Breaking: Nunes Alters Memo After Committee Approves It's Release


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.
Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."
Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

Trump can declassify ANY piece of information he wants.

And there's nothing any butt hurt libtardo can do about it.

Drain the entire fucking swamp.
What were the "material" changes?

This smells like a bunch of bullshit.

That was provided by the communist loving website. I was banned from commenting on that site after one post because I challenged them about the climate change issue. It's an "echo chamber" website for those with low I.Qs and a feeling of entitlement.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

This is just another sleazy Dim attempt to prevent the public from learning the facts. The only changes were to syntax and grammar. There were no substantive changes to the content. The deep state is running scared because they have been caught.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release
But wait a minute. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago, that the memo was a nothingburger? Now it is something after Nunes alters it? Hmmm, seems to me that the FBI is covering up their conniving with the Democrat Candidate who was paying for bogus information from a ex British spy, so the FBI could get a FISA warrant under illegal terms..
What were the "material" changes?

This smells like a bunch of bullshit.

The memo was already discredited before this. The material changes are the memo itself altered by Nunes and now altered again.

The only bullshit is the memo, and only a mental midget thinks otherwise.

And anyone that thinks anyone other than Trumpanzees that thinks the country will take Trumps side over the FBI and the nations intelligence departments is delusional.

Time is running out on Trump, and Congressional Republicans, and that's fact no toady currently can change by mishandling classified information.

This will just be another nail in a lot of coffins after Trump is out of office, and the Dems are in control of Congress.

The Trumpanzees can fling all of the turds they want, but they better prepare themselves for whats coming.

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy


BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release
But wait a minute. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago, that the memo was a nothingburger? Now it is something after Nunes alters it? Hmmm, seems to me that the FBI is covering up their conniving with the Democrat Candidate who was paying for bogus information from a ex British spy, so the FBI could get a FISA warrant under illegal terms..
For ALL Republicans
You loved the FBI when Hillary was in the crosshairs. They were 'Real Americans' then. When they tried so hard to find dirt on her, and you screeched to high heaven about a possible 3 classified Emails, classified AFTER the fact, you pouted because they couldn't find enough to prosecute.

Now Trump wants to release classified data, and you want to burn the FBI to the ground for objecting, while shouting "USA! USA!". You want a daily synopsis of Mueller's incomplete findings. And you want loyalists to Trump throughout American Government. How much you wanna bet the 2018 mid-terms will be a Moscow-trained Trump gang. He'll win by ever!

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????

You are embarrassing yourself..He show you several different links..including twitter accounts..

Slime Nunes need to go to jail..

Devin Nunes Made ‘Material Changes’ To Secret Memo Before It Went To Trump, Democrat Says
Devin Nunes Made 'Material Changes' To Secret Memo Before It Went To Trump, Democrat Says | HuffPost

Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo

Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo
You are embarrassing yourself..He show you several different links..including twitter accounts..

Slime Nunes need to go to jail..

Devin Nunes Made ‘Material Changes’ To Secret Memo Before It Went To Trump, Democrat Says
Devin Nunes Made 'Material Changes' To Secret Memo Before It Went To Trump, Democrat Says | HuffPost

Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo

Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo
What material changes?
What were the "material" changes?

This smells like a bunch of bullshit.

it is bull shit

Just talked with House Intel source. Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy. House Intel GOP statement:

Byron York (@ByronYork) | Twitter

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy


BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????

You are embarrassing yourself..He show you several different links..including twitter accounts..

Slime Nunes need to go to jail..

Devin Nunes Made ‘Material Changes’ To Secret Memo Before It Went To Trump, Democrat Says
Devin Nunes Made 'Material Changes' To Secret Memo Before It Went To Trump, Democrat Says | HuffPost

Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo

Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of memo

Kiss my ass, bitch. I read the 99 pages with the redacted information and the only thing missing was the names. It's blatantly OBVIOUS that they tried to weaponize the FISA courts for political purposes and when FISA would not comply? The Barrypuppet gave the "go ahead". These perps should be handcuffed and led to jail. You are a parrot....nothing more, nothing less.
What were the "material" changes?

This smells like a bunch of bullshit.

The memo was already discredited before this. The material changes are the memo itself altered by Nunes and now altered again.

The only bullshit is the memo, and only a mental midget thinks otherwise.

And anyone that thinks anyone other than Trumpanzees that thinks the country will take Trumps side over the FBI and the nations intelligence departments is delusional.

Time is running out on Trump, and Congressional Republicans, and that's fact no toady currently can change by mishandling classified information.

This will just be another nail in a lot of coffins after Trump is out of office, and the Dems are in control of Congress.

The Trumpanzees can fling all of the turds they want, but they better prepare themselves for whats coming.

Couldn’t agree more. Now, let me go outside cause its time for me to go to my shovel ready job. Lmao. Dems, grasping at straws
What were the "material" changes?

This smells like a bunch of bullshit.

The memo was already discredited before this. The material changes are the memo itself altered by Nunes and now altered again.

The only bullshit is the memo, and only a mental midget thinks otherwise.

And anyone that thinks anyone other than Trumpanzees that thinks the country will take Trumps side over the FBI and the nations intelligence departments is delusional.

Time is running out on Trump, and Congressional Republicans, and that's fact no toady currently can change by mishandling classified information.

This will just be another nail in a lot of coffins after Trump is out of office, and the Dems are in control of Congress.

The Trumpanzees can fling all of the turds they want, but they better prepare themselves for whats coming.
Seems that well over the 47% of the us voters who don't pay taxes, want to know why the FBI had used an illegal document to get a FISA warrant to spy on a US citizen? If you are dumb enough not to worry about how far your government has gone, then you need to move to Cuba, you can then be in your Socialist Utopian Paradise and live under government threat for the rest of your worthless life. We don't want idiots like you living in this country anymore..

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy


BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release

This is just another sleazy Dim attempt to prevent the public from learning the facts. The only changes were to syntax and grammar. There were no substantive changes to the content. The deep state is running scared because they have been caught.

You know as well as I do that this memo is considered a legal document, even if he dotted an eye it is not ok..Nunes is corrupt as they come and you know it. He better move from Fresno because they hate him there..

The man can not be trusted.


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