Breaking: NYC Bomber Reveals He's An Anti-White Democrat Homosexual In Released Manifesto

NYC, one of the larges areas for gays, gay pride and gay rights............... does not make sense.

I suspect it as some plant till there is proof.

Now we know from the past that gays ashamed of who they are and condemned by their faith can be radicalized as a way to purify themselves so as to reach heaven and remove shame from their families.


I'll wait for more definitive information
Exactly what Ive been hearing... except they have more devices than one unexploded.. From what I'm hearing, they are looking for multiple individuals of ME dissent.

I have a feeling this is far from over...
Do you think they were angry homosexual Muslims?
If it were true, and I don't think it is, the irony would be hilarious.

"People think we homos are all mentally Ill, unstable and just plain weird. Well, I'll show them. I'll show them we're not unstable and mentally I'll. This pressure cooker bomb will prove we're sane!"

Yeah, that'll make your point! Probably how angry Muslims reason too!
I'll await actual confirmation, but it sounds like poppycock. Funny how the op thinks homos hold no value, but consistently uses the confirmed shirtlifter, Jim Hoft as a source. :lol:
Authorities pretty much confirmed your suspicions. I keep thinking what wretched group would try to put out such a sick false narrative to try to protect another group? Several Dem progressive groups come to mind. Sick bastards.
NYC, one of the larges areas for gays, gay pride and gay rights............... does not make sense.

I suspect it as some plant till there is proof.

Now we know from the past that gays ashamed of who they are and condemned by their faith can be radicalized as a way to purify themselves so as to reach heaven and remove shame from their families.


I'll wait for more definitive information
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Once again, you sick "Conservative" fucks are doing your best to aid and abet the dingbat terrorists in this nation by false accusations of any Americans that do not toe your ideological lines.
My money the bomber is a Trump supporter. That's why Trump knew it was a bomb before anyone else.

common sense it was rather obvious even with few details.

Terrorism no matter by what ever group is still terrorism

Pipe bombs and pressure cooker bombs have typically been in ISIS and alqaida type instruction manuals for decades. In the EU they are now using nail polish remover, a more risky bomb but not easily detected. Trouble is you might blow yourself up trying to make them.

Depends on how suicidal the bomber is
As I've said before, homosexuality is evil and homosexuals hold no value to life. They are equivalent to ISIS.

Search Twitter - I’m the NY Bomber


I wonder if he plays for the NFL.
So we have a Democrat fagot Muslim transexual agitated employee work place violence incident?


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