BREAKING: North Korea Severs Communication Hotline With South Korea

It isn't anti-Israeli to not be pro. It is just another country to America. Stability and prosperity in Asia is in America's interests. It is not clear why there is such a dramatic difference in the two cases of N. K. and Iran.

Are you really that stupid?

Is that an explanation of the difference, or is this just your normal penchant to try to be the most insulting possible?
It isn't anti-Israeli to not be pro. It is just another country to America. Stability and prosperity in Asia is in America's interests. It is not clear why there is such a dramatic difference in the two cases of N. K. and Iran.

Are you really that stupid?

Is that an explanation of the difference, or is this just your normal penchant to try to be the most insulting possible?

You honestly cannot see any of the many differences between the situation with Iran and that of North Korea? Honestly?
Are you really that stupid?

Is that an explanation of the difference, or is this just your normal penchant to try to be the most insulting possible?

You honestly cannot see any of the many differences between the situation with Iran and that of North Korea? Honestly?

Oh, I see the differences...

North Korea is run by a madman, has a bomb, has taken several aggressive military actions against its neighbor to the South, and yet the world is interested in nothing but trying to work out a deal with them.

Iran is run by religious assholes, the crazy guy is just a figurehead, and he's term-limted. They are years away from a bomb. They've never attacked their neighbors. Yet the NeoCon/Zionist Axis in Washington is committed to "Regime Change".
China's getting tired of the North Korea's crap. The CHICOM gov't finding it harder and harder to maintain patience with the Kim Jong dynasties.

My guess is China would publically condem, yet privately support, any attack on North Korea.

Aside from your Chicom crack..this is basically correct with a caveat.

If the US/South Korea attacks..and threatens the better believe the Chinese were intervene.
NK bombs don't work, Iranian bombs don't exist.


Any elaboration on 'Yes' might be interesting. What does America have to gain in each situation and how does that add up to Israel being more important?

The Zionists control the banks.

All the Koreans have are dry cleaners...

That's why we get all upset when Israel gets upset.

Filthy Jew bankers!

I'm going to call them on my Samsung phone and give them a piece of my mind. Maybe I'll run some over with a Hyundai.
Too funny Shitting are the kook who is expendable..well you and anyone related to you.

Ya know...perhaps if they'd cut ONE more baby out at Wounded Knee you wouldn't have been born?

I'm not a warmonger - but I'd like to see North Korea wiped off the map.

Are you willing to give up parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, or perhaps California to wipe N.Korea off the map. China may also think differently than your wish. N. Korea is like the little brat brother trying to bully the kid next door because his big brother (China) is standing behind him.
Right now Oblamer will blow N. Korea's Big Brother rather than to fight. "Peace in our time".

Yeah, those states you mentioned are expendable.
I'm not a warmonger - but I'd like to see North Korea wiped off the map.

Are you willing to give up parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii or perhaps California to wipe N.Korea off the map. China may also think differently than your wish. N. Korea is like the little brat brother trying to bully the kid next door because his big brother (China) is standing behind him.
Right now Oblamer will blow N. Korea's Big Brother rather than to fight. "Peace in our time".

Wait a minute...did you say Cali and Oregon? The others might just be worth it.
Are you really that stupid?

Is that an explanation of the difference, or is this just your normal penchant to try to be the most insulting possible?

You honestly cannot see any of the many differences between the situation with Iran and that of North Korea? Honestly?

You could say I were stupid if I said such a thing.

"It is not clear why there is such a dramatic difference in the two cases of N. K. and Iran."

'Dramatic difference' is not synonymous with 'no difference'.

Sort of quick to call someone stupid when there could be doubt of our understanding.

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