Breaking - Obama blasts police for baltimore's rioting blacks!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.
None of these blacks care about freddie gray. He's just an excuse to steal and loot and get more free stuff.
I'm surprised he hasn't sent his AG to Baltimore. After all he sent Holder to little hole in the wall Fergusen.

Those looters should be shot on site. Shoot a few and the others will catch a clue.
Must be great to be on welfare and have all that time to break into stores and steal stuff and have the president stick up for you.
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.

Wow! So a criminal gets shot and killed on occasion...who knew?
So the bastard wants the police to stand down and allow Baltimore to be destroyed. I hate this president...What a piece of shit. Sorry, but he will be remembered as a shit starter and not so much for his good points in clean energy and obamacare.

He will be seen in the future as a asshole.
Obozo really stuck his neck out on this . Strong words here.

Obama throws Baltimore police under bus

april 28 2015

President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.

Wow! So a criminal gets shot and killed on occasion...who knew?

By saying what he is saying...He is pretty much saying that cops should be disarmed within the black community and never attempt to arrest one unless there's a murder going on before their eyes.
Must be great to be on welfare and have all that time to break into stores and steal stuff and have the president stick up for you.
The sick reality of it is they will be bitching about not having stores in the future and why the white man won't build there. This is exactly why I think the black argument is a big fucking joke....

Blacks have shown themselves once again to be fucking idiots.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?
Obama needs to keep blacks voting Dem and fomenting racial division. I am wondering when law enforcement is going to get tired of being thrown under the bus by this president.
If the police had not acted as they did in the first instance, none of this would be happening now. Anyone care to dispute that?


When you're fighting to control someone...Sometimes mistakes happen. This is just a fact of life. Are you saying the cops should of not arrested this criminal and that the thugs are somehow justified in their violent rage??? Can you dispute that?
Obama needs to keep blacks voting Dem and fomenting racial division. I am wondering when law enforcement is going to get tired of being thrown under the bus by this president.

As long as police continue to brutalize and kill citizens for no reason, they are going to continue to have problems - as well they should.
Ah the smell of WND in the afternoon.

President Obama condemned the violence in Baltimore this afternoon, saying there is "no excuse" for the violence, looting and arson that followed the funeral held for Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old African American who died after suffering a spine injury in police custody earlier this month.

"They're not protesting, they're not making a statement, they're stealing," Obama said in a jointpress conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Baltimore Riots Obama Says No Excuse for Senseless Violence - ABC News

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