nightmares, we usually have to murder their victims right along with their leaders.
Are you willing to give up parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii or perhaps California to wipe N.Korea off the map. China may also think differently than your wish. N. Korea is like the little brat brother trying to bully the kid next door because his big brother (China) is standing behind him.
Right now Oblamer will blow N. Korea's Big Brother rather than to fight. "Peace in our time".

Yeah, those states you mentioned are expendable.

Then you are not an American. No state, man, woman, or child is expendable. You, Oblamer, and the rest of the Left may think so people and states as expendable. One can only suppose that the deaths of those Americans on 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 means little to you except glee.

I think he was demonstrating absurdity by being absurd.

A couple of things. While China backs North Korea, they aren't going to shit where they eat. They know their economy is based on trade with the US, Japan and South Korea.

China does 207 BILLION in trade with South Korea alone. (By comparison, the entire GDP of North Korea is only 45 Billion.)

Second point. North Korea's nukes are small and their missiles are inaccurate. In the case of a real war, their military, while large, is poorly equipped with low morale. The real crisis isn't a North Korean invasion, it's a North Korean collapse.
They've severed that line on multiple occasions in the past. They're just like a little kid sulking after losing his sweets. If Kim does something stupid, the South Koreans won't hesitate to bomb the hell out of Pyongyang and he'll be toppled. Patience is wearing thin after the island shelling and sinking of the Cheonan. He knows better than to attack the south right now.
North Korea is a guy playing poker with a bad hand and trying to bluff the other players that they hold the winning cards.
By Rick Moran
March 11, 2013

Is this move by North Korea to nullify the armistice that's been in place since 1953 more symbolic than real?

We better hope so. South Korea, a modern country with a modern economy, could be severely damaged by a surprise attack. Seoul is within long range artillery of the North Korean army - they wouldn't even have to cross the DMZ to cause billions of dollars in damage.


Despite the strong language, analysts say North Korea is years away from having the technology necessary to mount a nuclear warhead on a missile and aim it accurately at a target.

And, analysts say, North Korea is unlikely to seek a direct military conflict with the United States, preferring instead to try to gain traction through threats and the buildup of its military deterrent.

North Korea has called the annual training exercises "an open declaration of a war," but South Korea says it notified Pyongyang that the drills "are defensive in nature."

The United Nations Command notified the North Korean military on February 21 of the exercise dates, noting that Key Resolve is an annual joint exercise that is not related to current events on the Korean Peninsula.

The U.N. Security Council unanimously passed tougher sanctions against North Korea Thursday targeting the secretive nation's nuclear program, which followed successful missile and nuclear tests.​

Read more:
Blog: North Korea nullifies armistice (updated)
North Korea is broke. They have to pay their international debts with ginseng (I am not making that up). I bet they couldn't even buy enough gas to drive their tanks half a mile into S. Korea.
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China's getting tired of the North Korea's crap. The CHICOM gov't finding it harder and harder to maintain patience with the Kim Jong dynasties.

My guess is China would publically condem, yet privately support, any attack on North Korea.

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